Co/Tri-generation: Factsheet
Co/Tri-generation: Factsheet
Co/Tri-generation: Factsheet
HVAC HESS Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning High Efficiency Systems Strategy September 2013 1
` variations in a building’s operation and energy demand will The Strategy consists of a number of complementary measures
impact on system efficiency i.e. if demand for waste heat that fall under three broad initiatives – People, Practices and
reduces, using gas to generate electricity for power only is Systems. This Co/Tri-Gen factsheet specifically relates to Systems.
far less efficient than importing from the national grid. If this It is one of a suite of factsheets developed to provide a quick
occurs, the system could actually result in an energy cost overview and reference to inform, educate, and encourage
for the project energy efficiency in the HVAC industry.
` security of fuel supply may not always be certain
` if upgrading an existing energy plant, it is vital the payback Case Study5
on capital investment and maintenance costs are realistic
for the project Project: Coca Cola Place – 40 Mount Street, Sydney
` connection requirements with the local electricity distributor
should be determined.
The Coca Cola Place building, completed in early 2012
has a 774kW trigeneration system installed to generate
Project Requirements low-carbon heating, power and cooling for the building.
When considering installing a CoGen or TriGen system, there The project demonstrates a unique arrangement with the
are a series of issues that need to be taken into account, all of property developer Investa and Cogent Energy, supplier
which will differ according to project-specific parameters. It is of the trigeneration system. The generation of low-carbon
recommended that an engineering firm be consulted for any energy at Coca Cola Place also benefits the neighbouring
project to review the application, costs and benefits. All of the Deutsche Bank Place building, also developed by Investa.
following project characteristics must exist in order for the To see how, visit
system to be worthwhile installing:
` a concurrent heat and power demand; and
` extended hours of operation; and
` existing inefficient systems (if installing in existing building)
and applications for the new system.
HVAC HESS is a ten year strategy under the National Strategy
on Energy Efficiency that aims to drive long term improvements
in energy efficiency of HVAC systems Australia-wide. Under
the Energy Efficiency Working Group, the Buildings Committee
manages the implementation of the HVAC Strategy. This
committee is comprised of representatives from Australian,
State and Territory Governments.
HVAC HESS Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning High Efficiency Systems Strategy September 2013 2
HVAC HESS Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning High Efficiency Systems Strategy September 2013 3