Psychiatry PDF
Psychiatry PDF
Psychiatry PDF
10 Q in NEET PG
~2 Q from general psychiatry
6-8 Q from clinical psychiatry
1-2 Q from psychology
1. Class notes
2. Class test/Grand test/Subject wise tests
4. DAMS club/cloud
5. CRS theory
Psychiatry Page 1
General Psychiatry
26 August 2017 10:06
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└─{Personality Tests─┬─{Rorschach's Ink blot test
└─{Thematic Apperception Test
aka approach to a patient
History Taking
1. Identifying data
2. Chief Complaints
4. Past History
5. Family History
6. Personal History
a. Most imp
b. Includes
i. Marital history [Good prognosis]
ii. Occupational history [Doctors have highest incidence]
iii. Academic history
1) MC cause of poor scholastic performance is mental retardation
2) Other causes → Autism, ADHD, anxiety
c. Does not include food preferences
Disorders of Thought
Disorders of form
Loosening of association [Derailment]
Disorders of content
Disorders of possession of thought
Thought Insertion
Thought Withdrawal
Thought Broadcast
Disorders of stream of thought
Flight of Ideas
Thought Block
Form of thought
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Form of thought
Form = formation [genesis of thought process]
Normal thought
Logical sequence of events
A → B → C → D and so on
Loosening of association
Disorganised speech
It's like train ka track change hota rehta he. The next topic has no
relationship with the previous one
In LOA, individual parts of the thought process are not connected to each other by
logic/meaning such that the overall speech output is not understandable
Coining new words which have meaning to the patient but not to the examiner
Content of thought
False, firm and fixed belief that persists even after evidence against it is provided
Types of delusion
1. Delusion of persecution/paranoid delusion
a) Person feels that people are planning & plotting against me to cause
destruction/harm to myself, my family members or my property
b) Conspiracy
c) Suspicious
d) Seen in schizophrenia
2. Delusion of reference
a) Person feels things, acts, places, talks, events make a direct reference
to me
b) Seen in schizophrenia
3. Delusion of grandiosity
a) Supremacy
i) Wealth
ii) Power
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ii) Power
iii) Position
b) Seen in mania
4. Delusion of guilt/sin
a) Blaming himself/herself
b) Seen in depression
5. Delusion of Nihilism
a) Person denies existence of
i) Himself
ii) World
b) Clinical clues
i) Internal organs have rotten
ii) Bad smell coming out of my body
c) MC cause → Severe depression
d) 2nd MC cause → Cotard's syndrome [Total 7 syndromes in psychiatry
Other classification
Bizarre delusions Non-bizarre delusions
Implausible Possible
Q A person thinks that his thoughts are taken away by his neighbour who
has inserted a device inside his head. Diagnosis?
1. Bizarre delusions
2. Non-bizarre delusions
Obsession Compulsion
Thought Act
Dirt contamination → Hand washing
[MC obsession]
Pathological doubt → Checking
[MC compulsion]
Overall MC OCD → Thought > Action [So, Dirt contamination > Checking]
Patient is aware that hands are NOT dirty but this unwanted thought comes in
Properties of an obsession
D Distressing [= Ego-dystonic or inconsistent with self image]
O Own but unwelcome[= Ego-alien]
I Intrusive/Irresistible
R Recurrent
S Senseless [Irrational]
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Long term complication Depression
Signs in OCD
Ambivalency Ambitendency
Indecisiveness between 2 opposite Indecisiveness between 2 opposite
1. thoughts actions
MC seen in OCD
2. Magical thinking
1. My thinking makes it happen
2. Excessively correlating thoughts with events
3. Very common in OCD
Possession of thought
Thought alienation
All of these are bizarre delusions
Thought Insertion Thought Withdrawal Thought Broadcast
Outside thoughts Your thoughts few others get Your thoughts many others get
come in your mind to know without speaking to know without speaking
Stream of thought
Thought tempo
Flight of Ideas
By chance association
Subtle/small/one word connection [Partially understandable]
I love my home, home sweet home, sugar is sweet, sweet gives
diabetes, diabetics have sweet urine
1. Flight of ideas [As words matching with each other]
2. Derailment
3. Circumstantiality
4. Tangentiality
Inhibition or slowing of thinking
Seen in depression
Thought continuity
Persistence of the same response beyond the point of relevance
What's your name? Rahul
Father's name? Rahul
Where are you from? Rahul
And so on
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Seen in
Organic Mental Disorders
Also, schizophrenia
Thought Block
Sudden break in the train of thoughts
Seen in
Anxiety [Seen in normal person]
Circumstantiality Tangentiality
Overinclusion of unnecessary details Going off track & NEVER reaching the
but ultimately reaching the answer answer
Ex Ex
Patient asked, "When did you reach the Patient asked, "How are you feeling
hospital?" today?"
