Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani Pilani Campus Instruction Division

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Pilani Campus
Instruction Division

Department of Computer Science & Information Systems

Second Semester: 2016-2017
Course Handout: Part-II
Date: 11/01/2017

In addition to part-I (General handout for all courses appended to the timetable) this portion gives further
specific details regarding the course:

Course No. : BITS F464

Course Title : Machine Learning
Instructor-in-Charge : Kamlesh Tiwari, (Kamlesh.tiwari@)

1. Objective and Scope of the Course

One of the most significant developments in current technological platform is the availability of huge
volume of data. This is possible due to the devices that are enabled to automatically collect and store
data. Availability of sufficient amount data brings the power to develop efficient algorithms for very
complex tasks that is not possible otherwise. The process of making algorithm better based on data is
typically called learning and is the subject matter of this course. Machine Learning as a discipline is
devoted to design algorithms that allow itself to learn patterns and concepts from data without being
explicitly programmed. This course will introduce some of the principles and foundations of Machine
Learning algorithms along with their real -world applications. The course would be introductory in
nature, and would not assume any prior exposure of its audience towards Machine Learning.

The course will cover the major approaches to learning namely, supervised, unsupervised, and
reinforcement leaning. The course emphasizes various techniques, which have become feasible with
increased computational power and our ability to produce and capture huge volumes of data. The topics
covered in the course include regression, decision trees, support vector machines, artificial neural
networks, Bayesian techniques, Hidden Markov models, genetic algorithms etc. Some advanced topics
like active and deep learning will also be covered.

2. Course Material

Text Book:

Tom M. Mitchell, Machine Learning, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. International Edition

Reference Books:

1. Christopher M. Bhisop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2006.

2. N. J. Nilson, Introduction to Machine Learning, Stanford, Online Link

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Pilani Campus
Instruction Division

3. D. Michie, D.J. Spiegelhalter, C.C. Taylor (eds), Machine Learning, Neural and Statistical
Classification, Ellis Horwood publishers, Online Link

4. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning,
Springer, 2009. Online Link\_print10.pdf

5. Hal Daume III, A Course in Machine Learning, 2015. Online Link

6. Kevin Murphy, Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective, MIT Press, 2012 Online Link

3. Course Plan

Lecture Topic(s) to be discussed Reference

1 Introduction to Machine Learning TB[Ch-1]
Probability theory, Decision theory, Information theory, Linear Algebra Self Study + R1[Ch-
2], TB[Apndx-C]
2-5 MAP Hypothesis, Minimum Description Length (MDL) principle, TB[Ch-6], class
Expectation Maximization (EM) Algorithm, Bias-variance notes, R1[Apndx-E]
Decomposition, Lagrange Multipliers, Mixture of Gaussians, PCA and
6-8 Liner Models for regression: Linear basis function models, Bayesian R1[Ch-3]
linear regression
9-12 Liner Models for classification: Discriminant Functions, Probabilistic R1[Ch-4]
Generative Classifiers, Probabilistic Discriminative Classifiers
13-14 Bayesian Learning Techniques: Bayes optimal classifier, Gibbs TB[Ch-6]
Algorithm, Naive Bayes Classifier
15-21 Non-linear Models: Model Selection & Decision Trees, Ensemble TB[Ch-3], TB[Ch-4],
Classifiers, Neural Networks, Multilayer Perceptron, Network training, R1[Ch-5], TB[Ch-8]
Error back-propagation, Instance-based Learning, K-NN, Case-based
22-24 Margin/Kernel Based Approaches: Support Vector Machines Class Notes,
25-28 Graphical Models: Bayesian Belief Networks, Hidden Markov Models TB[Ch-6], class
29-30 Unsupervised Learning: Mixture Models, K-means Clustering, Self- TB[Ch-6], R1[Ch-9]
organized Maps (SOM
31-32 Genetic Algorithms: Hypothesis space search, Genetic programming, TB[Ch-9]
Models of evaluation & learning
33-34 Reinforcement Learning: Q Learning, Non-deterministic rewards & TB[Ch-13]
actions, Temporal difference learning, Generalization
35-38 Advanced Topics: Active Learning, Deep Learning, Metric Learning Class Notes
39-40 Application Examples: Speech Recognition, Image Retrieval Class Notes
41-42 Big Data Challenges: Machine Learning for Big Data Class Notes

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Instruction Division

4. Evaluation Scheme

S.No. Evaluation Component Weight Information

1. Mid-sem Test (Open Book) 25% Duration would be 120 Min
2. Notes Scribing (Open Book) 5% -
3. Quiz-01 (Close Book) 5% Duration would be 30 Min
4. ML Competition: 5% One Day
24 hour ML competition would be Grading would be done based on
organized where students would the relative ranking and
participate in teams. Top two teams would performance of the team
also get goodies.
5. Term Project: 30% Would be evaluated based on the
Would be done on individual basis. A list of report and viva for each of the
titles would be advertised on NALANDA following components
from where students can select one. This a) literature survey (Jan 29) 5%
may require lot of coding, experimentation b) Implementation (Feb 26) 8%
and mathematical analysis. c) Innovation (Mar 19) 8%
d) Results (Apr 08) 4%
e) Final Report (April 15) 5%
6. Comprehensive Exam (Close Book) 30% Duration would be 180 Min

5. Honor Code
No form of plagiarism shall be tolerated. Student shall be awarded ZERO marks and case may be
reported to the appropriate committee of the Institute for appropriate action.

6. Notices
All notices would be put on Nalanda

7. Make-up Policy
To be granted only in case of serious illness or emergency on case by case basis for Mid-sem Test and
Comprehensive Exam only.

8. Chamber Consultation Hours: Mon/Wed 5-6 PM (6120-N @ NAB)


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