Internship Report On Business Procedures of Corporate Sales in IGLOO Ice-Cream

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Internship Report

Business Procedures of Corporate Sales in IGLOO Ice-Cream

Submitted to:
Mohammad Atiqul Basher
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Submitted by:
Radiat Hasnat
ID: 13204046
BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Date of Submission: March 25, 2018

LETTER O F TR ANSM I TTA L Letter of Transmittal
March 25, 2018

Mohammad Atiqul Basher

BRAC Business School
BRAC University

Subject: Submission of Internship Report

Dear Sir,
With due respect, I am presenting my Internship Report on ‘Business Procedures of Corporate
Sales in IGLOO’ under Abdul Monem Limited (Igloo Ice Cream and Milk Unit) to you. It was
such an amazing experience to have you as my advisor and thus working and preparing this report
under your supervision. It was also a great opportunity for me to work in a leading business
conglomerate of our country.

I have tried to make this report informative by thoroughly express all my learnings and findings
during my internship through this report by describing my job responsibilities along with the way
IGLOO conducts its sales process. Though I faced quite difficulties while collecting data. The
selection of topic and later on, the informative and detailed approach of the whole experience will
help you to understand about the organizational sales activities. I am always there if you have any

I hope that this report will fulfill your requirements. Thank you for your consideration.


Radiat Hasnat
Student ID: 13204046
BRAC Business School

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ACKNO WLE DGEM ENT Acknowledgement

My Heartiest gratitude goes to my Advisor Mr. Mohammad Atiqul Basher; Lecturer of BRAC
University for providing me with enough support to prepare this report. I appreciate his wonderful
co-operation and the sacrifice of his valuable time. My utmost gratitude for Mr. G.M Kamrul Hassan,
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Igloo for his valuable responses in times of suggestions. I want to
convey my warm regards to my organizational supervisor Mr. Morsheduzzaman; Key Accounts
Manager for his wonderful encouragement and suggestions for helping me in all the phase of my
internship program. A special thanks to the Territory Sales Officer Samiul Islam for his endless ideas
throughout this internship and the Assistant Territory Sales Officers in different areas for all the
learning about field activities. I would love to thank some supportive and helpful individuals, family
and friends to whom I have come across to complete this report as well. Last but not the least, thanks
to the Almighty.
However, copyright materials (AML’s Organization part) have been acknowledged at the reference
list at the end of this report. Most of those information about the organizational activities have been
derived directly from the website. I have prepared this report within a very short time therefore it may
not be that much accurate. Please consider the flaws of this report and oblige thereby.

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EXECUTI VE SUM MARY Executive Summary

The whole Internship Report has been focused on the business procedure of Corporate Sales,
Customer Relationship and their brand loyalty for the country’s largest Ice Cream brand, Igloo.
Build up long term relationship with its clients through launching a new department called
Corporate Sales has been mentioned here. All the operational activities done by this department,
some of the marketing approaches, new product line, its current market share, competitors, strength,
weakness, threat, opportunities and its different communication strategies have been a major part
of this report. Besides, evaluation of Igloo’s different marketing theories such as Marketing Mix,
Five Promotional mix (Advertising, Sales promotion, Public relation, Direct marketing, Personal
selling), both the Primary and Secondary data have been used to conduct this study. The consumer
survey on satisfaction and brand loyalty are the main sources of the Primary data whereas different
scholarly articles, news articles and publications have been used as a source of secondary data. The
contents of this internship report have 6 sections: It begins with the Introduction part which contains
the significance, background, scopes, limitations of internship in the undergraduate program. In the
next part, the overall detail about Abdul Monem Limited and their working processes have been
portrayed. Afterwards, the overview of IGLOO Ice Cream has been highlighted with many
segments. The fourth part highlights Job Description part regarding my duties & responsibilities as
an intern for “Corporate Sales Department”. Finally, the main topic of my report has been discussed
later on. “Business Procedures of Corporate Sales in IGLOO Ice Cream” has been detailed out in
the fifth part followed by findings, recommendations and conclusion.

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Table of Contents


1.1 Background of The Study…………………………………………............ 01
1.2 Literature Review…………………………………………………………… 01
1.3 Significance of The Report……………………………………................. 02
1.4 Scopes of The Study………………………………………………………… 02
1.5 Objectives…………………………………………………………………… 03
1.6 Methodology………………………………………………………………… 03
1.7 Limitations…………………………………………………………………… 05
2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………............ 07
2.2 Vision, Mission & Objectives of AML……………………………................ 08
2.3 Corporate Profile ……………………………………………………………. 09
2.4 Business Concerns of AML ……………………......................................... 10
2.5 Organogram of AML ……………………………......................................... 11
2.6 Achievements and Recognition ………………………………………… 11
2.7 Strategic Partners ……………………………………………………………. 12


3.1 Introduction to Igloo ………………………………………………………… 14
3.2 Brand Quality and achievements…………………………………………… 14
3.3 Product Segments………………………………………………………....... 15
3.4 SWOT Analysis ……………………………………………………………. 17
3.5 Organogram of Igloo …………………………………………………………. 24
3.6 CSR Activities ………………………………………………………………… 25


4.1 Job Description as an Intern………………………………………………… 28


5.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………… ……. 30
5.2 Marketing Mix…………………… …………............................................... 30
5.3 Corporate Sales Execution ……………………………………………… 32
5.4 Igloo & Uniqueness ………………………………………………………. 35


6.1 Major Findings & Observations……………………………………………. 39

6.2 Recommendations ……………………………………………………. 40

Conclusion………………………….………………………………...…………. 41
Bibliography…….……………………………………………...…………. 42
Appendix………………………………………………………………………. 43

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1.1 Background: 1.1 BA CKGR OUND OF THE S TUDY

Bangladeshi ice cream industry is moving with a fastest growth rate of an average around 15
Percent. Emerging competitors are trying to grab the industry than ever before. Previously where
the industry was dominated by only two or three producers, now there are plenty of foreign and
some prominent local distributers of ice cream industries doing business in Bangladesh. For that
reason, finding new scopes and strategies to build customer loyalty has become very essential for
Igloo in order to maintain the leading position in the market., Igloo’s Corporate Sales Department
was established in order to maintain the leading position and serve quality.
Furthermore, our Ice cream industries have thousands of potential corporate clients among which
Igloo is working on bulling a long-term relationship with them. This Internship report specifically
describes those activities of Igloo, the problems, opportunities and possible outcomes. Besides, the
overall business strategies of this new department have been discussed thoroughly.

