Inflammatory Phenotypes in Patients With Severe Asthma Are Associated With Distinct Airway Microbiology
Inflammatory Phenotypes in Patients With Severe Asthma Are Associated With Distinct Airway Microbiology
Inflammatory Phenotypes in Patients With Severe Asthma Are Associated With Distinct Airway Microbiology
Background: Asthma pathophysiology and treatment Objective: We aimed to characterize the airway microbiota in
responsiveness are predicted by inflammatory phenotype. patients with symptomatic stable asthma and relate composition
However, the relationship between airway microbiology and to airway inflammatory phenotype and other phenotypic
asthma phenotype is poorly understood. characteristics.
From athe South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute, Adelaide; bthe Disclosure of potential conflict of interest: I. A. Yang’s, J. W. Upham’s, and C. Jenkins’
SAHMRI Microbiome Research Laboratory, School of Medicine, Flinders University, institution received a grant from National Health & Medical Research Council
Adelaide; cthe School of Medicine, University of Queensland, St Lucia; dthe Depart- (NHMRC), Australia, for this work. P. N. Reynolds’ and J. L. Simpson’s institution
ment of Thoracic Medicine, The Prince Charles Hospital, Chermside; ethe Transla- received a grant from John Hunter Charitable Trust and the NHMRC CRE Severe
tional Research Institute, Princess Alexandra Hospital, Woolloongabba; fthe Asthma for this work. S. Hodge is employed by the University of Adelaide; her
Department of Thoracic Medicine, Royal Adelaide Hospital and Lung Research Lab- institution has grants with NHMRC; and she received royalties from the book Lung
oratory, Hanson Institute, Adelaide; gthe School of Medicine, University of Adelaide, Macrophages in Health and Disease. G. B. Marks’ institution received grants from As-
Adelaide; hthe Department of Pulmonary Physiology and Sleep Medicine, Sir Charles traZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline for other works. P. G. Gibson’s institution received a
Gairdner Hospital, Nedlands; ithe School of Medicine and Pharmacology, University grant from NHMRC for this work and has grants from the NHMRC, AstraZeneca, and
of Western Australia, Crawley; jRespiratory Trials, George Institute for Global Health, GlaxoSmithKline for other works; he has personally received payment for lectures
Newtown; kthe Australian School of Advanced Medicine, Macquarie University, from AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, and Novartis. The rest of the other authors
North Ryde; lthe Department of Thoracic Medicine, Concord General Hospital; declare that they have no relevant conflicts of interest.
the Respiratory Medicine Department and Ingham Institute, Liverpool Hospital; Received for publication October 16, 2016; revised February 28, 2017; accepted for pub-
the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research, Glebe; oRespiratory and Sleep Medi- lication March 15, 2017.
cine, Priority Research Centre for Healthy Lungs, University of Newcastle, Callaghan; Corresponding author: Geraint B. Rogers, PhD, School of Medicine, Flinders University,
and pthe South Western Sydney Clinical School, University of New South Wales, University Drive, Bedford Park, Adelaide SA 5042, Australia. E-mail: geraint.
*These authors contributed equally to this work. 0091-6749
àThese authors contributed equally to this work. Ó 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of
Supported by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC); Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
grant no. 569246) and a grant from the John Hunter Hospital Charitable Trust. ND license (
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Briefly, the neutrophilic phenotype was defined as 61% or greater neutrophils 174 that underwent 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing, a
(neutrophil percentage cutoff dependent on age), the eosinophilic phenotype further 7 were excluded because of an insufficient sequence read
as 3% or greater eosinophils, the paucigranulocytic phenotype as 61% or less depth (see Table E1 in this article’s Online Repository at www.
neutrophils and 3% or less eosinophils, and the mixed granulocytic phenotype The remaining 167 subjects were classified as
as 61% or greater neutrophils and 3% or greater eosinophils.
