Exam in Human Behavior & Crisis Mngt.
Exam in Human Behavior & Crisis Mngt.
Exam in Human Behavior & Crisis Mngt.
Instructions: Choose the best answer among the given options. Use lead pencil to shade the
corresponding box marked as A, B, C, D, or E of your chosen answer. Any erasure
and/or shading of two or more boxes would render your answer invalid or not counted.
1. This refers to the voluntary and involuntary attitude a person adopts in order to fit society’s idea of
right or wrong. Partly determined by heredity and environment and modified through learning.
a. crisis management c. social conflicts
b. human behavior d. economic conflicts
2. It is regarded as any activity of a person based in psychology and other behavioral sciences.
a. learning c. drinking
b. smoking d. behavior
3. Emphasizes human actions in relation to events taking place inside the body especially the brain
and the central nervous system.
a. behavioral c. neurological
b. cognitive d. psychoanalytical
4. The study of human behavior that focuses on the external activities of a person that can be
observed and measured.
a. neurological c. humanistic
b. behavioral d. cognitive
5. Which of the following viewpoints in the study of human behavior is concerned with the way the
brain processes and transform information in various ways?
a. cognitive c. behavioral
b. psychoanalytical d. neurological
6. Emphasizes unconscious motives stemming from repressed sexual and aggressive impulses in
a. environment c. learning
b. heredity d. psychoanalytical
7. Focuses on the subject’s experience, freedom of choice and motivation toward self-actualization.
a. humanistic approach c. environment
b. heredity d. social conflicts
8. Consists of the conditions and factors that surround and influence an individual that can cause
certain behavior patterns.
a. heredity c. environment
b. learning d. physical causes
9. Is the process by which behavior changes as a result of experience or practice?
a. physical causes c. heredity
b. learning d. social conflicts
10. Refers to any behavioral response or reflect exhibited by people due to their genetic endowment
or the process of natural selection.
a. mental traits c. learned behavior
b. physical traits d. inherited behavior
11. It involves cognitive adaptation that enhances the human being’s ability to cope with changes in
the environment and to manipulate the environment in ways which improve the chances for
a. learned behavior c. physical traits
b. mental traits d. inherited behavior
12. This refers to the needs of the body which exist for the maintenance of health and protection of
the body against physical injuries.
a. psychogenic needs c. economic needs
b. sociogenic needs d. biogenic needs
13. He claimed that, there is a hierarchy of needs ascending from the basic biological needs present
at birth to the more complex psychological needs that become important only after the more basic
needs have been satisfied.
a. Sigmund Freud c. Abraham H. Maslow
b. Francisco Ruivivar c. Cesare Lombroso
14. Which of the following refers to an individual’s way of reacting to frustration?
a. defense mechanism c. rationalization
b. coping mechanism d. sublimation
15. These are psychological processes that act as safety valves to provide relief from emotional
conflict and anxiety.
a. biogenic needs c. safety needs
b. sociogenic needs d. defense mechanism
16. This term is often used in physiology and psychology to refer to the action taken by an individual
to protect or to restore certain favorable states or equilibrium.
