Online Job Search System

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Online Job Search System MCA-V

The proposed project titled “Online Job Search System” is aimed to provide host of
services that ultimately bring employer and job seeker closer, thus improving the overall
employment status. The technology for betterment is the key concept behind selecting the title as
it transforms the existing idea of job site working to a much faster and better job-portal.

Backup and Recovery:

The RDBMS manages the all the data of “Online Job Search System” which are managed
by the only system administrator / web master. The RDBMS provides the query evolution which
helps to the user can access the information according to their needs. The RDBMS provides the
great and powerful data backup and recovery system when due to the abnormal condition occur.

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The proposed Software can be viewed as a mechanism by which it can reduce
unemployment and increase productivity. Unemployment is reduced when information on job
openings are made available to currently unemployed people who may otherwise found it
difficult to obtain this information. Productivity increases when employee organizations are
provided with a wide choice of available skills and thereby enable them to select the best
resources. Earlier, since they lacked this choice, they may have settled for what was available
rather than what was the best available.

Information on job openings provides not just the scope for employment but also the scope for
choice of job. People who look forward to their next move in their career can now look at the
site to identify prospective organizations where their desired job openings exist.

The client/user objective of the system is as follow.

 A GUI based application.

 To keep details of each and every job.
 To maintain records of thousands of users.
 To show the detail report of each and every user.

Some of the programmer’s objectivities are –

 Secure access of confidential data (user’s details).

 24 X 7 availability
 Better component design to get better performance at peak time
 Flexible service based architecture will be highly desirable for future

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Java is an object oriented platform independent programming language. It provides many
object oriented features such as, simple, object oriented, robust, and secures, Architecture
Neutral, portable, Interpreted Multithreaded and dynamic. It provides tools for developing GUI
tools like windows, Button, Text, Scrollbar, label etc. we can do web-based programming etc.

A servlet is a Java programming language class used to extend the capabilities of servers
that host applications accessed via a request-response programming model. Servlet dynamically
extend the functionality of a Web server. Although Servlet can respond to any type of request,
they are commonly used to extend the applications hosted by Web servers like Apache tomcat,
JBoss, Web logic etc. For such applications, Java Servlet technology defines HTTP-specific
Servlet classes.


Java Server Pages (JSP) is a Java technology that allows software developers to
create dynamically-generated web sites, with HTML, XML, or other document types, in
response to a Web client request. The technology allows Java code and certain pre-defined
actions to be embedded into static content.

The JSP syntax adds additional XML-like tags, called JSP actions, to be used to invoke built-in
functionality. Additionally, the technology allows for the creation of JSP tag libraries that act as
extensions to the standard HTML or XML tags. Tag libraries provide a platform
independent way of extending the capabilities of a Web server.

JSPs are compiled into Java Servlets by a JSP compiler. A JSP compiler may generate a servlet
in Java code that is then compiled by the Java compiler, or it may generate byte code for the

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servlet directly. JSPs can also be interpreted on-the-fly, reducing the time taken to reload

Architecturally, JSP may be viewed as a high-level abstraction of servlets that is implemented as

an extension of the Servlet 2.1 API. Both servlets and JSPs were originally developed at Sun


The Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) API is the industry standard for database-
independent connectivity between the Java programming language and a wide range of databases
– SQL databases and other tabular data sources, such as spreadsheets or flat files. The JDBC API
provides a call-level API for SQL-based database access.

JDBC technology allows us to use the Java programming language to exploit "Write Once, Run
Anywhere" capabilities for applications that require access to enterprise data. With a JDBC
technology-enabled driver, you can connect all corporate data even in a heterogeneous


Apache Tomcat is a servlet container developed by the Apache Software

Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements the Java Servlet and the Java Server Pages (JSP)
specifications from Sun Microsystems, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web
server environment for Java code to run. Apache Tomcat includes tools for configuration and
management, but can also be configured by editing XML configuration files.



Catalina is Tomcat's servlet container. Catalina implements Sun Microsystems' specifications

for servlet and Java Server Pages (JSP). The architect for Catalina was Craig McClanahan.