one of 4 inflammatory phenotypes based on previously described
sputum inflammatory cell count percentages: neutrophilic
DNA extraction, 16S rRNA gene amplicon (n 5 14), eosinophilic (n 5 84), paucigranulocytic (n 5 60), or
sequencing, and gene copy numbers mixed granulocytic (n 5 9).3,15 There was no significant differ-
DNA extraction was performed on 100-mL sputum aliquots by using a ence in age, sex distribution, atopy, smoking history, ICS dose,
combined physical, enzymatic, and heat-based cell lysis, followed by phenol Global Initiative for Asthma treatment step, or mean Asthma
chloroform extraction and DNA recovery with EZ-10 Spin columns (Bio Basic, Control Questionnaire 6 score between these phenotypic groups,
Ontario, Canada). The V1-3 hypervariable region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene as assessed by using multiple comparison tests (Table I). Howev-
was amplified from sputum DNA by using the modified primers 27F and 519R. er, there were significant differences in lung function, as assessed
Amplicons were cleaned, indexed, and sequenced according to the Illumina by both FEV1 percent predicted (P 5 .035) and FEV1/forced vital
MiSeq 16S Metagenomic Sequencing Library Preparation Protocol (Illumina, capacity percentage (P 5 .013).
San Diego, Calif). 16S rRNA sequence data were processed, as previously
After quality filtering and chimera removal, 16S rRNA gene
described.16 Spurious operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were removed sys-
amplicon sequencing resulted in a median read depth of 12,792
tematically by using previous reports of common laboratory sequencing
contaminants.17 Bacterial burden was quantified with quantitative PCR
(quartile 1 and quartile 3, 8,060 and 16,595). Sequence data were
(qPCR) for the 16S rRNA gene.18 Detailed extraction, sequencing, and qPCR subsampled to a uniform depth of 1,732 reads based on rarefaction
protocols are described in the Methods section in this article’s Online Repository. curve asymptotes and Good’s coverage values. No significant
differences in total bacterial burden were found between inflam-
matory phenotypes (P 5.51, Kruskal-Wallis test; see Fig E1 in this
Diversity measurements and statistical analyses article’s Online Repository at
Five a-diversity (within-sample variance) indices were used to test a variety
of parameters of within-patient taxon distribution: Faith’s phylogenetic diversity
(in which a higher value indicates a more phylogenetically diverse sample),
Simpson’s and Pielou’s evenness indices (in which a higher value indicates a
Participants with neutrophilic asthma had significantly lower
more equitable distribution of taxa abundance), taxa richness (the total number
of taxa detected), and Shannon-Weiner diversity (a measure incorporating both
Faith’s phylogenetic scores (P 5 .022) than participants with
the number and equitability of detected taxa). b-Diversity (intersample eosinophilic asthma, which resembled those of patients with pau-
variance) was determined by using 2 approaches: weighted UniFrac similarity cigranulocytic asthma (Fig 1, A). Faith’s phylogenetic diversity
(which accounts for phylogenetic distance) and square root–transformed Bray- significantly correlated with the sputum neutrophil percentage
Curtis similarity (based on the relative abundance of taxa alone). Both a- and b- (r 5 20.374, P < .0001; Fig 1, B) but not with the sputum eosin-
diversity measures were calculated with either QIIME (version 1.8.0) or ophil percentage (r 5 0.146, P 5 .060; Fig 1, C). Analysis with a
PRIMER (version 6; PRIMER-E, Plymouth, United Kingdom) software. range of alternative a-diversity indices (taxa richness, Shannon-
Continuous data were tested for nonnormality, including skewness and Wiener index, Simpson index, and Pielou evenness; see Figs E2
kurtosis, by using the D’Agostino-Pearson omnibus test. Kruskal-Wallis 1-
and E3 in this article’s Online Repository at www.jacionline.
way ANOVAwith the Dunn post hoc test was used for multiple comparisons of
org) resulted in consistent findings in relation to phenotype,
nonnormally distributed data, the Mann-Whitney U test was used for pairwise
comparisons, the x2 test was used for categorical data, and the Spearman test
sputum neutrophil percentage, and sputum eosinophil percentage.
was used for correlations (GraphPad Prism, version 7.01; GraphPad Software, Together, these results demonstrate a significant relationship be-
La Jolla, Calif). tween airway microbiota composition and sputum neutrophilia
Multivariate linear regression was performed with Faith’s phylogenetic but not sputum eosinophilia.
