Autodesk BIM 360

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Autodesk BIM 360

Autodesk® BIM 360™ improves project delivery by supporting informed decision-making

throughout the project lifecycle for project, design, and construction teams.

BIM 360 empowers project members to anticipate, optimize, and manage all aspects of project
performance. The BIM 360 name represents several product offerings:

• BIM 360 Docs

• BIM 360 Build
• BIM 360 Design
• BIM 360 Glue
• BIM 360 Layout
• BIM 360 Plan
• BIM 360 Ops
This help system focuses on the Built with Forge, Next Generation BIM 360 platform. Links to
help for other BIM 360 products are listed at the bottom of this page. The Next Generation
products include the following modules, apps, and tools:

• Account Administration: Manage account level details, projects, companies involved, and
member's permissions.
• Project Administration: Manage project-specific details including services, companies, and
• Document Management: Store and collaborate on all the necessary files related to a project.
• Insight: View account and project analytics to assess risk, quality, and safety metrics.
• Project Home: View important, relevant, and actionable information from across the BIM 360
• Design Collaboration: Use project timelines, packages, and changes to keep up to date with
other teams and companies.
• Field Management: Manage onsite communication of checklists, issues, and daily logs.
• Model Coordination: Publish, review, and run clash detection on your latest set of project
• Project Management: Collaborate with your project team using RFIs and Submittals.
• Mobile Apps: Access Document Management, Field Management, and Project Management
on the go.
• Desktop Connector for BIM 360: Sync documents locally to your computer automatically.

Autodesk BIM 360 Document Management

With BIM 360 Document Management, construction teams can manage blueprints, 2D plans, 3D
BIM models, and any other project documents. The module is designed to streamline your
document management processes. Consolidate all your sheets and designs and set up standard
templates and workflows to maximize efficiency.
Manage Construction Documents
Manage your 2D plans, 3D models, and any other project documents in one place. The flexible
document library provides special folders which extract individual 2D documents from 3D project
models. This granularity means you can separate and organize complex resources and populate
your folders quickly.

Learn about the best practice workflows applicable to Document Managers, Project Members,
and Administrators.

Invite Collaborators
Project administrators can invite team members to their project.

Work On-site with the iPad

Go from working in the office, to on the job site with a phone or tablet, enabling flexible working
for your entire project team.

Ensure your project team members receive the right documents at the right time.

Document Management

Manage all your 2D and 3D data in one place. Choose the way you view documents and when.
Compare different documents or versions of the same document, then publish to share with your
project team.
Every BIM 360 project starts with pre-configured work spaces that have been set up to support a
specific process or data type. These top-level work spaces are the Plans and Project Files


Send documents for review using the approval workflow feature.

As a Document Manager, you need to distribute project drawings, models, and documents for
review and approval, before construction can begin. The approval workflow feature enables
document managers to facilitate, control, and automate the distribution of documents to project
members. Members designated as reviewers can then review and comment on the documents,
and members designated as approvers can give final approval for the documents to be used.

Comparing 2D and 3D Designs

Compare different 2D sheets and 3D models.

The 2D and 3D compare tools are available for 2D PDF and 2D and 3D RVT, DWG, and DWF
files managed in either the Plans or Project Files folders. With 2D compare, you can compare
two versions of the same drawing or model or two entirely different drawings. For example, you
could compare drawings from two different disciplines. With 3D compare, you can only compare
versions of the same 3D model. You have the ability to view designs side-by-side or together as
an aggregated overlay.

2D compare for RVT files and 3D compare include the ability to search for changes and use
filters to refine your change results in the Changes panel.
1. Type of change filter. Select Added, Removed or Modified to show or hide those results.
2. Disciplines affected. Select a discipline to show or hide those results.

Note: The list of Disciplines affected in this example may not represent a complete list of
disciplines that you'll see in your project.
3. Modification type. Show or hide shape changes, transformations or property changes.
4. Search + Filter. Type search criteria. Previous search results are also available to filter your
results further.
5. Flat Result List. Display results as a single-level list.
6. Results as Tree. Display results in a tree structure, showing child and parent objects.

About Design Collaboration

Project delivery of a modern construction project is a diverse, challenging problem. No one

project is like another, each requiring different approaches and dynamics between the teams
tasked with delivering that project on time and on budget.

Based on that diversity, teams need to be able to choose how they work with the broader teams.
Sometimes they need to be constantly in sync, while in other cases they need to control the
exchange of information between each other.

In that world of constant development of the project BIMs, spanning multiple teams in different
parts of the globe, it’s crucial that everybody has a common view of the project and its rapid
evolution. Without that common view, changes are missed and time is lost.