1.2 Literature Review:1.2 LI TERATURE RE VI E W

The term "Relationship Marketing" emerged in the services marketing or the first time in a 1983
paper by Berry (Barnes ,1994, Grrnroos, 1994). From then, the term often used in the service sector
as a tool of building long -term relationships with the customers and has found its own place in
marketing theory and has become a vital part of standard textbooks on marketing (e. g. Kotler 1997,
36 -61).
Many authors have pointed out the importance of customer satisfaction to build customer loyalty
and profitability of the company. According to (Grönroos, 1990), profitability is linked to customer
satisfaction. (Yi, 1990) pointed out that, customer satisfaction influences repeat purchase. Some of
the literature suggests on concentrating and serving the “key customers” that brings the most profit
(Koch,1998, Storbacka,1994).
Some of the authors emphasized on the “Measurement” of the service in order to find the gap
between customers “Expectation” & “Actual Service” provided by the organization with the help
of few dimensions (Parasuraman et al., 1985, 1988 Jain & Gupta, 2004, Mudie and Pirrie, 2006 ).
On top of that, service awareness and company image play a significant role in the relationship
marketing, according to some researchers (Tepeci,1999, Berry et al., 1988, Schiffman &
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Kanuk,1994). Other factors include Employee Satisfaction, Service Knowledge of the employees
and the interaction between customer and employees (Bishop,1990, Raymond & Tanner, 1994 ,
Heskett et al.,1994, Harter et al., 2002 , Liao & Chuang, 2004). Customer Loyalty Programs &
Service Recovery system also helps building long term relationship (Sparks, 1993, Grönroos, 1988
, Gilly, 1987)
Other Authors pointed out the relationship of customer loyalty with the corporate social
responsibilities maintained by an organization. (Khan, 2009, Saeed et al.,2015, Ravichandran &
Chandilyan, 2016 )

1.3 Significance of the Report: 1.3 SI GNI FI CANCE OF THE REPOR T

Internship program is necessary for completing the undergraduate program. The aim of the program
is to reach the gap between theoretical & practical functions of education. Theoretical fundamentals
are not that much effective without the practical implementation. The internship program is
designed in a way that gives the scope to implement the knowledge practically.

1.4 Scope of Study:1.4 S COPES O F THE STUDY

This report provides the following scopes:
• As Abdul Monem Limited (AML) is one of the largest business conglomerates of
Bangladesh, the study gives a comprehensive idea about how a leading industry runs its
• To gain knowledge about the operation process of the Best Ice Cream Brand of Bangladesh.
• To have a clear view about Corporate Sales and Promotional activities.
• To have some knowledge about long term relation building with the major clients.

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1.5 Objectives:1.5 O BJE CTI VES
The Broad objective of this report is to analyze and understand the “Corporate Sales activities” of
Igloo Ice Cream.
The Specific Objectives of this study are:
Identifying and Analyzing the Overall Marketing Strategies of Igloo.
Analyzing the approaches used by Corporate Sales Department of Igloo to build up long term
relationships with the clients and customers.
Evaluating the approaches used by Igloo against Marketing theories.
Identifying the ways of improving its Marketing Activates and increasing its Brand value.

1.6 Methodology:
This study is the combination of both practical knowledge and the theoretical findings. I have
prepared this report based on the first -hand experiences during my three -month internship period
at Igloo Ice Cream. In order to make this report, both Primary and Secondary Data has been used.

✓ Primary Data-
Most of the required data were directly collected from my office staffs, my Supervisor and
from other colleagues. The sources of Primary Data are Consumer Survey, the Field
Experience, collected interview. All these were obtained through practical involvement of
my job.

✓ Secondary Data-
These are the quickest source of collecting the necessary information. In this report, the
information collected from indirect source are considered as secondary data sources.
Information derived from internet such as articles, journals, websites and relevant sites are
considered as the secondary data sources. Though, it was tough to find any sales report of
Abdul Monem Limited for the confidential issue.

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✓ Exploratory Research -
There are 3 types of research method. Among those methods, Exploratory research has been
used in this report to explore research questions and further studies. This method doesn’t
accurately look for exact and definite solutions to the required study. The flexibility and
adaptability method and having a less structured for mat makes it easier while working in
the research process. This method is best used for defining objectives when those are new
and trouble to pinpoint the research direction, areas for concentration etc.

✓ Field work and Data collection-

For this research, I have conducted my field survey by invigilating Igloo Stalls of Dhaka
International Trade Fair 2018. Usually, most of the customers of ice-cream are school going,
college going, and university students. Besides, my friends and family preference regarding
ice cream consumption did help. Therefore, Customer satisfaction, Product Quality, Pricing,
Availability and Promotional activities were also the part of this survey process.

✓ Survey Instruments-
The monitoring and invigilating part was the main component of my research. I personally
asked the customers for feedback after the consumption of Ice cream from Igloo stalls.
Besides, I conducted some of the surveys following the questionnaire in the Appendix part.

✓ Data Collection & Sampling-

Sample: The sample size of the survey was 5 people. They were randomly picked and their
respond were taken on the same statement before and after the service was delivered.
Questionnaires: The survey questions were counted in 5 scale Likert Scale where Scale
1 Signified “Completely Disagree” & “Very Dissatisfied” and 5 signified “Completely
Agree” & “Very Satisfied”. The questionnaires included 10 questions based on 5 different

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1.7 Limitations:
• As Abdul Monem Limited is one of the largest business groups of the country, they keep
their internal operation strategies Confidential.
• Some of the information regarding market situation was not available.
• The time allocated to prepare this report was comparatively short.
• AML didn’t agree to provide the official documents for privacy concern.
• AML didn’t agree to provide the financial sales report for some internal issues.
• Some of the information provided in this report are based on the personal field experiences.

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2.1 Introduction:
Abdul Monem Limited (AML) is one of the leading diversified business conglomerates of
Bangladesh. The core ideology of the company is-
‘Touching Lives… Building Capabilities…!’