diversity and UniFrac distance from centroid as 2 dependent variables
reflecting aspects of diversity (SPSS software, version 23.0; IBM, Armonk,
NY). Covariates were selected a priori and included in the model based on a b-Diversity
significant correlation with either dependent variable. CIs were obtained by Principal coordinate analysis of weighted UniFrac similarity
means of bootstrapping, resampling 1000 times. Covariates were tested for distance showed that neutrophilic samples were distinguished
collinearity by using variance inflation factors.
from other phenotypes along the first and second principal
coordinates, whereas the other phenotypes broadly clustered
Taxon dispersion together (Fig 2, A). Consistent with these observations, a permu-
Variation in microbiota composition between groups was assessed by using tational multiple ANOVA (PERMANOVA) test showed that
similarity of percentages (SIMPER) analysis in PRIMER and SparCC, from phenotype grouping contributed significantly to differences in mi-
which correlations (r > _ 20.25) and P values (P <
_ 0.25 or r < _ .01) were visual- crobial composition of the samples (P 5 .0004, pseudo-
ized by means of network analysis with Cytoscape (version 3.4.0). Pathogen F 5 3.997; see Table E2 in this article’s Online Repository at
overgrowth adjustment is described in the Methods section in this article’s On- Pairwise PERMANOVA comparing the
line Repository. phenotype groups indicated that variance was attributed to the
neutrophilic versus eosinophilic (P 5 .0001, T 5 3.30) and
neutrophilic versus paucigranulocytic (P 5 .0015, T 5 2.52)
RESULTS groups (see Table E3 in this article’s Online Repository at
Clinical characteristics
Induced sputum samples were obtained from 187 participants. Assessment of microbiota dispersion based on distance from
Of these, 13 were excluded because of poor sample quality. Of the centroid was consistent with PERMANOVA analysis, with the
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No. 14 84 60 9
Age (y), mean (SD) 59.8 (13.9) 57.2 (15.2) 55.8 (13.8) 56.8 (17.8) .817
Male sex, no. (%) 9 (64.3) 30 (35.7) 23 (38.3) 6 (66.7) .084
Atopic, no. (%) 11 (78.6) 62 (76.5), n 5 81 52 (86.7) 6 (66.7) .305
Previous smoker, no. (%) 6 (42.9) 32 (38.1) 17 (28.3) 4 (44.4) .491
Smoking pack years, median 22.0 (18.6, 27.5) 5.3 (1.2, 15.9) 5.0 (1.3, 30.0) 4.4 (0.9, 63.6) .379
(Q1, Q3)
Duration of asthma (y), median 33.8 (3.5, 48.3) 36.3 (19.7, 49.2) 33.7 (14.2, 54.4) 53.6 (32.6, 60.4) .205
(Q1, Q3)
FEV1 (% predicted), mean (SD) 70.3 (18.2) 70.0 (17.9) 78.7 (19.2)* 68.4 (17.3) .035
FVC (% predicted), mean (SD) 81.4 (11.6) 83.6 (16.4) 85.1 (15.0) 82.9 (11.7) .854
FEV1/FVC (%), mean (SD) 65.8 (14.5) 64.9 (12.2) 71.3 (12.2)* 63.9 (12.7) .013
ACQ6 score, mean (SD) 2.1 (1.2) 1.9 (0.9) 1.6 (0.8) 1.5 (0.6) .210
GINA treatment step .058
1 1 (7.1) 2 (2.5) 0 (0) 0 (0)
2 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0)
3 0 (0) 10 (12.4) 12 (20.3) 2 (22.2)
4 11 (78.6) 67 (82.7) 47 (80.0) 7 (77.8)
5 2 (14.3) 2 (2.5) 0 (0) 0 (0)
ICS dose (mg), median (Q1, Q3) 2000 (1280, 2000), n 5 13 1000 (800, 2000), n 5 82 1000 (800, 2000), n 5 59 1600 (1000, 2000) .254
Total cell count (3 106/mL 9.8 (7.6, 12.7)* 3.6 (1.9, 7.6) 3.74 (2.0, 7.6) 8.64 (5.22, 11.34) <.001
[Q1, Q3])
Viability (%) 89.2 (73.5, 93.0)* 69.8 (52.2, 80.7) 68.9 (55.7, 79.5) 90.0 (84.4, 93.7)* <.001
Neutrophils (%) 75.0 (68.80, 84.00)* 27.13 (14.38, 41.00) 34.13 (12.63, 49.25) 77.00 (71.25, 77.50)* <.001
Eosinophils (%) 0.63 (0.50, 1.00)* 6.88 (3.63, 18.13) 0.25 (0.00, 1.00)* 6.75 (3.25, 12.25) à <.001
Macrophages (%) 20.75 (14.50, 30.25)* 52.75 (38.25, 71.00) 53.34 (43.50, 75.63) 16.00 (15.50, 20.25)* <.001
Lymphocytes (%) 0.63 (0.25, 1.00) 1.13 (0.25, 2.25) 0.88 (0.25, 2.63) 0.25 (0.00, 0.38)* .018
Columnar epithelial cells (%) 0.25 (0.00, 1.25)* 2.17 (0.75, 6.00) 4.13 (1.21, 8.50) 0.50 (0.25, 1.50) <.001
Squamous cells (%) 1.11 (0.50, 3.85)* 5.99 (2.32, 16.23) 6.18 (2.92, 11.31) 3.38 (0.25, 8.05) .002
P values in the last column describe variance across 4 phenotypes.
