Ancient Egyptian Texts The Shipwrecked Sailor C. 2200 BCE

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Ancient Egyptian texts

The Shipwrecked Sailor

c. 2200 BCE
The wise servant said, "Let thy heart This tale is the oldest known instance of a
be satisfied, O my lord, for that we story of a castaway on a fabulous island, who
returns home laden with riches. The Sinbad,
have come back to the country; after the Sailor stories [1] from One Thousand and
we have been long on board, and One Nights belong to the same tradition and
rowed much, the prow has at last share many of its characteristics.
touched land. All the people rejoice
and embrace us one after another. after we have been long on board, and
rowed much: Lichtheim: The mallet has been
Moreover, we have come back in good seized, the mooring-post staked
health, and not a man is lacking; I have no other refuge: Lichtheim: I am not
although we have been to the ends of exaggerating
Wawat [Nubia], and gone through the His lord replied, "Thy heart continues still
land of Senmut [Kush], we have its wandering words: According to Lichtheim
this is part of the servants speech: You must
returned in peace, and our land--- speak to the king with presence of mind. You
behold, we have come back to it. Hear must answer without stammering!
me, my lord; I have no other refuge. A cubit = about ½ metre
Wash thee, and turn the water over thy
fingers; then go and tell the tale to the
His lord replied, "Thy heart
continues still its wandering words!
but although the mouth of a man may
save him his words may also cover his
face with confusion. Will you do then
as your heart moves you? This that Model of a sea-going vessel, ca 2500 BCE
you will say, tell quietly." 150 cubits long: The ship was about
The sailor then answered, "Now I seventy-five metres long and twenty metres
shall tell that which has happened to wide. According to Lichtheim it was only 120
cubits (ca 60 metres) long.
me, to my very self. I was going to the one hundred and fifty sailors: Lichtheim:
mines of Pharaoh, and I went down on 120 sailors
the sea in a ship of one hundred and They had said that the wind would not be
fifty cubits long and forty cubits wide, contrary, or that there would be none:
with one hundred and fifty sailors of Lichtheim: They could foretell a storm before
it came, a tempest before it broke.
the best of Egypt who had seen heaven As for me, I seized a piece of wood:
and earth, and whose hearts were Lichtheim: The mast - it (the wave) struck (it).
stronger than lions. They had said that Then the ship died.
the wind would not be contrary, or figs and grain, melons of all kinds, fishes,
that there would be none. But as we and birds: Lichtheim: figs and grapes there,
all sorts of fine vegetables, sycamore figs,
approached the land, the wind arose, unnotched and notched, and cucumbers that
and threw up waves eight cubits high. were as if tended. Fish were there and fowl
As for me, I seized a piece of wood; For sycamore figs to ripen they have to be
but those who were in the vessel infested by a certain fly or to be notched by
perished, without one remaining. A hand with a knife.
his beard: The serpent as king of the island
wave threw me on an island, after that sported a pharaonic beard.
I had been three days alone, without a
companion beside my own heart. I laid lazuli: Lapis Lazuli, a blue semi-precious
me in a thicket, and the shadow stone was imported from Bactria via Canaan
since prehistoric times.
covered me. Then stretched I my limbs if you tell me not something I have not
to try to find something for my mouth. heard, or which I knew not, before you:
I found there figs and grain, melons of According to Lichtheim this is part of the
all kinds, fishes, and birds. Nothing sailor's answer: <I said> "Though you speak
was lacking. And I satisfied myself; to me, I do not hear it; I am before you without
knowing myself."
and left on the ground that which was
over, of what my arms had been filled
withal. I dug a pit, I lighted a fire, and
I made a burnt offering unto the gods.
"Suddenly I heard a noise as of
thunder, which I thought to be that of a
wave of the sea. The trees shook, and
the earth was moved. I uncovered my
face, and I saw that a serpent drew
near. He was thirty cubits long, and
his beard greater than two cubits; his
body was as overlaid with gold, and
his color as that of true lazuli. He
coiled himself before me. Then he
opened his mouth, while that I lay on
my face before him, and he said to me,
'What has brought you, what has
brought you, little one, what has
brought you? If you say not speedily