The organization was established in 1956 by one of the most successful entrepreneurs of the country,
Mr. Abdul Monem. From the begging, Mr. Abdul Monem is acting as the Managing Director and
Chairman of the organization and till now he is still strongly and successfully running it along with
his two eligible sons working as the Deputy Managing Directors (DMD) of the company, Mr. A.S.M.
Mainuddin Monem and Mr. A.S.M. Mohiuddin Monem. (‘Abdul Monem Limited’, 2014)
The organization is renowned for its construction business and major infrastructure projects for
Bangladesh Government, World Bank, ADB, JICA etc. Approximately 30% government projects of
Bangladesh are conducted by the company. For that reason, AML is considered one of the best
construction company of the country. Over the last few decades, AML has not only become
country’s largest constructions company to deliver excellence in the field of modern infrastructures,
it has also become the bottler of the most favorite beverage brand of the world, Coca-Cola, the
producer of country’s number one ice-cream brand Igloo, Igloo milk and other dairy products, Igloo
foods and snacks, producer of pharmaceuticals, manufacturer of auto bricks, bitumen and other
construction materials. The company was awarded in 2015 for developing one of the first private
Economic Zones (EZ) of the country called Abdul Monem Economic Zone (AMEZ) in Munshiganj
on its own land of 216 acres. “AMEZ is the second economic zone in the private sector that obtained
the final nod from Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority or Beza” (“Abdul Monem gets final
license for Economic Zone”, 2017)
All these business units are built up with a view to utilizing the quality of the parent organization
and to add to the national economy with a goal of increasing opportunities for the people. Despite
the fact that, AML started as a family claimed business, it has changed into a multi-disciplinary
current business bunch conveying an incentive to our clients. Thusly, the need has been to
concentrate on building capacities to implant quality and character in their people, business
accomplices, partners and stakeholders bringing about strong and dynamic development of the
company. (‘Abdul Monem Limited’, 2014)

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The Company has more than 10,000 talented and highly skilled workforces which are the rock
bottom of its strength and long-term success. Hence, its policy requires that they take responsibility
for ensuring their safety and security as well as safeguarding their health and welfare. They also take
great pride in contributing to the community and society as a whole through active corporate social
responsibility and engagement. (‘Abdul Monem Limited’, 2017)
The company’s ultimate focus therefore, is to use its valuable resources in order to create value-
added products and services, which would contribute to the economic, social and environmental
progress and prosperity of Bangladesh. Altogether, the organization aims to lead by paradigm and
to learn from everyday experiences; it sets its endeavors to high standards for its people at all levels
and consistently meet them. The website for Abdul Monem Limited (AML) can be found at their
official website.
2.2 Vision, Mission, Objectives:
The vision of ALM is the optimum use of valuable resources including human to create value- added
products and services aimed to contribute to the economic, social and environmental
progress and prosperity of the country.
The mission of AML defines its Roadmap. AML excel to develop and deliver value added goods
and services to its esteemed customers, consistently outperform its peers, build enduring relationship
with its business associates and stakeholders, provide a dynamic and challenging environment for
its employees and aim to achieve incremental growth of its business thereby having a positive
economic and social impact on the community and the nation.
AML always prioritize setting its strategic objectives to achieve its long-term goals. In order to run
the organization profitably and satiety its stakeholders, AML always considers both Financial and
Strategic objectives along with its short term and long-term goals.

▪ Financial Objectives- AML always tries to generate sustainable growth and constant renewal
of balanced business structure through appropriate financial results.
▪ Strategic Objectives- Abdul Monem Limited is open and trustworthy to all its business
partners and consumers. Through devoted business activities, it wishes to make worthwhile
contribution to the progress of the country.

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▪ Short Term Goals- AML is committed to be one of the top market leaders, if not the supreme,
while maintaining its profit and goodwill assuring maximum benefit to its clients and
employees. To achieve the company’s short-term goals, the senior executives exhibit behavior
based on the principles of leadership and teamwork in general and situational leadership model
in particular. They are result oriented, accountable, open and humane.
▪ Long-Term Goals- Guided by the vision, AML believes in ensuring long term existence by
being profitable, successful and sustainable. This is achieved by the company’s commitments
in providing value- adding products and services demonstrate the company’s commitment to
use resources optimally

2.3 Corporate Profile:

Source: AMLBD Official Website

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2.4 Business Concerns of AML:

Source: AMLBD Official Website

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2.5 Organogram of AML:

Source: AMLBD Official Website

2.6 Achievements & Recognition:

• The President’s Industrial Award [May 2016]

• The longest TAX & VAT payer award [December, 2016]
• IFAWPCA gold medal
• Business person of the year [2008]
• Commercially important person [2010, 2011 & 2012]
• Excellence for business performance from Jamuna Bank ltd.
• Igloo- No.1 ice-cream brand by Bangladesh Brand Forum.
• Other recognition from various Government departments for business performance,
corporate governance and contribution to national development.

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2.7 Strategic Partners:

Government of Bangladesh has been a reliable strategic partner for AML from the beginning.
Another partners incudes WORLD BANK, ADB, JAICA, WFP etc. AML always maintains good
relations with local and foreign companies and that is the main success factor for AML.

Source: AMLBD Official Website

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3.1 Introducing IGLOO Ice Cream

Igloo is the most popular impulse and take-home ice cream brand of Bangladesh. Igloo was
established in 1964 as a business concern of Abdul Monem Limited under its Ice Cream & Milk
Unit. Since its beginning, Igloo has become synonymous for quality ice cream all across the
country. Over the last 50 years, Igloo has developed over 100 different varieties of flavors, forms
and shapes ice creams for a rich, unmatched experience to its consumers. Igloo is equipped with
the most modern Machineries, skilled human forces and it never compromises the quality. As the
customer taste and preference is changing day by day, Igloo is always introducing new flavors to
serve the consumer’s need. The official slogan of Igloo is, ‘A World of Great Taste’ which reflects
company’s dedication to its customers to provide a delightful experience of taste and quality.
(‘IGLOO Bangladesh’, 2015)

The new Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) tagline of Igloo is-

Source: IGLOO Bangladesh Official Website

3.2 Brand Quality & Achievements:

A brand must show a credible assurance of quality to the customers (Aaker, 1991). That is why
Igloo never compromises with the quality of their products and it is considered the best ice cream
brand of Bangladesh. Almost 95 percent raw materials are outsourced from Different European
countries in order to provide the best possible quality to its customers. Although initially Igloo milk
was the supplier of the production, now the milk is imported from Australia and New Zealand.
Chocolate, cream, flavors, etc. are sourced from Denmark. Not only the production ingredients are
imported, the packaging materials are also imported for better quality packaging. (Choudhury &
Zarrin, 2017)
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✓ Halal Certified: “Igloo Ice Cream” has been certified Halal by “BSTI”
✓ HACCP Certification: Igloo Ice Cream has been certified by Hazard Analysis and Critical

Control Points (HACCP).

✓ ISO Certified: Certified ISO 22000: 200, Food safety management systems Requirements
for any organization in the food chain.
✓ QCS (Quality Control System): Well trained personnel and professionals have been
appointed to ensure the quality of our product.

Igloo has also been awarded as “The Best Ice Cream Brand” by Bangladesh Brand Forum (BFF)
for three years in a row - 2013, 2014 and 2015. (“Best Brand Award”, n.d.)

