General Information
10 J1939 J1708
3 8 6
7 f040553a
1. Multifunction Turn Signal Switch
2. Instrumentation Control Unit
3. Bulkhead Module
4 4. Headlight Switch
7 6 5 5. Ignition Switch
6. Chassis Module
7 f543920a
7. Right Headlight, Low Beam
8. Right Headlight, High Beam
1. Clearance Light 9. Left Headlight, High Beam
2. Identification Light 10. Left Headlight, Low Beam
3. Side Marker/Turn Signal Light
4. Park/Turn Signal Light Fig. 2, Headlight System Function
5. Headlight, Low Beam
6. Headlight, High Beam other two are for the headlights. Either of the two
7. Fog Light (optional) headlight circuits running from the switch to the BHM
can activate the headlights. The double circuits act
Fig. 1, Forward Exterior Lights, All Models Except M2 as a fail-safe and allow the headlights to work even if
one of the two wires is damaged or disconnected.
See Fig. 2.
Headlight System
The BHM monitors the headlight switch wiring and is
The Bulkhead Module (BHM) takes inputs from the capable of detecting error conditions in the headlight
multifunction turn signal switch via a J1939 message switch circuits. Faults discovered by the BHM may
from the instrumentation control unit (ICU) as well as be reported on the J1939 and/or J1708 datalinks and
the combination headlight/parking light switch, and may be viewed through ServiceLink®.
uses the information to control the headlights. See
Fig. 2. Headlight Assemblies
There are two headlight assemblies available for a
Headlight Switch Function Business Class M2 vehicle:
The headlight switch on the dash panel has three • composite headlights
positions: off, park (parking lights), and on (head-
lights). The Bulkhead Module (BHM) continuously • sealed-beam headlights
monitors the position of the headlight switch and Composite headlights are installed on all models ex-
broadcasts this information on the J1939 datalink. cept M2 106V. Sealed-beam headlights are only in-
There are three circuits that run from the headlight stalled on the M2 106V.
switch to the BHM. One is for the parking lights, the
are required on vehicles domiciled in Canada. The Low-beam DRL is activated with the headlight switch
customer can also request DRL. off, the ignition on, and the park brake released.
When these conditions are met, the BHM activates
IMPORTANT: When adding daytime running the left low beam and sends a J1939 message to the
lights to a vehicle that was built without DRL, CHM instructing it to activate the right low beam.
you must follow the "Adding a Feature" proce-
dure in Section 54.00, Subject 110. Adding or When operating as daytime running lights, the low-
beam headlights are pulse-width modulated at ap-
changing a reference parameter without follow-
proximately 85 percent. This is recognized as a volt-
ing this procedure may have legal conse- age supply to the low beams at a reading lower than
quences for the vehicle owner, which may in- battery voltage. If the headlight switch is turned on,
clude fines and having vehicles placed out of full battery voltage is supplied to the low beams.
service. The regulations in the Federal Motor
Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and Cana- DRL Using Turn Signal Lights
dian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (CMVSS)
control the illumination intensity of daytime run- On a Business Class M2 vehicle with daytime run-
ning lights and the required marking of lights ning lights using turn signal lights, the front turn sig-
nals are powered by separate output pins on the
used as DRL. Some jurisdictions enforce these
CHM. A jumper harness must be installed to connect
regulations during vehicle inspections. the DRL outputs directly to the front turn signal cir-
The daytime running lights use either the low-beam cuits. The DRL outputs of the CHM continuously illu-
headlights or the front turn signal lights, depending minate the front turn signals when the ignition is on,
on the type of vehicle. On an M2 106V vehicle, the the headlight switch is off, and the turn signals are
low-beam headlights are used as the daytime run- not active. If the turn signal switch is activated when
ning lights. On all other M2 vehicles, the front turn the DRL is on, the CHM turns on and off the DRL
signal lights are used as the daytime running lights. output to the appropriate turn signal.
DRL functionality is programmed to the BHM whether
the low-beam headlights or the front turn signal lights Turn Signal Lights Function
are used.