Patient replied with details of his morning Patient replies, "The sofa is feeling
like when he woke up and ends with the time soft today"
[the required answer] [Didn't give the required answer]
Clang associations
Words are linked to each other by rhyme
Disorders of Perception
Hallucination Illusion
Perception without stimulus Perceptual misinterpretation
Ex Mirage
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[mind perceives a familiar pattern where none exists]
1. Auditory
1. Overall MC hallucination
2. Types
1st person Own thoughts as voices Thought echo/Audible thoughts
1. 2nd person 1 persons voice in ears Command hallucination
3rd person > 2 voices in ears Running commentary
2. Visual
1. MC in organic disorders
3. Olfactory
1. Temporal lobe epilepsy
4. Gustatory
1. Temporal lobe epilepsy
5. Tactile
1. Cocaine
Special Types
Reflex hallucination Functional hallucination
Synaesthesia BOTH misnomers as stimulus
Stimulus in 1 modality → Perception in Stimulus & perception in same
other modality modality
Ex Ex
Sound of a clap → feeling of itching on Person waves hand → Patient sees
hand dog
[Stimulus is auditory while perception is [Stimulus & perception both visual]
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Functional hallucination Illusion
On hearing sound of fan I see a rope as a snake
I hear voices scolding me + Sound of fan
Original stimulus + hallucination TOGETHER Original stimulus
Disorders of Mood
Mood Affect
Pervasive & sustained emotional state Outward emotional facial expression
Inner subjective Outer objective
Observed By family members
Higher mental functions & abilities
Time → Place → Person
Attention & Concentration
Serial subtraction test [100-7]
Immediate Recent Remote
Seconds to minutes Minutes to hours to days Days to months to years
Tested by attention test 24 hour recall test Past events of life
Working memory = Immediate + Recent
Remote memory
Implicit [procedural] Explicit [declarative]
Does not require Requires conscious attention to recall
conscious attention to
Ex Skills, habits, 2 Types
procedures 1. Semantic [Facts; ex Rules, words, language]
2. Episodic [Events; ex Autobiographical memory]
Remembering that school closes every year before summer holidays is an example
of what kind of memory?
1. Semantic
2. Episodic
Remembering that India gained independence on 15th August 1947 is what kind?
1. Semantic
2. Episodic
Remembering that independence day is celebrated on 15th August is what kind?
1. Semantic
2. Episodic
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2. Episodic
Abstract Ability
Understanding in depth the hidden meaning or concept
Concretisation of thinking
Loss of abstract ability
Schizophreni Will never open letter because it may contain bomb & sent by
a enemies
Depression Will never open letter because no use as everyone will die
Mania Will always read letter as it may be a love or lottery letter
Least important
Psychological testing [3 types]
Neuropsychological tests
Mini Mental Status Examination
11 Items
Total domains tested: 5
Total Score = 30
Screening test for dementia < 24
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Orientation 10
Language 9
Attention & Calculation 5
Registration 3
Recall 3
Bender Gestalt Test
Give patient target figures and ask him to copy them as well as possible
MC used screening test for organic brain dysfunction
Intelligence Tests
MC used test is Wechsler's Adult Intelligence Scale [WAIS]
For IQ assessment
Grading of severity of mental retardation [DSM IV]
Personality Tests
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Classification in Psychiatry
26 August 2017 15:07
ICD-10 DSM-5
International Classification of Diseases Diagnosis & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
22 chapters DSM IV TR → 5 axis
Chapter 5 [Mental Illnesses] TR → Text Revision
3 axes
I → All psychiatric disorders I → All psychiatric disorders except MR & PD
II → Disabilities II → MR & PD [Mental Retardation + Personality
III → Contextual factors Disorders]
III → General medical/surgical conditions
IV → Psychosocial [stress] factors
V → Global Assessment of Function [GAF] [Disability]
Coding system = F [Functional] The multiaxial system of DSM IV abolished in DSM V
F00-F09 → Organic Mental Disorders
F10-F19 → Substance Use Disorders
F20-F29 → Schizophrenia & related
F30-F39 → Mood disorders [MC]
F40-F48 → Neurotic disorders
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Psychotic Disorders
26 August 2017 15:20
≡┬─{Psychotic Disorders
└─{Schizophrenia─┬─{Bleuler's 4 A's of schizophrenia
├─{Kurt Schneider's 11 schizophrenic first rank symptoms─┬─{3 Thought
│ ├─{3 Perception
│ ├─{3 Made
│ ├─{2 Special
│ └─{Passivity
├─{Diagnostic Criteria───{Duration needed to diagnose Schizophrenia
├─{Neurotransmitters in Schizophrenia
├─{Catatonia─┬─{Signs of catatonia
│ ├─{Neurotransmitter decreased?
