The Blessed Trinity

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Beliefs about God

● Deists​ - believe that God created the universe, but that he takes no further interest in it
● Atheists​ - do not believe in the existence of God
● Secular humanists​ - claim that world can operate without any recourse to God
● Agnostics​ - people who claim that God’s existence cannot be known

Monotheistic Religions Polytheistic Religion mono - one

Judanism Hinduism theos - God
Christianity poly - many

Heartfelt Proofs for God’s Existence

1. An unquenchable thirst for joy and happiness ​- God implanted a homing device that causes us to
be restless until we find him
2. An experience of beauty and truth - when we experience profound joy and truth, we get a taste
of God’s beauty and truth
3. A sense of personal conscience, moral goodness, and justice - we sense there is an absolute
moral authority that teaches the standard of human behavior
4. Love​ - love comes from love itself: GOd

One, True God

- We need never fear the journey if we realize that God is our Father, a loving Father, and that he
is in charge, directing us to our destination
- Belief in one true God is central to all other aspects of our Catholic faith

Creator of Heaven and Earth: Truths about God’s creation

- God created us male and female out of love and for love
- God is the creator of all that is seen and unseen
- Though essentially good because God made us, humans are tainted with sin
- Through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, God invites us into a personal relationship
with him

- Total absolute commitment (according to CCC)
- Blessed trinity
- Loving knowledge → we don’t stop knowing God
- Help us grow and mature as filipinos
- Sends us forth to spread the gospel

Our Christian faith is at once both…

- Certain but mystery
- Free personal response to God, yet morally binding
- Reasonable yet beyond natural ways of knowing → we believe even if we don’t understand
- Individual act yet life-long process
- A gift from God (revelation & interior inspiration) yet we do ourselves
- Personal individual response, possible only as a member of the Christian community

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