TEaching Advt. 2019 (1)

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Advt. No.

AES/MNIT/ESTT/2019/TEACHING/01 Dated July 16, 2019

Recruitment for Faculty Positions at the level of Professor/Associate
Professor/Assistant ProfessorGrade II (on contract) in Various
Departments of the Institute.

Online applications are invited from Indian Nationals for filling up

various teaching posts of the institute. For details of each category of
posts and other information like essential qualification, desirable
qualification, experience, upper age limit, reservation and application
fee etc. visit institute website www.mnit.ac.in.
Online application process will start from 16/07/19 and submission link
will be disabled 19/08/19.

(An Institute of National importance under MHRD, Govt. of India)
J L N Marg, Jaipur-302017, Rajasthan, INDIA.
(Advertisement No. AES/MNIT/ESTT/2019/TEACHING/01)

Recruitment for Faculty Positions at the levelof Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant Professor

Grade II (on contract) in various Departments of the Institute.

1. Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur is one among 31 NITs established by GOI, an
Institution of National importance declared by the Act of Parliament and a premier
technicalInstitution of the country,offering several Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral
Programmes in Engineering, Sciences, Management, Humanities and Social Science
andArchitecture, and also provides excellent ambience foracademic research and co-curricular

2. The Institute invites applications for the faculty positions at the level of Professor/Associate
Professor/Assistant Professor Grade II (on contract) in various Departments of the Institute, from
Indian Nationals possessing excellentacademic record, commitment to quality teaching, potential
for carrying out outstanding research andinclination towards institutional development. The
candidates are advised to fill up online application form at the Institute website (www.mnit.ac.in)
and send the hard copy of the duly filled application form along with the self attested copies of the
relevant testimonials, certificates; enclosures etc. by speed / registeredpost to:

The Registrar,
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur,
J L N Marg, Jaipur-302017 (Raj.) lndia.

The last date of receipt of hard copy of duly filled application form along with all self attested
supportingdocuments and application fee details is 27-08-2019 by 05:30 PM.

3. Name of the Post, Number of Vacancies and Pay Level with initial payDetails.

S. Name of the Pay (Non- GRAND
No. Post Scale/Level Creamy TOTAL
AGP - 5
1 Professor 5 - - - -
14A(7 CPC)
AGP 9500(6th
Associate CPC)/Level
2 73 - - - - - 73
Professor 13A-2(7th
AGP 6000(6th
3 CPC)/Level 37 27 25 16 47 4 156
Grade II (On
10*(7th CPC)
TOTAL 115 27 25 16 47 4 234

NOTE 1: As prescribed in Schedule ‘E’ of NIT Statutes (Amended 2017) (Ref. Gazette of India dated
July 24, 2017) and Guidelines/Procedures issued by MHRD till the date of interview, shall be
applicable with this advertisement.
NOTE 2: Number of vacancies may be increased/decreased without any notification. Reservation in
Direct recruitment shall be applicable as per Govt. of India Norms. The Gazette of India, Part
ll.,Section 1, No. 22, & Part ll., Section 3, No. 1013, dated 7th March, 2019 and Govt. of India,
No,36039/1/2019-Estt (Res),dated 31stJanuary, 2019 .
NOTE 3:The Institute reserves the right to modify / defer or cancel the advertisement / recruitment at
any stage of processing without assigning any reasons.

4. The tentative areas of Specialization for the posts of Professor/Associate Professor/Assistant

Professor in various Departments/Centers, however the Institute reserve the right to select/ consider
the any area of specialization :

A. Engineering and Architecture & Planning Departments:

S.No. Name of Department Specializations Required

1 Civil Engineering Geotechnical Engineering, Environmental Engineering,
Transportation Engineering, Structural Engineering, Marine
Structures,Water Resources Engineering, Surveying, Building and
construction technology, Disaster assessment and mitigation and