ACQ6, Asthma Control Questionnaire 6; FVC, forced vital capacity; GINA, Global Initiative for Asthma; Q1, Q3, quartile 1, quartile 3.
*P < .05 versus eosinophilic asthma.
P < .05 versus paucigranulocytic asthma.
àP < .05 versus neutrophilic asthma.
samples from neutrophilic phenotype participants having signif- with a mixed phenotype (x2 5 25.5, P < .0001; Fig 3). Rela-
icantly higher distances from the centroid than samples from tionships between bacterial taxon relative abundance were
eosinophilic and paucigranulocytic participants (Fig 2, B). In further visualized by using network analysis (Fig 4 and see
keeping with a-diversity analyses, variance in distance from Fig E6 in this article’s Online Repository at www.jacionline.
centroid was associated with sputum neutrophil percentage rather org), revealing a bacterial community of taxa with positively
than sputum eosinophil percentage (see Fig E4 in this article’s correlated abundances in almost all cases. Most of these taxa
Online Repository at b-Diversity analyses were more prevalent in eosinophilic samples than in neutro-
using a second distance measure, Bray-Curtis similarity, pro- philic samples. Haemophilus taxon, which had a mean abun-
duced consistent findings (see Fig E5 in this article’s Online Re- dance that was higher in neutrophilic samples, was the single
pository at exception, negatively correlating with other members of the
sputum bacterial community.
Of the 13 discriminant taxa identified by SIMPER, Strepto-
Taxon distribution and network analysis coccus II (see the Methods section in this article’s Online Repos-
SIMPER analysis was used to rank taxa according to their itory at for classification), Gemella, Rothia,
contribution to intergroup variance in microbiota composition. and Porphyromonas taxa were significantly less abundant in
Thirteen taxa were identified, which cumulatively accounted neutrophilic than in eosinophilic and paucigranulocytic pheno-
for approximately 50% of total variance between neutrophilic types (Fig 5, A). Sputum neutrophil percentage positively corre-
and eosinophilic samples (see Table E4 in this article’s Online lated with the relative abundance of Moraxella taxon and
Repository at Hierarchical cluster anal- negatively correlated with the relative abundance of Strepto-
ysis based on relative taxon abundance revealed that Moraxella coccus I, Gemella, and Porphyromonas taxa (Fig 5, B). In
and Haemophilus clustered separately from the other 11 taxa contrast, Haemophilus taxon negatively correlated with eosino-
(Fig 3). In the patients with neutrophilic asthma, Moraxella phil percentage, and Streptococcus I, Neisseria, and Gemella
and Haemophilus taxa exceeded 40% relative abundance in 6 taxa positively correlated with eosinophil percentage (see Fig
(42.9%) of 14 samples compared with only 1 (1.19%) of 84 E7 in this article’s Online Repository at
patients with eosinophilic asthma, 7 (11.7%) of 60 patients Prevotella, Actinomyces, Leptotrichia, and Veillonella taxa,
with paucigranulocytic asthma, and 1 (11.1%) of 9 patients although identified by using SIMPER and represented by highly
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FIG 1. Faith’s phylogenetic diversity is significantly associated with sputum neutrophilia but not
eosinophilia. A, Patients grouped by asthma phenotype. B, Neutrophil percentage. The dotted line at
61% neutrophils indicates the phenotype cutoff point. C, Eosinophil percentage. The dotted line at 3% eo-
sinophils indicates the phenotype cutoff point. Colors represent the asthma phenotype: blue is greater than
61% neutrophils, green is greater than 3% eosinophils, yellow is less than 61% neutrophils and less than 3%
eosinophils (paucigranulocytic), and purple is both greater than 61% neutrophils and greater than 3% eosin-
ophils (mixed). Statistical significance was assessed by using the Kruskal-Wallis 1-way ANOVA with the
Dunn post hoc test (Fig 1, A) or Spearman rank correlation (Fig 1, B and C).
