Grinding Process Achievements and Their Consequences On Machine Tools Challenges and Opportunities
Grinding Process Achievements and Their Consequences On Machine Tools Challenges and Opportunities
Grinding Process Achievements and Their Consequences On Machine Tools Challenges and Opportunities
In industrial practice substitution processes aie going on from abrasive processes to cutting and vice versa.
To judge the future of grinding the prqcess and machine developments have to be taken into account. The
paper shows the interdependence between process and machine innovations. The machine tool
developments relevant to grinding processes are investigated on a component and a system level. Process
developments and their relevance to new demands on or to new design features of machines are pointed
out. Research activities give an insight into future potentials and into the challenges of machine tool design.
Grinding, machine, component
1 General overview
The increase of quality and accuracy is a general .oyu - D d a E Y O ' I 4rw. 64- 328mrnIQLFW
cooling handling
grinding machine
7 -
1 shear 3 separation
2 friction, shear 4 friction, shear
5 friction
01101575 0 IFW 0030 ORy& 0 IFW
Keynote Papers
disturbances from external forces from the grinding the fluid interface, and can be built with high stiffness
process, inertial forces (or cogging) and friction forces, (Fig. 7).
newly developed control systems may be applied (Fig. 6)
2.1.3 Full digital control and drive systems
For these equations the workpiece speed vw, the cutting
axial magnetic speed vs, the number of cutting edges on the unit area of
(mnt radial beanng rear radial the wheel surface NA, the depth of cut ae, the wheel
magnetic beanng high fiquency magneflc beanng radial sensor
\ dnw radius rs and the workpiece radius rw are required. The
radial and h 1 I -,.I^..
pluslminus sign corresponds to cylindrical external and
internal grinding, respectively (42).
The average chip cross section has a decisive influence
on the cutting force acting upon each cutting edge or
abrasive grain (38,40). Thus, it can control the wear
mechanism of the active grinding wheel surface. Larger
chip cross sections and higher forces on the cutting edge
promotes grain breakage and even grain dislodgement.
MtOtCOiFW This may lead to self sharpening effects, but also to
greater roughness on the generated surfaces. Low chip
Fig. 9: High speed spindle with magnetic bearings cross sections on the other hand may foster flattening of
Contactless operation: It ensures a virtually-endless the grains and finally lead to grazing effects and
operational life of the spindle and the rotational accuracy overheating.
of the spindle can be kept over a long time due to the As can bee seen from equation (1) the wheel surface
wear-free operation. The precondition is that the bearing speed vs can be used to control the chip cross section.
control does not fail. The forces per cutting edge and thus the wear
Auto-balancing: In the case of conventional bearing, a mechanism and the total force between tool and
spindle is rotating around the geometric centre. workpiece are also influenced.
Therefore, if the spindle has an unbalance, it causes an The advantages of high speed grinding are summarised
oscillation of the mechanical structure. To the contrary, in Fig. lO(1eft). For constant material removal rates, the
the spindle can be rotated around the centre of inertia in wheel wear, the surface roughness and also the grinding
the magnetic bearing. This is made possible by forces decrease proportionally to an increase in cutting
significantly reducing the bearing stiffness at the speeds (91).
frequency of the spindle rotation. Thanks to this control In the second case, an increase of the workpiece speeds
strategy, most of the problems related to the forced in proportion to the elevated cutting speeds can be
vibration due to a spindle unbalance can be solved. recognised. In this way, the chip cross section does not
Monitoring ability of the operational state: External force
acting upon the spindle can be detected by monitoring the vw +=constant Ap= constant
electric current. Therefore, both the normal and the
tangential machining force components can be measured t material
during the machining processes. removalrate
Actuation: Spindle position in the bearing can be wheel wear grinding force
controlled within the range of clearance. This surface
roughness surface
characteristic can be, for example, fully utilized to control roughness
the depth of cut with high accuracy and repeatability.
material wheel wear
Grinding machines, which are required to meet high
machining accuracy, can possibly take full advantage of
wheel surface speed vs Wheel surfaut speed vs
the above mentioned performance of magnetic bearings.