2 Chemical Engineering a. Modeling, Simulation and Control (molecular modeling

and process simulation and control)[B.Tech and M.Tech
in Chemical Engg. Along with Ph.D. in relevant area],
b. Catalysis and Reaction Engineering (bio catalysis and
fermentation) [One degree out of B.Tech./M.Tech. must
be in Chemical Engg. and other degree with Ph.D. in the
relevant discipline/area related to specialization].
c. Energy Technology (energy storage, biomass energy)
[One degree out of B.Tech/ M.Tech must be in Chemical
Engg and other degree with Ph.D. in the relevant
discipline/area related to specialization].
d. Polymer Technology [One degree out of B.Tech/M.Tech
must be in Chemical Engg and other degree with Ph.D. in
the relevant discipline/area related to specialization].
e. Process intensification and Petroleum Engg./Technology
[One degree out of B.Tech/M.Tech must be in Chemical
Engg and other degree with Ph.D. in the relevant
discipline/area related to specialization].
f. Nonmaterial’s [One degree out of B.Tech/M.Tech must
be in Chemical Engg and other degree with Ph.D. in the
relevant discipline/area related to specialization].
3 Mechanical Thermal Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Design
Engineering Engineering, Production Engineering.
4 Metallurgical and Process Metallurgy, Mechanical Metallurgy, Physical Metallurgy,
Materials Engineering Materials Engineering

5 Electrical Engineering Power Electronics, Control System, Micro Electronics, Energy

Systems, Electrical Machines

6 Electronics a. MEMS/NEMS,
&Communication b. Mixed Signal Circuits,
Engineering c. RF Integrated Circuits, V
d. LSI Testing, verification, Formal verification.
e. Hardware-Software Co-Design, SoC Design.
f. Microprocessors & Microcontrollers-architecture &
g. Advanced Computer Architecture-Parallel, Multicore,
h. Embedded Systems & IoT Security.
i. Real time systems, Embedded Software design.
j. Signal and Image Processing.
k. Communication Systems, Wireless & Mobile
Communication, Communication Networks.
l. Information & Coding Theory
m. Optical Networks
n. Cyber/Information Security.
o. Graphs, Algorithms & Optimization.
p. Computer Networks.
7 Computer Science & Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Programming
Engineering Languages, DBMS & Data Science, Computer Networks
(Advanced Networks, Wireless), Image Processing/ Computer
Vision, AI and Robotics, Data Structure and Algorithms,
Computational Mathematics (Logic, Discrete Structures),
Theoretical Computer Science (Automata, Compilers), Digital
Logic and Microprocessors (including VLSI), Distributed and
Parallel Computing (including Cloud), Systems (Embedded, OS,
/Etc.), Platform based Computing (Web, Android, Gaming),
Human Computer Interaction,
8 Architecture & Architecture Conservation, Landscape Architecture, Building
Planning Department Science, Building Engineering and Management, Construction
Management, Digital Architecture, Sustainable Architecture,
Product Design, Urban Design, Interior Architecture/ Furniture
Design. Transportation Planning, Environmental planning,
Geometrics( GIS& Remote sensing)
B. Science Department:
9. Physics Condensed Matter Physics, Materials Science, Experimental High
Energy Physics, Cosmology, Astroparticle Physics, Theoretical
High Energy Physics, Laser & Optics, Plasma Physics, Quantum
C. Management Department:

10. Management Marketing Management, Financial Management/ Economics/

Studies HRM/OB/Communication/ General Management/ Strategy/
Business Intelligence and Analysis/ Operations Management

5. Facilities extended to the regular faculty members of MNIT, Jaipur

As per the norms, the Institute extends following facilities to its regular faculty members, which
may change from time to time:

a) Financial assistance for attending national/international conferences for presenting

researchpapers sponsored training in India and abroad, membership of professional societies
etc, under the scheme of Cumulative Professional Development Allowance (CPDA).

b) Suitable in-campus accommodation depending on availability may be provided on recovery

of license fee as per Institute norms. However, such newly recruited faculty member will not
be eligible for HRA.

c) Medical Facilities to faculty and his/her dependent family members as per Institute norms.

d) Reimbursement of tuition fees for children studying upto class XII as per Government of
India norms.

e) Transportation Allowances as per Government of India norms.

f) LTC / fresh appointee LTC as per Government of India norms.

