Build A Forest! With Every Building!: Reynobond - Reynolux With Ecoclean™
Build A Forest! With Every Building!: Reynobond - Reynolux With Ecoclean™
Build A Forest! With Every Building!: Reynobond - Reynolux With Ecoclean™
Build a forest!
With every building!
The first aluminium wall cladding to
clean itself. And the air as well.
Just imagine if you could build a bit of forest with each Under the influence of UV radiation, EcoClean™ breaks
building! Now you yourself can actually turn such a up harmful organisms such as algae or mosses, as
dream into reality – thanks to Reynobond ®|Reynolux ® well as intrusive odours or industrial emissions and car
with EcoClean™, a revolutionary protective coating fumes. This means that the cladding and surround-
from Reynobond® Architecture and Reynolux® Build- ing air are cleaned more or less round the clock. Not
ing. This surface means you can permanently retain only does this result in a measurable impact on the
the value and appearance of your wall claddings. And environment; it also helps retain the condition of the
at the same time you will be actively combating smog, cladding over the long term and reduce the time, effort
as 1,000 m2 of EcoClean™ have the air cleaning power and costs involved in maintenance.
of approximately 80 trees.
The EcoClean™ coating is based on the HYDROTECT which, thanks to its functional properties, does not
technology developed by TOTO , involving a principle
just clean itself, but also the air around it. The decisive
that has been successfully applied in practice over factor here has been a further development of the
many years. Up until now, HYDROTECT could only HYDROTECT technology for our coating, which can
be applied by hand roller or spray to smooth surfaces now for the first time be coil coated onto the painted
such as concrete, glass, non-machined metals, plastic aluminium sheets. As a result, the production has be-
and ceramic. The new aluminium cladding material come not just exceedingly cost-effective, but also al-
from Reynobond Architecture and Reynolux Build-
® ®
lows the same quality controls as for all our products.
ing means that you now have a global innovation
Doesn’t give dirt a chance. Gives smog short shrift.
A directly visible effect of EcoClean™ is the fact that the But the new coating is not just about keeping the
cladding cleans itself. Organic dirt is simply washed surface clean. It is also able to break down harmful
away leaving hardly a trace behind. This means that substances from the surrounding air into their harm-
the surface retains its new appearance for years. less constituents. All that is needed is sunlight and
Cleaning is only required from time to time. When humidity. This means that your cladding reduces the
calculated over the lifetime of the cladding, the lower smog content of the air, thereby making a contribution
maintenance costs result in a clear cost benefit. In to a cleaner environment.
addition, the clean cladding definitely enhances the
overall image of the building.
Sun and rain.
That’s all you need.
Essentially, EcoClean™ consists of a titanium dioxide Smog consists of various nitrogen compounds, gene-
layer that is applied to the painted aluminium using a rally designated by the abbreviation NOx. Nitrogen
coil coating process. Under the incidence of sunlight, oxide does not just dirty buildings; it also pollutes
the light-sensitive titanium dioxide acts as a catalyst, the air we breathe. On cladding that is coated with
even in conditions of low humidity. On the surface, EcoClean™, the nitrogen oxide molecules are attacked
the electrons released by the UV light form oxygen by the free oxygen radicals and broken down into
radicals, and these in turn break down the smog mol- harmless reaction products such as carbon dioxide,
ecules into their harmless constituents. water and nitrates.
This is where the second feature of EcoClean™ comes water film or are more or less completely washed
into play – its hydro-philic properties. The coating away by the first sign of rain. Thus the cladding keeps
does not repel water, but binds damp and humidity on cleaning itself. The result is a significant reduction
to the surface, which becomes extremely smooth of time, effort and costs required to maintain it in good
as a result. Once the free radicals have broken up condition, as well as cladding that will stay clean for
the harmful substances and dirt into their individual many years to come.
constituents, the latter slide away over the gossamer
Because titanium dioxide attacks all organic matter, For more than ten years, the TOTO® HYDROTECT
up until now it has proved impossible to apply it to technology has been used in outdoor applications.
painted aluminium sheet using coil coating, as it tended During this period, the self-cleaning and air-cleaning
to destroy the paint coat. Now researchers at Alcoa characteristics of the coating have been demonstrated
have developed a patent-pending process that en- many times over. Alcoa has also carried out its own tri-
sures the paint coat remains unaffected. als which clearly demonstrate the effects of EcoClean™.
Titanium dioxide, the core constituent of EcoClean™, Because EcoClean™ is applied using a coil coating
is a substance that is completely non-hazardous for process, any additional costs are kept to a strict mini-
living creatures. It is used in a wide range of day-to-day mum. If to this we add the lower maintenance costs
items, from toothpaste to kitchen tiles. and effort over the lifetime of the cladding, together
with the fact that it remains cleaner over the long term,
Though it is true that EcoClean is based on the nano-
then the new coating represents a good investment.
technology of TOTO , it does not itself consist of
Definitely, without a doubt. For instance, samples No. The free radicals are created by a photocatalytic
coated with EcoClean were subjected to observa-
reaction that occurs when humidity and oxygen on the
tion in a test chamber containing nitrogen oxide. The surface of EcoClean™ are subjected to UV radiation.
gas was introduced in the dark; as soon as the light The coating itself does not release any particles and
was switched on, the Nox values in the chamber de- does not therefore become worn out or used up.
creased dramatically. The same results were evident The strength of the photocatalytic effect remains
in outdoor tests as well. consistent over the entire lifetime of the product. As
long as the EcoClean™ coating is on the surface it will
continue to perform.
reserved. This information may be subject to errors that
All statements here are current and correct at the time of
publication. All rights to modifications and amendments
excellence in innovation is at the same time an aspiration and a challenge. It not only relates to
our products, but also involves responsible management of our natural resources. And it is our
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Reynobond® Architecture and Reynolux® all the solid virtues you would expect of a global
Building are trademarks of Alcoa Architectural company. This means, for example, that you
Products based in Merxheim, France – a subsi- get a warranty of up to 20 years on our DURA-
diary of Alcoa, the market leader in aluminium. GLOSS® surfaces. We carry ISO and ECCA
In Reynobond® aluminium composite panels (European Coil Coating Association) certification
and Reynolux aluminium sheets, we offer you
for every country in which we supply the market.
a wide range of products for architecture and Our production site itself is certified to ISO 9001
building projects. What’s more, they come with Version 2000 as well as to ISO 14001.