Nondominant microbiome
We sought to establish whether differences in microbiota
composition between inflammatory phenotypes were explained
solely by overgrowth of opportunistic taxa (eg, Haemophilus and
Moraxella taxa) or whether differences existed even in the
absence of pathogen predominance. Two separate approaches
were used to investigate this: rescaling of relative abundance
data after exclusion of pathogen predominance and assessment
of ranked taxon fold change between neutrophilic and eosino-
philic groups based on nonsubsampled taxa counts. Rescaled rela-
tive abundance data remained significantly different between
inflammatory phenotypes (P 5 .0004, pseudo-F 5 2.38;
see Table E5 in this article’s Online Repository at www. Pairwise tests revealed significant differences be-
tween participants with neutrophilic and eosinophilic phenotypes
(P 5 .0001, T 5 2.31) and between participants with neutrophilic
and paucigranulocytic phenotypes (P 5 .0002, T 5 2.26; see
Table E5). Assessment of taxa count2ranked fold change sup-
ported these findings, with significant taxa count differences be-
tween participants with neutrophilic and eosinophilic
phenotypes (see Fig E8 in this article’s Online Repository at
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FIG 3. Relative abundance of discriminant taxa among asthma phenotypes. The 13 taxa that collectively
contribute to approximately 50% of variance among phenotypes, as determined by using SIMPER analysis.
Clustering shows the similarity relationship of genera based on Bray-Curtis similarity distance and the
single linkage hierarchical clustering method. *Taxa assigned Actinomyces species uncultured bacteria.
#Taxa assigned Actinomyces species oral clone DR002.
FIG 4. Bacterial network analysis of the asthma cohort. Each edge represents a significant correlation
colored to indicate either positivity (blue) or negativity (red). Edge width and transparency are proportional
to the absolute value of the correlation coefficient. Node size is proportional to mean relative abundance.
Node hue is proportional to the difference in taxon relative abundance between the neutrophilic phenotype
group and the eosinophilic phenotype group. Correlations were performed with SparCC with a correlation
cutoff R value of greater than 0.25 or less than 20.25. *Actinomyces species uncultured bacteria. #Actino-
myces species oral clone DR002.
independently predicted both Faith’s phylogenetic diversity and (P 5 .018 [95% CI 5 1.3 to 8.4] and P 5 .039 [95%
weighted UniFrac distance from centroid (P 5 .002 [95% CI, CI 5 27.5 to 20.30], respectively).
20.07 to 20.02] and P < .001 [95% CI, 0.07 to 0.22], respec-
tively; Table III). Age and ICS dose both independently predicted
Faith’s diversity (P 5 .030 [95% CI 5 20.07 to 20.004] and DISCUSSION
P 5 .042 [95% CI 5 20.001 to 20.001], respectively), whereas To our knowledge, this is the largest study to date to assess
atopy and sex independently predicted distance from centroid predictors of the airway microbiota composition in asthmatic
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FIG 5. Taxa distribution differs by sputum neutrophilia. A, Taxa that significantly differ by patient inflamma-
tory phenotype. B, Significant correlations between taxa and neutrophil percentages. Colors represent
asthma phenotype based on neutrophilia or eosinophilia: blue is greater than 61% neutrophils, green is
greater than 3% eosinophils, yellow is less than 61% neutrophils and less than 3% eosinophils (paucigranu-
locytic), and purple is both greater than 61% neutrophils and greater than 3% eosinophils (mixed). The
dotted line at 61% neutrophils indicates the phenotype cutoff point. Statistical significance was assessed
by using Kruskal-Wallis 1-way ANOVA with the Dunn post hoc test (Fig 5, A) and Spearman rank correlation
(Fig 5, B).
