Internship Report
Internship Report
Internship Report
Submitted by:
Enrollment No.: 20162023
B.B.A. (Honors.) 2016-19
Position Title:
HR Department
1. Processing and Compilation of data about the candidates who appeared for job interviews
in the past 3 months.
2. Sorting of data on the basis of candidates selected and rejected.
3. Reviewing CV’s.
4. Screening of candidates suitable for job openings.
5. Merging of attendance of factory workers marked using biometric systems and manual
attendance – There are times when the biometric system does not capture the thumb
impressions of the workers due to cuts or marks on their thumbs, in cases like these
manual attendance is marked for these workers. My work was to combine the attendance
of these workers marked through biometric and manual system.
6. Calculating the salaries of factory workers by filling the merged attendance in the system
– After merging attendance marked using both the methods, I had to complete the
attendance in the main system so that the salaries of these employees could be calculated.
7. Completion of 5 contractor files – I along with one more intern had to complete 5
contract files, these files contained data about the workers of these contractors and we
had to complete the data of these workers by compiling all their documents available with
us and had to get these files duly signed by the concerned contractors.
8. Distribution of salary slips to the factory workers.
Finance Department:
1. Processing of the suppliers data for the current year – My work was to take the data of the
suppliers from SAP software and use it for checking which suppliers had no business
activity with the company for past 4 months. Then I had to sort the data on the basis of
amounts due to these suppliers so that the accounts of these suppliers could be cleared.
This data was then used to settle payments of these suppliers.
Safety Department:
1. Attended workshop on safety measures used in the office and factory – This workshop
was meant for all the interns. We were given training on what measures should be taken
in case of emergencies in the office and factory premises, and different classes of fires
and fire extinguishing agents used for them.
2. Delivered a presentation on types of risks and hazards and the differences between risk
and hazard – I delivered a presentation on types of risks and hazards and differences
between them, what measures should be taken to prevent risks and how to resolve them.
This presentation was given in a workshop meant for all the interns.
Key Learnings