A problem in practical use of magnetic bearing is, on the -a *rull 3.lm~OIFw
Keynote Papers
When working with high cutting speeds, the coolant the effects of elevated wheel speeds on the general
supply has to be taken into account. Sufficient coolant grinding performance using the computer (29).
lubricants for the cooling and the lubrication of the
grinding process is required, on the other hand, a large
amount of coolant causes large hydrodynamic forces 2.2.2 Speed stroke grinding
when increasing cutting speeds. Additionally, it is
important that the coolant breaks through the air film, As can be seen from equation (1) the speed ratio vs/vw is
which surrounds the grinding wheel surface, on the a powerful way to control the average chip thickness, the
operation point. In this case, a free-flow-nozzle or a shoe derived process parameters and their effects. Having the
nozzle with an adapted coolant supply is favourable possibility to gain high grinding speeds (vs) the work
(83, 86, 92). speed (vw) should be adapted accordingly. Furthermore
To prevent health hazards for the machine tool operator, there are materials and conditions were grinding with very
it is important to work with an encapsulation and powerful low speed ratios is advantageous. This process is called
suction. Furthermore, it is necessary to implement safety speed stroke grinding (SSG). Under these circumstances
devices according to given safety standards that avoid an the conventional drives using ball-screws offen reach
endangering of the worker in the event of tool breakage. their technical limits. In this case linear drives, as
explained above, are more appropriate motors. They can
In order to achieve high speed grinding, improvement of provide high feed speeds as well as high oscillation
the grinding wheel performance is required. The wheel frequencies.
used for high speed grinding should be strong enough With SSG, the average chip cross section can be
that the centrifugal force does not lead to a breakage in enlarged considerably. This is favourable especially when
the high speed operation range. Although most of the grinding hard and brittle materials such as ceramics (26).
practically used super abrasive wheels have a core made The mechanical loads between the workpiece and
of metal, the use of other lighter materials such as grinding wheel, namely the high normal forces, which
composite materials, for example CFRP, is conceivable. springloads the machine, can be reduced. In Fig. 12 the
For example a CBN wheel which has a CFRP core and a tendencies of process quantities and their effects are
practical operational speed of 200mls has already been shown. From kinematic calculations, the average chip
developed (51). cross section and the geometric contact length can be
A comparison of the material properties between steel derived. These quantities directly influence important
and CFRP, which are relevant for the use in a grinding parameters of the process as shown in Fig. 12.
wheel, is shown in Fig. 11. Although the modulus of weepfeed 6 speedstroke
grinding grinding
elasticity of CFRP is lower than that of steel, its extremely
low value in the specific weight results in a higher value \ compressive 6 higher chip thickriess
of the E/y ratio. This makes it a better choice for the residual
strBsses 0 reduced contact length
grinding wheel application. In fact the radial expansion of
the wheel can be decreased significantly by using 0 redwedhidion
materials which possess high value of E/y ratio. The 0 brittle material removal
extremely low value in the coefficient of linear expansion brces 6 reducedfones
of CFRP is yet another argument for applying this
6 less grinding energy
particular material to the grinding wheel core. thermal
load 6 reduced thermal load
! 2.3
Conditioning and cooling
CBN and a fine, uniform wheel topography is achievable freezing
(65, 71). main line type neatless
filter A,,,~ air dryer
d : grain diameter
grinding timet
-. M
Keynote Papers
penetration in the workpiece leads to an increase of A newly developed speed-stroke surface grinding
residual stresses within the workpiece. The Barkhausen machine equipped with a linear motor for the table feed is
amplitudes were found to be proportional to the number illustrated in Fig. 19. The two motors face each other so
of workpieces machined. All gears without thermal that the attraction forces acting on the guide can be
damage (thermal damage which can also be detected by compensated. The main specifications of the table feed
etching tests), lead to low Barkhausen amplitudes. The system are:
thermal damage was checked using an etching test. An
advantage of the Barkhausen system is the depth of Maximum table speed: 60 m/min
penetration; damages in a range of 20 wn beneath the Maximum acceleration: 10 mls2
surface can be detected. However, the. etching test is Thrust: 1000 N
limited to surface damage. Table stroke: 300 mm
.coolant ,coil
[ ~ N S t
table stroke
(XI* h d X6r25224c 0 IFW
Fig. 18: Correlation of Barkhausen noise amplitude and Fig. 19: Speed stroke grinding machine with linear motor
etching results driven table
Currently the micromagnetic sensor system can not be In comparison, conventional drives with ball-screws set in
implemented in-process whilst grinding. The workpiece a special arrangement can reach maximum table speeds
has to be tested in a separate measuring rig. Further of 60 mlmin, when working at their technical limits. On the
developments should make it possible to install the other hand as can be seen from the figure, an additional
sensor in the grinding machine. water cooling system for the moving part has to be
provided. Basic performance tests with this machine are
still being currently performed.