See Subject 500 for DRL reference parameters and The Bulkhead Module (BHM) uses J1939 message
descriptions. inputs from the instrumentation control unit (ICU) to
instruct the Chassis Module (CHM) to activate the
NOTE: A vehicle that uses the low-beam head- turn signals. The ICU monitors the position of the
lights as the DRL cannot be converted to the multifunction turn signal switch. When the ICU sees
front turn signal lights as the DRL. The front turn that the driver has activated this switch, it sends a
signal lights do not meet the legal requirements J1939 message to the BHM. The BHM then checks
for lamp identification for use as DRL. whether the hazard switch has been activated. If the
hazard switch has not been activated, the BHM
A vehicle that uses the front turn signal lights as sends a J1939 message to the CHM instructing it to
the DRL cannot be converted to the low-beam illuminate the turn signal lights. See Fig. 4.
headlights as the DRL. The headlights will not
provide the legally-required illumination intensity. Exterior bulbs that provide turn signal identification
often contain dual filaments in order to provide other
vehicle lighting such as park lights or marker lights.
DRL Using Low-beam Headlights Exterior turn signals on a typical M2 are:
On an M2 106V vehicle with daytime running lights, • park/turn signal lights at the front of the vehicle
the pulse-width-modulated (PWM) DRL is only sup-
ported by BHM part number 06-49824-002 (software • side marker/turn signal lights on the front fend-
version 6.40 or higher). Since the CHM controls the ers
right low beam, the CHM must be part number 06- • taillights at the rear of the vehicle
34530-004 to possess PWM capabilities. PMW low-
beam DRL is used on an M2 106V vehicle. • raised fender lights (optional) viewable from
the front and side of the vehicle
2 3 4
NOTE: The CHM will activate the hazard lights
1 J1939 in the event the BHM loses communication with
BHM the CHM on the J1939 datalink.
LEFT/OFF/RIGHT J1708 The BHM is capable of detecting short circuits in the
J1939 right-turn and left-turn signal light wiring. Faults dis-
covered by the BHM may be reported on the J1939
and/or J1708 datalinks and may be viewed through
ServiceLink. See Fig. 4.
8 7 CHM 5
J1939 6 Fog Lights Function
Fog lights are available as an optional feature on a
Business Class M2 vehicle. Fog lights may only be
CHM activated if the ignition switch is on and the headlight
high beams are off.
The BHM continually monitors the position of the ig-
9 nition switch, multifunction turn signal switch, and the
8 7 6
04/05/2006 f040557a dash-mounted fog light switch. The fog light switch is
1. Instrumentation Control Unit a two-position latching smart switch that delivers sig-
2. Clearance Light (top of cab) nals directly to the BHM. If the fog light switch is on
3. Identification Lights (top of cab) and the BHM has determined that the other require-
4. Headlight Switch ments are met, the BHM sends a J1939 message to
5. Bulkhead Module the CHM instructing it to turn on the fog lights. The
6. Taillights CHM fog light outputs are at pins C and D of CHM
7. Chassis Module connector C3.
8. Side Marker Lights (side of hood)
9. Park Lights (front of hood) The BHM is capable of detecting shorted wires in the
fog lights circuits. Faults discovered by the BHM may
Fig. 5, Marker Lights Function be reported on the J1939 and/or J1708 datalinks and
may be viewed through ServiceLink. See Fig. 6.
See Subject 500 for the reference parameters re-
quired to program alternate marker light functionality.
Some parameter programming requires no installa- Snowplow Lights Provision
tion of additional features, while other parameters
may require additional wiring. A provision for installation of snowplow lights is an
optional feature on a Business Class M2 vehicle.
When a customer requests battery-operated clear- Freightliner does not install snowplow lights or
ance lights, a different harness is used for the clear- mounting hardware for the lights, only the provision
ance and identification lights. The clearance lights for customer-installed snowplow lights.
are connected directly to the battery splice pack in
the vehicle dash, while the identification lights are A snowplow installed on a vehicle may block the
connected to the BHM. standard vehicle headlights. When this situation oc-
curs, the snowplow light provision allows the cus-
Vehicles equipped with battery-operated clearance tomer to install an auxiliary set of headlights and ad-
lights are equipped with a battery disconnect switch. ditional park/turn signal lights above the snowplow.
