1 s2.0 S0091674921001706 Main
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1 s2.0 S0091674921001706 Main
From athe Department of Respiratory Medicine, bthe Department of Experimental Immu- Disclosure of potential conflict of interest: The authors declare that they have no relevant
nology, Amsterdam Infection and Immunity Institute, and cthe Laboratory Genetic conflicts of interest.
Metabolic Diseases, Core Facility Metabolomics, Department of Clinical Chemistry, Received for publication July 7, 2020; revised November 23, 2020; accepted for publi-
Amsterdam University Medical Center, University of Amsterdam; dRoyal Brompton cation December 1, 2020.
Hospital, London; eNational Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London; Available online February 6, 2021.
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London; and gDepartment of Pulmonology, Uni- Corresponding authors: Abilash Ravi, PhD, B02-075, Department of Pulmonology, Lei-
versity Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen. den University Medical Center, Albinusdreef 2, 2333 ZA, Leiden, The Netherlands.
*These authors contributed equally to this work. E-mail: a.ravi@lumc.nl. Or: Rene Lutter, PhD, K0-150 Department of Respiratory
àThese authors contributed equally to this work. Medicine and Experimental Immunology, Amsterdam University Medical Center,
Supported by the Netherlands Asthma Foundation (currently the Lung Foundation [pro- Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. E-mail: r.lutter@
jects,, and]), GSK (CRT 114696), and Stichting amsterdamumc.nl.
Astma Bestrijding (project 2013_009). The explorative trial RILCO (Role of Innate The CrossMark symbol notifies online readers when updates have been made to the
Lymphoid Cells in COPD) was supported in part by Medimmune (Gaithersburg, article such as errata or minor corrections
Md). The TASMA (Unravelling Targets of Therapy in Bronchial Thermoplasty in Se- 0091-6749
vere Asthma) trial is funded by the Netherlands Lung Foundation (grant Ó 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the American Academy of, The Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. This is an open access article under the CC BY li-
(ZonMw grant 90713477), and Boston Scientific Corporation. cense (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
conducted by 1 center, namely, the Department of Respiratory Medicine of the were sampled and mapped to annotated genomic references. Mapping
Amsterdam University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The positions were classified as intragenic, exonic, intergenic, intronic, and
TASMA trial was conducted at the Department of Pulmonology, University rRNA. Clustering and DNA sequencing were performed according to the
Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, and Royal Bromp- manufacture’s protocol using the Illumina NextSeq 500. A concentration of
ton and Imperial College Hospital London, United Kingdom. The baseline 1.6 pM was used as the input. The reads were trimmed for adapter
characteristics of the patients with asthma and healthy controls who were sequences by using Trimmomatic, version 0.30, before the alignment.
involved in this study are provided in Table I. Presumed adapter sequences were removed from the read when the bases
The inclusion and exclusion criteria for patients with mild asthma (from the matched a sequence in the adapter sequence set (TruSeq adapters) with 2 or
RESOLVE and MATERIAL trials) are described elaborately16 in the Methods fewer mismatches and an alignment score of at least 12. The reference
section of the Online Repository (available at www.jacionline.org). Patients Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75 was used to align the reads. The mapping to the
with severe asthma (from the TASMA trial) fulfilling the World Health Orga- reference sequence was done by using a short reader aligner based on
nization or modified innovative medicines initiative criteria of severe refrac- Burrows-Wheeler transform. The default of mismatch rate of 2% (3
tory asthma were included.17,18 The RILCA (Role of Innate Lymphoid Cells mismatches in a read of 150 bases) was used. The frequency of the reads
in Asthma) study and RILCO (Role of Innate Lymphoid Cells in COPD) mapped on the transcript was determined in terms of counts, which were
were 2 explorative studies involving the impact of rhinovirus-16 challenge used as an input for the downstream analysis.
in patients with moderate asthma and patients with COPD, respectively, and Additionally, reads per kilobase of exon per million reads mapped and
exploring mechanisms driven by innate lymphoid cells. The inclusion and fragments per kilobase of exon per million reads mapped values were
exclusion criteria are mentioned in detail in the Methods section of the Online calculated. Image analysis, base calling, and quality check were performed
Repository. with Illumina data analysis pipeline RTA, version 2.4.11, and Bcl2fastq,
version 17. The read counts were loaded into the DESeq2 software package,
which is a statistical package within the R/BioConductor platform that is
Corticosteriod use designed to determine the differentially expressed genes and in which an
The patients with mild asthma had not received inhaled or systemic adjusted P value less than .05 was considered statistically significant. The DE-
corticosteroids or any other treatment other than inhaled short-acting b2-ago- seq2 method uses Benjamini-Hochberg correction as an adjustment for false
nists within 2 weeks before the start of the study. The patients with moderate discovery rates.
