A Study On Marketing Strategy of Pantaloons

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“A Study on Marketing Strategy of

Towards partial fulfillment of
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
School of Management, Babu Banarasi Das University, Lucknow

Submitted by
Tanu Shukla
3rd Sem Semester
Roll No- 1170671272
Session 2018-2019

School of Management

Babu Banarasi Das University



I hereby declare that the project work entitled of “A Study on Marketing

Strategy of Pantaloons” submitted to the BABU BANARASI DAS

UNIVERSITY, LUCKNOW is a record of an original work done by me under the

guidance of Ms. Ekta (College Guide) and this project work is submitted in the

partial fulfillment of Bachelor in Business Administration.

Tanu Shukla


It is difficult to acknowledge precious a debt as that of learning as it is the only debt that is

difficult to repay except through gratitude.

First and foremost I wish to express my profound gratitude to the almighty, the merciful &

compassionate with those grace & blessings. I have been able to complete this work.

It is my profound privilege to express my sincere thanks to Ms. Ekta for giving me an

opportunity to work on the project and giving me full support in completing this project.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my parents & my friends for their full cooperation &

continuous support during the course of this assignment.

As a part of course curriculum of Bachelor of business administration we were asked to undergo

field work in any organisation so as to give us exposure to practical management to get us

familiar with various activities taking place in the organisation.

I have put my sincere efforts to accomplish my objectives within the stipulated time. Despite all

limitations, obstructs, hurdles and hindrances, I have toiled and worked to my optimum potential

to achieve desired goals. I am presenting this hand carved effort. I tried my level best to conduct

a research to gain a thorough knowledge about the project on topic, “A Study on marketing

strategy of pantaloons. I put the best of my efforts and have also tried to be justice with

available. If anywhere something is found unacceptable or unnecessary to the theme; you are

welcomed with your valuable suggestions.


I. Introduction to the Topic

II. Company Profile

III. Objectives of the study

IV. Research Methodology

V. Data Analysis &Interpretation

VI. Findings

VII. Suggestion & Recommendations

VIII. Conclusion

IX. Bibliography




According to Harold E Edmondson “Customer Satisfaction” seems to appear in print more

frequently than any other catch phrase used to describe a new-found magic for industrial

success. Before we proceed in to the study of the dynamics of Customer Satisfaction it is

important to know about, who a customer is and what satisfaction really means.

Who really is a Customer?

The question of defining who your customers are seems fairly easy particularly if you have

segmented your market properly and understand who you are trying to satisfy. However, subtlety

that frequently goes undetected by many firms is that is that customer set can be divided into two

parts, the apparent customer and the user. The apparent customer is the person or group of people

who decide what product to buy and basically have control over the purse strings. The user is a

person or group who physically uses the product or is the direct recipient of a service.

What does satisfaction really mean?

As in defining customer above, defining satisfaction also appears simple. However as with

customer there is a subtlety that needs addressing. Satisfaction by most definitions simply means

meeting the customer‟s requirement.

Customer satisfaction is a concept that more and more companies are putting at the heart of their

strategy, but for this to be successful they‟re needs to be clarity about, what customer satisfaction

means and what needs to happen to drive improvement. Without this, there is a risk that

customer satisfaction becomes little more than a good intention, with confused objectives failing

to address the real issues for customers, one helpful way to look at the problem is to rephrase the

objectives: set the sights on helping the customers meet their goals.


Future Group, led by its founder and Group CEO, Mr. Kishore Biyani, is one of India‟s leading

business houses with multiple businesses spanning across the consumption space. While retail

forms the core business activity of Future Group, group subsidiaries are present in consumer

finance, capital, insurance, leisure and entertainment, brand development, retail real estate

development, retail media and logistics.Led by its flagship enterprise, Pantaloon Retail, the

group operates over 16 million square feet of retail space in 73 cities and towns and 65 rural

locations across India. Headquartered in Mumbai (Bombay), Pantaloon Retail employs around

30,000 people and is listed on the Indian stock exchanges. The company follows a multi-format

retail strategy that captures almost the entire consumption basket of Indian customers. In the

lifestyle segment, the group operates Pantaloons, a fashion retail chain and Central, a chain of

seamless malls. In the value segment, its marquee brand, Big Bazaar is a hypermarket format that

combines the look, touch and feel of Indian bazaars with the choice and convenience of modern

retail the group‟s specialty retail formats include supermarket chain - Food Bazaar, sportswear

retailer - Planet Sports, electronics retailer - Ezone, home improvement chain -Home Town and

rural retail chain - Aadhar, among others. It also operates popular shopping portal.