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Coyote is Tomcat's HTTP Connector component that supports the HTTP 1.1 protocol for the
web server or application container. Coyote listens for incoming connections on a specific TCP
port on the server and forwards the request to the Tomcat Engine to process the request and send
back a response to the requesting client.


Jasper is Tomcat's JSP Engine. Jasper parses JSP files to compile them into Java code as servlets
(that can be handled by Catalina). At runtime, Jasper is able to automatically detect JSP file
changes and recompile them.


HTML, initials for Hypertext Mark-up Language, is the predominant markup

language for web pages. It provides a means to describe the structure of text-based information
in a document—by denoting certain text as links, headings, paragraphs, lists, etc.—and to
supplement that text with interactive forms, embedded images, and other objects. HTML is
written in the form of "tags" that are surrounded by angle brackets. HTML can also describe, to
some degree, the appearance and semantics of a document, and can include embedded scripting
language code (such as JavaScript) that can affect the behavior of Web browsers and other
HTML processors.

Style sheets:

These are a means to control presentation. They contain the declaration how a document should
appear. This style sheet can be written using css(cascading style sheets )and xss (extensible style
sheets ). The style sheet is to be used when the data is being displayed for human interpretation.
The output device may vary from screen to brail editor.


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Internet Explorer has been designed to view a broad range of web pages and to provide
certain features within the operating system, including Microsoft Update. It is a browser that
allows the subscriber to access and read information on the World Wide WebInternet Explorer
uses a zone-based security framework that groups sites based on certain conditions, including
whether it is an Internet- or intranet-based site as well as a user-editable white list. Security
restrictions are applied per zone; all the sites in a zone are subject to the restrictions.


An Oracle database is a collection of data treated as a unit. The purpose of a database is to store
and retrieve related information. A database server is the key to solving the problems of
information management. In general, a server reliably manages a large amount of data in a
multiuser environment so that many users can concurrently access the same data. All this is
accomplished while delivering high performance. A database server also prevents unauthorized
access and provides efficient solutions for failure recovery.

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Problem identification is very first step of system analysis and is One of the most difficult
tasks of system analysis is developing a clear, in-depth under- standing of the problem being
investigated, without which it becomes impossible to specify the requirements for a new project
with any accuracy. Several questions should be posed for this.

Some of those may be:

 What is the problem?

 How complex is it?
 What are its likely causes?
 Why is it important that the problem be solved?
 What are possible solutions to the problem?
 What types of benefits can be expected once the problem is solved?
It takes considerable skill to determine the true cause of a systems problem. A systems analyst
might begin to define the problem by determining if the problem can be classified according to
one or more common types of systems problems. With knowledge of the Common types of
problems, the analyst can diagnose a problem by examining its characteristics.

Organizations usually face problems or have opportunity due to the following:

 a new product or plant or branch
 a new market or new process
 failure of an existing system
 inefficiency of an existing system
 Structural error in the existing system, etc.

For identifying problems/opportunities, we scan the following:

 the performance of the system

 the information being supplied and its form
 the economy of processing

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 the control of the information processing

 the efficiency of the existing system
 the security of the data and software
 the security of the equipment and personnel, etc.
After identification of the problem, it is defined and a general direction or method for solving this
problem is also determined. Then project boundaries are defined. The management establishes the term of
reference as well as the resources to be provided for the project. System development is an iterative
process and the first identifiable stage of it is Problem Definition, whose final output is Terms of

One must know what the problem is before it can be solved. The basis for the Online Job
Search System is recognition of a need for developing a system or procedure. This involves a
preliminary study or initial investigation to determine whether a new Online Job Search System
can solve the problem. It entails looking into an inefficient existing procedures or whether parts
of the existing system would be candidate for computerization. Before start working on a web
based Online Job Search System we need to understand why we want this automated system at
the first place.

The present day organization work can be classified in to two forms, one is the manual
system and other one is the integrated computerized system. In manual system all work are done
manually on paper. Lots of paper work is been done in order to enter new connection records.
The data which manual systems have in common has to be provided separately to different
departments resulting in lots of inter departmental paper work and also simultaneous updating of
records is almost impossible. Existing system in the organization is manual system which has all
the drawback of it.