asthma used a dose equivalent of no more than 500 mg of fluticasone propio- For the heat maps, log2 gene expression values were normalized with z
nate per day. The patients with severe asthma had been using an inhaled corti- scores calculated by using the equation X – (m/s), where X is the value of
costeroid (ICS) at a dosage of at least 500 mg of fluticasone equivalent per day the individual sample, m is the average of the row, and s is the SD of the
and a long-acting ß2-agonist at a dosage of at least 100 mg of salmeterol per row. The clustering of genes represented in the heat maps was based on
day or equivalent for the past 6 months, as well as a systemic corticosteroid k-means clustering. The combination of z scores for all genes is represented
_20 mg of prednisone equivalent per day). The patients with COPD were al-
(< below the heat maps in red and blue, with red indicating high expression
lowed specific medication, namely, long-acting ß2-agonists and long-acting and blue indicting low expression.
muscarinic agonists, but no ICSs.
Sampling and RNA isolation The gene sets were identified by using the online platform accessed via the
Bronchoscopy was performed according to a standardized method.14 website www.gsea-msigdb.org. All differentially expressed genes with a q
Mucosal brushes collected by brushing the left lower lobe consisted pre- value less than 0.05 compared between 2 groups were used for gene set enrich-
dominantly (>95%) of bronchial epithelial cells. Two brushes were ob- ment analysis (GSEA). The gene identifiers were uploaded in the molecular
tained from each participant and then pooled and pelleted by signature database of the website, and the overlapping gene sets were
centrifugation at 1240 rpm (using a Rotanta 460S centrifuge) for 10 mi- computed. The P values were derived on the basis of hypergeometric distribu-
nutes at 48C. The pellet was dissolved in 1 mL of TRIzol (Thermofischer tion for k – 1, K, N – K, and n, where k is the number of genes in the intersection
Scientific, Paisley, United Kingdom) and stored at –808C until the RNA of the query set with a set from the Molecular Signature Database, K is the
was isolated. After all the samples had been obtained, they were thawed number of genes in the set from the Molecular Signature Database), N is the
at room temperature, and after 200 mL of chloroform was added, they total number of all human genes, and n is the number of genes in the query
were shaken vigorously for 30 seconds. The samples were kept at room set). The false discovery rate (q value) analog of the hypergeometric P value
temperature for 10 minutes, after which the phases were separated by was determined by correction for multiple hypothesis testing according to
centrifugation at 16,000 g for 15 minutes at 48C. The aqueous phase was Benjamini and Hochberg. The gene sets thus identified were plotted in heat
concentrated with protocol 5.3 using the NucleoSpin system and an maps to visualize gene expression of all individuals separately.
RNA XS extraction kit (Macherey-Nagel, Duren, Germany). The quality
and concentration of the samples were assessed by using a fragment
analyzer (Advanced Analytical Technologies, Inc, Ankeny, Iowa). IPA
Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) is used to quickly visualize and
understand complex omics data and perform insightful data analysis and
RNA sequencing, analysis, and heat maps interpretation. The IPA output represented in Fig 1, E is based on all genes
The NEBNext Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina differentially expressed in patients with severe asthma versus those expressed
(Ipswich, Mass) was used to process the samples. The sample preparation in healthy controls with a q value less than 0.05 (see Table E1 in this article’s
was performed according to the protocol for the NEBNextUltra Directional Online Repository at www.jacionline.org). These genes were uploaded in IPA,
RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina (NEB, catalog no. 7420S/L). Briefly, which displays the most significantly affected top canonic pathways. The
oligo-dT magnetic beads were used to isolate mRNA from total RNA. output of graphical illustration shows all of the genes involved in the pathway,
cDNA synthesis was performed after fragmentation of the mRNA. This was with the genes differentially expressed being highlighted.