3.3 Product Segments:

Igloo is the only company that offers the largest varieties of ice creams in different flavor and price.
Igloo is always concerned about the tastes and preferences of the customers. For that reason, Igloo
always introducing new products of different flavor and taste every now and then.
In his interview G M Kamrul Hassan (personal communication, June 28, 2017) mentions Igloo
offers ice cream for every price ranges. Based on the demographic segmentation of the customers
Igloo offers three categories of ice cream. These are- Economy, Mainstream and Premium. Most
of the customers are the Mainstream and Economy buyers. The percentage of Premium buyers lays
between 5 to 6%.

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Economy Mainstream Premium

Economy is the most Mainstream is another popular Premium segment is for the
commonly sold ice creams in segment where the price of the customers whose preference is
the market. The price of these products is moderate and the the best quality and the richest
ice creams is very low and the taste and quality is closer to the taste. The price of these
flavors are limited. The most premium. This segment is very products is very high and offers
common flavors of this popular among the young different varieties of flavor
category are- Vanilla, generation. Products of this depending on customer’s
Strawberry, Chocolate and category are- choice and preferences. Some
Mango. The products are- of the best Premium offerings
▪ Cups (Vanilla, ▪ Cornelli Classic (Mini)
Strawberry, Chocolate ▪ Belgian Chocolate (Mini) ▪ Ice Café (Paper Cup)
and Mango) ▪ Cornelli Classic ▪ Nutricks (Paper Cup)
▪ Chocbar ▪ Cornelli Premium ▪ Peanut Butter Cream P.
▪ Mini Choc ▪ Belgian Chocolate Cup
▪ Shell & Core ▪ EGO ▪ Chocolate Fudge Brownie
▪ Lolly- Lemon ▪ MEGA ▪ Chocolate Milk Shake
▪ MACHO ▪ Mango Milk Shake

Economy Mainstream Premium

▪ Lolly - Orange ▪ Almond Split (Exotic ▪ Yoghurt Milk Shake

▪ Dudh Malai Bar) ▪ FIRNI

▪ 1/2 Liter Container ▪ Swiss Chocolate (Exotic ▪ KHEER MALAI

(Vanilla, Strawberry, Bar) ▪ RASH MALAI
Chocolate and Mango) ▪ Sweet Heart ▪ DIET VANILLA
▪ 1 Liter Container ▪ Mango Melody ▪ NAWABI MITHAI
(Vanilla, Strawberry, ▪ Piata Passion ▪ LASSI
Chocolate and Mango) ▪ Strawberry Sparkle ▪ Gold: Blueberry Yoghurt
▪ 2 Liter Container ▪ Choco Cheers ▪ Gold: Chocolate Chips
(Vanilla, Strawberry, ▪ Caramel Combo Cookie Dough
Chocolate and Mango) ▪ Coconut Cooler ▪ Gold: Butter Pecan
▪ Ice Cream Cake
▪ CIAO BELLA (5 Liter)

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3.4 SWOT Analysis:

Strong Supply Chain Dependence on Imported Materials

Imported Raw Materials High R&D Cost

Strong Corporate Relations Seasonal Business

Abundance of Flavors Excessive Marketing Costs

Home Delivery Service High Turnover Rate

New Rivals in Industry Corporate Sales Department

High Government Taxation Gift Solutions
Premium Brands New Products for Winter & Off
Unavailability of Raw Materials Scope of Improving Flavors &
Changes in Climatic Conditions Emphasizing on Digital Marketing



Igloo has the largest ice cream supply network of the country. Due to its vast supply chain and
distribution network, Igloo is available over 20,000 retail stores, super shops, and hypermarkets
across the country. Igloo also has a huge number of corporate clients. Igloo has different depots
in different locations of the country for better distribution. One of the largest depots of Igloo is
located in Pantheyapath, Dhaka which is considered the central location of the city. (Abdul
Monem Limited, 2014).

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Igloo is the only company that deepens almost entirely on imported materials for its productions.
More than 95 percent of the raw materials are imported from Different countries around the world
in order to provide the best possible quality to its customers (Choudhury & Zarrin, 2017). The main
ingredient of Ice cream is the milk which is imported from countries like Australia and New Zealand.
Other ingredients such as Chocolate, cream, flavors, etc. are sourced from Denmark. Not only the
production ingredients are imported, Igloo also imports the packaging materials for better quality


Igloo is the only Ice cream brand of the country which has a dedicated department only for
corporate sales. The main task of this division is to maintain a good relation with the largest
corporations of the country and support them with different corporate solution. Igloo is the
first company that introduces Ice Cream as corporate gift solution which is a completely new
idea for Bangladesh.

Igloo has the highest number of product line with countless number of favors. The R&D and
the Branding department of the company are always working on product innovation and
continues improvements of tastes and flavors.

▪ Home Delivery Service:

Igloo is the first brand to launch ‘Free Home Delivery Service’. This service is known as
‘Hello Igloo’. It inaugurated at the end of 2016 which provides the customer the comfort of
ordering from home. In order to get this service,
• You need to call Hello Igloo (16556) number and place your order for your desired ice-cream.

• This service is completely free of charge.

• The minimum order quantity of the product should be 400Tk in total.

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• This service is identical to the catering service.

• Igloo also accepts orders for any big occasions like marriage ceremony or party programs.
• Igloo also provides customized lid sticker according to consumer demand for different occasions
like marriages, Gaye Holuds or birthday parties. Customized lid sticker can be such as “Reza’s
Gaye Holud”.
• For the customized orders, you need to confirm the order 10 days BEFORE the delivery day.
• Minimum order quantity should be 1000 pieces. Order time: Saturday – Thursday, 10 am to 6
pm, but for delivering, Igloo is prepared throughout the week including Friday.
• For regular product orders, the products will be delivered within 45 minutes order.
• Currently this service is available only in Dhaka.

Source: IGLOO Ice Cream Official Facebook Page

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Igloo is highly dependent on foreign ingredients for its production to ensure the quality and customer
satisfactions. Any uncertainty in global economy and politics could affect the production process of
Igloo as more than 95% raw materials are imported from different countries.


Igloo spends a huge amount of money on its Research and Development department for product
innovation and for introducing new products and favors.

Ice Cream business is completely a seasonal business. The production and sales of ice cream
fluctuates on a monthly basis throughout a year. There is a common perception in our consumer’s
mind that ice cream should not be consumed in winter season. Based on the sales forecast, we can
divide a year into 4 parts, Peak, Supper -Peak, Off-Peak and Supper Off-Peak.

Source: Google

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The highest quantity of ice cream is sold in the month of April, May and June which is called Supper Peak
season also known as Summer. More than 46% yearly sales come only from these three months together.
March, July and August, is known as the Peak season which consist an average of 36% yearly sales. In the
months, February, September and October only covers 15% of yearly sales. In winter season, only 3% of
yearly sales are covered that is why it is called Supper Off-Peak.