6. Qualification and other terms and conditions of appointment of Assistant Professor (Grade-
As prescribed in Schedule ‘E’ of NIT Statutes (Amended 2017) (Ref. Gazette of India dated
July, 24, 2017). Link for the same is available on the website http://www.mnit.ac.in.
Candidates are requested to go through the details of posts and instructions available on the
website carefully before applying.

a) All new entrants shall have Ph.D. in the relevant or equivalent discipline and shall have first
class in preceding degrees. Here, 'preceding degrees' means Bachelors' Degree onwards.
b) ln case first class is not mentioned in the preceding degrees, then the candidates should have
passed and secured at least 6.5 CGPA (on a 10-point scale) or 60% marks in aggregate.
c) Conversion from CGPA to percentage or vice versa given by individual Institute/University
will not be considered / allowed for determination of eligibility.
d) In case the candidate has secured CGPA under any other point scale (other than 10 point
scale), then certificate issued by the authorized signatory (not the Mentor/Supervisor/Head of
the Department) of the Institute/University to the effect of having secured first class in such
degree must be attached. Alternately, the CGPA may be equivalently converted on 10 point
scale for determination of eligibility.
e) The above mentioned CGPA/Percentage/Degree should be awarded by a recognized
f) Candidates having PhD, directly after B.Tech, may also apply and shall be considered
eligible, if they fulfill other criteria.

Mere fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria shall not entitle an applicant to be called for
presentation and/or interview. The Institute reserves the right to restrict number of candidates to be
called for presentation and/or interview for a particular post based on superior academic record,
reputation of the institution from where the candidate has obtained his/her degrees, specialization
(including micro specialization) and professional service record. Candidates are required to go
through the details of posts and instructions included herewith before applying to ensure their
eligibility for the post.

7. Age Limit: Fresh appointment beyond the age of 60 years is discouraged except in the case of
faculty with exceptionally brilliant research career and with on-going or approved externally
funded research project.

8. Period of Probation and Age of Superannuation: Subject to the provisions of the Act and
the Statutes, all appointments to posts under the Institute shall be made on probation for a
period of one year. On completion of probation period the appointee, if confirmed, shall
continue to hold his/her office subject to the provisions of the Act and the Statutes, tillthe end
of the month in which he/she attains the prescribed maximum age for teaching posts, provided
that the appointing authority shall have the power to extend the period of probation of any
employee of the Institute for such periods as may deem fit. The age of superannuation for
various classes and categories of the employees of the Institute shall be as specified by the

9. Application Fee:Each application must be accompanied by non-refundable Application Fee

of Rs. 1000/- (One Thousand only) for GEN and OBC applicants applying from within India,
US $ 25/- (US Dollars Twenty-Five only) for GEN and OBC candidates applying from
abroad, Rs. 250/- (Two Hundred fifty only) for SC/ST/EWS/PWD candidates and US $ 10/-
(US Dollars Ten only) in case of SC/ST/EWS/PWD candidates applying from abroad. The
Application Fee should be remitted Online only (online payment option is available in
Application Form) and the proof of depositing fee should be submitted along with online
application in the form ofReceipt/UTR
10. To avoid in-breeding, candidates who have obtained their most recent degree (Ph.D,) from
this Institute will normally be not considered for recruitment, except where there is a 3 years
gap between award of Ph.D. degree (provisional or final) and the last date of submission of
application forms under this advertisement.

11. All recruitment and pay-fixation shall be done by the Board of Governors (BoG) of the
Institute only on the recommendations of duly constituted Selection Committees. The
decision of the Appointing Authority shall be final.

12. Higher starting pay may be offered to deserving candidates on the recommendation of the
Selection Committee upon approval of the Board of Governors.

13. The essential qualification, essential requirements and cumulative essential credit points
advertised herewith shall be governed by the Schedule 'E' of NlTs Statutes (issued vide
Gazette of India No. 651, dated July, 24 2017) .