│ └─{Treatment
├─{Prognostic Factors
├─{Types of persistent delusional disorders─┬─{Delusion of infidelity
│ ├─{Paranoid disorder [MC]
│ ├─{Delusion of love
│ ├─{Delusional parasitosis
│ └─{Delusional misidentification
└─{Treatment of schizophrenia───{How long to continue antipsychotics?
Psychosis Neurosis
Old concept Insight/Awareness ABSENT Insight/Awareness PRESENT
Recent Loss of reality contact No loss of reality contact
[Delusions & Hallucinations]
Psychotic Disorders
First classified by Emil Kraepelin
Based on course
Episodic Continuous
Manic Depressive Psychosis Dementia praecox
Later named, Later named
Bipolar affective disorder Schizophrenia
Spirit mind
Term by Eugene Bleuler
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A4 Ambivalency [Indecisiveness]
3 Thought
3 Perception
1st person
2nd person
3rd person
3 Made
2 Special
Somatic passivity
Delusional perception
I am under control/influence
Motor functions under control Made phenomenon
[Made me to do]
Sensations under control Somatic passivity
[Pain as neighbour inserted a device in me]
Diagnostic Criteria
2/5 should be present x 6 months [DSM-5]
1. Delusions
i. Bizarre
2. Hallucinations
i. Running commentary
3. Disorganised speech
i. Loosening of Association
4. Disorganised behaviour
i. Animal like
5. Negative symptoms
. ICD-10 DSM-5
< 1 month Acute psychosis Brief Psychotic disorder
Onset within 2 weeks
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Onset within 2 weeks
1 - 6 months Schizophrenia Schizophreniform disorder
> 6 months Schizophrenia Schizophrenia
Incidence Prevalence
0.5-5.0/10,000 0.6-1.9% [DSM IV]
population 0.3-0.7% [DSM V]
[Ref- DSM IV]
1% → General population
8% → Non twin sibling
12% → One parent schizophrenic
12% → Dizygotic twins
40% → Both parents schizophrenic
47% → Monozygotic twins
Neurotransmitters in Schizophrenia
↑ in muscle tone
BUT cataplexy → ↓ muscle tone
Stuporous catatonia Excitatory catatonia
Stupor Agitation
Akinesia + Mutism in awake, alert person
MC Cause → Depression Mania
2nd → Schizophrenia
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2nd → Schizophrenia
Signs of catatonia
1. Posturing [Patient maintains posture]
2. Waxy flexibility
3. Ambivalency & Ambitendency
4. Negativism
5. Rigidity
6. Gegenhalten [Negativity + Rigidity]
7. Stereotypy [Non goal directed]
& Mannerisms [Goal directed]
1) Repetitive voluntary motor activities
8. Echolalia [Imitation of words]
& Echopraxia [Imitation of actions]
Neurotransmitter decreased?
1st line → IV lorazepam
Best → Electroconvulsive Therapy
Prognostic Factors
Good Bad
Sex Females Males
Age Late onset Early onset
Onset Acute Slow & insidious
Marriage + -
Precipitating factors + -
Symptoms + -
[Affective Flattening/Autism]
Affective symptoms + -
[Presence of depression]
CT scan Normal Abnormal
[Type 1] [Type 2]
Family History of schizophrenia - +
Family History of mania + -
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1. Person thinks 2 colleagues are
against him; Ex
those 2 talk to 2 more Elder brother thinks neighbours are trying to harm; After some time
→ so now thinks that all 4 are younger brother shares same delusion but NOT father [as father NOT
against him dependent but younger brother dependent]
3. Delusion of love/EROTOMANIA/De Clerambaut's syndrome
1. In this a lower SES female believes that a higher SES male is SECRETLY in love with her
4. Delusional parasitosis/Ekbom's syndrome
1. Body is infested with worms
→ Keeps moving leg at night
→ Restless Legs syndrome
5. Delusional misidentification syndrome
CAPGRAS syndrome FREGOLI syndrome
Delusion of doubles .