a. psychosomatic reaction c. coping mechanism
b. homeostasis d. sublimation
17. A person jump out of the window to his death because he believes he can fly is a:
a. psychotic c. mental retardate
b. neurotic d. addict
18. Someone who had a car accident and bump his head against the windshield will most likely have:
a. psychosis c. organic brain syndrome
b. neurosis d. catatonic
19. A student who can not volunteer to recite even if he knew the subject well is probably a:
a. mental retardate c. neurotic
b. psychotic d. affect
20. Personality disorder include the following except:
a. schizophrenia c. sexual deviation
b. drug dependence d. pyromania
21. Fallacious reasoning intended to justify actions or motives to make one’s failures more tolerable:
a. repression c. displacement
b. rationalization d. regression
22. When you see a movie, you tend to like the hero and hate the villain:
a. displacement c. rationalization
b. identification d. repression
23. When you are angry with your classmate, you kick the dog.
a. substitution c. displacement
b. repression d. association defect
24. One sees things or hears voices in the absence of a sensory stimulus:
a. delusion c. hallucination
b. repression d. sublimation
25. Occurs when a person is block from the satisfaction of his needs.
a. anxiety c. phobia
b. frustration d. mania
26. When you believe someone is out to harm you despite evidence to the contrary.
a. delusion c. sublimation
b. compulsion d. phobia
27. An emotional problem is converted into physical symptom.
a. psychotic reaction c. neurotic reaction
b. psychosomatic reaction d. hallucination
28. Antisocial or harmful drives are disguised or modified into socially acceptable behavior.
a. delusion c. sublimation
b. compulsion d. regression
29. Refers to the mental manifestation of the sexual instinct.
a. ego c. libido
b. sema d. psyche
30. Pattern of species specific behavior that is based mainly on the potentialities determined by
heredity and believe to be relatively independent of learning.
a. libido c. emotion
b. instinct d. hallucination
31. Mental disorder characterized by pervasive and profound alteration of mood, disorganization of
a. neurosis c. delusion
b. psychosis d. frustration
32. Condition wherein mental development is slowed and later arrested at a certain level and doesn’t
therefore proceed to maturity.
a. mental retardation c. hallucination
b. organic brain syndrome d. compulsion
33. A diffuse affection of the brain and therefore there may or may not be any location.
a. organic brain syndrome c. mental retardation
b. psychosis d. delusion
34. If a suspect plans his crime in advance, performed his act precisely and made provisions to elude
the police he is:
a. insane c. not any of the two
b. not insane d. neurotic
35. An outside source of information will be coming from the following except:
a. family c. employer
b. the suspect d. lawyer
36. When one determined the state of the mind of the criminal at the time of the crime one must ask
the thoughts, feelings and actions:
a. before c before, during and after the alleged crime
b. before and during d. none of these
37. A person who kills a person believing that such action is against the law but is a godly act thinks
that his action is:
a. morally wrong but legally right c. morally and legally wrong
b. morally right but legally wrong d. correct
38. Thinking that is not affected by reality or the environment but by the internal dynamics of the
a. autism c. affect
b. delusion d. obsession
39. The existence of two contrary emotions at the same time towards the same objects or person.
a. affect c. ambivalence
b. association defect d. autism
40. The feeling of the individual is inappropriate to the situation.
a. autism c. ambivalence
b. affect d. association defect
41. The patient keeps on saying many words and phrases unrelated to each other.
a. association defect c. autism
b. affect d. ambivalence
42. One of the salient characteristic of this type is that there is the presence of delusion of persecution
or grandeur.
a. catatonic type c. paranoid type
b. hebephrenic type d. stuporous
43. Doesn’t pose any problem to other people as he remains stationary and unmoving most of the
a. stuporous c. hebephrenic
b. catatonic d. addict
44. There is a marked regression to primitive, uninhibited and unorganized behavior.
a. catatonic c. stuporous
b. hebephrenic type d. affect
45. An individual who relate pain with erotic sensation.
a. satyriasis c. sadist
b. masochist d. rapist
46. An individual whose erotic activities consist of looking at nude females or looking at people in
sexual license.
a. pedophilia c. voyeur
b. pyromanic d. kleptomania
47. An individual who disregard the usual social code and follows the code of the abnormal
environment where he belongs.
a. dysocial individual c. megalomanic individual
b. antisocial individual d. autistic
48. An individual who has a pathological sense of power.
a. egomanic c. pyromanic
b. megalomanic d. catatonic
49. An individual who is pathologically self-preoccupied.
a. pedophetic c. kleptomanic
b. egomanic d. megalomanic
50. You have followed up a case of arson very closely and you found out that the suspect had burned
several places without any reason and did not receive any pay for his act. You immediately
suspect that he is:
a. pedophile c. pyromaniac
b. satyr d. kleptomania
51. A collective term of mental disorders that begin at or shortly after puberty and usually lead to
general failure of the mental faculties, with the corresponding physiological impairment.
a. delirium c. demophobia
b. dementia praecox d. delusion
52. In medical jurisprudence, a false belief about the self, caused by morbidity, present in paranoia
and dementia.
a. dementia praecox c. delirium
b. delusion d. euthanasia
53. A morbid propensity to love or make love, uncontrollable sexual desire, or excessive sexual
craving by members of either sex.
