P & G Overview
P & G Overview
P & G Overview
Executive Summary
The following report will extensively deal with various business strategies and theories and will
apply it to a specific given company. The piece bears a brief introduction on the background of
the company while describing in details its international operations in light of relevant business
theories. The report is essentially analytical to enable the readers to grasp a comparative analysis
of business studies with relevant examples and case study. Evidence and numerical facts and
historical data have been provided according to need for a comprehensive analysis of marketing
operations of the company considering several social, political and economic factors.
Table of contents
1. Introduction 4
4. Conclusion 9
Reference List 11
1. Introduction
In the modern era, there has been a sufficient evolution of various principles of business and
commercial enterprise. Growth in population, expansion of economy and rise of professional
skill development programs has vastly widened the sphere of corporate and franchise based
initiatives. Inevitably this has had a huge impact on the domain of scholarly research of business
studies, being constantly modified with changing requirements. Thus, the business theories and
strategies have developed both theoretically and practically, adopted by companies worldwide.
The current report will extensively relate some of these relevant theories to a specific prescribed
company for a comprehensive critical evaluation.
Background of the Company
The focus is on P&G (Procter and Gamble) Company which is an American multinational
consumer goods organization having it’s headquarter at Ohio in the United States. British
American gentleman William Procter and Irish American nobleman founded the firm way back
in 1837 that presently enjoys a jaw dropping revenue of 6600 Crores (pg, 2019). Its subsidiaries
include Gillette, NEWCHAPTER, PGT Healthcare, Swiss Precision Diagnostics, SEBASTIAN,
amongst others. As per 2017 records, there are 95,000 employees working world wide with the
company. Initially beginning as a soap delivering organization during the American Civil War it
has today evolved into a consumer goods giant manufacturing numerous products catering to
daily needs (pg, 2019). CEO David S. Taylor has relentlessly advocated for its expansion
policies reflected in its diversification of products. Net income of the company as pert 2017
results is $15.32 billion (pg, 2019). While it has sold several of its enterprises to its rivals, it has
also restructured its business model, dispensing with a number of brands and retaining only a few
for a simple corporate structure.
4. Conclusion
Based on the report, it can be concluded that international business strategy of P&G has helped
the company to raise the revenue along with the brand value of company. This also shows that
company have sufficient human resource to satisfy their customers. International business
strategies and theories is a complex branch of economic studies that is in a continuous flux with
ever changing conditions. Though these studies are included as imperative topics in business
educational institutes curriculum, in the light of modern socio-political situations and
competitive rivalry, this is almost entirely practical and has got little to do with traditional
theories. P&G has been able to grasp the real nature of business tactics by keeping itself updated
with the dynamics of the commercial world. Their operations have transcended the sphere of
mere profit making operations and are catering to larger citizenship goals in tune with the spirit
of international brotherhood and global peace and understanding all over the world.
Reference List
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