A Critical Discussion On The Methods Currently Recommended To Support Organic Crop Farming in India
A Critical Discussion On The Methods Currently Recommended To Support Organic Crop Farming in India
A Critical Discussion On The Methods Currently Recommended To Support Organic Crop Farming in India
Chairman-Emeritus, Asian Agri-History Foundation; 47 ICRISAT Colony -1, Brig. Sayeed Road,
Secunderabad 500009, Telangana State, India (email: yeshwantn2@gmail.com)
Excessive use and abuse of agro-chemicals during the Green Revolution period led to
serious concerns about environmental pollution and that resulted in a shift to the reduced
chemical' or non-chemical farming methods. Beginning in 1990s, researchers and farm
policy makers all over the world, including India, re-focused their attention to organic
farming . I have described and discussed most of the methods currently recommended in
different parts of India. These methods are: (i) The natural way of farming or Do Nothing
farming by Fukuoka, (ii) Biodynamic agriculture by Steiner introduced in India, (iii)
Vermi-culture developed by Appelhof introduced in India, (iv) Natueco culture by
Dabholkar, (v) Zero Budget Natural Farming by Palekar, (vi) Rishi-Krishi by Deshpande,
(vii) Agnihotra by disciples of Gajanan Maharaj of Akkalkot, (viii) Panchagavya by
Natarajan, (ix) Krishi-suktis and Vrikshayurveda by sages and scholars of ancient and
medieval India, (x) Compost tea by Ingham introduced in India, and (xi) Bokashi tea by
Higa introduced in India. I have also discussed potential of all these methods in supporting
food security of India.
conventional agriculture science. Their for its food supply, reduced its imports
research and further development of these every passing year. In the 1990s, India had
methods is recorded in his writings, surplus food grains and had once again
notably his 1940 book, An Agricultural become an exporter of food grains to the
Testament , which in uenced many rest of the world.
scientists and farmers of the day (Howard, As time went by, extensive dependence on
1943). By and large the British and the chemical farming showed adverse side-
other Europeans were unaware of the effects on crops. The land has been losing
excellent practices described in different its productivity, thus increasing the
Krishisuktis and Vrikshayurvedas. demand for larger quantities of fertilizers
During the 1950s and 1960s, the ever- every season. Some serious crop pests have
increasing population of India, along with developed resistance or immunity to crop-
frequent natural calamities, led to a severe pesticides, requiring the farmers to use
food scarcity in the country. As a result, the stronger and costlier alternative pesticides
Indian government was forced to import that resulted in polluting the environment.
food grains from foreign countries. To Due to the increased cost of farming,
increase food security, therefore, the farmers started falling into the trap of high-
government had to take radical steps to interest loans, and their economic
increase food production. At this time condition became deplorable beyond any
Howard's work was placed in cold storage. imagination. The situation therefore
The Green Revolution became India's compelled consumers, farmers, voluntary
agship in the mid-1960s. Several hectares organizations, and the policy makers to
of additional land were brought under look for alternatives for correcting the
cultivation. Hybrid seeds and new varieties practices, thereby shifting gradually back
of wheat and paddywere introduced. to predominantly organic farming, based
Natural and organic fertilizers were on innovations in traditional farming
signi cantly replaced by chemical methods in India.
fertilizers and the traditional pesticides It is believed by many that organic farming
were replaced by chemical pesticides. is the much healthier and sustainable
Large chemical factories such as the option. Although the health bene ts of
Rashtriya Chemical Fertilizers Ltd. were organic food are yet to be proven fully,
established. consumers belonging to high income
Before the Green Revolution , it was groups are willing to pay a higher premium
predicted that millions of poor Indians for organic produce.
would die of hunger in the mid-1970s. Many farmers in India are shifting to
However, within a few years, the Green organic farming due to the domestic and
Revolution showed its impact. The international demand for organic food.
country, which greatly relied on imports According to the International Fund for
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Over the last 15 years, Maharashtra liquid (Vermi-wash) are 'growth promoters
Agricultural Bioteks (MAB) in Pune, India and protectors' for crop plants.
has prompted over 2,000 farmers and Too much Vermi-compost can block the
institutions to switch from conventional functions that trigger the positive
chemicals to the organic fertilizer, Vermi- responses. Another negative feature
compost. In 1991-92, MAB and the Indian might be that the Vermi-compost with
Department of Science and Technology epigeic earthworms such as Dendrobaena
promoted the adoption of Vermi-compost veneta and Perionyx excavatus in soil and
technology in 13 states in India. The group compost may aid proliferation of
has also established a Vermi-compost unit Escherichia coli in early stages of
with Chitrakoot Gramodaya University, contamination, long-term persistence of
Madhya Pradesh, which produces ve tons the pathogen appears to be unaffected
of Vermi-compost per month (Jambhekar (Prysor et al., 2006). It is used in small-
Personal communication). scale, sustainable, organic farming.