14. The essential qualification, essential requirements and cumulative essential credit points are
the minimum criteria only for deciding the eligibility. This shall not ensure short-listings for
presentation and/or Interview / Selections. Institute/Department will make attempt to set
"short listing criteria" that can be easily implemented, Short listing criteria may include,
among others, such conditions as:

a) Specialization, including micro specialization

b) Superior academic record-all through first class career or higher grades in UG and/or
PG, higher than advertised criteria.
c) Reputation of Institutions from where the candidate has obtained his degrees.

15. The last date of receiving hard copy of the duly filled application form along with the
self-attested copies of the relevant testimonials, certificates, enclosures etc. is August 27,
2019 (05.30 P.M.). The institute shall not be responsible for any type of delay under any
circumstances including delay in postal transit.

a) Candidates must apply online ONLY through the website http//:www.mnit.ac.in.

Applications received through any other mode shall not be accepted and summarily
rejected. Every completed online application shall be identified by a unique application
reference number, which should be used in any future communication. The candidates are
advised to download the same from Institute website and kept hard copy of the duly filled
application along with the proof of required fee deposited in the specify bank account. The
duly completed application form along with the self-attested copies of relevant testimonials,
certificates, enclosures etc. to be sent by Speed/Registered Post to the Registrar, Malaviya
National Institute of Technology, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Jaipur -302017 (Rajasthan),
India failing which their candidature will not be considered. The envelope

b) Candidates who wish to apply for more than one department, he/she should apply separately
for each department and separate application must be submitted for each Department along with
prescribedApplication Fee.
c) The Institute reserves the right to modify/ defer or cancel full / part of the advertisement /
recruitment at any stage of processing without assigning any reason.
d) The Institute shall retain the applications of non-shortlisted candidates only for three months
after the completion of recruitment process.
e) Applications which are not in prescribed form I without relevant supporting documents and
fee shall be summarily rejected. No correspondence shall be entertained in this regard.
f) Candidates shall indicate two references of eminent persons in the field/ profession who may
be contacted by the Institute for their recommendations.
g) As per the resolution of NIT Council to maintain the National character of NIT’s, the Institute
shall strive to fill fifty percent (50%) of the vacancies from outside thestate.
h) The Institute has the right to set higher norms than bare minimum and areas of specialization
as listed in respective Departments while shortlisting, taking into account the specific
requirements of the individual Departments. The short listing norms may not be uniform across
the Departments of the Institute and shall be a binding on all the applicants. The decision of the
Institute related to all matters pertaining to the recruitment shall be final and binding on the
i) The date for determining eligibility of candidates in every respect i.e. qualifications,
experience and preferred age limit etc, shall be considered as on the closing date, i.e. the last date
of the submission of application form.
j) The short-listed candidates may be required to appear for presentation/seminar in the
respective departments, in addition to facing the Selection Committee. No TA/DA will be paid for
k) Only candidates who are located outside the country may be interviewed over video
conferencing or be selected in absentia at the discretion of the selection committee.
l) Persons serving in Govt. / Semi Govt. / PSUs / Universities / Educational institutions should
send their applications either THROUGH PROPER CHANNEL or should furnish a NO
OBJECTI0N CERTIFICATE from the Competent Authority of the serving organization, at the
time of presentation and/or interview otherwise they may not be allowed to appear in the
presentation and/or interview. However, they can submit the advance copy of the application
m) The institute reserves the right to fill or not to fill any or all the posts advertized.
n) Canvassing in any form and/or bringing any influence of any form will be treated as
disqualification for the post applied.
o) Relevant Caste/Tribe/Community certificates are required to be submitted in prescribed
proforma duly completed in all aspects. No other form of certificate will be accepted as a
sufficient proof. The caste of the candidate must be in the state-wise central list of SCs given at
The caste of the candidate must be in the state-wise central list of STs given at