As far as computerized Online Job Search System is concern, it will minimize the inter-
departmental paper work. Afterwards it is only a process of manipulation and consolidation to
convert it to any form desired by the users. Theirs design and development activities take much
longer time than the corresponding activities for the manual systems but their long terms benefits
compensate for the additional overheads.

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5.1 System Analysis

System Analysis is the starting point for system design. The term is most commonly used
in the context of commercial programming, where software developers are often classed as either
systems analysts or programmers. The systems analysts are responsible for identifying
requirements (i.e. systems analysis) and producing a design. The programmers are then
responsible for implementing it.

Software development is a challenging activity. Today the systems are steadily growing
in size. They are progressively becoming more complex. User requirement becoming are tending
to be dynamic in nature, challenging technical scenario shorter dead times and no availability of
personal make. The task of development more challenging as the management always depends
upon accurate and timely information and arises for powerful tool, which could process data
from different areas, interconnected and produce the information in time. The proposed system
contains the following: --

 Error can be avoided.

 Data interpretation, processing and maintenance can be done effectively.

 Data validation is performed at necessary stage.

 A separate database for every form is available.

 Search option is provided whenever required.

 Time effective & easy processing

 Flexible to make changes & can be used for a long time.

5.2 Process of system analysis:

 Problem or Requirement analysis: During this step the focus is on specifying the problem
and its requirement. The process starts with some general statement of the problem. The

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basic goal of this step is to understand the problem, create problem domain, understand
input and output, etc.

 Requirement Specification: During this step the focus is on clearly specifying the
requirement i.e. what the system must do when deployed.

 Requirement Validation: It is required to ensure that the requirements that the specified
using the above two steps are valid or not. All the requirements so formed are then
validated by customer; all the unnecessary requirements are eliminated during this step.

Waterfall Model for Online Job Search System:

5.3 System Design

Based on the user requirements and the detailed analysis of the existing system, the new
system must be designed. This is the phase of system designing. It is the most crucial phase in
the developments of a system. The logical system design arrived at as a result of systems
analysis is converted into physical system design. Normally, the design proceeds in two stages

 Preliminary or General Design: In the preliminary or general design, the features

of the new system are specified. The costs of implementing these features and the
benefits to be derived are estimated. If the project is still considered to be feasible, we
move to the detailed design stage.

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 Structured or Detailed Design: In the detailed design stage, computer oriented

work begins in earnest. At this stage, the design of the system becomes more structured.
Structure design is a blue print of a computer system solution to a given problem having
the same components and inter-relationships among the same components as the original
problem. Input, output, databases, forms, codification schemes and processing
specifications are drawn up in detail.

In the design stage, the programming language and the hardware and software platform in which
the new system will run are also decided. There are several tools and techniques used for
describing the system design of the system. These tools and techniques are:

 Flowchart
 Data flow diagram (DFD)
 Data dictionary
 Structured English
 Decision table
 Decision tree

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6.1 Hybrid Design Methodology

The top down methodology may lead to an inefficient decomposition in levels, this ending
in a failure. Hence it needs space for backtracking. The bottom-up strategy, on the other hand,
needs prior knowledge of the system and its constituting components without which it is
impractical to work with this method. To avoid these limitations, designers generally start design
the system from meddle level of decomposition, moving up for design the system as well as
moving down for design atomic units. This becomes practical problems, designers have
incomplete but workable to design these components with atomic units and then design the
system with these components. This approach is called the hybrid approach. This approach
incorporates the benefits of both top-down and bottom-up approaches overcoming most of their

System level

High level modules


Low level

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6.2 Module Description

1. Admin Module:

This module is the central module of this application. This module provide user interface for the
admin users to get all the information about the system and also for configuring the system with
any required information.

2. Registered User Module:

This user module will be providing registered users to manage their profiles. Users can search
for jobs, edit, and update their data.