The positive effects of Vermi-compost are Vermi-culture has potential to be used by
due to microbial activities, which aremost farmers on large scale. More studies are
likely associated with plant growth needed on this health-related issue
regulators and increased levels of humic (Asgrow, 2017).
acid and folic acid found in Vermi-
Natueco culture
compost. Increased growth effects were
more frequent and more pronounced at Dabholkar (2001) coined the word
s p e c i c c o n c e n t r a t i o n l eve l s a n d Natueco that combines two words
together, Natural and ecological .
application rates. Optimum germination,
Natueco has been conceived of as a holistic
growth, owering, and heavier yields
way to meet our farming and food
occurred only in a speci c formulation that
requirements. It addresses serious issues of
included nutrients other than what is in the
a farm, like (i) staying in synergy with
Ve r m i - c o m p o s t ( K a l e R a d h a a n d
Nature, (ii) reducing dependency on
Karmegam, 2010).
external inputs to a farm, and (iii) working
Earthworms restore and improve soil scienti cally within the available
fertility and signi cantly boost crop resources in the surroundings of a farm,
productivity. Earthworms excreta (Vermi- without harming its ecology and at the
cast) is a nutritive organic fertilizer rich in same time gaining high bene ts from it.
humus, NPK, micronutrients, bene cial According to Dabholkar, the features of
soil microbes --nitrogen- xing and Natueco culture distinguish it from the
phosphate-solubilizing bacteria and Natural Farming and/or Organic
actinomycetes, and growth hormones Farming ; and he calls it Beyond Organic
auxins, gibberellins, and cytokinins. Both Farming . He explains that Natural or
earthworms and its Vermi-cast and body Organic farming is done trusting Nature
Asian Agri-History Vol. 21, No. 4, 2017 273
through the empirical wisdom of the ages. climate to assure self-suf ciency. It follows
In Natueco Farming, however, farming is the principles of nature's ecosystem in our
done by knowing Nature better through farming systems and emphasizes harvesting
critical scienti c inquiries and through a critical application of scienti c
experimentation. inquiries and experiments that are rooted in
The key features of this Natueco farming the local resources.
technology of growing crops are: (i) plants Natueco farming has potential for
are grown on small heaps of Amrut Mitti gardeners and orchardists. It is not
(nectary soil), the Natueco process of suitable for large-scale farms.The
building fertile soil covered with mulch, method may partially contribute to food
hence no ploughing, Amrut Mitti is the key security. One should note that the method
ingredient - a compost - in the form of takes an important component from
heaps that are always kept moist, (ii) need- Ku n a p a j a l a p r e p a r a t i o n , t h a t i s
based sowing and harvesting of crops, (iii) fermentation of Amritjal. Thus, one of
does not need any external input in terms of the components, Amritjal is a variant of
the agro-chemicals, (iv) weeds are allowed Kunapajala.