1. Family member has been replaced by an impostor or Family member can change to the disguise of a
intruder [Double] stranger
C/C → Stranger looking like family member C/C → Family member looking like a stranger
Treatment of schizophrenia
3 step algorithm
1st step/DOC Atypical antipsychotics other than clozapine
2nd step Typical antipsychotics
3rd step Clozapine
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Mood Disorders
26 August 2017 17:50
Mania Depression
1 week 2 weeks required for Dx
required for
Hypomania Sub syndromal Depression
4 days required No duration
for Dx
Chronic Low mood > 2 years
in ICD-9 → Neurotic depression
in DSM-5 → Persistent depressive disorder
Bipolar Disorder
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Persistent mood disorder
Bipolar type 3
Hypomania + Sub syndromal depression
> 2 years
Rapid cyclers
> 4 episodes in 1 year → Rapid cyclers
DOC: Valproate
D Distractibility [Poor attention span]
I Irritability
G Grandiosity
F Flight of Ideas
A Activity ↑ [Goal directed]
Social welfare
S Sleep ↓ [Need for sleep ↓]
T Talkativeness
E Energy increased
R Reckless/Risk taking behaviour
R Rarely suicidal attempt
All atypical antipsychotics are FDA approved as monotherapy for Tx of Acute mania, except
So, atypical antipsychotics are drugs for acute mania BUT valproate, Li > antipsychotics
So used when valproate, Li are C/I → DOC is antipsychotics
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Depression: Let's talk
Maximum DALY loss
Clinical Features
1. Low mood [Sadness]
2. Anhedonia [↓ interest in previously pleasurable activities]
3. ↓ psychomotor activity [Lethargy, easy fatigability, lack of energy, lack of concentration]
i. MC presenting symptom
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Moderate depression First 6
Severe depression + CF #7-9
Suicide predictors
1. Sex
Suicide → M>F
Suicidal attempt → F > M
2. Age
Suicide Elderly > Young
Suicidal attempt Young > Elderly
3. Depression
4. Previous suicidal attempt
1) Strongest predictor
5. Alcohol use
6. Long standing physical illness
7. Relationship
1) Single, unmarried, divorced > Married
5 HT ↓
NE ↓
DA ↓
ACh ↑
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Glutamate ↑
Drugs Psychotherapy Somatic modalities
DOC: SSRI Of choice: Cognitive Electroconvulsive
Behavioural Therapy
Most effective drug: TCA Principle: Cognitive rTMS
reconstruction [Repetitive transcranial
magnetic stimulation]
Depression + Psychotic symptoms: Target cognitive VNS [Vagal Nerve
Antidepressant + Antipsychotics distortions to Stimulation]
modify behaviour DBS [Deep Brain
Electroconvulsive therapy
1. ↑ Seizures → ↓ Psychosis
a) Minimum 25 s seizures for effective ECT
2. Neurotransmitter booster via ↑ BDNF
a) Brain Derived Neurotropic factor
1. Depression with suicidal tendencies
2. Depression with stupor [Catatonia]
3. Non responders for schizophrenia & mania
4. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome & Parkinson's Disease [New]
Direct ECT [w/o GA]
Modified ECT [under GA]
Methohexitol [Anaesthetic agent]
Side Effects
Amnesia [MC] > Headache
Both Anterograde & Retrograde
Completely reversible
Anterograde reverses in 5 hours
Retrograde reverses in 6 - 9 months
Absolute NONE
[Recent; Older → ↑ ICP]
Relative 1. ↑ ICP
2. Recent MI
3. Cardiac compromise
4. High risk pregnancy
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4. High risk pregnancy
Pregnancy is NOT C/I to ECT
1. Depression
2. OCD
4. Schizophrenia
5. Migraine
6. Parkinson's
Vagal Nerve Stimulation
Always left vagus [As right vagus supplies SA node]
Only cranial nerve whose stimulation → ↑ mood
Pulse generator implanted inside left vagus
Deep Brain Stimulation
1. Parkinson's
a) Subthalamic Nucleus stimulated
2. Depression
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Condition Onset Symptoms Treatment
PP Blues Days of MC → labile mood No Treatment
Baby blues delivery Tearfulness [self-limiting]
[MC] Low mood [< 2 weeks]
1. PP Depression < 4 weeks of Low mood [> 2 weeks] Anti-depressants
delivery + Guilt, Anhedonia, Rarely, ECT may be
Suicide [GAS] needed
PP Psychosis < 4 weeks of Depression with psychotic Anti-depressants +
delivery symptoms [infanticide] Anti-psychotics
2. Max recurrence in next pregnancy → PP psychosis