3. Company Module:

This module will provide an online environment to the company to post their jobs, see jobs
applications by users, modify settings and see resume of applicants.



Processor : Pentium IV/higher

Hard Disk : 40GB
RAM : 256MB

Software Requirements:

Operating System : Windows XP/2003/ Version 6.1.7601 or

User Interface : HTML, CSS
Programming Language : Java
Web Applications : JDBC, Servlet, JSP
IDE/Workbench : Netbeans 5.0 or higher
Database : Oracle
Server Deployment : Apache Tomcat

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7.1 Maintenance
The IEEE 1219-1998 software standards document defines software maintenance as "the
modification of a software product after delivery to correct faults, to improve performance or
other attributes, or to adapt the product to a modified environment." Software maintenance is the
concluding part of the software development process or "life cycle." They categorized
maintenance activities into four classes:

 Adaptive – modifying the system to cope with changes in the software environment.
 Perfective – implementing new or changed user requirements which concern functional
enhancements to the software.
 Corrective – diagnosing and fixing errors, possibly ones found by users.
 Preventive – increasing software maintainability or reliability to prevent problems in the

7.2 Evaluation
 The software should be delivered on time.
 The software should be in the budget of the customer.
 It should respond frequently to the user’s request.
 Customer will check whether she/he is convenient to the environment in which it is
 The software should be capable of healing virus instead of getting affected or destroyed.

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Basic Cost Benefit Analysis is a relatively simple and widely used technique for deciding
whether to make a change. As its name suggests, to use the technique simply add up the value of
the benefits of a course of action, and subtract the costs associated with it.

Costs are either one-off, or may be ongoing. Benefits are most often received over time. We
build this effect of time into our analysis by calculating a payback period. This is the time it
takes for the benefits of a change to repay its costs.

Cost-benefit analyses help you to

 Decide whether to undertake a project or decide which of several projects to undertake.

 Frame appropriate project objectives.
 Develop appropriate before and after measures of project success.

In its simple form, cost-benefit analysis is carried out using only financial costs and financial
benefits. For example, a simple cost-benefit analysis of any software would measure the cost of
building the software, and subtract this from the economic benefit of improving operations. It
would not measure either the cost of data damage or the benefit of quicker and easier data access.

A more sophisticated approach to cost-benefit measurement models is to try to put a financial

value on intangible costs and benefits. This can be highly subjective for example - What is the
value of stress-free data storage and retrieval? These are all questions that people have to answer,
and answers that people have to defend.

You can express some anticipated benefits in monetary equivalents (such as reduced operating
costs or increased revenue). For other benefits, numerical measures can approximate some, but
not all, aspects. If your project is to improve staff morale, for example, you may consider
associated benefits to include reduced turnover, increased productivity, fewer absences, and
fewer formal grievances.

Thus, the following two key factors influence the results of a cost-benefit analysis:

 How far into the future you look to identify benefits,

 On which assumptions you base your analysis.

There are tangible and intangible costs and tangible and intangible benefits. Tangibles can be
easily calculated whereas intangibles may vary in accordance to person or place.

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8.1 Tangible costs:

1. Personnel Costs: This may include salaries of analysts, programmers, consultants,

data entry personnel, costs for trainers, etc.

2. Costs for equipment: This may include cost for the new system, computer hardware,
space/rooms, furniture, etc.

3. Change over Cost or implementation cost: This includes cost of converting to

new system, designing new processes and procedures, running new and old systems
together for a period of time.

4. Miscellaneous: This may include stationary used with the system, repairs and other
cost not directly related to the system.

8.2 Intangible costs:

Intangible costs include many things like loss of customer good will, staff distress,
supplier confusion when processes changes, etc.

8.3 Intangible benefits:

Although the costs of intangible benefits cannot be easily calculated, it is very important to
identify them. Often intangible benefits may make the difference between a project being funded
or not.

Some intangible benefits are

 Improved work practices and employee morale,

 Easier and fast data access,
 Up to date information available everytime, etc

8.4 Tangible benefits:

 Increased productivity,
 Quality improvement,
 Cost reduction through mechanization, etc

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9.1 Database Design

As we have discussed earlier about the under developing system, which is based on. Net
technologies so, our database will be centralized database will run on Oracle 10g.