to grow until owering and are seen as a
resource, (v) high diversity on a small Palekar's Zero Budget Natural
piece of land - over 125 crop species with a
mix of annuals and perennials, (vi) The Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF)
trenches around the farm for rain water has 4 key elements; Bejamrita (seed
harvesting, and (vii) live fencing around treatment), Jiwamrita (microbial culture),
each farm created for multiple purposes. Achhadana (mulching), Waaphasa (soil
aeration), according to Palekar (2005,
Amrutjal (nectary water) is prepared by
2006). Jivamrita is a fermented microbial
mixing 10 liters of water, 1 liter of cow
c u l t u r e , l i k e t h e Ku n a p a j a l a o f
urine, 1 kg of fresh cow dung, and 50 grams
Vrikshayurveda that is discussed later. It
of jaggery. Ferment this mixture for 3 days,
provides nutrients, and also acts as a
stirring it well twice or thrice each day. On
catalytic agent that promotes the activity of
the 4th day, the concentrated suspension is
microorganisms in the soil including that
ready. One part of this suspension is diluted
of earthworms. During the 48-hour
to ten parts with water. Amrut Mitti is
fermentation process, the aerobic and
prepared from green and dry plant anaerobic bacteria present in the cow dung
biomass, both are dried and crushed well. and urine multiply as they decompose the
The dried biomass is immersed in Amrutjal organic ingredients (like pulse our). A
in a container and then kept as such for 24 handful of virgin soil is also added as native
hours. Dabholkar's Natueco method was micro ora. Jivamruta also helps in
popularized by Suchde (2011), who preventing fungal and bacterial plant
explains that it is possible to create a micro- diseases. Palekar suggests that Jivamruta
274 Discussion on organic crop farming in India
is needed only for the rst 3 years of the material that will decompose in due
transition to ZBNF, after which the system course, and form humus through the
becomes self-sustaining. To prepare activity of the soil biota,(iii) Live mulch
Jivamruta, 200 liters of water are placed in (symbiotic intercrops and mixed crops) -
a barrel and following materials are added: this is essential to develop multiple
10kg fresh local cow dung, 5 to 10 liters cropping patterns of monocots and dicots
aged cow urine, 2 kg of cane jaggery, 2 kg grown in the same eld to supply all
of pulse our, and a handful of virgin soil. essential nutritive elements to the soil and
The mixture is fermented for 48 hours in crops. Palekar's justi cation is that the
the shade. Two hundred liters of Jivamruta legumes (dicots) are nitrogen- xing
were found suf cient for one acre (0.4ha) plants, whereas the monocots such as rice
of land. Jivamruta is applied to the crops, and wheat would supply other elements
twice a month, through irrigation water or like potash, phosphate, and Sulphur.
as a 10% foliar spray. Whapasa. It is vapor-moisture. Palekar
Bijamrita. It is used for seed dressing or challenges the idea that plant roots need a
root-dipping. Bijamrita is effective in lot of water, thus questioning reliance on
protecting young roots from soil-borne and irrigation. According to him, roots need
seed-borne pathogens that commonly water vapor. Whapasa is the condition
affect plants especially after the monsoon where there are both air molecules and
period. It is composed of similar water molecules present in the soil.Palekar
ingredients as Jivamruta - local cow dung encourages reducing irrigation by
and cow urine, lime, and soil. Application irrigating only at noon and in alternate
of seed dressing is done prior to sowing by furrows.
adding bijamrita to the seeds of any crop, Palekar's ZBNF is clearly suitable for
coating by mixing with hand, and drying small farm operations. It may contribute
them well. For the pulses seed, quick seed- to partial food security. Features similar
dipping and drying is done. to methods of Kautilya, Dabholkar, and
Acchadana. (Sanskrit-acchadana means Vrikshayurveda(Kunapajala) are
to cover ) means Mulching. According to present.
Palekar (2005, 2006), there are three types
of mulching: (i) Soil mulch -this protects
Rishi-Krishi Deshpande
Technique Methodology
topsoil during tillage-it promotes aeration
and water retention in the soil, (ii) Straw
mulch -straw material usually refers to the This technique is similar to ZBNF of
dried biomass waste of previous crops, but Palekar described earlier. Deshpande
Palekar also suggests, it can be the compost (2005) claims that the technique is based
of the dead material of plants, animals, on Vedic literature and cosmic energy
etc.); this would provide dry organic (Table 1). The aim of Rishi-Krishi (literally
Asian Agri-History Vol. 21, No. 4, 2017 275
domestic application was basically coming offerings include those that are material
from that original Agnihotra re. And the and symbolic such as grains, clari ed
people who were following this kind of butter, milk, incense, and seeds. If cow
rituals were called as Agnihotris . dung and ghee are readily available they
In 1969, Param Sadguru Shri Gajanan should be used in greater quantity when
Maharaj of Akkalkot, Maharashtra State, doing Agnihotra. The Agnihotra copper-
India (1918 - 1987), widely known as pyramid is believed to be a generator of
Shree , initiated Vasant Rao Paranjpe and life-sustaining energies (www. agnihotra.
MG Potdar, in his spiritual path. Mr Potdar org., 2015).
propagated Agnihotra message right from According to the followers of Paranjpe,
1963 to 1974 i.e. till his passing away from treating seeds by following the Homa
this world. He worked with farmers mainly Therapy can make them more disease and
in Central India. On orders from the pest resistant that would give an initial
Sadguru, Paranjpe went to Peru in 1972 to boost. For backyard plantings/small
spread Agnihotra over there. The reason gardens: (i) placing seeds in cups or jars
for Paranjape's going to a far-off land to and labeling each container with the name
demonstrate Agnihotra are not disclosed. of the seed, (ii) covering seeds with cow's
In 1996, Paranjpe selected in Nueva urine and soaking them for one to two
Requena, Peru, an area of three hectares of hours, depending on the size and nature of
bananas, which was seriously affected by the seed; large seeds for 2 hours and small
the Sigatoka-black disease and looked seeds for one hour, and (iii) removing the
nearly dead. It was claimed that the disease seeds and covering them in moist cow dung
was completely controlled. and the Agnihotra ash spreading before
There are plausible reasons for the semi-drying them. The mixture can then be
bene cial in uence of Agnihotra. crushed and sown.