3. MC risk factors for PP psychosis
1. Previous h/o PP psychosis
2. Previous h/o mood disorder
3. Family h/o mood disorder
Special Q on depression
1. Sleep changes in depression
1. ↓ REM latency [Most imp]
2. ↓ Total sleep
3. ↓ NREM sleep
4. ↑ REM sleep
5. ↑ Core body temperature
6. Early morning awakening
7. Nocturnal awakening
2. Learned Helplessness Model
3. Empty Nest Syndrome
1. Depression in elderly when youngest child leaves home
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Child Psychiatry
26 August 2017 20:11
Childhood Depression
Warning Signs
1. School Refusal [↓ interest in studies]
2. Anger outbursts [Quarrelsome]
3. Somatic symptoms [Headache]
SSRIs [Fluoxetine]
Black box warning [↑ suicidal tendencies]
Tic Disorders
Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Triad of HIA
H Hyperactivity [Motor]
I Impulsivity
A Attention Deficit
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A Attention Deficit
Poor Concentration
Poor Retention [↓ Memory]
Poor scholastic performance
Despite normal IQ
Stimulants [↑ DA]
Methylphenidate [DOC → ADHD]
But ↑ tics so C/I in ADHD + tics
Non stimulants
Atomoxetine [DOC → ADHD + tics]
Triad of
1. Impairment in social communication & interaction
i. ↓ attachment to parents
ii. Never maintains eye contact
iii. Delayed social milestones
iv. Stranger anxiety
2. Language developmental delay [Milestones delayed]
i. Pronomial reversal
1) Replacing pronouns with nouns
2) Ex Varun will eat; Varun will cook etc
3. Restrictive, Repetitive & Stereotyped behaviour [Movement]
i. Ex Hand wringing in Rett's syndrome
Other Features
Mental Retardation in 30% cases
Abnormal dermatoglyphic [fingerprints]
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Autistic children with special abilities
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Neurotic Disorders
27 August 2017 09:10
MC psychiatric disorder
Anxiety disorder [30%] > Major depression [17%] > Phobia [15%] > Substance use
[12%] > GAD/Panic disorder/OCD [3-4%]
Neurobiology of Anxiety
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Neurobiology of Anxiety
Serotonin dysregulation
Most Imp
Psychic anxiety Physical anxiety
Apprehension Palpitation
Insecurity Tachycardia
Insomnia Tremors
Worry ↑ Urinary frequency
Dryness of throat
Performance anxiety
DOC for acute anxiety: BZD DOC: Propranolol
DOC for chronic anxiety overall: SSRI
[prevents acute anxiety attack]
Anxiety Disorders
Panic is d/d of medical emergencies so diagnosis of a panic disorder is made after ruling out
other causes of feeling of impending doom
Q A patient presents with intense ghabrahat & feeling of impending doom. All of the following
investigations would you like to do in an emergency EXCEPT
1. ECG [for MI]
2. RBS [for hypoglycemia]
3. TSH [for thyroid storm]
4. Hb
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Least common Most common
Fear of crowd Fear of socially demanding Fear of one specific situation
+ market situations Ex Only closed [Claustrophobia]
+ open
+ closed spaces ex stage phobia;
unable to urinate in public
when others are around
Fear of places from which
escape is difficult
[new definition]
All phobias cause tachycardia EXCEPT Blood phobia which causes Bradycardia & syncope
Exposure therapy
Psychotherapy of choice for phobia
Type of behavioural therapy
Drugs + Psychotherapy
1st drug Fluoxetine or Fluvoxamine
2nd Clomipramine
[Most effective drug]
3rd Risperidone
[Augmenting agent → Resistant OCD]
Electroconvulsive Therapy [for comorbid depression]
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Go to plastic surgeons who refer them to psychiatrists
It can present as a
Firm conviction Doubt
Delusional disorder OCD
Hair pulling disorder
Habit reversal
Psychotherapy of choice
Ex Making a fist while studying if person pulls hair while studying
Hoarding disorder
DSM-5 new
Person hoards/collects relatively useless & less useful things considering them of
emotional value
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b. DSM-5 new
Rx of PTSD: CBT Rx: SUPPORTIVE psychotherapy [Teach coping skills]
Grief Reaction
Normal Grief Pathological
Maximum up to 6-12 months > 1 years
Any symptoms within 2 months of death
Bereavement reaction
Mild - Moderate depression
+ Preoccupation with thoughts of dead one