what has brought you to this isle, I will
make you know yourself; as a flame
you shall vanish, if you tell me not
something I have not heard, or which I
knew not, before you.'
"Then he took me in his mouth and
carried me to his resting-place, and
laid me down without any hurt. I was
whole and sound, and nothing was
gone from me. Then he opened his
mouth against me, while that I lay on
my face before him, and he said, 'What
has brought you, what has brought
you, little one, what has brought you to
this isle which is in the sea, and of
which the shores are in the midst of
the waves?'
By this period (i.e. the late third millennium
"Then I replied to him, and holding BCE) Egypt had conquered the Sinai (under
my arms low before him, I said to him: Djoser, ca.2650) and Nubia (under Snofru,
'I was embarked for the mines by the ca.2560), where they mined for precious
order of the majesty, in a ship, one stones and gold. They also exploited gold
hundred and fifty cubits was its length, deposits in Upper Egypt.
and the width of it forty cubits. It had Then I replied to him: This speech is
one hundred and fifty sailors of the largely a copy of the narrative passage above.
best of Egypt, who had seen heaven one hundred and fifty sailors: Ancient
ships needed large crews, as they could not
and earth, and the hearts of whom sail into the wind and tack. They had therefore
were stronger than lions. They said quite often to be rowed.
that the wind would not be contrary,
or that there would be none. Each of The Red Sea is not very wide and weather
them exceeded his companion in the conditions are generally good. Storms are
much rarer and less violent than in the open
prudence of his heart and the strength Indian ocean further south.
of his arm, and I was not beneath any
of them. A storm came upon us while
we were on the sea. Hardly could we
reach to the shore when the wind
waxed yet greater, and the waves rose
even eight cubits. As for me, I seized a
piece of wood, while those who were
in the boat perished without one being
left with me for three days. Behold me
now before you, for I was brought to
this isle by a wave of the sea.'
"Then said he to me, 'Fear not, fear
not, little one, and make not your face
sad. If you have come to me, it is God
who has let you live. For it is He who
has brought you to this isle of the
blest, where nothing is lacking, and
which is filled with all good things.
See now, you shall pass one month
after another, until you shall be four
months in this isle. Then a ship shall
isle of the blest: Lichtheim: island of the ka
come from your land with sailors, and four months in this isle. Then a ship shall
you shall leave with them and go to come: Journeys out and journeys home took
your country, and you shall die in your place in different seasons, because of changes
town. in the prevailing winds. Ancient ships sailed
Converse is pleasing, and he who with the wind and not into it.
Converse is pleasing, and he who tastes of
tastes of it passes over his misery. I it passes over his misery. I will therefore tell
will therefore tell you of that which is you of that which is in this isle: Lichtheim:
in this isle. I am here with my brethren How happy is he who tells what he has tasted,
and my children around me; we are when the calamity has passed, I shall tell you
seventy-five serpents, children, and something similar that happened on this
kindred; without naming a young girl by chance: Lichtheim: through prayer
who was brought unto me by chance,
and on whom the fire of heaven fell,
and burned her to ashes. As for you, if
you are strong, and if your heart waits
patiently, you shall press your infants
to your bosom and embrace your wife.
You shall return to your house which
is full of all good things, you shall see
your land, where you shall dwell in the
midst of your kindred.'
"Then I bowed in my obeisance, and I bowed in my obeisance: Lichtheim:
I touched the ground before him. Stretched out on my belly
I touched the ground before him: Egyptians
'Behold now that which I have told you prostrated themselves in front of their
before. I shall tell of your presence superiors to show their respect. Canaanite
unto Pharaoh, I shall make him to local potentates did likewise before the
know of your greatness, and I will pharaoh during the empire: "Rib-addi [speaks]
bring to you of the sacred oils and to the king, his Lord, [the sun of all countries];
[I have prostrated myself] seven times seven
perfumes, and of incense of the times at the feet of the king, my Lord"
temples with which all gods are Behold now that which I have told you
honored. I shall tell, moreover, of that before: Lichtheim: then I said to him