Future Group believes in developing strong insights on Indian consumers and building

businesses based on Indian ideas, as espoused in the group‟s core value of „Indianness.‟ The

group‟s corporate credo is, „Rewrite rules, Retain values.‟ Company Background – Pantaloon

Retail India Founded in 1987, by Mr. Kishore Biyani, Pantaloon Retail in India‟s leading Retail

Company. It is the flagship company of the future group. Starting its 1st outlet in

1997,Pantaloons in Kolkata, it currently has over 4 mm sq. ft. of area under business. The

company operates under multiple formats – hypermarket, apparel stores, specialty stores under

various brands including Big Bazaar, Pantaloon, Food Bazaar, Collection, E Zone,etc. The

company also operates an online portal, futurebazaar.com.Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited is

today recognized as one of the pioneers in the business of organized retailing in the country with

a turnover of over Rs. 2,884.43millions for fiscal 2006, as opposed to a turnover of Rs. 1,463.12

million for fiscal 2005and Rs.881.04 million for fiscal 2004. During the same period Pantaloon

profit after tax was Rs.124.75 million, Rs.30.20 million and Rs.3.82 million, respectively. As a

result, Pantaloon sales increased between fiscal 2004 and fiscal 2006 at a CAGR of 80.94% and

Pantaloon profit after tax increased between fiscal 2004 and fiscal 2006 at a CAGR of471.44%.

Pantaloon Retail is one of the leading retail houses in India. As of November 15,

2006,Group/Company operated 46 retail stores, including three stores which are operated by

Pantaloon franchises. These 46 stores are spread over about 1,113,000 square feet and are

located in 17 states across India. In efforts to strengthen Pantaloon supply chain,

Group/Company has set up seven regional distribution centers and an apparelmanufacturing



The following are the objectives of study to solve the problem: -

A. To make understand the term Customer Satisfaction in relation to pantaloon.

B. To assess the brand awareness of pantaloons in the minds of customer.

C. Customer attitude towards pantaloons.

D. Why people prefer visiting pantaloon over other outlets?

E. To measure the satisfaction level of overall shopping experience at pantaloon.


Research methodology is a way to systematically represent research on any problem. It tends

taken by the researcher in studying the research problem along with the logic behind them.

Research Design– Descriptive

Descriptive research is used to describe characteristics of a population or phenomenon being

studied.The research undertaken was a descriptive research as it was concerned with specific

predictions, with narration of facts and characteristics concerning products provided by


Data source – Primary Data

Research Approach – Survey Method

Research Instrument – Questionnaire

Questionnaire type – close ended

Types of questions – Close-ended

Sampling Unit – Individual

Sampling Frame – Lucknow

Sampling Procedure – Simple Random sampling to select 5 stores and

Convenience for select customer/shoppers.

Sample size – 100 customers

Contact Method – Personal

Mode of Collecting Data – The respondents were chosen randomlyand requested to grant

interviews. The questions were then asked in predetermined sequence.

Data Processing –

(i) A number of tables was prepared to bring out the main characteristics of the collected data.

(ii) Inferences wiredrawn from the collected data.

Data Analysis
1. What influenced you to shop in Pantaloons?

A) Product quality () B) Store appearance and atmosphere ( )

C) Promotions and offers ( ) D) price & terms of payment ( )

Product quality 32

Store appearance and atmosphere 20

Promotions and offers 24

price & terms of payment 24


24% 32% Product quality

Store appearance and

24% Promotions and offers
price & terms of payment

Inference: From the above data, we can say that most of the customer is quality conscious
Pantaloons should focus on more in quality. It is clear that 32% of respondent chose product
quality out of 100 respondents. Whereas 20%customer likes store appearance, 24% respondents
believe in promotion and offers and 24%in price and terms of payment. We can conclude that
most people of the Lucknow city are influenced by the product quality at pantaloons.

2.) How frequently do you shop at Pantaloons?