Due to increased competitions, Igloo now has to invest more on marketing campaigns which also increased
the total cost of the organization.


In any FMCG company, a major problem is high turnover rate of the employees. Igloo also suffers a lot.
High turnover rate leads increasing recruiting and training cost for the new workforces.



The biggest challenge for Igloo is the new Rivals in the industry in recent years. Previously, Polar was the
only major competitor for Igloo but now, the number of competitors are 6 to 7. Some of these rivals have
come to the market with huge investments and aggressive marketing strategies.


Increased TAX and VAT by government in budgets over Ice cream and Beverages could increase the cost
and eventually the price of retail units of ice creams.

Premium brands like Bellissimo are bringing all-premium products. This could decrease the sales of
premium products by Igloo and eventually Igloo might lose more market shares.

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As Igloo is highly dependent on imported raw materials for their production, any uncertainty regarding the
availability of those goods might hamper the production of Igloo.


Ice cream is considered as seasonal business as it is manipulated directly by the seasons and climates. In
recent years, during summer excessive rainfall decreases the sales of ice cream.



Igloo is the first Ice cream brand that has a fully functional Corporate Sales department. The main job of
this department is to maintain a long-term relation with the largest corporations of the country. The quality
of sales is in bulk amount and the opportunity is very high for further improvement.

Igloo is providing ice cream as gift solution to its customers. Igloo has targeted different industries as their
potential clients. One on these industry is Pharmaceuticals companies. As Pharmaceuticals are providing
different gifts to their clients and doctors, Igloo is promoting ice cream as a gift solution to them.


Although ice cream is a seasonal business, if Igloo could come up with some new idea of alternative
products for winter it would be highly effective. For example, if Igloo brings a new ice cream, that turns
into Coffee or Latte when make them hot, people would buy Igloo ice cream even in winter season.

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More and more rivals are joining in the industry every day. That is why Igloo should emphasize more on
product innovations and invest more on Research and Development. More new flavors should be launched
frequently in order to cope up with the competitions.


We are living in the age of technology, and social medias are playing vial role in our daily life. People spend
more time on Social medias like Facebook and Instagram than TV, newspapers or Radios. That is why,
Igloo could increase the budget for Digital Marketing Campaigns to grab more audiences.

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3.5 Organogram of IGLOO Ice Cream:

Source: AMLBD Official Website

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3.6 CSR Activities:

Brand activation is considered one of the most effective ways of engaging the customer with the
brand. According to Saeed et al. (2015) “Brand activation is defined as a marketing relation created
between brand and consumers in a way that consumers understand the brand in a better way and
consider it as a part of their lives. Brand activation is the process of activating the customers by
joining the all available sources of the communication in a creative manner.” (p. 94).

In order to increase the customer involvement with the brand, Igloo always arranges different
champing that increases the brand awareness and customer attachments to the brand. Igloo often
sponsors different shows, musical concerts, institutional camping, fairs etc. to make Igloo a part of
their lives. One of the most practiced invent by Igloo is “Igloo Ice Cream Fest” which is the largest
ice cream festival of the country that offers unlimited scoops of ice cream to its customers.

Apart from Brand Activation activities, another major relationship building approach is Corporate
Social Responsibilities (CSR). Corporate Social is considered as a set of activities, policies and
policies to that ensures all the actives done by the company are ethical, responsible to the society,
its stakeholders and its environment. Corporate Social Activity incorporates addressing the ethical,
legal, commercial and all the desires society has for the corporation, and setting up strategies that
balance the rights of every single key stakeholders of the organization. (Khan, 2009). Thus, the
FMCG organizations can utilize this chance to bait this area to utilize perceived high valued
products. A large portion of the FMCG organizations are engaged with the CSR activates in sectors
such as education, rural development, Community development, environment protection etc. which
will create a positive impression of the organization or brand and will ultimately increase the sales.
(Ravichandran & Chandilyan, 2016).

Khan (2009) in his article, mentions, the minimum amount of money every company should spend
on its CSR activates is 0.2% of its total amount of sales. He also mentioned that all the information
about company’s CSR activates should be available in the reports for the public and the stakeholder
for increasing brand value.
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As a major brand of the country, Igloo always concerned about its corporate responsibilities and
that is why Igloo often launches different CSR addressing and supporting different social issues
and occasions.

IGLOO Ice Cream Fest IGLOO Lil Art Champ Competition

IGLOO School Activation Campaign

Source: IGLOO Bangladesh Website

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4.1 Job Description as an Intern:

As Internships is a mandatory stage for the completion of the graduation, I have pursued my
internship at Abdul Monem Limited, Igloo Ice Cream & Milk Unit. I was assigned as an intern in the
Corporate Sales department to cooperate the activities under a Corporate Sales Intern. The CEO was
directly monitoring the activates followed by Marketing & Sales Specialists. As the department is
new, the human forces are less in numbers and the activities are wide spared, my responsibilities were
not limited to my job description. However, there were some routine activities I had to do on daily
basis during my internship period.

The Specific Job Responsibilities:

▪ Monitor Corporate Sales Channels in different zonal areas with ATSO. [Dhanmondi,
Mohammadpur, Shymoli, Mirpur, Gulshan, Banani & Uttara were the targeted zone].
▪ Continuous monitoring of the storage facilities and keeping records of the products.
▪ Check the delivery process on daily basis.
▪ Maintain communications with the clients during delivery and answering the queries.
▪ Control and instruct the BP (Brand Promoters) who will be delivering the products.
▪ Allocate the route plan and arranging the transportation for delivery.
▪ Keep the updates and reports of the delivery progress.
▪ Frequent Market visit for conducting survey & research.
▪ Ensure Sales volume in the monitoring channels.
▪ Convince customers to try out new products launched in the market (DITF 2018
▪ Brainstorm new ideas for sales generating & enhancing promotion.
▪ Assist in several event launch programs.
▪ Assist in upcoming projects.
▪ Responsibilities assigned by the Branding & Sales officials.
▪ Monitoring the storage facilities and keeping records of the inventories.

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5.1 Corporate Sales Department:
Marketing is confronting a new worldview known as relationship marketing. (Grönroos, 1994).
Today’s marketing is all about relationship building. Customer loyalty is the ultimate pathway to
the success of an organization. According to (Grönroos, 1990) “The basic assumption is that
customer satisfaction drives profitability” That is why corporations nowadays are trying to create
new ways to build and maintain relationship with the customers. One of these new approaches is
Corporate Sales.
Although Corporate Sales has been established in the outside world for many years, it is still a new
concept in our country. Corporate sale usually involves selling products to a company or
organization in ‘bulk’ amount. The products sold in corporate sales are usually the same products
that are sold in the retail market. Only the difference is, it is sold in bulk amount in a large quantity
to various organizations. However, sometimes the products might be customized based on client’s
requirements and preferences.
Igloo is the only Bangladeshi ice cream brand that has established a corporate sales division along
with its Channel Development & Public Relation department. The department was initially
launched as a pilot project of Igloo by the CEO of Igloo Ice Cream. Due to his visionary ideas and
the dedications of the workforces of the department, it has already been very popular among the
corporations. The approximate value of average monthly sales by this department is 60 Lacs Taka
which is considered as a huge success for a pilot project.