used for ligation with sequencing adapters followed by PCR amplification of
the resulting product. The quality and yield after sample preparation were
measured with the fragment analyzer. The size of the resulting products was Lipidomics and metabolome analysis
consistent with the expected size distribution of between 300 and 500 bp. To The BECs for lipidomics and metabolomics were obtained by brush during
evaluate the quality of the library preparation and kits used, the raw data bronchoscopy (P0) from healthy individuals, patients with severe asthma, and
TABLE I. Baseline characteristics of patients with mild, moderate, and severe asthma and healthy controls for transcriptome
Patients with Patients with Patients with
Characteristic Healthy controls mild asthma moderate asthma severe asthma
Subjects (no.) 16 17 5 17
Age (y), mean (min-max) 22.42 (19-31) 22.82 (18-38) 37 (23-52) 44.82 (25-66)
Sex ratio (male:female), no./no. 4:12 6:11 3:2 5:12
FEV1 before bronchodilator (L), mean (SD; min-max) 4.05 (0.72; 3.44-4.93) 3.94 (0.85; 2.56-5.16) 3.27 (0.88; 2.11-4.53) 2.79 (0.76; 1.7-4.37)
FEV1 after bronchodilator (L), mean (SD; min-max) 4.12 (0.72; 3.52-5.05) 4.23 (0.84; 3.06-6.14) 3.41 (0.91; 2.21-4.64) 3.07 (0.76; 2.11-4.49)
FEV1 before bronchodilator (% predicted), mean (SD; 105.5 (10.92; 90-121) 97.43 (6.64; 86-109) 93.5 (18.76; 93.5-122) 85.35 (26; 38-129)
FEV1 after bronchodilator (% predicted), mean (SD; 107.5 (11.15; 98-124) 103.83 (8.63; 90-120) 97 (18.49; 73-125) 100.88 (20.91; 67-137)
FEV1 reversibility (%),median (SD; min-max) 3 (2.86; –2 to 7) 7.5 (4.36; –4 to 12) 3 (2.87; 0-8) 10 (17.23; 1-64)
PC20 (mg/mL), median (SD; min-max) >16.0 1.49 (0.03-7.35) na 0.28 (0.0075-5.53)
FENO (ppb), mean (SD; min-max) 21.9 (11.4) 58.03 (37.14) 21 (10.04) 52 (63.97)
FENO, Fraction of exhaled nitric oxide represented in terms of ppb; max, maximum; min, minimum; na, not available; PC20, histamine provocative concentration causing a 20%
drop in FEV1.
patients with COPD. The baseline characteristics for participants subjected to RESULTS
these analyses are provided in Table II.
Dysregulation of metabolic genes in bronchial
The BECs were plated on 6-well plates precoated with PurCol (Advanced
Biomatrix, Carlsbad, Calif) and grown until confluence in bronchial epithelial epithelium from patients with severe asthma
basal medium (Lonza, Basel, Switzerland) supplemented with growth factors Despite heterogeneity within each group, there were 472 genes
(Lonza) and ciprofloxacin (Sigma, St Louis, Mo) at a concentration of 2 mg/ differentially expressed in the BECs from patients with mild
mL. The cells were then passaged into T25 flasks (passage 1) until grown asthma (see Table E2 in this article’s Online Repository at www.
confluent. Subsequently, the cells were detached by using trypsin/EDTA jacionline.org) and 640 genes in those BECs from patients with se-
(Lonza), and after the addition of trypsin-neutralizing solution, they were vere asthma (see Table E1) compared with the numbers in the
pelleted by centrifugation for 7 minutes at 1240 rpm (with a Rotanta 460S BECs from healthy controls (q < 0.05). There were no genes
centrifuge) at 88C. The pellet was washed twice with PBS and stored at –808C differentially expressed between the BECs from patients with
until all samples were analyzed in parallel.
mild asthma and the BECs from patients with severe asthma,
Lipidomics and metabolome analysis was performed on a high-
with the q value cutoff set at less than 0.05. Because of the small
performance liquid chromatography system (Ultimate 3000 binary high-
performance liquid chromatography system, Thermo Scientific, Waltham, number of patients with moderate asthma used for analysis, there
Mass), as described previously.19 The extract of the cell pellet was injected were was no comparison of differentially expressed genes in BECs
onto a normal phase column (LiChrospher 2 3 250-mm silica-60 column) between bronchial epithelium from patients with moderate
and a reverse-phase column (Acquity UPLC HSS T3, Milford, Mass). A Q Ex- asthma and bronchial epithelium from healthy controls. GSEA
active plus Orbitrap (Thermo Scientific) mass spectrometer was used in the of differentially expressed genes in BECs from patients with
negative and positive electrospray ionization modes. In both ionization modes, mild asthma versus in BECs from healthy controls showed gene
mass spectra of the lipid species were obtained by continuous scanning from sets belonging to mitotic spindle, IL-2–signal transducer and acti-
mass-to-charge ratio 150 to mass-to-charge ratio 2000 with a resolution of vator of transcription 5 (STAT5) signaling, UV response, oxida-
280,000 full width at half maximum. Detailed analysis of the data is provided
tive phosphorylation (OXPHOS), and inflammatory response
in the Methods section of the Online Repository.