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TABLE II. Comparison of patients’ characteristics with a-diversity (Faith’s phylogenetic diversity) and b-diversity (weighted
UniFrac distance from centroid) assessed by using the Spearman or Mann-Whitney test
Neutrophil percentage Age ICS dose* FEV1 (% predicted) Atopyyz Sexy Ever smokedy
TABLE III. Multivariate linear regression on a-diversity (Faith’s phenotypes, namely high abundance of Haemophilus and Morax-
phylogenetic diversity) and b-diversity (weighted UniFrac ella taxa in neutrophilic participants, supporting previous find-
distance from centroid) performed on 160 participants ings.5 This could be interpreted as simply an increased relative
B 95% CI P value abundance of airway pathogens in neutrophilic patients, reflecting
neutrophilic influx into the airways during subclinical lower
Faith’s phylogenetic diversity
airway infection, with a reciprocal decrease in the relative abun-
Neutrophil percentage 20.046 20.07 to 20.02 .002
Age 20.036 20.07 to 20.004 .030 dance of commensal taxa. However, a group of common airway
Sex 0.35 20.59 to 1.4 .49 taxa correlated negatively with sputum neutrophil percentages
Atopy 20.77 21.7 to 0.12 .10 (Gemella, Porphyromonas, and Streptococcus taxa) and, impor-
FEV1 (% predicted) 0.016 20.01 to 0.04 .23 tantly, even after controlling for overgrowth effects of Haemophi-
ICS dose 20.001 20.001 to 20.001 .042 lus and Moraxella taxa, significant differences in microbiota
UniFrac distance from centroid composition between neutrophilic and eosinophilic participants
Neutrophil percentage 0.14 0.07 to 0.22 <.001 were still observed. This finding suggests that 2 separate phenom-
Age 0.056 20.05 to 0.16 .30 ena contribute to microbial differences between inflammatory
Sex 23.9 27.5 to 20.30 .039
phenotypes: the effect of pathogen overgrowth and the selective
Atopy 4.8 1.3 to 8.4 .018
FEV1 (% predicted) 0.049 20.04 to 0.14 .27
pressure of airway inflammatory characteristics in the absence
ICS dose <0.001 20.001 to 0.001 .56 of infection. The latter could result in more broad-scale diver-
gence in composition between the neutrophilic and eosinophilic
subgroups, in turn contributing to an increased risk of lower
airway infection in neutrophilic patients through an increased
patients. Our primary comparisons were between asthma inflam- presence of opportunistic pathogens.