There are various kind of tables are used for different –different purpose. The database will give you the
complete structure of the data structure. The database will act as a backend of the software.

Structure of table along with keys:

To keep record without any redundancy each entity is represented by an independent table in the

Admin Table:
It shows the details of the administrator table.
Field Name Data Type Null Key
U_id Varchar(50) Not null Primary key
pwd Varchar(50)
Access Varchar(50)
Delete Varchar(50)
Edit Varchar(50)
Send Varchar(50)

It gives the details of the administrator.

Field Name Data Type Null Key

U_id Varchar(50) Not null Primary key
Fname Varchar(50)
Lname Varchar(50)
Phone Varchar(50)
Mobile Varchar(50)
Country Varchar(50)
City Varchar(50)
Doa Varchar(50)

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Seek_Det Table:
It gives the details of the job-seeker.

Field Name Data Type Null Key

J_id Varchar(50) Not null Primary key
Email Varchar(50)
F_name Varchar(50)
L_name Varchar(50)
Phone_no Varchar(50)
Mobile_no Varchar(50)
Q_id Varchar(50)
Skills Varchar(50)
City Varchar(50)
Country Varchar(50)
Doreq Varchar(50)

Experience Table:
This gives the experience of all the job-seekers.

Field Name Data Type Null Key

j_id varchar(50) not null Primary key
Job_cat varchar(50)
J_type varchar(50)
months varchar(50)

Seek_Login Table:
It stores the login id and password of the job seeker.

Field Name Data Type Null Key

J_id Varchar(50) Not null Primary key
Pwd Varchar(50)

Seek_Inbox Table:
It maintains the inbox of the job-seeker.

Field Name Data Type Null Key

J_id Varchar(50) Not null Primary key
F_name Varchar(50)
Email Varchar(50)

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E_id Varchar(50)
Emp_email Varchar(50)

Emp_Det Table:
This gives the information of all the employers.

Field Name Data Type Null Key

E_id Varchar(50) Not null Primary key
Email Varchar(50)
Fname Varchar(50)
Lname Varchar(50)
Phone Varchar(50)
Mobile Varchar(50)
Address Varchar(50)
Dor Varchar(50)

Company Table:
This stores the details of the company and their location.

Field Name Data Type Null Key

Reg_no Varchar(50) Not null Primary key
E_id Varchar(50) Not null
C_name Varchar(50)
C_type Varchar(50)
Req Varchar(50)
Addr1 Varchar(50)
Country Varchar(50)
city Varchar(50)

Vacancy Table:
This shows the number of vacancies available and their details.

Field Name Data Type Null Key

E_id Varchar(50) Not null Primary key
Job_cat Varchar(50)
No_vac Varchar(50)
Q_id Varchar(50)
Addr1 Varchar(50)
City Varchar(50)
Country Varchar(50)
Skills Varchar(50)

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Emp_Login Table:
It stores the login id and password of the employer.

Field Name Data Type Null Key

E_id Varchar(50) Not null Primary key
password Varchar(50)

Emp_Inbox Table:
It stores the employer inbox mail.

Field Name Data Type Null Key

E_id Varchar(50) Not null Primary key
F_name Varchar(50)
Email Varchar(50)
J_id Varchar(50)
Seek_email Varchar(50)

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9.2 E-R Diagram

The Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is the graphical notation of the relationship
between data object and attributes. The ERD was originally proposed by Peter Chen for the
design of relational database systems and has been extended by others. Primary components
identified for ERD are:

 Data objects
 Attributes
 Relationship
 Various type indicators.

There are three basic elements in ER models:

 Entities are the "things" about which we seek information.
 Attributes are the data we collect about the entities.
 Relationships provide the structure needed to draw information from multiple entities.
In this project, I have to design an E-R diagram for each activity of the
Online Job Search System like user details and job details. I have design an E-R diagram for
these activities. The following table summarizes the elements of a data flow diagram and the
symbols used to denote them: -

Entity- An entity or data object is a representation of almost any composite information that
must be understood by the system or software. Rectangle represents the data object/entity.