A) Every week ( ) B) once in two week ( )

C) Once in three week ( ) D) once in a month ( )

Every weak 24
once in two week 28
Once in three week 12
once in a month 36


Every weak
once in two week

28% Once in three week

once in a month

Inference: From the pie chart depicted above, the frequency of shopping of respondent is
evident of the 100 respondents who answered questionnaires, 24%respondent indicated that
they shopped every weak which is favorable for the business.28%respondent would like to
shop once in two weak and where as 36% respondent likes to shop once in the month. The
lowest percent is 12% which is once in the three weak. We can conclude on the basis of the
research that most people of the Lucknow city want to shop once in a month.

3.) What is that first thing that clicks you about pantaloons?
A) Discount and offers ( ) B) Assortment

C) Quality ( ) D) others ( )

Discount and offers 60

Assortment 12
Quality 20
Others 8


Discount and offers
12% 60%

Inference: When we say first thing that clicks to the mind then discount and offers comes first.
In Pantaloons family center, most of the respondent like discount and offers about 60% of
respondent perceived discount and offer is the main attraction that pulls them to come into the
store.20% respondent liked quality in the Pantaloons. Like that assortment follows by 12% with
others factors at 8%. Thus, we can conclude that discount and offers play a vital role in retailing.

4.) How did you find variety and quality of products at pantaloons?

A) Excellent ( ) B) Good ( )

C) Average ( ) D) Bad ( )

Excellent 48
Good 36
Average 16
Bad 0



Inference: From the above pie chart, it is clear that brand and product available in Pantaloons is
up to the mark. Out of 100 respondents 36 respondents liked excellent option whereas 48
respondents view good options with 16 respondents as average option. It means that brand and
product in Pantaloons is qualitative and doing fine job.

5.) Where do you come to know about pantaloons?

A) Print media ( ) B) Electronic media ( )

C) Word of mouth ( ) D) Magazine ( )

Print media 32
Electronic media 20
Word of mouth 44
Magazine 04


Print media
Electronic media
Word of mouth

Inference:From the above data,we can conclude that most of customer comes to know about
Pantaloons by word of mouth 44% and print media 32%. Electronic media also doing fine job.
People come to know about Pantaloons by 20% through electronic media. Only few people come
to know about Pantaloons by magazine that is 4%. Thus it is clear that word of mouth is one of
the effective tools of informing the customer about Pantaloons.

6.) Which company you think is competitor of Pantaloons?

A) Shoppers stop ( ) B) Globus( )

C) Reliance Trends ( ) D) Westside ( )

Shoppers stop 55
Globus 46
Reliance Trends 35
Westside 25


Shoppers stop
Reliance Trends


Inference:It is evident from the findings of the report that most of the outlets regard Shoppers
Stop as its closest competitor of Pantaloons.

7.) In which section do you spend more time while shopping?

A) Food bazaar ( ) B) Apparels ( )

C) Household utensils ( ) D) other section ( )

Food bazaar 48
Apparels 16
Household utensils 12
Other section 24

24% Food bazaar

12% Apparels
16% Household utensils
Other section

Inferences: Most of the customer who visit to Pantaloons family center would like to visit food
bazaar first which means customer preference towards food bazaar followed by apparels and
utensil section. As they find more product varieties and offers in these sections. We can easily
conclude that 48% respondent liked to visit in food bazaar compare to other section.

8.) How did you find the ambience and cleanliness in the store?

A) Excellent ( ) B) Good ( )

C) Average ( ) D) Bad ( )

Excellent 56
Good 40
Average 4
Bad 0


40% Excellent
56% Good

Inference: It is clear from the pie chart is that cleanliness and hygiene maintain in Pantaloons is
superb. More than 90% respondent marks it excellent and good. Out of 56%respondant feels it
excellent and 40%respondanet mark it good. So, we can conclude that cleanliness and hygiene is
awesome in Pantaloons family center.

9.) How is your service experience at pantaloons?

a) Excellent ( ) b) Good ( )

c) Average ( ) d) Bad ( )

Excellent 35
Good 30
Average 25
Bad 10



Inference: We can easily conclude that 65% of respondent experience a good service at
pantaloons with 35% as excellent and 30% as good followed with 25% average service with a
10% as bad experience.

10.) Which time you prefer for shopping at pantaloons –

A) During offers ( ) B) Fresh Stocks ( )

C) On Festivals ( ) D) Anytime ( )

During offers 30

Fresh Stocks 15

On Festivals 35

Anytime 20

20 30
During offers
Fresh Stocks

35 15 On Festivals

Inference:From the pie chart depicted that most customers like to purchase at pantaloons at the
time of festivals and during offers. Customers purchase 35% during festivals, 30% during offers,
20% anytime and 15% at the time of fresh stocks.