[hearing him, seeing him, discussing with him]
This is not a hallucination/ghost
Drugs + Supportive psychotherapy
Somatoform Disorders
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Somatisation Somatoform pain Hypochondriasis
disorder disorder
Multiple somatic Only pain symptom of 1 Perception of having a serious life
complaints x 6 months location of long threatening medical illness
Ex standing duration Ex
4 pains Cough → Ca lung
2 GI symptoms Headache → Brain tumour
1 sexual/GU symptom
1 pseudo neurological
Preoccupied with Preoccupied with pain Preoccupied with diagnosis/illness
Ask for symptom relief Ask for pain relief Ask for confirmation of diagnosis
Common Features
Multiple investigations normal
Doctor shopping behaviour
Symptom production
Unconscious Conscious & Intentional
Somatoform disorder With goal/Motive → Legal, court, prisoner's Malingering
Without goal/motive → Factitious disorder
Factitious disorder → Munchausen syndrome
Munchausen Syndrome
1. Consciously produce symptoms to enjoy the hospital stay [Professional patients]
2. Fabricate/feign symptoms & request for procedures [Pseudologia fantastica]
1) Multiple scars over abdomen [Grid Iron abdomen]
Conversion disorder
Called hysteria by Hippocrates
After an acute precipitating psychosocial stress factor [TRIGGER]
Psychic conflict in unconscious mind
Converted to
[Acutely & unconsciously]
Bodily symptoms
[Sensory, motor, neurological]
Forms of conversion
1. Pseudo aphonia [Cough test]
2. Pseudo blindness [Optokinetic nystagmus; Visual Evoked Potential]
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2. Pseudo blindness [Optokinetic nystagmus; Visual Evoked Potential]
3. Pseudo paralysis [Astacia abasia → gait seen in conversion]
4. La Belle Indifference [Lack of emotional reactivity to suffering]
Pseudo seizure True seizure
Out of phase movement In phase movement
No injury May be seen
No tongue bite ""
No incontinence ""
5. No amnesia ""
No post ictal confusion ""
Never in night Nocturnal +nt
Never when alone Can occur
Normal Serum Prolactin ↑ Serum Prolactin
[As Seizure → ↓ DA]
1) Cut the secondary gain [remove attendants]
3) Supportive psychotherapy
Dissociative Disorders
Happen after a physical or psychological trauma/stress
Dissociative fugue
Amnesia [Loss of identity memory]
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Travels & reaches a new place
Assumes a new identity
1. Kleptomania
2. Pyromania
3. Intermittent Explosive Disorder
4. Oppositional Defiant Disorder [ODD]
5. Conduct Disorder [CD]
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Do not violate rights of Violates rights of others
Ex Stealing, setting fire, torturing animals
Verbally abusive to Physically + Verbally abusive to parents
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Eating Disorders
27 August 2017 13:42
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Organic Mental Disorders
27 August 2017 14:56
≡┬─{Delirium─┬─{Precipitating cause
│ └─{Treatment
├─{Dementia─┬─{Behavioural & Psychological symptoms of
dementia─┬─{Catastrophic reaction
│ │
│ │
│ ├─{One liners
│ └─{Treatment
└─{Korsakoff Amnestic Syndrome─┬─{Severe anterograde + Mild retrograde
Hallmark: Altered sensorium
Acute confusional state/Acute brain failure/Organic psychosis/ICU psychosis
Acute & fluctuating in nature
Precipitating cause
Medical Drugs Surgical
Fever Datura Head injury
Encephalitis Anticholinergic Post Op
Pneumonia Atropine ICU
Endocrine Alcohol withdrawal
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Flocillation → Plucking behaviour on bed sheets
Emotional lability
↑ psychomotor activity [restless]
Neurotransmitter: ACh ↓
Treat underlying cause
DOC for agitation → Haloperidol
Globally progressive cognitive decline x > 6 months
Characterised by
Amnesia + 2 out of 4
1. Apraxia [Motor]
2. Agnosia [Sensory recognition]
3. Aphasia [Speech & language]
4. Loss of executive function [Planning, organising, sequencing,
Apraxia → Inability to perform any given motor task despite tone & power being
Ex Constructional apraxia; Dressing apraxia
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5. Post encephalitis
One liners
MC psychiatric disease in elderly Depression
MC psychiatric disease after stroke in elderly Depression > Dementia
Predominant visual hallucination & movement Lewy Body Dementia