The disconnect switch must be turned to the off posi-
tion to turn off the clearance lights. IMPORTANT: The customer installing the snow-
plow lights is responsible for complying with the
Vehicles equipped with marker lights that are pro- regulations regarding snowplow lights and day-
grammed to be on at all times are equipped with a
time running lights (DRL) functionality in the
battery disconnect switch. These marker lights are
Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards
2 3
Left Headlight/DRL
Snowplow Lights
Upper Control
Module 6
Right Turn Signal/DRL
CHM Right Headlight/DRL
Right Turn Signal/DRL 7
Snowplow Lights
Lower Control
05/04/2006 9 f544838
1. Chassis Module 6. Right Snowplow Light Connector
2. Bulkhead Module 7. Left Snowplow Light Connector
3. Snowplow Lights Switch 8. Left Low- and High-beam Headlights
4. Upper Control Module for Right Snowplow Lights 9. Lower Control Module for Left Snowplow Lights
5. Right Low- and High-beam Headlights
longer that the other branch. The longer branch Control, All Models
is connected to the upper control module.
The control signal for the snowplow lights comes
Headlights, All Models from the Chassis Module, normally from pin C of the
C3 connector. This output is usually associated with
The headlight connectors on the main chassis har- fog lights; therefore, a vehicle cannot be equipped
ness are connected to the snowplow lights harness with both fog lights and a snowplow lights provision.
instead of the headlights. The low beam, high beam, The return for the upper and lower control module
and headlights common circuits are rerouted through relays is spliced from the headlight common form the
the snowplow light harness to the upper and lower associated module.
control modules. The control modules switch the sig-
nal between the standard headlights and the snow- Turn Signal Lights, All Models
plow light connector, and all of these circuits route Except M2 106V
back to the appropriate connectors behind the head-
lights. When the vehicle is equipped with daytime running
lights, the DRL overlay connector connects to the
The headlight connectors on the snowplow light har-
turn signal connector on the snowplow light harness.
ness connect to the headlights while the snowplow
When the vehicle is not equipped with DRL, the turn
lights circuits terminate at the snowplow light connec-
signal connector of the main harness connects to the
tor. Note that the snowplow headlight common cir-
turn signal connector on the snowplow light harness.
cuits are switched by the upper and lower control
The turn signal circuits are spliced to return to the
modules, while the ground circuits at the snowplow
DRL connectors on the main chassis harness and to
connector are not.
1 2
6 ft (1.8 m)
t (7.6 m
5 25 f
01/20/2003 f544233
1. Vertical Centerline of Right Headlight 4. Projected Vehicle Centerline
2. Distance Between Headlights 5. Screen or Wall
3. Vertical Centerline of Left Headlight 6. Height of Lamp Centers
11/06/2002 f544236
A 2 3
04/12/2006 f544778
1. Headlight Bezel
1 2. Horizontal Adjusting Screw
11/11/2002 f544153 3. Vertical Adjusting Screw
NOTE: The top view shows the ideal beam pattern; the 4. Headlight
bottom view shows an acceptable standard.
A. Vertical Centerline B. Horizontal Centerline Fig. 5, Sealed-beam Headlight Adjusting
1. Bright Area
11/05/2002 f544235
11. Check and adjust the headlight aim as described 2. Remove the headlight bezel and disconnect the
in Subject 100. park/turn signal light electrical connector at the
rear of the bezel.
Front Park/Turn Bulb NOTE: Do not turn the headlight adjustment
Replacement screws. These screws are used for beam ad-
justment only; they do not secure the headlight
1. Open the hood. retaining ring.
2. Twist the park/turn connector and socket assem-
3. Remove the screws that secure the headlight
bly 1/8 turn counterclockwise and remove it from
retaining ring, then remove the retaining ring.
the headlight bucket. See Fig. 1.
4. Ease the headlight from the housing to expose
3. Protecting the bulb with gloves or a cloth, pull
the electrical connector at the back of the light.
the bulb straight out from the socket.
