Ollege of Rts and Ciences: # CHED Suggested Syllabus # Outcomes Based Education (OBE)
Ollege of Rts and Ciences: # CHED Suggested Syllabus # Outcomes Based Education (OBE)
Ollege of Rts and Ciences: # CHED Suggested Syllabus # Outcomes Based Education (OBE)
What is Database
What is Data and Information
Properties and functions of the database
What is database management system
Course Objectives
Know the types of database
Identify the ER Models
Learn to connect tables using the proper Cardinalities
Learn to create a database with the proper sql syntax
Learn to create database using MS Access and MySQL
Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved:
Familiarized the
National and National Regional
Regional goals for Development Goals Students Handbook Library work Oral Recitation Students Handbook Freedom and
development. NORSU’s VMGO and Responsibility
Internalized the http://www.norsu.ed http://www.norsu.ed
Academic Policies of the Open Forum
Vision and Mission u.ph u.ph
College of Arts and
of Negros Oriental
Sciences – Computer
State University Projector
Science Department
Explained the Goals,
Objectives and Computer
Academic policies of
College of Arts and
Sciences – Computer
Science Department