a. Euthanasia c. Episodic Criminal
b. Erotomania d. Exhibitionist
54. In psychiatry, any of the numerous sensations, auditory, visual or tactile, experienced without
external stimulus, and caused by mental derangement, intoxication or fever, hence may be a sign
of approaching insanity.
a. Delusion c. Hallucination
b. Delirium d. Dementia praecox
55. A morbid of insanity characterized by a deep and morbid sense of religious feeling.
a. Mania c. Fanatics
b. Delusion d. Insanity
56. When a psychiatrist tries to analyze a patient with the use of narcotics we call this:
a. Narcocatharsis c. Narcosynthesis
b. Narcosuggestion d. Narcotics
57. Amnesia is a condition wherein the individual forgets certain events in the past. The following are
conditions that may have amnesia except:
a. Fugue state c. Alcohol or drug intoxication
b. Schizophrenic reaction d. conversion hysteria
58. Mutism is a condition characterized by the individual incapacity to speak. This condition can be
found in the following conditions except:
a. Involutional melancholia c. Schizophrenia
b. Brain damage d. conversion hysteria
59. Morbid craving, usually of an erotic nature for dead bodies. It is also a form of perversion where
sexual gratification is achieved either through sexual intercourse with, or mutilation of dead body.
a. Sex Maniac c. Necrophilism
b. Masochism d. Oikie Mania
60. This is a term applied to a specialist in the study of mental disorders, sometimes interchangeably
used with psychiatrist.
a. Anthropologist c. Criminologist
b. Alienist d. Masochist
61. Which of the following is the most important consideration in a hostage taking situation?
a. Preservation of life c. Protection of property
b. Media coverage d. Immediate capture of hostage taker
62. A very important factor in effective negotiation is:
a. Containment of the area c. knowing where the hostage are located
b. efficient communication d. letting the hostage taker know that he can’t win
63. In a hostage situation, this item is non-negotiate; except:
a. weapon c. explosive
b. money d. ammunition
64. The crisis management team is ideally headed by:
a. Priest c. The Highest Field Commander
b. The Chief Negotiator d. The Deputy Field Commander or Chief of Staff
65. In a hostage situation this item is negotiable, except:
a. access to media c. a gun
b. a telephone c. transportation
66. In dealing with a hostage taker, the negotiator should not:
a. look friendly or accommodating c. give his rank
b. give his name d. give any information to hostage taker
67. Hostage negotiators help the commander to manage the incident by “_____” and providing
intelligence information. The blank space means;
a. contain and stabilize the incident c. assault on terrorist
b. persuade terrorist d. buying time
68. If an assault is necessary, it should be done by:
a. a sizeable group of regular PNP c. by one or two specially trained teams
b. as a first option d. after giving due warning to hostage taker
69. The highest ranking field commander should not also be the chief negotiator because:
a. hostage taker will not trust him
b. of conflict of interest as mediator and decision maker
c. he is not authorized to grant concession
d. hostage taker will be turned off by his uniform
70. History will tell us that the longer a terrorist hostage taker situation lasts, the greater the
probability that:
a. the hostage will be killed c. the hostage will increase their demands
b. the hostage will be safely retrieved d. the hostage will escape
71. The Stockholm syndrome tells us that the longer the negotiations the greater the probability that:
a. hostages and hostage takers will develop negative feelings toward each other
b. rapport between negotiator and hostage takers will diminish
c. both hostages and hostage takers develop a negative feeling against the authorities
d. the only option left for the authorities is assault
72. In dealing with the media during the hostage situation, one must always remember that:
a. Media people are a nuisance and may get in the way of operation people
b. media has a right and responsibility to report events during an incident
c. Control over media people should be aimed to restrict their movement within the inner
d. conflict between management and the media is always bound to happen in a hostage situation.