5. Disconnect the wiring connector from the head-
4. To provide corrosion protection, coat the base of
the new bulb with dielectric grease. For approved
lubricants, see Specifications 400. 6. Check the wiring connector for corrosion and in-
tegrity. Clean and/or repair as needed.
5. Push the new bulb straight into the socket.
7. Coat the prongs (connector terminals) of the new
6. Place the connector and socket assembly in the
headlight with dielectric grease to help prevent
headlight bucket and twist it 1/8 turn clockwise to
corrosion. For approved lubricants, see Specifi-
lock it in place.
cations 400.
7. Verify proper operation of the lights.
8. Firmly seat the wiring connector onto the prongs
of the new headlight.
Sealed-Beam Headlights 9. Place the headlight in the headlight housing and
position the light properly.
Headlight Replacement 10. Place the retaining ring over the headlight and
1. Remove the four screws that attach the headlight install the screws that secure the headlight.
bezel to the fender. See Fig. 2. 11. Verify proper operation of the headlights.
2 3 4 12. Connect the park/turn signal light electrical con-
1 1 nector.
13. Place the headlight bezel in the proper position
and install the four screws.
14. Check and adjust the headlight aim as described
in Subject 100.
Parameter Programming turn light functionality. The only DRL available for
version 6.10 is turn signal DRL. Turn-signal DRL is
available on all M2 chassis except the M2 106V vo-
When adding or changing a feature on a Business
cational chassis.
Class® M2 vehicle, you must use ServiceLink® to up-
date the programming on the vehicle.
Version 6.40 Daytime Running
IMPORTANT: When adding daytime running
lights (DRL) to an M2 vehicle that was built Lights
without DRL, you must follow the "Adding a DRL for software versions 6.40 or higher may be
Feature" procedure in Section 54.00. Adding or turn-signal DRL or headlight low-beam DRL. Low-
changing reference parameters without following beam DRL is a pulse-width modulated (PWM) signal
this procedure may result in serious legal con- at 85 percent duty cycle. Low-beam DRL is used on
sequences for the vehicle owner, which may the M2 106V vocational chassis. The reference pa-
include fines and having the vehicle placed out rameters program only the DRL functionality.
of service. The regulations in the Federal Motor
Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS) and Cana- Reference Parameters for
dian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (CMVSS) Marker Lights
control the intensity of illumination of DRL lamps
and the required marking of lamps used as A marker light is any light that indicates the presence
of the vehicle to other drivers. This includes parking
DRL. Some jurisdictions enforce these regula- lights, taillights, marker lights, identification lights,
tions during vehicle inspections. and clearance lights.
Version 6.10 Daytime Running See Table 1 for the reference parameters for marker
light functionality.
For M2 vehicles with software version 6.10, the refer-
ence parameter programs both DRL and the stop/
Headlight High Beams ence parameters that program the BHM determine
whether or not a fault code is broadcast. Therefore,
Function even if the BHM detects a fault, a fault code may not
be transmitted.
Input and Output Conditions If the BHM is programmed to transmit fault codes,
See Table 3 for the Bulkhead Module (BHM) re- they can be viewed through ServiceLink. Fault mes-
sponses to the headlight high beams input/output sages may be transmitted on the J1939 and/or the
conditions. J1708 data links until the ignition switch is turned off.
NOTE: The Flash-To-Pass function of the high
Fault Conditions beams only operates when the ignition is on
and the high beam switch is in the low beam
See Table 4 for the headlight high beams fault condi-
tions and the resulting actions of the BHM. The refer- position.
Headlight Low Beams ence parameters that program the BHM determine
whether or not a fault code is broadcast. Therefore,
Function even if the BHM detects a fault, a fault code may not
be transmitted.
Input and Output Conditions If the BHM is programmed to transmit fault codes,
See Table 5 for the Bulkhead Module (BHM) re- they can be viewed through ServiceLink. Fault mes-
sponses to the headlight low beams input/output con- sages may be transmitted on the J1939 and/or the
ditions. J1708 data links until the ignition switch is turned off.