Design Collaboration Workflows

Design Collaboration is the new version of Revit Cloud Worksharing, running on Revit 2018 and
the new BIM 360 Document Management platform. It dramatically improves multi-firm project
teams’ ability to meet the demands of a modern construction project. Enhanced permissions in
BIM 360 allow individual teams to work in their own space, allowing them to collaborate with
complete control of how other project teams see the state of their work.

A new Design Collaboration module in BIM 360 is available for these project teams, providing an
experience catered to the way teams think about their project data.

• A project timeline visually communicates the exchange of deliverables between teams.

• An automated and always up-to-date viewing experience allows everybody on the project team,
even those not working in Revit, to understand the current state of the BIM, as well as how that
state has changed over time.
• A managed process of data exchange between teams allows sharing teams to curate the
information most relevant to their latest efforts, allowing consuming teams to understand those
updates in a visual and actionable way. No more uploading RVTs to a shared folder and calling it
• As you explore the data that has been exchanged between teams, you can compare changes
between the latest and previous versions to understand what was changed in the design.
File Support Reference

Document Management supports the upload of many file types between the Plans and Project
Files folders. A subset of these files can be viewed in Document Management using the BIM

Viewable Files

File extension






DGN (3D only)









File extension














RVT (current and previous 4 releases)





File extension







• Plans folder: The Plans folder only supports DWF, DWFX, DWG, IFC, PDF, and RVT (current
and previous 4 versions) files.
• Linked files: RVT files can only be linked to other RVT, DWG, or DWF(X) files, or as a nested
link. ECW, IAM and RCP/RCS are viewable when uploaded as linked files.

Unsupported File Types

The following file types are not supported for upload to Document Management. All other file
types can be uploaded to the Project Files folder, though not all may be viewable in Document


.ade Access Project Extension

.adp Access Project

.app Executable Application

.asp Active Server Page

.bas BASIC Source Code

.bat Batch Processing

.cer Internet Security Certificate file


.chm Compiled HTML Help

.class Java Class file

.cmd DOS CP/M Command file, Command file for Windows NT

.com Command

.command Mac OS Command Line Executable

.cpl Windows Control Panel Extension

.crt Certificate file

.csh UNIX csh shell script

.exe Executable file

.fxp FoxPro Compiled Source

.hex Macintosh BinHex 2.0 file

.hlp Windows Help file

.hqx Macintosh BinHex 4 Compress Archive

.hta Hypertext Application

.htm Hypertext Markup Language file

.html Hypertext Markup Language file

.inf Information or Setup file

.ini Initialization/Configuration file


.ins IIS Internet Communications Settings

.isp IIS Internet Service Provider Settings

.its Internet Document Set, International Translation

.jar Java Archive

.job Windows Task Scheduler Task Object

.js JavaScript Source Code

.jse JScript Encoded Script file

.ksh UNIX ksh shell script

.lnk Windows Shortcut file

.lzh Compressed Archive (LH ARC)

.mad Access Module Shortcut

.maf Access

.mag Access Diagram Shortcut

.mam Access Macro Shortcut

.maq Access Query Shortcut

.mar Access Report Shortcut

.mas Access Stored Procedures

.mat Access Table Shortcut, Matlab file, 3dsMax Material Library


.mau Media Attachment Unit

.mav Access View Shortcut

.maw Access Data Access Page

.mda Access Add-in, MDA Access 2 Workgroup

.mde Access MDE Database file

.mdt Access Add-in Data

.mdw Access Workgroup Information

.mdz Access Wizard Template

.msc Microsoft Management Console Snap-in Control file

.msi Windows Installer file

.msp Windows Installer Patch

.mst Windows SDK Setup Transform Script

.ocx Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Control Extension

.ops Office Profile Settings file

.pcd Visual Test

.pkg Mac OS X Installer Package

.pif Windows Program Information file

.prf Novapoint Layout file


.prg Program file

.pst MS Exchange Address Book file, Outlook Personal Folder file

.reg Registration Information/key for Windows 95/98, Registry Data file

.scf Windows Explorer Command

.scr Windows Screen Saver

.sct Windows Script Component, FoxPro Screen

.sea Self-expanding Archive

.sh Shell script

.shb Windows Shortcut into a Document

.shs Shell Scrap Object file

.tmp Temporary file or folder

.url Internet Location

.vb VBScript file or any Visual Basic Source

.vbe VBScript Encoded Script file

.vbs VBScript Script file, Visual Basic for Applications Script

.vsmacros Visual Studio .NET Binary-based Macro Project

.vss Visio Stencil

.vst Visio Template


.vsw Visio Workspace file

.webloc Mac OS Finder Internet Location

.ws Windows Script file

.wsc Windows Sript Component

.wsf Windows Script file

.wsh Windows Script Host Settings file

.zlo ZoneLabs ZoneAlarm Mailsafe Renamed .PIF file

.zoo Early compressed file format

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