73. It is preferable that during the negotiation, the negotiator should dressed in a civilian clothes. This
is because:
a. Civilian is perceived by the terrorist to be broadminded than military personnel
b. A civilian clothes advances the neutral image and blocks aversion of terrorist to military
c. hostage takers are afraid of the military
d. Civilian uniform is neat
74. In dealing with foreign terrorist, it is important that the negotiating team should have as its
member at least:
a. one doctor c. an explosive expert
b. a linguist or interpreter d. a representative from the foreign office
75. A group organized to make an assault on the hostage takers to neutralize the terrorists and/or
rescue the hostage is called:
a. the crisis management team c. special reaction team
b. inner perimeter elements d. threat management force
76. Is the tumultuous disturbance of public peace by an unlawful assembly of three or more persons
in the execution of some objectives/
a. Rebellion c. Riot
b. Sedition d. Terrorism
77. A group of bank robbers holds hostage the people inside a bank threatening to kill them if they are
molested. These terrorist are the:
a. Crazy c. Criminal
b. Crusader d. Caretaker
78. Is the taking of arms against a government to remove the allegiance from the government, the
people or any land under it.
a. Sedition c. Terrorism
b. Rebellion d. Coup d’etat
79. Is a strategy of intimidation carried out by a band with the use of fear to obtain their particular
a. Rebellion c. Sedition
b. Coup d’etat d. Terrorism
80. This refers to the expert handling of a crisis or emergency to reduce or eliminate danger or
damage, or the like, especially on the part of the government.
a. crisis diffusion technique c. crisis management
b. threat management d. crisis management technique
81. The following are objectives of crisis management, except:
a. resolve without farther incident c. apprehension of all perpetrators
b. safety of all participants d. contain and negotiate
82. Which of the following is NOT a theory of crisis management?
a. contain and negotiate c. press perpetrators to abandon their position
b. protect the innocent from harm d. allow passage of time
83. Which of the following is availed of by the response force if passage of time be allowed?
a. evaluate the situation d. formulate plan of action
b. explore alternatives e. all of the above
c. gather information
84. The difference between hostage-taking and kidnapping is, that in kidnapping:
a. the police are aware of captives location
b. the police are not in close contact with the perpetrators
c. the police can exert any pressure on the suspects
d. the police can show to the public that kidnappers can’t win
85. Anticipating conditions, problems and opportunities that may be confronted during and after, the
incident is:
a. scheduling c. motivating
b. forecasting d. leading
86. Refers to the entrusting of responsibility and authorities to others and establishing accountability
a. selecting people c. delegating
b. communicating d. controlling
87. A devise used to implement a plan of action is:
a. selecting people c. delegating
b. communicating d. operational order
88. This is a terrorist who operates and aspires to win political power within a single nation.
a. anarchist c. transnational terrorist
b. national terrorist d. international terrorist
89. Which of the following is the common strategy of the terrorist?
a. bombing c. ambush
b. assassination d. commit acts of violence
90. The following are common tactics of the terrorist except:
a. motivating c. hostage-taking
b. arson d. kidnapping
91. Which of the following hostage-takers is considered the most dangerous because the law, in his
mind has no legal basis?
a. the common criminals c. the Fanatic
b. the Psycho d. person in Crisis
92. This type of hostage-takers is classified as a rational creative thinker, is able to reason, and can
discriminate on how much force is to because against him.
a. the common criminal c. the Fanatic
b. the Psycho d. Person in crisis
93. This type of person is generally described as full of inner conflict and frustrations which are
transferred to his immediate reality, distorted to suit his own illusions.
a. the common criminals c. the Fanatic
b. the Psycho d. person in Crisis
94. This includes both the natural layout of the land and any man-made structures such as buildings,
fences, roads, etc.
a. Field of fire c. Concealment
b. Terrain d. Obstacles
95. Consists of work to be performed in order to assess and regulate work in progress and which
needs to be finished.
a. planning c. organizing
b. leading d. controlling
96. This is a terrorist who operates across national borders, whose actions and political aspirations
may affect individuals of more than one nationality.
a. national terrorist c. international terrorist
b. transnational terrorist d. anarchist group
97. These are the natural or man-made terrain features that stop, delay or restrict movement toward,
or away from the target.
a. concealment c. field of fire
b. cover d. obstacles
98. The Public Information Officer must maintain control of the media, releasing only what is
authorized by the onscene commander. This statement is:
a. partially true c. doubtfully true
b. partially false d. absolutely true
99. Consists of people who are sympathetic to the cause of the terrorists, but often will not stand up
and refuse to be counted for fear of getting involved
a. active supporters c. leaders
b. cadres d. passive supporters
100. A terrorist who is controlled by, and whose actions represents, the interest of a sovereign state:
a. national terrorists c. international terrorists
b. transnational terrorists d. anarchist group