ABC of EE - ppt
ABC of EE - ppt
ABC of EE - ppt
Prosanto Pal
Senior Fellow
Industrial Energy Efficiency Division
TERI, New Delhi
July 5, 2023
Why energy efficiency
Solar 7-8
Wind power 10-12
Energy efficient equipment 2-5
Energy Consumption in Industry
❑ Many energy intensive small scale industries like glass, ceramics, forging,
foundry, brick
• Pumps
Cross-cutting • Fans
technologies • Compressors
Adoption of
energy-efficient • Air
options conditioning/refrigerati
• Drive motors
Fuel switch
• Natural gas
• Biomass
Level 2: Major improvements in the Variable speed drive for Improved furnace
existing plant (retrofits and revamps) electric motor insulation
Level 3: New plant or process designs New energy efficient New energy efficient
electric motor furnace
❑ Training and awareness creation
❑ Energy audits and implementation of EE technologies and
❑ EE technology innovation
❑ Technology demonstration vs Technological capacity through
Research, Development, Demonstration and Dissemination
(RDD&D) initiatives
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Technology characteristics of energy-
intensive SMEs
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❑ Involved international and local experts to
develop (conduct R&D) on:
➢ Burner design
➢ Recuperator design
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Energy savings of 30-35% demonstrated
Conventional coal/NG
fired Pot Furnace
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❑ Deployment
➢ 86 units have adopted the new technology; about 90% of the cluster
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Energy Efficiency Policies –Key Recent Initiatives
Preparatory activities undertaken by BEE
❑ 5 years energy data from DCs collected though the notified format
❑ Baseline Energy Audits conducted in all DCs
❑ Data compiled & analyzed for arriving at baseline SEC
❑ PAT Consultation Document prepared
❑ Stakeholder workshops conducted with different Industry groups
❑ The methodology for M&V system, Issuance of ESCerts & Trading
Thank You
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