3 Progressive state of the art
3.2 Internal grinding machine
Innovation is a time dependent process. Some of the
newest developments and processes presented here Magnetic bearings supporting a fast running spindle are
have already been introduced or are just in the state of amongst the newest features of centerless internal
introduction into industrial grinding machine tools. grinding machines (99). They are equipped with two
radial and one double sided axial magnetic bearing. The
1.3 kW motor is directly integrated in the spindle system.
3.1 Linear direct infeed drives The maximum rotational speed is 1 1 0.000 rpm. The load
capacity of the bearings is 140 N in radial and 120 N in
A jig grinding machine with a linear direct motor driven Z- axial direction, with a corresponding static stiffness of 66
axis was recently developed. The feed mechanism of the N/pm and 500 N/pm (measured at the end of the spindle).
Z-axis is designed with the magnet located on the
By taking advantage of the functional performance of the
movable component, while the coil assemblies are magnetic bearing, the following advanced grinding
located on the stationary component. The results of features can be implementedwith this machine.
grinding with such a system compared to a conventional 1. The contact detection of the grinding wheel and the
grinding machine are shown in Table 1. As can be seen workpiece as well as the contact of the grinding wheel
from the table, the total grinding time is reduced by and the dressing tool.
almost 50 % when using this new machine concept. A 2. The monitoring of the normal and tangential
time reduction can be achieved by increased oscillation grinding force components, which can contribute to
frequencies in cycle/minutes from 180 to 380 and 180 to control of the grinding cycle. This can be used in
250 for roughing and finishing, respectively. controlled force grinding and for determining the wheel
I Grinding machine I Conventional
I with linear motor I machine 3. The implementation of oscillation grinding for
achieving a better surface roughness. The wheel spindle
Spindle oscillation
[Hz] I 6,3 (roughing)
4,l (finishing) I 3,O (roughing)
3,O (finishing) is oscillating with a small amplitude (0-100 pm) within the
magnetic bearing clearance in the axial direction. The
Grinding time [h] 1 5 (roughing) 3.1 (roughing) frequency can be increased up to 100 Hz. This method is
3,7 (finishing) 6,9 (finishing) quite different from conventional oscillation grinding,
I I where the wheel spindle head oscillated. The large mass
Total time [h] I 52 I 10,o of the head induces a significant forced vibration.
Table 1 : Comparison of grinding performance
Keynote Papers
4. The grinding of non-rotational parts. By controlling required contour. Especially with the introduction of super
the spindle position and synchronizing its motion to the abrasive materials, this type of cylindrical grinding
rotational motion of the workpiece, the spindle can grind process has gained importance (14). The CBN abrasive
non-rotational surfaces such as ellipsoidal parts. additionally allows smaller wheel diameters compared to
conventional abrasives. This is advantageous for the
design of the grinding machine, for the tool costs and
3.3 Milling type conditioning system
especially for the contact length between tool and work
(66). The reduced contact length generates less friction
A new conditioning process named "milling type
and less thermal loading on the workpiece surface.
conditioning" has been recently developed. It can be
applied to conventional grinding tools made of aluminium
oxide and silicon carbide and is suited for vitreous and ,, z 2:l , ,
metal bcnd CBN
resin bond systems (62, 88). The principle is illustrated in grinding wheel
Fig 20.