(Fig 1, A). Similar comparisons for patients with severe asthma
and healthy controls revealed gene sets belonging to OXPHOS,
BT IFN-a response, mitotic spindle, apical junction, and late estrogen
The TASMA trial was conducted by using a protocol approved by the response (Fig 1, B).
Medical Ethics Committee (NL45394.018.13).20 All subjects provided prior Both the mitotic spindle and OXPHOS gene sets stood out in
written, informed consent. The design of the TASMA trial has been elabo- terms of BECs from patients with mild asthma and patients with
rately described elsewhere.12,20 A total of 23 patients21 (6 patients with severe severe asthma, with the mitotic spindle highest in the BECs of
asthma were included in addition to those in the severe asthma group patients with mild asthma and OXPHOS highest in the BECs from
mentioned in Table I) were treated with BT by using the Alair System (Boston patients with severe asthma. We further investigated the OXPHOS
Scientific, Boston, Mass) according to the current standard22 and sedated by
gene set. Heat maps of 15 OXPHOS genes were reduced (shown in
using remifentanil/propofol23 or general anaesthesia. Patients were treated
green) (Fig 1, C) in BECs from the patients with severe and mod-
with 50 mg of prednisolone 3 days before treatment, on the day of the proced-
ure itself, and 1 day thereafter. During the first procedure, the right lower lobe erate asthma in comparison with those from the controls (shown in
was treated; during the second procedure, the left lower lobe was treated; and red) (Fig 1, C). In the patients with mild asthma there was a hetero-
finally, both upper lobes were treated. The right middle lobe remained un- geneous gene expression pattern, with 5 of 17 patients showing
treated; therefore, this region could be used to compare the treatment effect. high expression (red) and the remainder showing low expression
Six months after BT, bronchoscopy was performed. During the bronchoscopy (green) of OXPHOS genes (Fig 1, C). Apart from these metabolic
procedure, endobronchial brushes were obtained from the untreated middle OXPHOS genes, fatty acid metabolism–related genes (fatty acid
lobe and treated left lower lobe airways. The baseline characteristics of the pa- synthase [FASN], arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase [ALOX15], phos-
tients with severe asthma used to analyze the effects of BTon bronchial epithe- pholipase C eta 1 [PLCH1], pyruvate dehydrogenase phosphatase
lium are provided in Table III; they are no different from those reported
regulatory subunit [PDPR], acyl-CoA oxidase 3 [ACOX3], and
originally for all patients.21
FIG 1. Metabolic genes in BECs from patients with asthma versus in BECs from healthy controls. GSEA
showed differentially expressed gene sets in BECs from patients with mild (A) and severe (B) asthma, with
green indicating highly significant and black indicating less significant q values (< 0.05). OXPHOS gene
expression in BECs from patients with severe (n 5 17), moderate (n 5 5), and mild asthma (n 5 17) versus
in those from controls (n 5 16) (C). D, As in (C), but for genes related to fatty acid metabolism (in red and
green, with red indicating high expression and green indicating low expression). The combined z scores
for the genes shown are represented below the heat maps (in red and blue, with red indicating high expres-
sion and blue indicating low expression). IPA of differentially expressed genes of the respiratory chain in
BECs from patients with severe asthma versus in BECs from healthy controls (n 5 17). E, Significantly down-
regulated genes (adjusted P value of <.05) are shown in pink.
FIG 1. (Continued).
TABLE II. Baseline characteristics of patients with severe asthma, patients with COPD, and healthy controls for lipidomic and
metabolomic analyses
Characteristic Healthy controls Patients with severe asthma Patients with COPD
Subjects (no.) 7 9 6
Age (y), mean (min-max) 37 (24-56) 52.8 (40-63) 63.8 (52-74)
Sex ratio (male:female), no./no. 3:4 4:5 3:3
FEV1 pre-bronchodilator (L), mean (SD; min-max) 3.94 (0.98; 2.6-5.09) 2.66 (0.33; 2.18-3.1) 2.228 (0.49; 1.49-2.99)
FEV1 post-bronchodilator (L), mean (SD; min-max) 4.15 (1; 2.77-5.37) 2.61 (0.5; 1.58-3.14) 2.41 (0.48; 1.61-3.06)
FEV1 pre-bronchodilator (% predicted), mean (SD; min-max) 105.75 (0.82; 105-107) 84.33 (23.13; 41-107) 70.8 (4.95; 65-77)
FEV1 post-bronchodilator (% predicted), mean (SD; min-max) 111.5 (2.17; 108-114) 90.66 (21.15; 52-115) 77.2 (4.35; 72-85)
FEV1 reversibility, median (SD; min-max) 6.5 (1.63; 3-7) 8 (4.4; 0-11) 6 (3; 2-11)
max, Maximum; min, minimum.