Rapidly progressive dementia + Myoclonus Creutzfeldt Jacob Disease
Step Ladder progression Post stroke dementia
Dementia + Urinary incontinence + Ataxia Normal pressure
↑ ACh ↓ Glutamate
Acetylcholine esterase inhibitors NMDA antagonist
Donepezil, Galantamine, Rivastigmine, Tacrine Memantine
Filling of gaps in the recent memory
Lack of drive
Impairment in executive functions
↓ social interaction & day to day activities affected
Thiamine deficiency [Chronic alcoholic]
Thiamine [200-300 mg/day]
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Substance Use Disorders
27 August 2017 15:55
Substance Dependence
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Cannabis withdrawal
Cocaine & Amphetamine withdrawal
Nicotine withdrawal
1. ↓ attention & concentration
2. Irritability
3. Drowsiness
4. Bradycardia [NOT tachycardia]
5. Constipation
Opium/Heroin withdrawal
Goose bumps
Cold turkey [Hypothermia + piloerection]
Muscle cramps
Autonomic hyperactivity
Alcohol withdrawal
Dependent on time since last drink
BOTH visual & auditory hallucinations seen
6 - 8 hours 1. Tremors [1st, MC]
[↑ NE] 2. Tachycardia & autonomic hyperactivity
8 - 12 hours 1. Alcoholic paranoia [Fixed delusions]
[↑ DA] 2. Alcoholic hallucinosis [Auditory hallucinations]
12 - 24 hours GTCS [Rum fits]
24 - 72 hours 1. Delirium Tremens
1. Altered sensorium
2. Visual hallucinations
a. Microscopic VH [Lilliputian hallucinations]
b. Macroscopic VH
3. Autonomic hyperactivity
Concept of substance
Substance action → x
If you take 1/x → Withdrawal
If you take 2x → Intoxication
So, symptoms of intoxication & withdrawal will be opposite
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Amphetamines including MDMA
MC used rave party drug
MDMA → Methylene dioxy methamphetamine
Gateway substances
Volatile solvents [Glue sniffing]
MC side effect → Bad trip [Panic like reaction]
Reflex hallucination [Synaesthesia]
Nasal septal perforation
Long term use
Paranoid psychosis [Delusion of persecution]
Reverse tolerance seen [Less amount of substance → psychosis]
Tactile hallucination
Acute intoxication Long term use
Paranoid schizophrenia like symptoms Tactile hallucinations
Dissociative Anaesthetics
Ketamine Phencyclidine [PCP/Angel dust]
Paranoid psychosis [Anti NMDA] Paranoid psychosis [Anti NMDA]
Vertical nystagmus
Opium Intoxication
1. Pin point pupils
2. Paralytic ileus
4. Respiratory depression
i. Cause of death
DOC: IV Naloxone
Opium withdrawal
No specific DOC for opium withdrawal
Symptomatic therapy OR Substitution therapy can be used
For pain Tramadol
For autonomic hyperactivity Clonidine
Tobacco deaddiction
Nicotine replacement Anti-craving
Gums, patches, lozenges Varenicline [α4β2 nicotine partial agonist]
Bupropion [Norepinephrine Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor]
Alcohol Intoxication
Dependent on Blood Alcohol Concentration [BAC]
Mellanby phenomenon
Person appears more intoxicated when BAC is rising than when it is falling at same level of BAC
BZD of choice
2nd most imp drug
To prevent Wernicke's encephalopathy
Wernicke's Encephalopathy
1. Global confusion
2. Ophthalmoplegia [Responds 1st to Rx]
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2. Ophthalmoplegia [Responds 1st to Rx]
3. Ataxia
Thiamine 200-300 mg/day
In pre-contemplation stage
Self-Exemption → It won't harm me
Contemplation & cost analysis
Commitment = Preparation
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Sexual Disorders
27 August 2017 17:53
≡┬─{Sexual Cycle───{Disorders─┬─{Desire
│ ├─{Arousal
│ └─{Orgasm
├─{Paraphilias───{Rx───{Aversive therapy
└─{Gender Identity Disorders
Sexual Dysfunction [Related to phases of sexual cycle]
Gender Identity disorders
Sexual Cycle
Desire → Arousal/Excitement → Orgasm → Resolution → Plateau
1. Desire
i. ↑
1) Male → Satyriasis
2) Female → Nymphomaniac
ii. ↓
1) Frigidity
2. Arousal
i. Male arousal disorder → Erectile dysfunction
Psychogenic Organic
Early morning erections + -
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iii. DOC : PDE-5 inhibitors [Sildenafil, Tadalafil, Vardenafil]
iv. α blocker → Phentolamine
3. Orgasm
i. Premature Ejaculation
2) Therapy [Dual sex therapy by Masters & Johnson]
a) Squeeze therapy [Start & stop technique]
b) Sensate focus technique