Attributes- Attributes define the properties of a data object and take on one of three different
characteristics. Ellipse represents the attribute of entities.

The entities in the ER model are:

 Job
 Job Seeker
 Experience
 Vacancy
 Employer
 Company

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9.3 Data Flow Diagram

The data flow diagram is the graphical representation that depicts information flow and
transforms that are applied as data move from input to output. DFD is refined into different
levels. The DFD refinement results in a corresponding refinement of data. After going through
the current working process of the department, we can create the Data Flow Diagram (DFD).
Following is the DFD of the “Online Job Search System” We have identified the system up to
two levels. Each break-up has been numbered as per the rule of DFD.

The DFD model uses a very limited number of primitive symbols, which are described below

External Entity- An external entity is a source or destination of data for the system under
consideration. It lies outside the context of the system.

Process- A process represents some work being performed on data. It transforms data from one form to
another. Every process has one or more data inputs and produces one and more data outputs.

Data Flow- A data flow portrays an interface among the different components in a data flow diagram.
It represents the path of data as it flows through a system.

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Data Store- If there is a logical requirement for data to be stored, it is held in a data store. A data store
therefore, is a repository of a data.

Some Important Concept Associated with Designing DFD’s:

Before constructing a DFD model of a system, some concept associate with DFD’s

Data Dictionary:

A data dictionary lists all the data items appearing in a DFD, i.e. a data dictionary list all data glows and

the contents of all data stores appearing on the DFD. A dada dictionary lists the purpose of all data items

and the definition of all composite data items in terms of their component data items.

A data dictionary is very important in the software development process because of the following


A data dictionary lists standard terminology for all relevant data for use by engineer have a tendency to

used different terms to refer to the same data, which unnecessary cause confusion.

 The data dictionary provides the analysts with means to determine the definition of different data

structure in terms of their component elements.

Data Definition:

Composite data are defined in terms of primitive data item using the following data items using the

following data definition operators:

+: denotes composition of data items.

[,,]: represent selection ,i.e, any of the data items listed inside the square brackets can occur.

( ): the content inside the brackets represent optional data which may or may not appear.

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{ }: represent iterative data definition.

= : represent equivalence for example a = b + c means that a represent b and c

/* */: anything appearing within /* and */ is considered as comment

Context level DFD or ‘0’ LEVEL DFD:

This is the context level D.F.D. of the proposed system the whole system has been depicted in a
single bubble, primary input and output has been carefully noted and depicted in the way so that
information flow continuity should not be lost in the next level. The proposed system is shown as a whole
process and the Inputs and outputs are shown with incoming and outgoing arrow from the system.

Job Seeker info Job Search


JOB Candidate search

Employer info

At this level of D.F.D. all the process together with all the data stores (tables). It shows the true
data flow i.e. how data is actually flowing in the system .Data is coming from which table and going into
which table is clearly shown by this DFD. This DFD is the main reference for the development of the
system. After understanding the whole system, the application developer will fall back bone this DFD
during the development phase.

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9.4 Use case Diagram

9.5 Process Flow Diagram

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9.6 Module Design:




Database management of the subscriber by the administrator

The Online Job Search System administrator can update data of new and old subscriber day by
day. The administrator can insert, delete and modify of the data. Update data will cause the
website also up to date. There are many subscribers but one administrator.

1. Login page get the input of subscriber id and password:

The login page displays the option to input the id and password to successfully login of
the subscribers. Subscriber can only login only with the correct id and password.

2. Add new topic:

Only the Administrator has right to add or delete or modify in the database. He can add,
modify or delete new topic for the Category of jobs.

3. Search new topic:

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The subscriber can search movie by the name of the director, movie and actor with little
less time.

4. Change password:
The user has the option to change his password time to time without any disturbance.

5. Membership:

The user can have the membership of Online Job Search System after create his/her own
account on the website. S/He will have to pay a nominal of monthly subscription.