NOTE: If the CHM does not see J1939 mes-
Fault Conditions sages from the BHM, the right low beam is acti-
vated. If the BHM fails, the left low beam is
See Table 6 for the headlight low beams fault condi-
tions and the resulting actions of the BHM. The refer- activated.
Turn Signal Lights Function See Table 8 for the Bulkhead Module (BHM) re-
sponses to the turn signal lights system input/output
Input and Output Conditions
See Table 7 for the Instrumentation Control Unit
(ICU) turn signal lights input/output conditions.
Fault Conditions
See Table 12 for the hazard lights fault conditions
and the resulting actions of the BHM. The reference
Marker Lights Function BHM determine whether or not a fault code is broad-
cast. Therefore, even if the BHM detects a fault, a
fault code may not be transmitted.
Input and Output Conditions
If the BHM is programmed to transmit fault codes,
See Table 13 for the Bulkhead Module (BHM) re- they can be viewed through ServiceLink. Fault mes-
sponses to the marker lights input/output conditions. sages may be transmitted on the J1939 and/or the
The marker interrupt switch is optional. If the vehicle J1708 data links until the headlight switch is turned
does not have a marker interrupt switch, the BHM to off.
operates in the same way as if the vehicle has a
marker switch that is open (off) all the time.
Fault Conditions
See Table 14 for the marker lights fault conditions
and the resulting actions of the Bulkhead Module
(BHM). The reference parameters that program the
Troubleshooting headlight, turn signal light, and park stalled; however, it is possible to do all checks with a
light operation when the snowplow light provision is digital multimeter to check the snowplow light con-
present is facilitated by having snowplow lights in- nector pins instead.
Wiring Diagrams See Table 4 for a connector face view and pinout
chart of the headlight connectors on the forward
chassis harness for the M2 106V model only.
IMPORTANT: The following wiring diagrams pro-
vide circuit details for the forward lighting electri- See Table 5 for a connector face view and pinout
cal system of a typical Business Class® M2 ve- chart of the park/turn signal light connectors on the
hicle. These details may not correspond to forward chassis harness.
every vehicle. See Table 6 for a connector face view and pinout
chart of the side marker/turn signal light connectors
See Fig. 1 for wiring details of the control inputs for
on the forward chassis harness.
a typical M2 vehicle forward exterior lighting system.
See Table 7 for a connector face view and pinout
See Fig. 2 for wiring details of the control outputs for
chart of the snowplow light connectors on the snow-
a typical M2 vehicle forward exterior lighting system.
plow light harness.
See Fig. 3 for a wiring diagram of the optional fog
See Fig. 4 for a wiring diagram of the optional snow-
plow lights provision.
Circuit Identification
See Table 3 for a connector face view and pinout
chart of the headlight connectors on the forward
chassis harness for all models except the M2 106V.
Multifunction Turn
Signal Switch
Control Unit 473 T 473 T 1
Cruise Control
Normal State
Multifunction turn B5 T 473
signal switch common
Left Turn
B6 T 473A 473A T 4 Signal Switch
Turn signal switches
High Beam/
D5 Y J1939+ 473B T 5 Flash to Pass
B8 T 38B GNDE BK−W 5
Hazard switch
H BR 29A 29A BR 10
Panel lights
Bulkhead Module BR 29A BK GND BK 8 ILLUM
Interior Lights
Left Interior
Frontwall Ground Headlight Switch
04/21/2006 f544773
Bulkhead Module
C BR 46 46 BR A B BK GND
Cab marker lights
J DKG J1939−
Data High Beam
Lines HDLP
G Y J1939+
Low Beam
Smart Switch
Left Fog Light
05/05/2006 f544775
Right turn
C3 Turn signal without DRL 38R DKG A A DKG 38R 38R DKG C
K LTG 379R Turn signal with DRL
Right DRL
C3 102C/102B BR C C BR 102C/102B 102C/102B BR A
F BR 102C B C
Trailer marker
C2 Non−106V
L BR 102B 106V Upper Control Module for Right Snowplow Lights
Right front park
Chassis Module
05/15/2006 f544844
D A f544821
C A f544845
A B C f544822
C 2A A
A C f544846