Abnormalities in sexual preferences
Deviation in
Sexual act Sexual object
Sadism Animate Inanimate
Masochism Bestiality Fetishism
Voyeurism Paedophilia [MC] ex transvestitism
MC paraphilia → Paedophilia
Paraphilia seen only in males → Exhibitionism
Aversive therapy
Type of behavioural therapy
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Personality Disorders
27 August 2017 18:19
Clusters Types
C Later Type D [Coronary artery disease prone]
For personality disorders
Type A Type B
CAD prone CAD not prone
Hostile Relaxed
Competitive Easy Going
Time bound
Career oriented
Good Job involvement
Cluster A
Odd & Eccentric
Cluster B
Dramatic & Emotional
1. Histrionic PD
a. Love to be the centre of attraction
b. Emotionally labile
c. Try to act in a seductive way
2. Narcissistic PD
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2. Narcissistic PD
a. Self-love
b. Constant admiration from others
c. Leadership
d. Arrogant & Adamant
3. Antisocial PD
a. Rebels
b. Love to break rules
c. Criminals, legal, eve teasing
d. Drug addiction, Violent
e. ODD [6-12 y] → CD [12-18 y] → ASPD [> 18 y]
i. Tom riddle → Voldemort
4. Borderline PD
a. Emotionally unstable PD
b. Pervasive & intense pattern of unstable interpersonal relationships [Emotional
c. Frequent relationship breakups
d. Need to get into a close relationship again as chronic feeling of emptiness inside
e. Mood swings, Impulsivity, Anger outbursts
f. Recurrent suicidal attempts, gestures, threatening & para suicides [wrist cutting]
g. Manipulative behaviour
i. Parents
ii. Partners
iii. Doctor
h. Comorbid alcohol use & depression
i. Rx
i. SSRI [to control impulsivity]
ii. Dialectical Behavioural Therapy [DBT]
1) Issues with this therapy
Transference Countertransference
Emotional reaction of patient Emotional reaction of therapist
a) towards therapist towards patient
Ex patient likes/hates psychiatrist Ex Psychiatrist likes/hates patient
Cluster C
Anxious & Fearful
Ego dystonic Ego syntonic
[No distress]
Compulsions Compulsions -
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Sleep Disorders
27 August 2017 19:13
Normal Sleep
DOC: Modafinil
Sleep Cycle
Sleep latency → Time taken from going to bed to finally falling asleep
NREM I comes only once
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27 August 2017 19:25
Female [Father]
Electra complex
Penis envy
Latency NONE Neurosis
[5 - 12 y]
Genital Genitalia Neurosis
[> 12 y]
Learning theories
Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning
Bell + food → Dog → Saliva .
Bell → Dog → Saliva
Learner Passive Active
Behaviour Involuntary Voluntary
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iii. Child studies to be allowed to watch TV
2. Negative reinforcement
i. ↑ desired behaviour
ii. Child studies to avoid losing bike he got in class 10th
iii. Child told, "If you don't study for 3 hours; No food for you"
3. Punishment
i. ↓ undesired behaviour
ii. Child doesn't talk to avoid being sent out of class
iii. Child told, "If you play for > 2 hours; No food for you"
Id Ego Superego
Innate & inborn Maintains balance between Id & Moralistic values & principles
Hunger, anger & sex Mature thinking It tells us what one must NOT
Immediate Delayed gratification .
Pleasure principle Reality principle
1. Denial
i. Denying the reality when it is too painful to be acceptable
ii. Examples
1) Stages of grief
2) All is well
3) Substance using people
2. Rationalisation 3. Projection
Neurotic Psychotic
Blaming others or giving excuses & explanations Attributing your own inner
2. for your unacceptable behaviour unacceptable feelings on to others
Ex Ex
Alcoholic blaming boss, family I hate Varun so I tell everyone that
Grapes are sour Varun hates me
3. Displacement
i. Defence mechanism in Phobia
ii. Venting your emotions onto someone inferior than you
iii. Ex
1) Boss has argument with partner so scolds junior employees
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1. Repression
2. Regression
3. Isolation of affect
4. Undoing 5. Reaction Formation
Making your unwanted thoughts go Doing reverse of your inner unacceptable
4. away by performing actions impulses
Ex Ex
Compulsions, apology Over caring for mother
Porn addict lecturing about harms of porn
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