Garcia V Executive Sec
Garcia V Executive Sec
Garcia V Executive Sec
It bears reiterating at the outset that the deregulation of the oil Petitioner Garcia insists that by adopting a policy of full
industry is a policy determination of the highest order. It is deregulation through the removal of price controls at a time
unquestionably a priority program of Government. The when an oligopoly still exists, Section 19 of R.A. No. 8479
Department of Energy Act of 1992 expressly mandates that contravenes the Constitutional directive to regulate or prohibit
the development and updating of the existing Philippine
monopolies under Article XII, Section 19 of the Constitution. Section 2. Declaration of Policy. – It shall be the policy of the
This Section states: State to liberalize and deregulate the downstream oil industry
in order to ensure a truly competitive market under a regime of
“The State shall regulate or prohibit monopolies when the fair prices, adequate and continuous supply of
public interest so requires. No combinations in restraint of environmentally-clean and high-quality petroleum products.
trade or unfair competition shall be allowed.” To this end, the State shall promote and encourage the entry of
new participants in the downstream oil industry, and introduce
Read correctly, this constitutional provision does not declare adequate measures to ensure the attainment of these goals.
an outright prohibition of monopolies. It simply allows the
State to act "when public interest so requires"; even then, no In Tatad, we declared that the fundamental principle espoused
outright prohibition is mandated, as the State may choose to by Section 19, Article XII of the Constitution is competition.
regulate rather than to prohibit. Two elements must concur Congress, by enacting R.A. No. 8479, determined that this
before a monopoly may be regulated or prohibited: objective is better realized by liberalizing the oil market,
instead of continuing with a highly regulated system enforced
1. There in fact exists a monopoly or an oligopoly, and by means of restrictive prior controls. This legislative
2. Public interest requires its regulation or prohibition. determination was a lawful exercise of Congress’ prerogative
and one that this Court must respect and uphold. Regardless of
Whether a monopoly exists is a question of fact. On the other the individual opinions of the Members of this Court, we
hand, the questions of (1) what public interest requires and (2) cannot, acting as a body, question the wisdom of a co-equal
what the State reaction shall be essentially require the exercise department’s acts. The courts do not involve themselves with
of discretion on the part of the State. or delve into the policy or wisdom of a statute; it sits, not to
review or revise legislative action, but to enforce the
Stripped to its core, what petitioner Garcia raises as an issue is legislative will. For the Court to resolve a clearly non-
the propriety of immediately and fully deregulating the oil justiciable matter would be to debase the principle of
industry. Such determination essentially dwells on the separation of powers that has been tightly woven by the
soundness or wisdom of the timing and manner of the Constitution into our republican system of government.
deregulation Congress wants to implement through R.A. No.
8497. Quite clearly, the issue is not for us to resolve; we This same line of reasoning was what we used when we
cannot rule on when and to what extent deregulation should dismissed the first Garcia case. The petitioner correctly noted
take place without passing upon the wisdom of the policy of that this is not a matter of res judicata (as the respondents
deregulation that Congress has decided upon. invoked), as the application of the principle of res judicata
presupposes that there is a final judgment or decree on the
To use the words of Baker v. Carr, the ruling that petitioner merits rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction. To be
Garcia asks requires "an initial policy determination of a kind exact, we are simply declaring that then, as now, and for the
clearly for non-judicial discretion"; the branch of government same reasons, we find that there is no justiciable controversy
that was given by the people the full discretionary authority to that would justify the grant of the petition.
formulate the policy is the legislative department.
To summarize, the Court declared that the issues petitioner
Directly supporting our conclusion that Garcia raises a Garcia presented to this Court are non-justiciable matters that
political question is his proposal to adopt instead a system of preclude the Court from exercising its power of judicial
partial deregulation – a system he presents as more consistent review. The immediate implementation of full deregulation of
with the Constitutional "dictate." He avers that free market the local downstream oil industry is a policy determination by
forces (in a fully deregulated environment) cannot prevail for Congress which this Court cannot overturn without offending
as long as the market itself is dominated by an entrenched the Constitution and the principle of separation of powers.
oligopoly. In such situation, he claims that prices are not
determined by the free play of supply and demand, but instead
by the entrenched and dominant oligopoly where overpricing
and price-fixing are possible. Thus, before full deregulation
can be implemented, he calls for an indefinite period of partial
deregulation through imposition of price controls.