1. People were found to be very dissatisfied with the ambience of Pantaloon as

compared to some other outlets but mostly were satisfied.

2. Majority of respondents were found complaining about the variety of products,

different sizes not available, footwear, and child section need improvement at


3. Ladies complaint about jeweler variety is not there, Traditional wear should have

Morevariety and Footwear.

4. Location was one of the main reason which attracted people towards Pantaloon

as it was situated just in them all and it took less time for majority of respondents

to reach Pantaloon.

5. As Pantaloon deals in discount retailing, it was believed that Pantaloon discount

and low prices were one of the main attractions for people but people feel that the

discount is not enough and it should be more.

6. Some respondents‟ complaint that there should be sitting space for ladies, child

and old age people and it was worked out during the project itself.

7. Some respondents demanded book corner should be there. And there should be

staff and billing counter during sales to handle the huge no. of customers.

8. Most of the customer belongs to high society and middle class.

9. Inside store employee interaction is very less with the customer.

10. Most respondents prefer to shop at pantaloons during offers and festivals.

11. Most respondents come to know about pantaloons by word of mouth.


This research throws light on various strengths and weaknesses of Pantaloon and can also help

Pantaloon to improve on different fronts in order to have an edge over its competitors. Based on

the analysis and findings of my research I would like to give following recommendations:

1. Pantaloon needs to improve so that it can accommodate more kinds ofProducts and also provide

space for children coming with their parents toplay and have fun so that for them visiting

Pantaloon becomes exciting.

2. Pantaloon should incorporate more variety of products in its basket sothat it provides the

convenience of availability of all things under one roof to its customers. Variety of products should

specially be increased in traditional wear for women, Footwear, jewelry, cosmetics and more

varieties in watches. More varieties and sizes in jeans, Shirts.

3. Sitting area should be there for children and old people, so that they cansit while other family

members doing shopping.

4. More computers should be included and number of billing countersshould be increased

especially during the festive season and sales, so asto speed up the process of billing and avoid

large queues.

5. If possible more attractive discount and offers should be given in order to attract more


6. Staff should be trained properly to assist people and to make them understand the benefits of

green card membership, it will strengthen.


This research report aims to study consumer attitude towards Pantaloonand highlights its strengths

and weaknesses in order that Pantaloon can fight the competition in a better way. Though

Pantaloon captures a different market and is giving competition to big players like Vishal mega

mart and big bazaar.Retail in India is a booming sector nowadays and Pantaloon should try to

benefit more from it. Recommendations given should be considered by Pantaloon in order to

emerge as a winner in long run.


 Principles of marketing By PHILIP KOTLER.

 http://pantaloon.futurebazaar.com/indexPantaloon.jsp.

 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pantaloon_Retail_India.

 http://business.mapsofindia.com/india-retail-industry/

 http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Retailing_in_India.


GENDER: Male Female

AGE GROUP: 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-above

OCCUPATION: Service Business Others

1) What influenced you to shop at Pantaloons?

A) Product quality ( ) B) Store appearance and atmosphere ( )

C) Promotions and offers ( ) D) Price & terms of payment ( )

2) How frequently do you shop at Pantaloons?

A) Every week ( ) B) Once in two week ( )

C) Once in three week ( ) D) Once in a month ( )

3) What is that first thing that clicks you about Pantaloons?

A) Discount and offers ( ) B) Assortment ( )

C) Quality ( ) D) others ( )

4) How did you find variety and quality of products at pantaloons?

A) Excellent ( ) B) Good ( )

C) Average ( ) D) Bad ( )

5) Where do you come to know about Pantaloons?

A) Print media ( ) B) Electronic media ( )

C) Word of mouth ( ) D) Magazine ( )

6) Which company you think is competitor of pantaloons?

A) Shoppers Stop ( ) B) Globus ( )

C) Reliance Trends ( ) D) Westside ( )

7) How did you find the ambience and cleanliness in the store?

A) Excellent ( ) B) Good ( )

C) Average ( ) D) Bad ( )

8)Does the cost of product affect your purchasing choices?

Yes No

9) How is your service experience at pantaloons?

A) Excellent ( ) B) Good ( )

C) Average ( ) D) Bad ( )

10) Which time you prefer for shopping at pantaloons?

A) During offers ( ) B) Fresh stocks ( )

C) On festivals ( ) D) Anytime ( )


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