N Easier Way To Track Rebar Installation.: Integrated and Intelligent

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Field Placing


aSa Field Placing helps you to easily manage all of your rebar placing data, from the initial
estimate to the last bar installed at the jobsite. You’ll always know how much you’ve
shipped, how much you’ve installed, and how many hours your placing crew worked.

•  Forget confusing Companies that provide rebar installation services face unique challenges in
spreadsheets managing their business critical data. Fortunately, aSa tools provide a simple
Field Placing gives you the
way to organize estimate and detailing takeoff items based on placing
tools to estimate, record,
and track field placing data characteristics. When steel is shipped, Field Placing lets you enter, track,

in one integrated system. and report how much of each structure has been delivered and installed.

•  Throw away sloppy, Integrated and Intelligent

hand-written forms With aSa Field Placing, you don’t have to worry about transferring data
aSa generates professional-
from one program or hand-written sheet to another. All the information you
quality reports with all the
information you need to need is at your fingertips. Material totals from aSa Estimating automatically
see the current status of load into Field Placing, where you can estimate labor required for each
each placed structure and
component of the structure. The module also connects to Delivery Ticket,
update your weekly totals.
which allows reports to show how much material has shipped to the jobsite

and how much of that material has been placed to date.

•  Track information
the way you need it
Flexible and Customizable
Break down each project
by bid item, or manage Estimate work hours and track labor for an entire job, or easily break the
the job as a whole … your project down into bid items. Measurement units are as flexible as you need
choice. Group placing
them to be. For example, you can estimate and detail mesh by rolls or
codes by “parent” codes
for concise reporting. sheets, but track installation labor by square feet or square meters, and the

system will automatically perform all necessary conversions.

•  Not just for rebar

Other helpful options include the ability to track installation by either man
Track installation labor for
mesh, bar supports, and hours or man days (whichever is your practice); customize and group grid columns in setup
other concrete accessories, screens; and filter data based on date or percent placed.
in addition to reinforcing

The Complete Rebar Solution

•  Eliminate duplicate The Enter Percent Placed
data entry screen shows percent and
Field Placing instantly
quantity placed to date.
accesses information from
aSa estimating, detailing, Based on the current week’s

and shipping applications, activity, you add installation

so you don’t have to hours to the project and
enter values in multiple
allocate them to the
disconnected systems.
appropriate placing codes

for accurate, up-to-date

•  No more confusing
tracking. The Weekly and
Estimate rolls or sheets of Job to Date report gives you
mesh and track installation a comprehensive picture of
by square feet or square
the installation in progress.
meters. The system
automates all conversions.

•  Keep everyone Simple but Effective Process

The system’s screens and reports are built around installation companies’
Built-in reports provide key
placing data to all of your typical business practices. First, you create the estimate using placing codes to
employees, from detailers categorize takeoff lines based on placing characteristics. When you win the job,
to schedulers, to field
the categorized weight totals automatically load into the Set Up Placing Rates
screen. Here, you estimate the man hours or man days required for each placing

code. When steel is shipped to the project site, the job supervisor uses a specially
•  Key information at a
formatted worksheet to record percent placed and hours worked each week. aSa
The heart of the system Percent Placed and Allocate Time screens let you easily enter the week’s hours
is the Weekly and Job to into the system and associate those work hours with the appropriate placing codes.
Date Listing, an easy-to-
Reports show weekly and job to date weight and installation labor totals.
read report that shows
weight and percent placed Powerful Reporting
totals for the current week
Reports keep everyone involved in a project informed each step of the way:
and for the entire project
together on one page. • Job Routing – Lists the weight of each placing code estimated for a job.

The Job Routing report is a helpful reference for the detailers who will be
Applied Systems Associates, Inc.
working on the project. www.asarebar.com
• Jobsite Worksheet – Site supervisors use this report to record work hours
5270 Logan Ferry Road
and percent placed information for each placing code. Murrysville, PA 15668 USA
1.800.CALL.ASA 1.800.225.5272
• Release Status Summary – Provides a quick overview of which placing
codes have been detailed, shipped, and installed.
Worldwide service and support
• Weekly and Job to Date Listing – Easy-to-read report shows percent placed
Visit asarebar.com/contact for a list
information for the current week and for the entire project on the same page. of all aSa locations.

© Copyright 2012. All rights reserved. aSa is a registered trademark and service mark of Applied Systems Associates, Inc. All other names and company names are the property and/or trademarks of their respective owners.

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