acetyl-CoA carboxylase-b [ACACB]) were also shown by heat BECs and depicted the extent of differences in lipid profiles
maps. Interestingly, in the BECs from all patients with asthma between the 2 groups. Phosphatidylcholines (PCs), lysophospha-
(mild, moderate, or severe), these genes were upregulated (red) tidylcholines (LPCs), lysophosphatidylethanolamines, and bis(-
compared with those in the healthy controls (Fig 1, D). In addition monoacylglycero)phosphates [BMPs]) (shown in green) (Fig 2,
to GSEA, IPA also showed that the OXPHOS pathway was the top A) were significantly upregulated (P < .05 and log2 fold
dysregulated pathway in BECs from patients with severe asthma change > 1) in the BECs from patients with severe asthma
compared with in BECs from healthy subjects. The downregu- compared with in the BECs from healthy controls. To visualize
lated genes were from complexes I, III, IV, and V of the electron the 28 lipid mediators that were significantly upregulated in
transport chain (Fig 1, E). Heat maps of 7 mitotic spindle genes BECs from patients with severe asthma, we plotted these in
displayed significantly enhanced expression, particularly in heat maps. The levels of lipid species (PCs, LPCs, lysophospha-
BECs from patients with mild and moderate asthma, but not in tidylethanolamines, and BMPs) were increased in the BECs from
those from patients with severe asthma (see Fig E1 in the Online the patients with severe asthma (red) compared with in those from
Repository at www.jacionline.org). The RNA sequencing data the healthy controls (blue) (Fig 2, B). The metabolome analyses in
sets comparing bronchial epithelium from patients with mild, BECs from patients with severe asthma and healthy controls did
moderate, and severe asthma with that from healthy controls can not show a clear distinction between these 2 groups (Fig 2, C). The
be accessed by using the link https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/ metabolomic analysis measured a total of 75 metabolites, 16 of
query/acc.cgi?acc5GSE161245. which are depicted in the heat maps in Fig 2, C. The remaining
59 metabolites that were not significantly different between pa-
tients with asthma and healthy controls are shown in Table E3
Elevated lipid profiles in BECs from patients with (in this article’s Online Repository at www.jacionline.org).
severe asthma versus in BECs from controls
To substantiate the findings for metabolic genes, lipid profiles
and metabolome were analyzed after expansion of the bronchial Distinct lipid species in BECs from patients with
epithelium ex vivo. As there was a clear and distinct reduction of COPD versus in BECs from healthy controls and
OXPHOS gene expression in BECs from patients with severe patients with severe asthma
asthma compared with in BECs from the controls, we compared Previous reports showed altered metabolites and glycerophos-
these cohorts. Volcano plots showed all lipid species quantified in pholipids in PBMCs and airway smooth muscle cells24 from
TABLE III. Baseline characteristics of patients with severe asthma who underwent the BT procedure
Characteristic Value in patients with severe asthma
Subjects (no.) 23
Age (y), mean (min-max) 47.69 (25-64)
Sex ratio (male:female), no./no. 7:16
FEV1 before bronchodilator (L), mean (SD; min-max) 2.67 (0.57; 1.59-3.66)
FEV1 after bronchodilator (L), mean (SD; min-max) 3.03 (0.54; 2.11-4.26)
FEV1 before bronchodilator (% predicted), mean (SD; min-max) 89.3 (19.89; 57-129)
FEV1 after bronchodilator (% predicted), mean (SD; min-max) 101.13 (18.66; 67-137)
FEV1 reversibility, mean (SD; min-max) 10 (11.65; 0-57)
PC20 (mg/mL), mean (SD; min-max) 0.41 (0.0075-32)
ACQ score before BT, mean (SD; min-max) 2.62 (0.57; 1.5-3.66)
AQLQ score before BT, mean (SD; min-max) 3.98 (0.81; 2.65-6)
ACQ, Asthma Control Questionnaire; AQLQ, Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire; max, maximum; min, minimum; PC20, histamine provocative concentration causing a 20%
drop in FEV1 value.