'' grinding
ofrough .- , I
wheel profile
workpiece :
fine grinding:
0.80 stock allowance:
0.40 mineral oil
D20-30V+ D91V+ D107K+ lapping 32MsSb2c O l l w
Fig. 22: Principle of fine grinding Fig. 23: Results of fine grinding
As mentioned above the kinematics are equivalent to Fine grinding leads to significantly smoother surfaces
lapping with a restricted guidance. During fine grinding, than lapping. As can be seen the smallest grit size D20-
the workpieces are guided in a carrier system which is 30 produces the best surface roughness. Because of its
driven by an inner pin ring. The carrier system rolls off on lower material removal rates the use of the D91 wheel
the fixed outer pin ring so that the workpieces move in a resulted in smoother parts when used with a water based
cycloid motion relative to the rotating grinding wheels fluid.
(similar to a planetary gear motion).
Although the kinematic conditions of the workpiece
motion are equivalent in fine grinding and lapping, some 3.6 Continuous path controlled grinding of
important differences to lapping may be noticed. In camshafts and crankshafts
comparison to lapping, the effective principle during fine
grinding is not bound to the spatial area but bound to the Crankshafts are key components in an automotive
kinematically defined path of the grinding grains. engine. In the last two years considerable research and
Furthermore the main effective direction is not development has taken place to shorten the process
perpendicular but parallel to the workpiece surface. The chain and to improve quality. Extensive work has been
material is removed during lapping by exceeding the done in near net shape processes. Because of its
maximum compressive strength of the base material, requirements for a highly accurate finish, abrasive
whilst during fine grinding the maximum shear strength is processes are required. In this field innovative machine
exceeded (63). When analysing the process in detail one design is needed. Conventionally crankshafts have to be
can observe that the mechanisms of material removal, ground using several clamping operations because of the
during fine grinding, are similar to those encountered in differences in axes orientations of the journal and the pin
conventional grinding. Depending on the parameters and bearings (Fig. 24). These operations generate idle time,
the nature of the workpiece material, the material can be loss of accuracy, high tool costs, the necessity for large
removed by microcutting, microploughing, microgrooving wheel diameters and investment in special clamping
or due to the fatigue cracking of the surface. In general, devices as well as other efforts.
however, the material is removed by a combination of Drive and control developments have now made a new
these mechanisms, (36). As illustrated in Fig. 23 the fine machining concept possible. When grinding a 4 cylinder
ground surface is characterised by grinding grooves crankshaft traditionally, three broaching operations have
which intersect and are not oriented in any particular to be used for the rough machining of the crankshafts,
direction. subsequently followed by three grinding operations.
Figure 23 shows some typical results that can be Additionally, one broaching operation and one grinding
achieved in the fine grinding of aluminum oxide sealing operation are used on the journals. Furthermore, two
washers. Fine grinding is a force controlled manufacturing broaching operations and two grinding operations are
process, consequently the material removal rate depends used for the pins, with the pins being separately
on the wheel specification, the coolant and the grinding machined in pairs. For the machining of the pins, the
conditions. In comparison to lapping, significantly higher component is mounted eccentrically so that it rotates
material removal rates are achievable with fine grinding about the axis of one pair of pins. When using a new
irrelevant of the grinding wheel type and coolant used. cylindrical grinding machine the crankshaft is clamped
For example, with mineral oil, a vitreous-bonded D91 only once on its main axis. On this axis the main bearings
grinding wheel removes material at a higher rate than are ground and these generated surfaces serve later as
vitreous-bonded D20-30 and resin-bonded D107. Despite supports for steady rests. For machining the pins the
its larger grit size the D107 wheel produces significantly grinding wheel is moved back and forth, so that it
smaller material removal rates because of the self- generates cylindrical surfaces.
sharpening effect of the vitreous bond system.