matory phenotypes, where we observed significant differences in This finding has clear implications for the clinical management
the composition of airway microbiota. These differences were of asthma, in which low-dose macrolide and ICS therapies have
largely between neutrophilic and eosinophilic phenotypes and been shown to influence overgrowth by opportunistic respiratory
reflected a reduced diversity and evenness of detectable bacterial pathogens and innate immune function, respectively.6,14,25
taxa in the neutrophilic participants. Reduced microbiota di- Furthermore, the relative lack of efficacy of ICSs in patients
versity has been reported after acute and chronic airway in- with noneosinophilic asthma2 might lead to use of higher doses
fections in asthmatic patients5,7 and in those with other compared with those used by eosinophilic patients. The combina-
respiratory disorders,19-21 as well as with the effects of exposure tion of underlying differences in airway microbiota (associated
to antibiotics.22,23 Importantly, none of the study participants re- with differences in inflammatory phenotype) and inefficacious
ported clinical features of respiratory tract infection or had anti- therapies being used at higher doses might contribute to reduced
biotic therapy during the preceding month. bacterial diversity,14 the high concentrations of Proteobacteria
We further assessed a-diversity metrics relative to continuous seen in the airways of neutrophilic patients,7 a greater propensity
neutrophil and eosinophil count data as an alternative to categor- for lung infection, and a further enhancement of the neutrophilic
ical inflammatory phenotypes. Significant correlations were phenotype.6
observed between sputum neutrophil percentages and each Although strong associations between the neutrophilic
assessed a-diversity metric, with no significant interactions phenotype and sputum microbiota composition were found,
between any diversity metric and sputum eosinophil percentages, associations between eosinophil counts and microbiota compo-
strongly suggesting that decreased microbiota richness, evenness, sition were minimal. This contrasts with previous studies
and diversity are associated with airway neutrophilia. Analysis of reporting increased Tropheryma taxon associated with eosino-
sputum microbiota b-diversity (intersample similarity) also philia7 and associations between bronchial biopsy eosinophil
demonstrated substantial differences between patients with count and bacterial composition11 and reduced bacterial burden
neutrophilic airway inflammation and those with other inflam- associated with type 2–high airway inflammation.26
matory phenotypes, which is consistent with the stochastic An important strength of our study was its involvement of a
overgrowth of complex commensal communities by individual large group of well-defined participants with poorly controlled
opportunistic pathogens.24 asthma who were taking regular inhaled therapy. The application
We identified bacterial taxa that contributed to observed of detailed induced sputum microbiota characterization from
differences in microbiota composition between inflammatory these participants then allowed us to assess the extent to which
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clinical and inflammatory characteristics independently associ- Madzinga, Melissa McClean, Pamela Fung, Janet Shaw, Joanne McNamara,
ated with variations in airway microbiology by using multivariate Kevin Oreo, Peta Grayson, Robyn Jones, Tessa Bird, Kerrie Wade, Sara Baum,
linear regression analysis. Multivariate regression identified the Chaitali Patel, Michelle Towers, Tina Collins, Melanie Carroll, Alice Chen,
sputum neutrophil percentage as the strongest predictor of Chris Choo, Mary Vukovich, and Kerry Carson for their assistance.
microbiota variance. However, age, ICS dose, sex, and atopy
were also significant independent predictors; conversely, lung Key messages
function (as measured by FEV1 percentage) and smoking status
d Lower airway microbiology differs significantly between
were not.
patients with neutrophilic and eosinophilic asthma char-
Of particular interest was the finding that increasing age
acterized based on both increased frequency of patho-
predicted reduced microbiota a-diversity because age has
genic taxa and divergence in the wider airway microbiota.
been previously associated with microbiome composition in
patients with other chronic respiratory diseases. The airway d Sputum neutrophilia is the strongest predictor of airway
microbiome of patients with cystic fibrosis is strongly microbiota composition, with age, ICS dose, sex, and
affected by age,27 which is presumed to relate to the selective atopy also being independent predictors.
effects of increased antibiotic exposure over time and the d The clear relationships between airway microbiota
changing characteristics of the airway environment.9 It is composition, inflammatory phenotype, and clinical mea-
interesting to speculate that the relationship between neutro- sures suggest microbiota characterization could be a use-
philia and microbiota composition might reflect the effect ful contributor to the individualization of asthma
of age on neutrophilia,15 suggesting that a tendency toward treatments.
a neutrophilic phenotype and/or a susceptibility to opportu-
nistic airway infections increases with age in patients with
severe asthma.
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FIG E1. Bacterial burden, as assessed based on 16S rRNA gene copy
number. Bars show medians 6 95% CIs. Statistical significance was as-
sessed by using Kruskal-Wallis 1-way ANOVA with the Dunn post hoc
test. No significant difference between phenotypes was seen.
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FIG E2. a-Diversity measures among asthma phenotypes: A, taxa richness; B, Shannon-Wiener index; C,
Simpson evenness index; and D, Pielou evenness. Bars show medians 6 95% CIs. Statistical significance
was assessed by using Kruskal-Wallis 1-way ANOVA with the Dunn post hoc test.