patients with COPD.25 Hence, we analyzed whether BECs from Hyperresponsive BECs have reduced expression of
patients with COPD also displayed a similar difference in meta- OXPHOS genes
bolic status after ex vivo expansion. The heat maps of lipidomics Earlier, we identified BECs from patients with mild asthma
analysis of BECs from patients with COPD compared with BECs with a defective translational control as hyperresponsive (exag-
from healthy controls showed a prominent upregulation of mainly gerated and corticosteroid-unresponsive production of C-X-C
PC lipid species. In addition, lipid species (triglycerides and motif chemokine ligand 8/IL-8 [CXCL-8], and other cytokines)
LPCs) were also enhanced in BECs from patients with COPD as opposed to normoresponsive (lower and corticosteroid-
(Fig 3, A). Strikingly, when BECs from COPD were compared responsive production of CXCL-8 and other cytokines).4 This
with those from patients with severe asthma, there was also a sig- epithelial hyperresponsiveness was correlated with neutrophilic
nificant increase in triglycerides in the patients with COPD (Fig 3, inflammation. The transcriptome of hyperresponsive BECs
B). With respect to the metabolites analyzed, the levels of uridine from patients with mild asthma (subgroup from Table I and Fig
diphosphate (UDP)-hexose, 2-dehydrogluconate-6P, deoxyade- 1) displayed a prominent reduced expression of OXPHOS genes
nosine monophosphate (dAMP), oxidized nicotinamide adenine compared with that in their normoresponsive counterparts (Fig
dinucleotide (NAD1), fructose 1,6 diphosphate, creatine-P, gluta- 4, E).
mine, a-ketoglutarate, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
hydrogen (NADH), adenine, and creatinine were significantly
lower than in the BECs from patients with COPD than in the DISCUSSION
BECs from the healthy controls. Heat maps representing these Unbiased transcriptome analysis of BECs from patients with
different metabolites in the 2 groups are provided in Fig 3, C. severe asthma compared with those from healthy controls showed
The other 64 metabolites with levels that were not significantly a profound reduction in OXPHOS genes belonging to complexes
different between bronchial epithelium from patients with I, III, IV, and V of the electron transport chain, whereas for BECs
COPD and bronchial epithelium from healthy controls are from patients with mild asthma, this reduction was heteroge-
shown in Table E4 (in this article’s Online Repository at www. neous. Genes related to fatty acid metabolism, however, were
jacionline.org). significantly upregulated in BECs from all patients with asthma,
thus differentiating patients with asthma from healthy controls.
This differential expression in bronchial epithelium was validated
BT treatment–induced metabolic shift in BECs by lipidomics with enhanced levels of lipid species (PCs, LPCs,
BECs obtained from treated and, as controls, untreated and BMPs). The reduction in metabolites in bronchial epithelium
airways (ie, the right middle lobe) of patients with severe of patients with severe asthma was observed trendwise only, with
asthma 6 months after initiation of the treatment were subjected no clear differences. Most interestingly, in BECs from patients
to transcriptomics to analyze differentially expressed genes. with severe asthma who had received BT, a metabolic shift toward
Interestingly, the heat maps (Fig 4, A) and z scores (Fig 4, B) that in BECs from healthy individuals was observed. In BECs
showed that the BECs obtained from the treated airways had from patients with COPD also, there was a marked upregulation
significantly upregulated OXPHOS genes compared with the of lipid profiles compared with that in BECs from healthy
BECs from untreated airways. In addition, reduced glycolysis controls, and the upregulation was even more pronounced than
gene expression in the BECs from treated airways was observed that in BECs from patients with severe asthma.
in the heat maps (Fig 4, C) and z scores (Fig 4, D) when Together, these data indicate that bronchial epithelial cells are
compared with the glycolysis expression in the BECs from un- subject to metabolic adaptations in asthma. Studies have shown a
treated airways. Thus, thermoplasty induced a metabolic shift in metabolic shift from OXPHOS to glycolysis, particularly for
bronchial epithelium toward that observed in healthy controls. macrophages26 and dendritic cells,27 which has been linked to
The RNA sequencing data sets comparing bronchial epithelium inflammation. Another study showed that enhanced glycolysis
from untreated and BT-treated regions can be accessed by using in lung epithelium is required for IL-1a/b-induced proinflamma-
the link https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc5 tory responses.28 There could be several reasons for this attenu-
GSE161453. ated OXPHOS gene expression. For example, inflammatory
FIG 2. Functional analysis of lipid profiles and metabolites in BECs cultured ex vivo. Volcano plots (signif-
icance [–log10(P value)] vs effect size [log2(fold change)]) on the y-axis and x-axis, respectively) of lipid pro-
files in BECs from healthy controls (n 5 7) compared with in BECs from patients with severe asthma (n 5 9)
cultured ex vivo. A, The levels of lipids (dots labeled in green, red, or yellow) are significantly (P < .05)
reduced in control subjects with a log fold change greater than 1 or with a fold change less than 1, or
reduced with a fold change of greater than 1 but nonsignificant, respectively. B, Heat maps of lipid profiles
in BECs cultured ex vivo from healthy controls and patients with severe asthma (P < .05 with a log fold
change greater than 1). The asterisks in the heat maps indicate patients with severe asthma with low levels
of lipid species. C, Heat maps of metabolome in BECs cultured ex vivo from healthy controls (n 5 6) and
patients with severe asthma (n 5 8). (P < .05 and log fold change >1), with red indicating upregulation
and blue indicating downregulation.