p) OBC certificate issued on or after 1st April, 2019 shall be considered for reservation under
OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) category. The certificate should clearly mention that the candidate
belongs to non-creamy layer and the caste of the candidate must be in the state-wise central list of
OBCs given at http://www.ncbc.nic.in/User_Panel/CentralListStateView.aspx.
q) EWS certificate issued on or after 1stApril, 2019 shall be considered for reservation under
EWS category, whose family has gross annual income below Rs. 8.00 Lakh (Rupees eight Lakh
only) for the financial year prior to the year of application. Also, persons whose family owns or
possesses any of the assets as mentioned in Gol, No. 36039/1/2019-Estt (Res), dated 31st
January,2019 shall also be excluded from being identified as EWS, irrespective of the family
r) The persons with disability (PWD) shall be required to submit the Disability/Medical
Certificate in the proforma prescribed and issued by the competent medical authorities for the
purpose of employment as per Government of India norms with duly completed application form.
Persons suffering from not less than 40% of the disability shall only be eligible for the benefit of
reservation under this category. The certificate will be rejected if the disability is less than 40%.
s) Original documents along with one set of self-attested copies will have to be produced at the
time of presentation and/or interview for verification.
t) The applicants are advised/required to visit the Institute websitewww.mnit.ac.inregularly. The
list of candidates short listed for further participation in the selection process such as
presentation/interview etc. will be displayed on the Institute website. No separate communication
/ intimation in this regard shall be made by theinstitute.
u) The short-listed candidates will be invited by the Chairman, ACoFAR or the Registrar for
presentation and/or personal interview. In addition, the institute may seek seminar presentation in
the Departments, and/or any other form of academic interaction with the faculty. The feedback of
the candidate will be communicated to the Selection Committee by the HOD.
v) Only selected candidates will be informed through Speed Post/email by the authority.
w) Legal disputes, if any, with Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur will be
restricted within the jurisdiction of Jaipuronly.


The following Documents/Certificates are required to be brought in original along with one
set of self-attested photocopy of the same, the printout of the Online Recruitment
Application and receipt/proof of Application Fee deposited in the bank, at the time of
presentation/ interview, failing which the candidature would summarily be rejected and
candidate would be debarred from further participation in the selection process.
a. Matriculation/10th Standard or equivalent certificate indicating date of birth, or mark
sheet of Matriculation/10thStandard or equivalent issued by Central/State Board
indicating date of Birth in support of their claim of age. Where date of birth is not
available in certificate/mark sheets, issued by concerned Educational Boards, School
leaving certificate indicating date of Birth will beconsidered.
b. Higher Secondary / Class XII (or equivalent) board marks sheet.
c. Degree/Diploma certificate along with mark sheets pertaining to all the academic years
as proof of educational qualification claimed. In the absence of a particular Degree
certificate, mark sheets of the Degree program will beaccepted.
d. NOC and experience Certificate(s) from the Head(s) of Organization(s) Department(s)
for the entire experience claimed, clearly mentioning the duration of employment (date,
month & year) indicating the basic pay and consolidated pay.Thecertificate(s) should
also mention the nature of duties performed/experience obtained in the post(s) with
e. Credit Point Calculation Sheet is to be filled by the applicant for the post applied and to be
submitted along with proof of credit point claimed, with the Application Form.
f. Caste certificate by candidate seeking reservation as SC/ ST/OBC, in the prescribed
Performa only from the competent authority indicating clearly the candidate’s Caste,
the Act/ Order under which the Caste is recognized as SC/ ST/OBC and the village/
town the candidate is ordinarily a residentof.
g. Physically Handicapped certificate in prescribed Performa only issued by the competent
authority to the Person with Disability for being eligible for appointment to the post on
the basis of prescribed standards of MedicalFitness.
h. Photo identity card issued by Govt. agency/last attended institution / University.
i. Any other relevant documents in support of the entries filled in application form.

NOTE-I: Date of birth mentioned in Online Recruitment Application is final. No

subsequent request for change of date of birth will be considered or granted.
NOTE-II: The period of experience rendered by a candidate on part time basis, daily
wages, visiting/Guest faculty will not be counted while calculating the valid experience for
short listing the candidates for interview.

Date: 13-07-2019 Registrar

Place-Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

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