5.2 Marketing Mix:

The Marketing Mix includes the Four Ps – Product, Price, Place & promotion. Igloo creatively
blends and develops the best mix for its target market through these 4 ps.
▪ Product:
Igloo is prominently known for its classy and delicious product line. It continuously serves the
quality product with exotic flavors and taste. Igloo is maintaining a superior quality through its
imported ingredients from India, Pakistan, Denmark and Holland with the help of regular
production consultancy, analyzing products through separate R&D department and keeping the
consumers purchase behavior in mind. For instance; at what price consumers would like to buy the
product? What type of Flavors and essence to be used? Any survey for consumers feedback and
analyze the market?
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Igloo’s Product line includes distinctive ingredients, as some are vanilla flavor with chocolate
hazelnut or milk coating, some may have crispy flakes, others include Blueberry, Cheesecake,
Pistachio, Coffee and what not. Each of these has positioned itself as a unique brand in consumer’s
▪ Price:
Igloo considers its price by keeping the consumers buying behavior in mind and thus keeps the kind
of competition in the target market as well as maintain the cost of the four ps. There’s a wide range
of prices for its various segments. This includes a range starting from TK 20 to TK 60 for cups and
sticks, TK 200+ for family pack items. Igloo’s parlor extensively caters to the taste of the upper
income consumers, has a price range of around TK 150+ to 500+.

▪ Place:

The distribution network of Igloo makes the product available throughout the country. Igloo also
operates to extend its reach to various consumers at different locations as schools, colleges,
universities, alleys, streets, parks etc. Besides, shopping malls as One Stop , Agora, Swapno, Stop
and Shop, Meena Bazar as well as departmental stores as Yusuf, Needs, Almas etc. contains Igloo’s
freezers and so on. Its network also covers each lanes of Dhaka city through appointing local
distributors and dedicated sales teams to accompany their freezers.

▪ Promotion:

Promotional mix of Igloo follows Word of Mouth, Sales promotion, Public Relation, Direct
Marketing and a minimal number of Media Advertising. According to the surveys, people believe
brand recommendations more from friends and family members. IGLOO has achieved its brand
loyalty from the very beginning and still rules the market share of 38%. Even specific promotions are
developed for Eid, Christmas, Friendship, Valentine and other occasions. The Ice Cream fests on
winter & summer season, Children’s biggest art competition, Social welfare program and all other
development activities are also included in this sector. Besides, Create Buzz marketing on Facebook
by Photo-contest is a part of digital promotion. A temporary reduction in the price on winter season
launch new flavor in DITF, Free giveaway by collecting coupon leaflet in newspaper are some of the
selling strategies.

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5.3 Sales Execution
Process:5.6 EXECUTI ON
I have conducted an Interview session of the Key Accounts Manager of Corporate Sales Department;
Md. Morsheduzzaman for having a precise knowledge about the Sales Execution Process. According
to him, Service is much more vital in Corporate sales rather than dealers. Also, they continuously
carry on promotions once or twice in a month for retaining customer awareness. He emphasized on
sampling, customer awareness promotion as well. Additionally, Sales growth are compared yearly
and it is currently around 25%. There’s some loopholes for proper vehicle delivery system in narrow
roads and this is why each channel development is being hindered. However, all the activities of
corporate sales are repeated again and again. Some of the existing corporate clients of Igloo are, Robi,
ACI Limited, Ziska Pharma, Desh TV, Reneta Limited, Esquire, Opsonin Pharma, Radiant Pharma,
ACME Laboratories and Biopharma Limited. Usually, the activities of corporate sales follow the
following process:

Source: Google

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a) Target Potential Client

This is the primary stage of the process. In this stage employees collect information about potential
target customers. Before that, they need to fix an industry on which they want to work on. For
example, “There are some 257 registered pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh, 194 of which
are in operation. The industry manufactures about 5,600 brands of medicines in different dosage
forms.” (“Pharma sector can earn $1b”, 2017). Igloo can target this industry for potential clients.

b) Client Visit & Proposal Submission

In the second phrase, the workforce of Corporate Sales take appointment from the representative of
the company they have identified as potential client. Usually, the employees pitch their proposal
and offering to the personals of Product Management or Marketing department of that particular

c) Follow Up & Sampling

Usually the potential clients get a reminder and follow-up of the proposal one week after the first
visit. It the clients are interested, then they are sent free sample of the product for further decisions
regarding purchase. Free Sampling are also conducted in alternative weekends at shopping malls,
fairs etc. for having direct response from consumers.

d) Purchase Order from Client

If the clients finally take the decision to purchase the products after sampling, they sent an official
Purchase Order (PO) via Email or Igloo’s mailing address. In this stage, the potential client becomes
client of the company. PO details all the instructions regarding purchase, such as quantity, product
name, branding instructions, size of the level and packaging, delivery destination, delivery dates etc.

e) Branding & Manufacturing

Based on the requirement production unit stars working on manufacturing the products. Usually
production unit requires 7 days lead time prior to delivery date. Meanwhile, the Branding team stars
working on the design and branding of the client’s products or services. Igloo uses both in house
and outsourced designs for branding.

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f) Storing at Depot
The products are brought and stored from the factory to the depot of Igloo one or two days before
the delivery.

