University of San Jose-Recoletos Course Syllabus: Course Title: Agrarian Reform Law & Social Legislation Instructor
University of San Jose-Recoletos Course Syllabus: Course Title: Agrarian Reform Law & Social Legislation Instructor
University of San Jose-Recoletos Course Syllabus: Course Title: Agrarian Reform Law & Social Legislation Instructor
This two-unit course is aimed to provide law students an insight into the core concepts of
agrarian reform law as designed and implemented under RA 6657 (as amended). A historical
background shall be provided, and the key ideas of this social justice legislation will be
examined. On the later part of the semester other social legislations like the Social Security
System Law and the Government Service Insurance System will also be introduced to students.
Learning Outcomes
The course will be taught through lectures and class recitation. In addition to the cases, the
students will be given practical examples and asked to apply the principles discussed.
On the later part of the course, students will be working in small groups to complete a specific
task and work together to report a particular social legislation: its principles, implementation
and issues including relevant cases.
Week/Session Topics/Sub-topics
Week 1 Historical Background and Progression of Legislation
Article: Law on Agrarian Reform, by Recaredo Barte, 1991 Edition, pp. 1-18
Article: The Development of Post War Philippine Land Reform: Political and Sociological
Explanations By David Wurfel in Second View from the Paddy, Antonio
Ledesma, Perla Q. Makil & Virginia A. Miralao, eds., Institute of Philippine
Culture, Ateneo de Manila, 1983
PD 27 (Emancipation of Tenants from the Bondage of the Soil) Oct. 21, 1972.
Roxas vs. Court of Appeals (GR No. 127876, Dec. 17, 1999)
Hacienda Luisita Inc. versus Presidential Agrarian Reform Council et. al, GR. No.
171101, July 5, 2011.
Reference: DAR Adm. Order No. 2, series 2009 – RULES AND REGULATIONS
LANDS under RA 6657 as amended by RA 9700
Sec. 6 of RA 6657 – Retention Rights (c.f. with retention right under PD 27)
Alita vs. Court of Appeals (170 SCRA 706, 1989)
Reference: DAR Adm. Order No. 2 series 2003 - 2003 Rules of Procedure on Landowners
Retention Rights
References: DAR Adm. Order No. 13 series 1990 – Rules and Procedures Governing
Exemptions of Lands Under Sec. 10 of RA 6657
DAR Adm. Order No. 4 series 2003 – 2003 Rules on Exemption of Lands under Sec. 3c,
RA 6657 and DOJ Opinion 44 s. 1990
Luz Farms vs. Secretary of Agrarian Reform, GR No. 86889, December 4, 1990
(192 SCRA 51)
Department of Agrarian Reform Petitioner, vs. Delia T. Sutton et. al., Respondents.
[G.R. No. 162070. October 19, 2005.]
Milestone Farms, Inc., petitioner, vs. Office of the President, respondent. [G.R. No.
182332. February 23, 2011.]
Reference: DAR Adm. Order No. 3, series 1995 – Rules and Regulations on the Exemption
of Fishponds from the Coverage of CARL pursuant to RA 7881
Central Mindanao University versus DARAB (215 SCRA 85, 1992) [compare with
Read PD 27 and EO 228 and the valuation formula (para. 4, PD 27 and Sec. 2 of
EO 228)
Sec 17 and 18, RA 6657
Sec16 (d) in relation to the authority of the DAR to revalue the property
Land Bank vs. CA and Pedro Yap (GR No. 118712, Oct. 6, 1995)
Authority of the DAR Adjudication Board over land valuation cases (see Article
XIX of the 2009 DARAB Rules of Procedure)
Indefeasibility of Titles
REFORM and HACIENDA MARIA, INC., respondents. [G.R. No. 159674. June
30, 2006.]