Knowledge that we have today reveals that Ash from other Homas may be used in
the materials used in Agnihotra sacri ce addition to Agnihotra ash in compost or
produce and release biochemicals to the applied directly onto the eld. Agnihotra
atmosphere through smoke, which could ash is believed to be the key to success;
eliminate or reduce harmful bio-pollutants, Agnihotra ash water solution is very useful
and thereby purifying the environment for natural control of dif cult pests and
(Nene, 2014). enhancing plant growth. The ash contains
Paranjape's Agnihotra is the basis of Homa oxides of silicon, sodium, potassium and
Farming. (Homa is a Sanskrit word that magnesium; carbonates are also formed by
refers to a ritual, wherein an oblation or any the oxides reacting with the carbon dioxide
religious offering is made into re). The Agnihotra farming method, adapted
However, Homa is more accurately a for use in farming only recently can be
"votive ritual". The re is the agent, and the practiced by individual orchardists or
Asian Agri-History Vol. 21, No. 4, 2017 277
village groups. The method can banana, tender coconut, and water. When
contribute only a little to food security. suitably mixed and used, Natarajan claims
Smoke was prescribed in Vriksh- miraculous effects on treated crops.
ayurvedas. The following items are mixed and
Panchagavya fermented, in a large container, in steps, for
30 days; cow dung - 7 kg; cow ghee - 1 kg;
For the Hindus, the formulation and use of
cow urine - 10 liters; water - 10 liters; cow
fresh Panchagavya has been well-known,
milk - 3 liters; cow curd - 2 liters; tender
since the time of Puranas (c. 200 BCE to
coconut water - 3 liters; and cane jaggery -
c.750 CE) for house puri cation after
3 kg. The mixture is stirred well. This is
deaths, etc. It's use as a fermented product
called stock solution . Natarajan insists
with adjuvants such as cane jaggary and
on products from Indian breeds of cow ,
coconut water has only recently been
and avoiding products from buffalos.
extended for use in crop farming.
Generally, Panchagavya is recommended
Dr. K Natarajan, [President, Rural
for all the crops, as foliar spray at 3% level
Community Action Center (RCAC),
(3 liters Panchagavya in 100 liters of
Kodumudi 638151, Tamil Nadu], a
water), in irrigation water (50 litres for one
physician and a disciple of Swami
ha), as dipping seed and planting materials,
Jeevananda, thought of using
or before seed storage.
Panchagavya, after he had read the books
of Fukuoka and Carson. Theories and Panchagavya has gained popularity with
concepts of organic agriculture were farmers in several states of India,
developed and popularized under different especially southern India. It has excellent
names, viz., organic agriculture, green potential to contribute to food security. It
culture, natural farming, and do-nothing should be noted that Panchagavya, as
farming, etc. The enlightened public modi ed by Natarajan, is essentially
started demanding toxin free food Kunapajala minus esh. Thus, we could
products. The market demand for organic call it a Kunapajala variant.
produce gave further momentum to the Krishi- suktis and Vrikshayurveda
organic movement, all this stimulated
Natarajan to use Panchagavya in farming. The Indian science of health management,
Ayurveda, was well-documented by the
According to Natarajan (2003), time of Susruta (c.400 BCE), a surgeon,
Panchagavya, also spelled as Panchkavya, and Charak (c.700 BCE), a physician.
an organic product has the potential to play Cotemporary physicians began applying
the role of promoting growth and providing t h e k n ow l e d g e o f Ay u r v e d a t o
immunity in plant system. Panchagavya domesticated animals and the garden
consists of nine products viz. cow dung, plants, especially the perennials such as
cow urine, milk, curd, jaggery, ghee, shrubs and trees. Our ancient and medieval
278 Discussion on organic crop farming in India
Shamasastry R. 1961. Kautilya's Arthasastra. Yamada K and Xu HL. 2001. Properties and
Seventh Edition. Mysore Printing and applications of an organic fertilizer inoculated
Publishing House, Mysore, India. 482 pp. with effective microorganisms. Journal of Crop
(First Edition published in 1915). Production 3: 255 268.