Source: IGLOO Ice Cream Depot

g) Product Delivery on Required Time

Based on the requirements, the products are delivered to the desired locations with the help of Igloo’s
freezer cars and Brand Promoters. If the customer wants to send the gifts to their clients’ home or
office individually, Igloo delivers the products to the door end.

h) Billing

Some of clients purchase the products on credit and some of them pays in advance. That is why the
time of billing varies. Typically, the bills are made One to Three months after the delivery
completes. As all the clients of Igloo are well reputed companies in their respective industries, they
don’t have to really worry about the payment of their service.

i) 'Vat Chalan' Submission

If Igloo pays the VAT for the products, they have to submit a VAT Chalan to the clients for further
record. Igloo usually follows two approaches regarding VAT. In the first approach, the VAT is paid

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by Igloo. In that case, Igloo needs to send the documentations to the client that they have paid all
the required VAT to the government. In the other approach, the client pays VAT by themselves.

j) Feedback & Repurchase

It’s a common practice by Igloo to collect constructive feedback from the client after the service.
Clients are encouraged to express their true feeling about the experienced service. This practice helps
the employees to correct their mistakes and deliver better service in the next time. If the client is
satisfied, usually they repurchase Igloo’s products as a trusted business partner and the relationship

5.4 Igloo & its Unique Services:

Igloo Corporate sales department has some unique services that make the corporate sales department
more acceptable to its clients. Some of these are as follows:

✓ Corporate gifts solution- Igloo completely changed the traditional approach of gifts. Igloo
introduces Ice Cream as a corporate gift. As Ice Cream is known as a ‘Happy Product’, that
makes everyone delighted, Igloo believes giving Ice cream as a corporate gift will make the
clients of the customer ‘Delighted’.
✓ Differentiation- Sending Ice Cream as gift makes a unique impression to the customer’s
clients. As the concept of giving ice cream as a corporate gift is still not establish yet, it will
eventually make the customer standing out from the crowd

✓ Customized Products- The clients can either go for the regular products by Igloo, or it can be
customized. Igloo provides customizations of its products, flavors, shapes and sizes. For example,
if the client wants to order 5-liter Parlor container ice cream in small cups or 1-liter small
container, Igloo can aggrege that as per customer requirement. Igloo also produces large size
customized ‘Ice Cream Cake’ for its corporate clients.

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Source: Customized Ice Cream Cake for client Robi

✓ Cost Effective- For the corporate clients, Igloo offers a special discounted Trade Price (TP)
as the quantity is bulk amount, which is very cost effective from the customer’s point of
✓ Customized Packaging- As a customer, the first concern is how is Ice-Cream going to stay
fresh for long time. Keeping the temperature low to maintain the cold-chain is the greatest
challenge for products like ice cream. To solve this problem Igloo provides Customized Cork
Sheets that maintains cold-chain up to 6 hours. Igloo also provides custom made poly bag
for carrying the product conveniently.

Source: Customized Cork Sheet Box for Esquire Electronics EID Camping

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✓ Customized Promotion- Igloo Provides Customized branding facility to its clients on the
Product Containers and the Caring boxes of the products. This gives the clients freedom to
do Banding their own products or Brands with their desired gifts.

Source: Customized Level Branding Design for Ziska Pharma

✓ Nationwide Delivery- With the help of its nationwide supply network, Igloo is capable of
delivering its products to the end-customers anywhere across the country. This delivery
service includes Transportations, Brand Promoters and other delivery related services. Igloo
also delivers products individually to the customers door end bases on the client requirement.

✓ Database Clients Information- Igloo maintains the Database of the Special Dates and
Occasions of its customer’s valuable Clients and delivers special gifts as a representative of
that organization on those special occasions. Igloo always promotes Happiness. This service
ensures the complete satisfaction of its clients.

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6.1 Major Findings & Observation:
According to the Key Accounts Manager, Sales Officer & my own observations, I have figured out
some major findings in the following:
1. Based on the 5 Sample survey from DITF and random customer feedback, everyone prefers
Igloo ice cream over polar as they find it convenient and have better taste quality than other
local brands. However, 3 of them tried club gelato, cold stone creamery’s ice creams and they
liked their taste but the price was not satisfactory to them.
2. Igloo is spending comparatively less on media Advertising than some of its rivals. Rather they
follow monthly Promotional activities to gain customer awareness.
3. The main advantage Igloo has over its competitor is “Word of Mouth” by its customer for its
reputation for good quality Ice Cream in affordable price range.
4. Igloo’s branding is always included in the packaging of the product. This helps Igloo to reach
more audience and it increases potential customers.
5. The employee satisfaction level in Igloo’s Corporate Sales department is very low which leads
to high turnover rate.
6. The amount of Manpower assigned in Igloo’s Corporate sales department is very small to run
such a big operation. Also, there’s lack of proper training inside the organization.
7. In corporate sales, all the products are customized based on Customers requirement which
isn’t possible in the retail purchase.
8. Igloo always tries to create a positive brand impression to its customers and that is why it always
focuses on long term relationships. This is the reason why the Corporate Sales department was
launched in the first place.
9. Corporate sales not only increase bulk sales, but also increases retail sales. Products sold to
the corporations are usually in bulk amount which means a single client can be more profitable
than the others. Through corporate gift, the clients of Igloo’s customers get to know about
Igloo’s new products and if they like the taste and flavor, they will buy the product from retail
stores again and again.
10. Corporate sales follow the 80/20 rule. According to (Koch,1998, p.4) “In Business, 20 per
cent of products usually account for about 80 per cent of dollar sales value; so, do 20 per cent
of customers. 20 per cent of products or customers usually also account for about 80 per cent
of an organization’s profits.” (p.4)

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11. Once Igloo provides good service to a client and if the client is satisfied, they will come back
for repurchase.
12. 95% of the Raw materials of Igloo’s production is outsourced from foreign countries which
leads to inefficiency and increased production cost.
13. The market share of Igloo has been dropping at a significant rate due to extreme competition in
the industry. In 2014, the market share of Igloo was 63%, which dropped to 38% in 2016.
(Rayed et al., 2015, Choudhury & Zarrin, 2017)
14. Along with the existing and new local rivals, International brands like- Cream & Fudge, Cold
Stone Creamery, Baskin Robbins etc. have been a greater threat for Igloo in recent years.
(Choudhury & Zarrin, 2017).

6.2 Recommendations:
Based on the findings of study, in order to overcome the existing problem, increase market share
and improve Igloo’s service quality to build a sustainable long -term relationship with its
customers, the following steps could be takes to the consideration. The recommendations are as

▪ Igloo needs to focus and invest more on these communication medias to let the customer
know about its new product and service offering.
▪ Igloo needs to create that positive image through its communications so that the customers
prefers Igloo over other brands. The customer may perceive that one brand is more desirable
than its rival's exclusively due to the distinction in Brand Image (Schiffman and Kanuk,
▪ Increasing Knowledge of the employees of corporate sales about Products, Production
Process, Organization Capacities, Distribution & Supply Chain, Production Limitations for
by arranging Factory Visit, training session, workshop etc.
▪ Setting a different sales price only for corporate sales department that includes Product,
Branding Cost, Delivery Cost, Packaging Cost etc.
▪ Giving Individual Monthly Target to all the employee in order to boost up the sales.
▪ Making Structured Team that are capable of executing all three-major process, client relation
building, Branding and Sampling and Delivery.

