Data Transfer Instructions
Data Transfer Instructions
Data Transfer Instructions
MOV − Used to copy the byte or word from the provided source to the provided destination.
POP − Used to get a word from the top of the stack to the provided location.
IN − Used to read a byte or word from the provided port to the accumulator.
OUT − Used to send out a byte or word from the accumulator to the provided port.
LEA − Used to load the address of operand into the provided register.
LDS − Used to load DS register and other provided register from the memory
LES − Used to load ES register and other provided register from the memory.
LAHF − Used to load AH with the low byte of the flag register.
PUSHF − Used to copy the flag register at the top of the stack.
POPF − Used to copy a word at the top of the stack to the flag register.
NPG − Used to negate each bit of the provided byte/word and add 1/2’s complement.
DIV − Used to divide the unsigned word by byte or unsigned double word by word.
IDIV − Used to divide the signed word by byte or signed double word by word.
CBW − Used to fill the upper byte of the word with the copies of sign bit of the lower byte.
CWD − Used to fill the upper word of the double word with the sign bit of the lower word.
AND − Used for adding each bit in a byte/word with the corresponding bit in another byte/word.
OR − Used to multiply each bit in a byte/word with the corresponding bit in another byte/word.
XOR − Used to perform Exclusive-OR operation over each bit in a byte/word with the corresponding bit
in another byte/word.
SHL/SAL − Used to shift bits of a byte/word towards left and put zero(S) in LSBs.
SHR − Used to shift bits of a byte/word towards the right and put zero(S) in MSBs.
SAR − Used to shift bits of a byte/word towards the right and copy the old MSB into the new MSB.
ROL − Used to rotate bits of byte/word towards the left, i.e. MSB to LSB and to Carry Flag [CF].
ROR − Used to rotate bits of byte/word towards the right, i.e. LSB to MSB and to Carry Flag [CF].
RCR − Used to rotate bits of byte/word towards the right, i.e. LSB to CF and CF to MSB.
RCL − Used to rotate bits of byte/word towards the left, i.e. MSB to CF and CF to LSB.
String Instructions
INS/INSB/INSW − Used as an input string/byte/word from the I/O port to the provided memory
OUTS/OUTSB/OUTSW − Used as an output string/byte/word from the provided memory location to the
I/O port.
SCAS/SCASB/SCASW − Used to scan a string and compare its byte with a byte in AL or string word with
a word in AX.
LODS/LODSB/LODSW − Used to store the string byte into AL or string word into AX.
JMP − Used to jump to the provided address to proceed to the next instruction.
JLE/JNG − Used to jump if less than/equal/if not greater than instruction satisfies.
STI − Used to set the interrupt enable flag to 1, i.e., enable INTR input.
CLI − Used to clear the interrupt enable flag to 0, i.e., disable INTR input.
LOOP − Used to loop a group of instructions until the condition satisfies, i.e., CX = 0
Interrupt Instructions
These instructions are used to call the interrupt during program execution.
INT − Used to interrupt the program during execution and calling service specified.