6. Help:

If user gets any difficulties to use the web-site they can directly ask query regarding their
difficulties by telephonic.

9.7 Input & Output Design

Screen 1: This is the main screen of the project.

Screen 2: This shows the job-seeker registration page.

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Screen3: This shows the job-seeker’s main page or profile page.

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All the snap shots show the different search options given to the job-seeker in their profile.

Screen7: This screen shows the search results.


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Screen 9:



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Screen13: This screen shows the employer registration page.

Screen 14: This shows the main screen of the employer.

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Screen 18: The inbox facility is also provided to the job seekers and employers. If there are no
applications the page displays as follows.

After clicking “check inbox” button:

Screen 19: This shows the administrator login page.

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Screen 20:
This shows the main page of the administrator.

Screen 21:

Screen 22:

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Screen 23:

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9.8 Process Involved

The model that is basically being followed is the WATER FALL MODEL, which states
that the phases are organized in a linear order. First of all the feasibility study is done. Once that
part is over the requirement analysis and project planning begins. If system exists one and
modification and addition of new module is needed, analysis of present system can be used as
basic model.

The design starts after the requirement analysis is complete and the coding begins after
the design is complete. Once the programming is completed, the testing is done. In this model
the sequence of activities performed in a software development project are: -

 Requirement Analysis
 Project Planning
 System design
 Detail design
 Coding
 Unit testing
 System integration & testing

Here the linear ordering of these activities is critical. End of the phase and the output of
one phase is the input of other phase. The output of each phase is to be consistent with the
overall requirement of the system. Some of the qualities of spiral model are also incorporated
like after the people concerned with the project review completion of each of the phase the work

WATER FALL MODEL was being chosen because all requirements were known
beforehand and the objective of our software development is the computerization/automation of
an already existing manual working system.

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Water Fall Model

9.9 Methodology Used For Testing


Testing is very vital for any system to be successfully implemented. The common view is
that it is performed to prove that there are no errors in a program. Therefore the most useful and
practical approach is with the explicit intention of finding the errors. The system is tested
experimentally to ensure that the software does not fail. The system is run according to its
specifications and in the way the user expects. Following testing practices are used. The system
will process as normal input preparation of test-sample data.

Following testing practices were used:

White-box Testing:

White box testing is a security testing method that can be used to validate whether code
implementation follows intended design, to validate implemented security functionality, and to

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uncover exploitable vulnerabilities. White box testing requires access to the source code. Though
white box testing can be performed any time in the life cycle after the code is developed, it is a
good practice to perform white box testing during the unit testing phase. It requires knowing
what makes software secure or insecure, how to think like an attacker, and how to use different
testing tools and techniques. The first step in white box testing is to comprehend and analyze
source code, so knowing what makes software secure is a fundamental requirement. Second, to
create tests that exploit software, a tester must think like an attacker.

Third, to perform testing effectively, testers need to know the different tools and techniques
available for white box testing.

The three requirements do not work in isolation, but together. White-box testing provides the
following functions:

1. Guarantees that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at least once.

2. Exercises all logical decisions on their true and false sides.

3. Executes all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds.

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The system is menu driven, easily maintainable and accessible. Handling of the system in

easy and provides timely information about job status, job location and their category.

The package “Online Job Search System” being developed to help and assist the people to get

them job. The system saves lot of time and effort of the same.

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After the development of any project, there is some specific points gets missed. Because

we work at the time of development by considering only required problems.

But in real life project working we get lots of requirements in our developed project, and then

enhancement comes in near future. Some of the important point which is to be considering in

enhancement are as follows:-

 As per development, the main considering point for enhancement is to enable the

developed software to achieve “Financial” activity.

 In revised version of our developed software. Except job search, our main point of

issue will be to work in more value added services also like im chat, video

conference etc.


The Scope of the project aims at building a GUI where the user can do the data

manipulation and can also generate the reports based on the user and administrative requirement.

All these feature are menu and command driver and hence the developed system is user friendly.


The developer is responsible for

a) Developing the system and

b) Installing the software in the client’s hardware.

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