Furthermore, mineral oil increases the material removal
rate of the D91 wheel but decreases those of the D20-30
and Dl07 wheels, (19, 37).
Keynote Papers
motion of the X-axis (grinding wheel) and the C-axis malfunctions that occurred in the process accurately and
(workpiece), (Fig. 25) (12). This mode is then combined fast (20, 32). Another important task of a monitoring
with a traverse to generate profiles. This means all system is to provide useful information for optimising the
journals and pins of a crankshaft can be rough ground grinding process in terms of the total grinding time or the
and finished on one set-up, using a single wheel and one total grinding cost, as shown in Fig. 26.
machine. By operating in a traverse grinding mode, the algorithm for
different widths of journals and pins can be used.
Furthermore the process is flexible enough to be able to algorithm for
detecting wheel life
machine different sizes of crankshafts (75).
grinding wheel
2. The AE signal is not contaminated with mechanical
noise generated at the bearing.
3. The monitoring of both the grinding and I grinding database
0 grinding lheoly
0 decision table
conditioning processes are possible with the same 4
Inputdata wndtion Out utof
sensor. * determination op8mal
allribules engine condition
0 wheel
attributes andion o infeed rate
* adaptation +
O~uiremenl engine wmdion by
skilled operator
.(uuw U M S ~o C
3.8 MUM station gear grinding
Fig. 27: Intelligent grinding system
From the investigations of grinding processes, it is known
Fig. 27 shows the conceptual design of an intelligent
that for roughing and finishing operations different
grinding system based on a sensor integrated grinding
microtopographies of the wheel are needed. Very often
wheel and a power sensor (28). The system is capable of
this is achieved by applying the conditioning process
detecting chatter vibration and estimating the surface
using the same grinding tool for both operations.
roughness, from which the wheel life can be automatically
Unfortunately, in this approach, the degrees of freedom
determined. In addition, the grinding cycle time is
which are given by the structure of the wheel are not well
automatically minimised, thereby achieving the required
used. A newly developed gear grinder for large scale
surface roughness.
production employs optimally adapted tools for roughing
Although many attempts have been made to develop
and finishing operations (Fig. 29).
intelligent grinding machines, none of them are being
practically implemented in industry. Therefore more
research and development is required to optimise the
features of such a system. The following design is an
example of the primary features that an "intelligent" CNC
controller found on the market, should have. The
controller should have the capability to learn the decision
making processes taken by skilled operators for
optimising the grinding conditions (96).
The system consists of two inference engines; the
condition determination engine and the condition
adaptation engine, both based on a neural network
architecture. As shown in Fig. 28, the standard grinding
conditions are automatically determined by the condition
determination engine in accordance with universal Fig. 29: Machine structure and axes
theoretical or empirical formulae and machining rules,
which are applicable in any manufacturing environment. Additionally it uses the principal of parallel machining by
The standard grinding conditions determined in this using different workstations and thus enables the
manner are a rough guide, therefore correction and simultaneous roughing and finishing and
compensations are made by the skilled operators. The loading/unloading of the grinding stones and workpiece.
strategy of the system is such that the condition The parts are placed in clamping devices on workpiece
adaptation engine, based on the neural network, makes spindles, which are built in an indexing drum. The two
the corrections to the standard conditions. machining stations are equipped with three linear and one
The neural network employed for learning the results of rotational axes. The machine can work in four different
correction made by the skilled operators, is based on a modes. These are full cycle profile grinding, hob grinding,
three-layer back-propagation model. The input data to the profile hob grinding and gear honing - the so called
network are the fixed conditions concerning the grinding coroning mode.