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▪ Igloo needs to focus more on the Premium segment and introduce more products in their
premium lineup. Higher income consumers usually stick to one premium brand as premium
brands represents their social status (Tepeci,1999).
▪ Providing Support & Feedback to the employees to motivate them and correcting the errors.
▪ Individual Commissions or incentives should be given to the employees if they successfully
achieve their targets.
▪ As sales is more of a field work than desk job, flexibility in working hour could be provided
to the employees of corporate sales.
▪ In order to ensure the best customer service, Igloo needs to train its employees properly so
that they achieve the proper service knowledge.
▪ Igloo must pay high concentration to the work environment, employee needs and demands
and other facts. One of the most crustal fact in sales industry is incentives on the sales to its
employee which works as a motivational tool.
▪ Igloo must track all is failure records and try to recover the service by providing the customer
complementary gifts or incentive and apologizing for the failure.

From the beginning of its journey, Abdul Monem Limited has been an influential name in the
business and development of our country. Its vast diversification, cooperation with the government,
global agencies, skilled and experienced workforce and dedication to improve the life of the citizens
life has made AML one of the most successful and renowned business conglomerates of the country.
It was a unique experience to work on a such diversified organization for the internship. During the
internship period, I have had the first-hand experience to work on planning, public relation
maintaining, branding, supply chain and delivery department of Igloo ice cream, country’s largest
branded ice cream manufacturer. In spite of being a new department, the employees are doing a
great job without any prior experience and training. An approximate of 50 lac Taka sales is coming
every moth on an average. This indicates how vast the corporate sales can go. Both the employees
and the management of Igloo are committed enough to the fact that this department will become the
key success factor for Igloo in the nearest future. All is needed is proper guideline, training and

41 | P a g e
1. Abdul Monem Limited. (n.d.). Retrieved from

2. IGLOO Ice Cream Bangladesh. (n.d.). Retrieved from

3. Company Brochure (n.d.). Abdul Monem Limited. Retrieved August 1, 2017; from

4. Rahman, M. (2017). ‘IGLOO: Building Long-term Relationship through Corporate Sales’.

Retrieved from
BBA.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y &

5. Khan. A. P. (2018, January 24). ‘Demand for ice cream rising with high buying capacity’.
Retrieved from

6. ‘Abdul Monem Limited Completes 50 Years of Success’. (2016, September 9). The Pages.
Retrieved from

7. ‘Report on Ice Cream Companies of Bangladesh’. (n.d). Retrieved from

8. Future Startup. (2017, November 28). ‘IGLOO, Ice Cream Industry In Bangladesh and Career:
An Interview With G M Kamrul Hassan, CEO’. Retrieved from

9. Shuvo, N. H. (2015, September 15). Research Proposal on Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study
on Igloo Ice Cream. Retrieved from

10. Haque, M.S.S., Bappy, T. A., & Arifuzzaman, M. (2018). ‘The Impact of Brand Awareness on
Customer Loyalty towards Igloo Ice Cream: A Study on Dhaka University Students’.
International Journal of Science and Business, 2(1), 1-21. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1136274.
Retrieved from

11. Papon, M. (2015). ‘Marketing Analysis of Igloo & Milk Vita’. Retrieved May 6, 2015 from

12. Report on IGLOO Ice Cream (n.d). Retrieved from

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Question-Answer Session with CEO, G M Kamrul Hassan

Question: How much has the company evolved over the past two years?
Kamrul Hassan: Over the past years, we have invested in innovation to grow customer
acceptance by introducing a host of new variations of ice creams. We have recently launched an
ice-cream combining the flavor of Horlicks. We had added variations like Rasmalai, Kheer Malai
among others. In the last two years, we have introduced around 14 different ice-creams with about
50% success rate. We have launched products for different age and families.
Going forward, we are focusing on three areas: bringing in more innovations in every aspect of
our operations, improving our distributions and investing in the skill development of our people.
While we have evolved significantly over the past few years, I think we are far from reaching our
market potential and have a long way to go.

Question: What do you think about competition in the market?

Kamrul Hassan: Ice cream is a growing industry. Currently, the size of branded ice cream
market is somewhere around BDT 1200 crore annually. Competition is always good for the
business, particularly when the industry is growing. It is good as long as you are the leader and
your business is not affected by the competition. And at the end of the day, you have to make
sure that when customers are buying an ice cream they are buying yours over competitors.
The challenge is ensuring that customers identify your brand as the best value for money. And
that has always been our priority – to ensure that we are providing the best value for money to
our customers regardless of competition.

Question: What are the challenges for IGLOO now? What challenges do you see down the line
5 to 7 years?
Kamrul Hassan: First of all, people. Finding and retaining good people is a challenge for every
organization. Anyone can make ice cream, determine prices and start selling in the market. But
in order to succeed you have to understand the business, your customer, their demand and have

43 | P a g e
a holistic view of things. You can do that efficiently and effectively when you have great people.
That’s a challenge for us.

Question: How do you deal with stress and challenges that come with your profession?
Kamrul Hassan: Broadly, there are two types of challenges. One is internal and the other is
external that is beyond our control. Many time we worry about things that are beyond our control.
I try to see things closely and respond accordingly. I maintain a rather stoic belief regarding
challenges and difficulties. In life and business, challenge is the only constant that does not
change. There will be challenges and there will be stress. Our job is to find the best possible
course of action within the limitation. The entire point of facing a challenge is that we need to
find a way to tackle it.

Research Questions
• What are the variables and factors that affect brand awareness to influence customer loyalty
towards Igloo?
• How important one factor is in comparison with another in terms of creating band awareness?
• How to measure Sales growth and revenue in Corporate Sales?
• What are the recommendations about effective brand awareness programs for Igloo in order
to ensure higher customers satisfaction and higher loyalty?

1. Have you ever tried Igloo ice cream?

Yes No

2. Please rank the following brand from most preferred to least preferred. (Igloo,
Polar, Kwality, Bellisimo, Bloop, Zaa& Zee, Mi Amore, Others)
I. ___________________
II. ___________________
III. ___________________
IV. ___________________
V. ___________________
44 | P a g e
VI. ___________________
VII. ___________________
3. Which attribute(s) of Igloo ice cream do you prefer most?
Taste Variety Hygienic
Distribution Attractive Packaging Others ___________
Please answer the following question
[put a tick mark (v) in any of the box on the 1-5 points scale. if your agreement is strongly
agree then give 5 and for strongly disagree then give 1]

14. Gender
Male Female
15. In which age group you are?
20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 60+
16. Education level
Graduate Undergraduate Diploma
H.S.C S.S.C Others _________________
17. What is your family monthly income?
10000 – 15000 15000-25000 25000-35000
35000- 45000 45000-60000 60000+
18. By profession what you are?
Private Employee Govt. Student
Business Others ______
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