Exploratory Factor Analysis
Exploratory Factor Analysis
Exploratory Factor Analysis
6 14,926
1 author:
Peter Samuels
Birmingham City University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Peter Samuels on 27 June 2016.
Worked example
171 business men and women responded to a questionnaire on entrepreneurship which was
constructed from 8 groups of questions derived from existing questionnaires, comprising of a
total of 39 questions. Each of the questions comprised of a five point Likert response scale.
As the data from the questionnaire was to be used in a further analysis it was decided to
carry out an Exploratory Factor Analysis using the Principal Axis Factoring technique and a
Varimax rotation.
This returned a table of correlations which included 9 unique pairs of correlations with an
absolute value greater than 0.8, with the lowest absolute value being 0.922. As this was
markedly higher than the threshold it was decided to remove one item from each of these
pairs based on a qualitative analysis of the items, leaving 30 items.
An EFA was then run on the remaining 30 items using a Principal Axis Factoring technique
with a Varimax rotation, providing the KMO statistics and determinant of the correlation
matrix, retaining all factors with eigenvalues greater than 1, sorting the factor coefficients by
size and suppressing all factor coefficients less than 0.3:
The communalities of the initial solution were observed. Two items initially had
communalities less than 0.2. These were removed in turn, staring with the smallest
Group 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cronbach’s alpha 0.791 0.744 0.725 0.745 0.728 0.630
Based on the sample size, the number of items within each scale, the overlap between some
groups and these Cronbach’s alpha values it was decided to retain groups 1 to 5 for further
analysis. A validation check was made of these groups’ intercorrelations.
The average intercorrelation
was 0.45 which was
unacceptably high (it was
higher than the average
intercorrelation within each
group, which was 0.43). It
was therefore decided to
return to the EFA and save
the factor score values from
the previous converged
As an orthogonal rotation had
been used, these factors
would have a negligible
intercorrelation. Both types of
combined variable were used
in an analysis of the data. A
qualitative interpretation was made of the scales.
An alternative is to attempt an oblique factor rotation, as discussed below.