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FIG E3. Correlations between sputum neutrophil/eosinophil counts (as a percentage of total cell count) and
a-diversity measures. A, Neutrophil percentage, The dotted line at 61% neutrophils indicates phenotype cut-
off point. B, Eosinophil percentage, The dotted line at 3% eosinophils indicates phenotype cutoff point.
Colors represent asthma phenotype based on neutrophilia or eosinophilia: blue is greater than 61% neutro-
phils, green is greater than 3% eosinophils, yellow is less than 61% neutrophils and less than 3% eosinophils
(paucigranulocytic), and purple is both greater than 61% neutrophils and greater than 3% eosinophils
(mixed). Statistical significance was assessed by using Spearman rank correlation.
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FIG E4. Correlations between sputum neutrophil/eosinophil counts (as a percentage of total cell count) and
weighted UniFrac distance from centroid. A, Neutrophil percentage. The dotted line at 61% neutrophils in-
dicates phenotype cutoff point. B, Eosinophil percentage. The dotted line at 3% eosinophils indicates
phenotype cutoff point. Colors represent asthma phenotype based on neutrophilia or eosinophilia: blue
is greater than 61% neutrophils, green is greater than 3% eosinophils, yellow is less than 61% neutrophils
and less than 3% eosinophils (paucigranulocytic), and purple is both greater than 61% neutrophils and
greater than 3% eosinophils (mixed). Statistical significance was assessed by using Spearman rank
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FIG E5. A, Principal coordinate analysis of asthma phenotype groups based on Bray-Curtis similarity dis-
tances. The first 2 principal coordinates are plotted on the x- and y-axes, respectively (representing 36.5%
of total variation). B, Microbiota dispersion grouped by asthma phenotype. Distance from centroid was
calculated from the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity matrix. C and D, Correlations between sputum inflammatory
cell percentages and distance from centroid. Fig E5, C, Sputum neutrophil percentage versus Bray-Curtis
distance from centroid. Fig E5, D, Sputum eosinophil percentage vs Bray-Curtis distance from centroid.
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FIG E6. Bacterial network analysis, showing weight and color assigned to
edges and nodes.
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FIG E7. Taxa that significantly correlated with eosinophil percentages. Colors represent asthma phenotype
based on neutrophilia or eosinophilia: blue is greater than 61% neutrophils, green is greater than 3%
eosinophils, yellow is less than 61% neutrophils and less than 3% eosinophils (paucigranulocytic), and
purple is both greater than 61% neutrophils and greater than 3% eosinophils (mixed). The dotted line at 3%
eosinophils indicates phenotype cutoff points. Statistical significance was assessed by using Spearman
rank correlation.
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FIG E8. Normalized log2 fold changes of nonrarefied taxa read counts that
significantly (P < .05) differed between neutrophilic and eosinophilic pheno-
types. Positive fold change indicates taxa with significantly higher counts in
neutrophilic participants, and negative fold change indicates taxa with
significantly higher counts in eosinophilic participants. This shows that
when Haemophilus or Moraxella taxa dominance do not influence data
(because of nonrarefied count data as opposed to relative abundance), mul-
tiple taxa remain significantly different between neutrophilic and eosino-
philic participants.
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TABLE E2. PERMANOVA analysis testing: significance of variance of weighted UniFrac and Bray-Curtis distance of sputum
microbiota between asthma phenotypes (permutations 5 9999)
Matrix Source df SS MS Pseudo-F P value (perm)
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TABLE E3. Pairwise PERMANOVA analysis testing: significance of variance of weighted UniFrac and Bray-Curtis distance of
sputum microbiota between asthma phenotypes (permutations 5 9999)
Matrix Groups T P value (perm) Unique perms
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TABLE E4. SIMPER analysis comparing taxa relative abundances between neutrophilic and eosinophilic phenotype groups and
showing the 13 top contributing taxa, which collectively account for approximately 50% of variance between groups
Neutrophilic Eosinophilic
Taxa Av. Abund Av. Abund Av. Diss Contrib %
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TABLE E5. PERMANOVA analysis (top) and pairwise PERMANOVA on nondominant microbiome (battle), showing Bray-Curtis
distance of sputum microbiota on the genera level grouped by asthma phenotype (permutations 5 9999)
Source df SS MS Pseudo-F P value (perm)
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