mediators such as TNF-a, can inhibit COX1 by tyrosine phos- (ATP synthase) of the OXPHOS pathway.31 Therefore, a possible
phorylation, thereby switching from aerobic metabolism to scenario is that a defective TiAR and/or TIA-1 in BECs from pa-
glycolysis.29 Interestingly, here we have shown that the attenuated tients with asthma leads to the observed metabolic shift and the re-
OXPHOS gene expression is observed in BECs that are hyperre- sulting lipid mediators may contribute to activation of the
sponsive, which results in an increased production of proinflam- bronchial epithelium,32 which can lead to chronic inflammation
matory mediators, prominently, the neutrophilic chemoattractant in asthma.33 Alternatively, but not mutually exclusively, enhanced
CXCL-8, owing to a defective translocation of the translational reactive oxygen species and mitochondrial damage in bronchial
repressor T-cell internal antigen-1–related protein (TiAR).8 Inter- epithelium were found to parallel high levels of CXCL-8, IL-6,
estingly, TiAR and the closely related T-cell internal antigen-1 and IL-1b production.34 Further support for a link between mito-
(TIA-1) have also been implicated in mitochondrial biogenesis.30 chondrial dysfunction and neutrophilic inflammation comes from
In addition, TiAR and TIA-1 knockdown attenuates complex V clustering of genes in sputum from patients with asthma, in which
FIG 2. (Continued).
FIG 3. Lipidomics and metabolome analysis of expanded BECs from patients with COPD versus BECs from
controls and patients with severe asthma. A, Heat maps of lipid profiles in ex vivo–cultured BECs from pa-
tients with COPD (n 5 6) and healthy controls (n 5 7) (P < .05 with log fold change >1). B, Heat maps of lipid
profiles in ex vivo–cultured BECs from patients with COPD (n 5 6) and patients with severe asthma (n 5 9)
(P < .05 with log fold change > 1). C, Heat maps of metabolome in ex vivo–cultured BECs from patients with
COPD (n 5 6) and healthy controls (n 5 7) (P < .05 with log fold change > 1), with red indicating upregulation
and blue indicating downregulation.
FIG 4. BT treatment alters metabolic gene expression in BECs from patients with severe asthma. A and B,
Upregulation of OXPHOS genes shown in heat map (A) and line graph plotting z scores (B) in a pairwise
comparison of BECs obtained 6 months after thermoplasty from the treated (left lower lobe) and untreated
region (middle lobe). C and D, Also, similar pairwise analysis in heat maps (C) and plotted z scores (D) show
reduced expression of glycolysis-related genes in BECs from treated versus untreated airways in patients
with severe asthma (n 5 23). E, Hyperresponsive (see Ravi et al4) BECs (n 5 4) from patients with mild
asthma displayed enhanced expression of OXPHOS genes (the same genes mentioned in Fig 1, A), as
compared with that in normoresponsive BECs (n 5 4).
case high neutrophilic inflammation was strongly associated with The differences in metabolites between BECs from patients
a significant reduction in OXPHOS genes in transcriptome- with severe asthma and those from healthy individuals appear to
associated cluster 2 (TAC2),35 and ether lipids from neutrophils36 affect purine metabolism, amino acid biosynthesis, and glycol-
downregulate mitochondrial activity.37 Finally, BECs from pa- ysis. In BECs from patients with COPD, the pathways that may be
tients with COPD, which is associated with neutrophilic inflam- affected are creatine metabolism and the tricarboxylic acid cycle.
mation,38 also display a very distinct increase in lipid species, This translation of metabolites to metabolic pathways, however,
even when compared with that from patients with asthma. is based merely on the presence of 3 or more significantly
Together, these findings provide strong evidence for a prominent different metabolites and should thus be considered with caution.