wheel and workpiece while the output are the correction
values with respect to the various grinding conditions. 3.9 Coroning
In addition to its learning capability, with respect to the
condition correction, the controller is capable of This process is the new version of what was previously
automatically adjusting the wheel in-feed speed by using known as a gear honing process with corundum honing
fuzzy algorithms. Because of this functionality, total tools. For coroning electroplated tools super-abrasives
grinding time can be significantly reduced. are used. The kinematic considerations are similar to the
gear honing process. The difference to conventional gear
honing is that after the heat treatment no grinding is
necessary. The cutting speed for honing, which is
generated by crossing the axis of the internal toothed tool
Keynote Papers
against the axis of the external toothed workpiece under a 4 Research activities
small angle, is considerably lower than in grinding. On
average, it is 1 m/s. In this case the abrasive can be
diamond, even though steel has to be machined. The rule 4.1 Grinding of nickel base alloys
of thumb, that when machining steel, diamond is not a
suitable material, due to chemical reactions between As was pointed out before, increasing the workpiece feed
carbon and iron and the catastrophic wear it induces, is rate can significantly influence the chip formation. Its
not true in this case. This is because of the low cutting successful application in grinding brittle materials has
already been demonstrated. In this case the average chip
speed and the short contact time between tool and
workpiece. For this reason, the internal toothed tool, for cross section was enlarged so that the high normal forces
roughing and finishing, is electroplated with a single layer could be decreased. This strategy has been tested on
nickel based alloys, i.e. tough material with high heat
of diamond abrasives of the specifications D54 and D25.
resistance capabilities. It is known that such metals are
During tool life, no dressing operations are therefore
typically ground with small feed rates in the domain of 1
necessary. When the tools are worn, the abrasives are
removed from the metallic body and a new layer of m/min. The limiting factors are thermal damage and
diamond grits is applied. wheel wear. Ever since surface grinders with high feed
rates were available, research activities aimed at
decreasing the forces and energy consumption of the
friction whilst working with a high feed rate; a
characteristic problem of nickel base alloys. As can be
seen from Fig. 31, the feed rate could be increased to 60
m/min. Furthermore a material rate of 40 mm3/mms,
without any thermal damage, could be obtained. In
addition the wear of the grinding tool was considered
tolerable. This technology offers great potential for further
development and research.
different methods for generating a relative motion
between the grinding wheel and the workpiece (Fig. 32).
Principally, the vibration can be directed normally or
tangentially to the workpiece surface. By using a normal
US-motion, the grinding forces are remarkably small. This
is especially useful for machining brittle materials such as
ceramics (89).
Investigations on aluminium oxide (AI203) and sintered
silicon nitride (SSN) under creep feed grinding conditions
showed a reduction of the normal forces by more than
200% (64). The surface quality and the wear were hardly
affected. In scratch tests, the cutting edges of a grinding
tool showed that they were not permanently engaged, but .OM IWT-Bnmn 32(v25427s 0 IFW
Fig. 33: Applications of grind-hardening
that they occasionally lost contact. Similarly to a
hammering effect, the cutting edges generate Surface strengthening by advanced grinding processes
miorocracks in the brittle materials and consequently can especially be used for components which are
accelerate the material removal process. On the other subjected to medium or low operating loadings and just
hand the wear mechanism of the grinding tool changes need a hardness penetration of a few tenths of a
considerably compared to conventional grinding; the millimeter to improve their wear resistance, such as
abrasive rounding of diamond grains is almost inexistent. grooves for locking rings, guide ways and treads for
The microchipping of the grains generates new cutting packing rings. By adopting grind hardening as a new heat
edges. This is the reason why especially the normal treatment method, heat treatment and hard machining
grinding forces are reduced to such an extent. This can be combined in one set-up which leads to shortened
results in a more stable and stationary process e.g. in process sequences and less transportation efforts,
conventional grinding under equal conditions, forces, Fig 33.
