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Fy Bsc Cs Fdbms Syllabus

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Name of the Course: Fundamentals of Database Systems

Sr. No. Heading Particulars

1 Description the Introduction:
course: The Fundamentals of Database Systems course is a
foundation in the study of information management and
technology. It provides students with a comprehensive
understanding of the principles, design, and implementation
of databases, which are critical components in virtually
every domain where data is utilized.
In today’s data-driven world, the management and retrieval
of information are paramount. This course is highly relevant
as it addresses the core concepts essential for organizing,
storing, and manipulating data efficiently.
This course is immensely useful for individuals aspiring to
work with data in various capacities. Whether designing
databases, developing applications that interact with
databases, or analyzing data trends, a solid understanding of
database fundamentals is crucial.
The principles learned in this course find application across
diverse sectors, including business, healthcare, finance, and
technology. Students will gain the skills to model real-
world scenarios, design efficient databases, and implement
systems that store and retrieve information seamlessly.
This course often attracts students due to its practical and
tangible applications. The ability to structure and manage
data effectively, ensuring its integrity and accessibility, can
be intellectually stimulating and applicable to numerous
real-world scenarios.
Connection with Other Courses:
This course forms a vital connection with various other
courses in computer science and information technology. It
is foundational to courses like database management, data
warehousing, and data mining. Additionally, it
complements courses related to software development,
ensuring a holistic understanding of system architecture.
Demand in the Industry:
As businesses and organizations amass ever-growing
volumes of data, there is an increasing demand for
professionals versed in database systems. Industries such as
finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and technology actively
seek individuals who can design, implement, and manage
robust databases.
Job Prospects:
Graduates proficient in the fundamentals of database
systems enjoy promising job prospects. Potential roles
include database administrator, data analyst, database
developer, and business intelligence analyst. These
professionals play a pivotal role in ensuring the efficient
and secure management of an organization's data assets.
2 Vertical: Major
3 Type: Theory
4 Credits: 2 credits (1 credit = 15 Hours for Theory)
5 Hours Allotted: 30 Hours
6 Marks Allotted: 50 Marks
7 Course Objectives(CO):
CO 1. To make students aware fundamentals of database system.
CO 2. To give idea how ERD components helpful in database design and
CO 3. To experience the students working with database using MySQL.
CO 4. To familiarize the student with normalization, database protection and
different DCL Statements.
CO 5. To make students aware about importance of protecting data from
unauthorized users.
CO 6. To make students aware of granting and revoking rights of data

8 Course Outcomes (OC):

After successful completion of this course, students would be able to -
OC 1. To appreciate the importance of database design.
OC 2. Analyze database requirements and determine the entities involved in the
system and their relationship to one another.
OC 3. Write simple queries to MySQL related to String, Maths and Date Functions.
OC 4. Create tables and insert/update/delete data, and query data in a relational
DBMS using MySQL commands.
OC 5. Understand the normalization and its role in the database design process.
OC 6. Handle data permissions.
OC 7. Create indexes and understands the role of Indexes in optimization search.
9 Modules
Module 1 (15 hours):
Introduction to DBMS: Database, DBMS – Definition, Overview of DBMS,
Advantages of DBMS, Levels of abstraction, Data independence, DBMS
Data models: Client/Server Architecture, Object Based Logical Model, Record
Based Logical Model (relational, hierarchical, network
Entity Relationship Model and ER to Table: Entities, attributes, entity sets,
relations, relationship sets, Additional constraints (key constraints, participation
constraints, weak entities, aggregation / generalization, Conceptual Design using ER
(entities VS attributes, Entity Vs relationship, binary Vs ternary, constraints beyond
ER) Entity to Table, Relationship to tables with and without key constraints.
DDL Statements: Creating Databases, Using Databases, datatypes, Creating Tables
(with integrity constraints – primary key, default, check, not null), Altering Tables,
Renaming Tables, Dropping Tables, Truncating Tables
DML statements: Viewing the structure of a table insert, update, delete, Select all
columns, specific columns, unique records, conditional select, in clause, between
clause, limit, aggregate functions (count, min, max, avg, sum), group by clause,
having clause
Module 2 (15 hours):
Relational data model: Domains, attributes, Tuples and Relations, Relational Model
Notation, Characteristics of Relations, Relational Constraints - primary key,
referential integrity, unique constraint, Null constraint, Check constraint
Functions: String Functions (concat, instr, left, right, mid, length, lcase/lower,
ucase/upper, replace, strcmp, trim, ltrim, rtrim), Math Functions (abs, ceil, floor, mod,
pow, sqrt, round, truncate) Date Functions(adddate, datediff, day, month, year, hour,
min, sec, now, reverse)
Joining Tables and Subqueries: inner join, outer join (left outer, right outer, full
subqueries with IN, EXISTS, subqueries restrictions, Nested subqueries, ANY/ALL
clause, correlated subqueries
Normal forms: Functional dependencies, first, second, third, and BCNF normal
forms based on primary keys, lossless join decomposition.
Database Protection: Security Issues, Threats to Databases, Security Mechanisms,
Role of DBA, Discretionary Access Control, Backing Up and Restoring databases
Views: Creating, altering dropping, renaming and manipulating views
DCL Statements: Creating/dropping users, privileges introduction,
granting/revoking privileges, viewing privileges), Transaction control commands –
Commit, Rollback
10 Text Books
1. Fundamentals of Database System, ElmasriRamez, NavatheShamkant, Pearson
Education, Seventh edition, 2017
2. Database Management Systems, Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke,
3rd Edition,2014
3. Murach's MySQL, Joel Murach, 3rd Edition, 3rd Edition, 2019
11 Reference Books
1. Database System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, HenryF.Korth, S.Sudarshan,
McGraw Hill,2017
2. MySQL: The Complete Reference, VikramVaswani , McGraw Hill, 2017
3. Learn SQL with MySQL: Retrieve and Manipulate Data Using SQL Commands
with Ease, Ashwin Pajankar, BPB Publications, 2020
12 Internal Continuous Assessment: 40% Semester End Examination: 60%
13 Continuous Evaluation through: Evaluation through:
Class Test on Module 1: 10 marks A Semester End Theory Examination
Class Test on Module 2: 10 marks of 1 hour duration for 30 marks as per
Average of 2 Class Tests: 10 marks the paper pattern given below.
Assignment on Module 1: 5 marks Total: 30 marks
Assignment on Module 2: 5 marks
Total of 2 Assignments: 10 marks
Total: 20 marks
14 Format of Question Paper:

Total Marks: 30 Duration: 1 Hour

Question Based On Options Marks
Q. 1 Module 1 Any 2 out of 4 10
Q. 2 Module 2 Any 2 out of 4 10
Q. 3 Module 1 & 2 Any 2 out of 4 10

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