reduction in mitochondrial activity in BECs that is linked to The consequences of these different metabolic pathways on the
neutrophilic inflammation in asthma, and possibly in COPD. functioning of BECs remain to be determined, but they likely
affect biosynthesis, energy housekeeping, and ultimately inflam- that cultured bronchial epithelial cells maintain their phenotype
matory responses and possibly lung function. In our analysis, 2 ex vivo4 and depict asthma severity.48 This indicates that bron-
patients with severe asthma displayed markedly lower levels of chial epithelium can retain intrinsic features, even after culturing
lipid species and had lower FEV1 % reversibility than other the ex vivo.4 Third, because of the high variability of lipid mediators
patients did. Despite the low numbers, it would be interesting to measured in lung epithelial lining fluids,49 it is possible that more
explore whether higher lipid metabolism in bronchial epithelium patients should have been included for functional validation by
results in higher FEV1 % reversibility in patients with severe metabolome analysis. The transcriptome data, however, were
asthma. substantiated by lipidomics. Fourth, OXPHOS is known to be
Altered mitochondrial metabolism in airway epithelial cells attenuated by aging,50 and both those patients with severe asthma
may affect various epithelial functions, such as that of the and those with COPD were older than those in the healthy cohort.
mucociliary escalator. Epithelial cells in healthy lungs require However, the reduced expression of OXPHOS genes was also
energy for proper hydration of the mucus layer and mucociliary observed in younger patients included in the cohort of patients
clearance by ciliary beat.39 Consequently, mitochondrial damage with mild asthma, and thus, it is unlikely that aging underlies
in bronchial epithelium of patients with asthma leads to ciliary the observed differences between patients and healthy controls.
dysfunction, resulting in poor mucus clearance,40 and in COPD In addition, BT apparently resets the metabolic changes in
this has been linked to exacerbations.41 In the current study, the BECs, suggesting that the reduced expression of OXPHOS genes
BECs from some patients with asthma from the steroid-naive is acquired rather than due to aging. With respect to the latter, we
cohort with mild asthma displayed reduced OXPHOS gene cannot exclude the possibility that regional differences in the air-
expression. Therefore, at least for this cohort, the reduced expres- ways underlie the observed different bronchial epithelial tran-
sion of OXPHOS genes is independent of corticosteroid use. scriptomes after BT. Finally, for our study we used submerged
BT is a treatment option for patients with severe asthma who cultures, which typically contain undifferentiated BECs as
are uncontrolled despite optimal medical therapy, including a opposed to, for example, BECs grown at air-liquid interface cul-
high dose of inhaled bronchodilators and inhaled or oral tures, which are considered more representative of airway epithe-
corticosteroids. The results from biopsy and imaging studies are lial cells. Submerged cultures were chosen because the cells
conflicting as to whether the untreated parts of the airways are could be analyzed after a shorter culture time span (2 weeks),
also altered by BT.12,42 However, our results show a significantly as opposed to the 6 weeks required for air-liquid interface cul-
increased expression of OXPHOS genes in BECs obtained from tures, and were therefore less likely to lose their phenotype. As
treated parts compared with in BECs from untreated parts (middle our control BECs were also cultured submerged, our findings
lobe). Interestingly, imatinib, a protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor, are genuine, but the consequences of this for differentiated cells
is shown to improve airway hyperresponsiveness in severe refrac- need to be established.
tory asthma,43 and it also inhibits the platelet-derived growth fac- In summary, we have shown metabolic differences between
tor that induces airway smooth muscle cell proliferation.44 In BECs from patients with asthma and patients with COPD and
addition, imatinib induces an increase in OXPHOS gene expres- BECs from healthy individuals, with the differences worsening
sion in bronchial epithelium, specifically, in the responders to the with the severity of asthma. As these metabolic defects link to the
treatment.45 This suggests that reversing metabolic defects in earlier reported epithelial hyperresponsiveness,4 these metabolic
bronchial epithelium from patients with asthma could be benefi- effects appear to underlie airway inflammation. In this context, it
cial for patients with asthma. is of interest that BT partially normalizes the metabolic differ-
For the first time, a persistent and altered metabolism in ences, thereby resetting the bronchial epithelium, which may
bronchial epithelium has been demonstrated in vivo in patients contribute to the response to BT treatment.
with mild asthma and, more prominently, in patients with severe
asthma. The strengths of our study comprise the inclusion of pa- Key messages
tients with asthma who differ in severity of their asthma, healthy
controls, and patients with COPD. For severe asthma, we have d Bronchial epithelium from patients with severe asthma is
also shown that BT affects this altered metabolism in BECs. There metabolically altered.
was an earlier report comparing BECs obtained from sequential d Levels of lipid species in bronchial epithelium from pa-
BT sessions,46 but as the samples were collected on different tients with asthma or COPD bronchial epithelium are
days, those analyses may have been biased. In the BT trial we enhanced.
collected and analyzed BECs from treated versus nontreated air-
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ing both oral corticosteroids and ICSs, which may have influ-
enced the alteration of metabolic genes in their bronchial
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