Reference: Administrative Order No. 2, s, 2006, Revised Rules and Procedures Governing
Leasehold Implementation in Tenanted Agricultural Lands
Jose Luis Ros, et. al. Petitioners, vs. Department Of Agrarian Reform Respondents.
[G.R. No. 132477. August 31, 2005.]
Memo Circular No. 54 s. 1993, Office of the President (Prescribing the Guidelines
governing Sec. 20 of RA 7160 Authorizing Cities And Municipalities to Reclassify
Agricultural Lands to Non-Agricultural Uses.)
Reference: DAR Administrative Orders No. 1, s. 2002 — 2002 Rules and Regulations on
the Conversion of Agricultural Lands to Non-Agricultural Uses
The Hon. Carlos Fortich et. al. vs. The Hon. Renato Corona GR. No. 131457,
April 24, 1998 (Decision, Opinion and Resolution of the Motion for
Decision of the Office of the President on the Sumilao Case (on the Revocation of
the Conversion Order)
The Department of Agrarian Reform (Executive Order 129-A, dated July 26,
Rufina Vda de Tangub vs. Court of Appeals, UDK 9864, December 3, 1990 (191
SCRA 885)
Sta. Rosa Realty Development Corporation versus Juan Amante (G.R. No.
112526, March 16, 2005)
Authority of the DAR Secretary to nullify titles under the CARP (Sec. 24 of RA
6657 as amended by Sec. 9 of RA 9700)
Reference: DAR Adm. Order No. 6. Series 2011 [ September 21, 2011] The 2011 Revised
Rules and Procedures Governing the Cancellation of Registered Emancipation Patents (EPs),
Certificates of Landownership Award (CLOAs), and Other Titles Issued Under any Agrarian
Reform Program
READ: DAR Administrative Order No. 3, series 2011(July 19, 2011): Revised Rules and
Regulations Implementing Sec. 19 of RA 9700 (Jurisdiction on and Referral of Cases that
are Agrarian in Nature)
DOJ Department Circular No. 40, dated June 7, 2010 [Guidelines on the Investigation
and Referral of Cases to the DAR pursuant to Sec. 19 of RA 9700].
OCA Circular No. 62-2010 dated April 28, 2010 on the Implementation of Secs. 7 and 50-
A of RA 6657, as amended.
Sec 57, The role of the Special Agrarian Courts in land valuation and penal
Phil. Veterans Bank vs. CA et. al, (GR No. 132767, Jan. 18, 2000)
Land Bank vs. CA and Jose Pascual (GR No. 128557, Dec. 29, 1999)
RA 8282
Settlement of Disputes
Portability Law
RA 7699
Week 6 Finals
Principal References:
Comprehensive Agrarian Law of 1988, R.A. 6657, as amended by RA 7881, 7905, 8532 and
SSS and GSIS Charters.
Urban Development and Housing Act, RA 7279.
The Expandend Senior Citizen Act, RA 9944.
Useful Reference
DAR Legal Information System (
SSS website
GSIS website
Reference Book
Recaredo Barte, Law on Agrarian Reform
Atty. Paulino D. Ungos, Jr and Atty. Paulino Q. Ungos, III, Agrarian Law and Social Legislation,
Students will be assessed through graded recitations in class, a debate, a legal memorandum,
oral presentations, quizzes, a prelim examination, a mid-term examination and a final
examination, with the grade breakdown and description as below. The passing grade is 75.
Quiz 20%
Prelim exam 25%
Mid-term exam 20%
Final Exam 20%
Use of electronic devices is permitted, but only for use in class work.
For other course policies, please see the Rules and Regulations on attendance, dress code,
discipline,. scholastic responsibility, and plagiarism, in the University of San Jose-Recoletos
Students’ Manual.
The class will appoint a Facebook Group Page Administrator who will create the
group page (Agrarian Law with Atty. Ouano Summer 2019) and add everyone in the
class including Atty. Ethelbert Ouano.
Note:The professor reserves the option of amending the reading list and assignments.