which I do now see (thanks to him), with which all gods are honored:
and there shall be rendered to you Lichtheim: which pleases all the gods
praises before the fullness of all the
land. I shall slay asses for you in
sacrifice, I shall pluck for you the
birds, and I shall bring for you ships
full of all kinds of the treasures of
Egypt, as is comely to do unto a god, a
friend of men in a far country, of
which men know not.'
"Then he smiled at my speech,
because of that which was in his heart,
for he said to me: 'You are not rich in
perfumes, for all that you have is but
common incense. As for me, I am because of that which was in his heart:
Lichtheim: which seemed foolish to him.
prince of the land of Punt, and I have
The land of Punt is generally identified as
perfumes. Only the oil which you say the Horn of Africa.
you would bring is not common in this is not common: Lichtheim: abounds
isle. But, when you shall depart from
this place, you shall never more see
this isle; it shall be changed into
"And behold, when the ship drew
let your name: Lichtheim: Make me a good
near, according to all that he had told name
me before, I got up into an high tree, perfumes ... Cypress wood was generally
to strive to see those who were within imported from Byblos in today's Lebanon,
it. Then I came and told to him this baboons, apes, ivory from East and Central
Africa, incense mostly from Arabia. Many
matter, but it was already known unto species of cassia grow in warm climates and a
him before. Then he said to me: variety of products are made from them: the
'Farewell, farewell, go to your house, laxative senna is made from African species
little one, see again your children, and and Chinese cinnamon is made from the bark
let your name be good in your town; of a south-east Asian variety.
Lichtheim renders this list of gifts as follows:
these are my wishes for you.'
myrrh, Hknw-oil, laudanum, Xsyt-spice,
"Then I bowed myself before him, tiSpss-spice, perfume, eye-paint, giraffe's tails,
and held my arms low before him, and great lumps of incense, elephant's tusks,
he, he gave me gifts of precious greyhounds, long-tailed monkeys, baboons,
perfumes, of cassia, of sweet woods, of and all kinds of precious things.
you shall rest in your tomb: The Egyptians
kohl, of cypress, an abundance of went to great lengths to ensure this.
incense, of ivory tusks, of baboons, of
apes, and all kinds of precious things.
I embarked all in the ship which was
come, and bowing myself, I prayed
God for him. Then he said to me:
'Behold you shall come to your
country in two months, you shall press
to your bosom your children, and you
shall rest in your tomb.'
After this I went down to the shore
unto the ship, and I called to the
sailors who were there. Then on the
shore I rendered adoration to the
master of this isle and to those who
dwelt therein.
"When we shall come, in our return,
to the house of Pharaoh, in the second
month, according to all that the
serpent has said, we shall approach
unto the palace. And I shall go in
before Pharaoh, I shall bring the gifts
which I have brought from this isle
into the country. Then he shall thank When we shall come... Lichtheim rendered
me before the fullness of the land. this passage in the past tense.
Hear my prayer, for it is good to listen to
Grant then unto me a follower, and people. It was said unto me: 'Become a wise
lead me to the courtiers of the king. man, and you shall come to honor,' and behold
Cast your eye upon me after that I I have become such: Lichtheim: Listen to me!
have both seen and proved this. Hear It is good for people to listen. He said to me;
my prayer, for it is good to listen to "Don't make an effort, my friend. Who would
give water at dawn (185) to a goose that will
people. It was said unto me: 'Become a be slaughtered in the morning ?"
wise man, and you shall come to Ameni-amenaa: Lichtheim: Imenaa, son of
honor,' and behold I have become Imeny
This is finished from its beginning
unto its end, even as it was found in a
writing. It is written by the scribe of
cunning fingers, Ameni-amenaa; may
he live in life, wealth, and health!


From: Eva March Tappan, ed., The World's Story: A History of the World in Story, Song and Art, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin,
1914), Vol. III: Egypt, Africa, and Arabia, trans. W. K. Flinders Petrie, pp. 41-46.
Scanned by: J. S. Arkenberg, Dept. of History, Cal. State Fullerton. Prof. Arkenberg has modernized the text.
Miriam Lichtheim: Ancient Egyptian Literature, vol.1, pp.212ff.

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