worksurface and wear typically change or are in transient
4.4 lnprocess Measurement of Residual Stresses
The vibration assisted grinding process offers great
in the Subsurface
potential for the surface finishing operations of brittle
materials. To integrate an US-device into a grinding
Recent investigations are concentrating on a multi-
machine, the great accelerations induced have to be
frequency multi-sensor system to detect grinding burn,
taken into account. US vibrations must be implemented
surface hardness and depth of hardness continuously.
using sonotrodes with restricted masses, having the
This new system is based on an existing hardware which
ability to transform mechanical deformations into relevant
amplitudes. Nevertheless for workpieces of limited mass, uses multi-frequency eddy current for non destructive
evaluation of hardness and depth of hardness. In
this method is just waiting to be implemented in an
addition, high-frequency Barkhausen noise and
industrial environment.
incremental permeability is integrated to detect grinding
burn. Furthermore, a Hall probe is used to monitor the
4.3 Hardening during grinding quality of measurement which is mainly influenced by the
sensor to workpiece contact. The Hall probe enables the
During grinding the generation of imperfections on the evaluation of coercitive strength and distortion factor to
workpiece surface due to overheating is a well known have additional quantities for the detection of hardness
problem. Recent research results indicate that the and rehardening due to grinding burn. This multi-sensor
thermal energy generated during grinding can be utilised system has multifunctional abilities due to its, different
for heat treatment operations. By doing so, process quantities which are independent from each other. This
sequences can be significantly shortened (4, 7, 8, 10). gives the possibility to extract the effects from changes of
In order to increase fatigue strength and wear resistance, heat treatment and portion of austenite on the signals. In
many structural parts have to be subjected to a hardening the past, these effects often caused failures on
heat treatment operation of the surface layer. In industry, production lines in the micromagnetic monitoring
several heat treatment methods, such as induction, flame systems.
and case hardening, are used for generating specific
surface layer properties. During grinding almost the whole
mechanical energy introduced at the interface of wheel
and workpiece, dissipates into thermal energy. The
recently developed grind-hardening method takes
advantage of the generated thermal energy by using it to
induce a martensitic phase transition, in order to harden
the workpiece shell. The duration of austeniting during
grinding is normally less than 1 second and the heating
rate was calculated to be 107 - 108 KIS (4). The grind-
hardening process can therefore be classified as a rapid,
surface strengthening process.
Grind-hardening is basically a dry process. The addition
of cooling lubricants as chilling element is not essential. Fig. 34: Micromagnetic inprocess measurement
In grind-hardening processes, the critical cooling rate is Fig. 34 shows the set-up and the measuring position,
already reached by the effects of heat treatment and the Fig. 35 the results of the in-process measurement.
self-quenching nature of the material.
Keynote Papers
u) 400 proc.rr for the desired contour is performed. These data are
axiernal prindinp
t transmitted into the control, where they are transferred to
MPa -
CBN tool
the axes motion controls by three modules. The given
u) M 126VR 1W N
1w mls
- 2 - 45 m J / m
too d i m
normal forces are kept constant and thereby a more
regular chip removal rate is achieved. The axis
q = -150 transformation transfers the infeed spiral as well as the
p -100 wor(cpl.e. corrected speed profile into the axis coordinates while
ball beirinp ateel.
.Y -200
hardened. 65 HRC taking into account the actual tool diameter. The deviation
E coolant error correction finally compensates for the dynamic
-300 behaviour of the axes, whereby both predictive and path
-300 -200 -100 0 100 200 MPa 400
X-ray determined residual stresses
error compensation methods are used.
319mDl7.2 0 IFW
This concept for process control in contour grinding offers
substantial advantages with respect to the conventional
Fig. 35: Correlation of micromagnetic and X-ray method; improved workpiece characteristics are obtained
determined residual stresses at reduced machining times.
This new method of inspection enables design,
adaptation and optimisation of the grinding processes 5 Conclusion
with respect to the surface integrity.
As demonstrated throughout this paper, grinding is still in
4.5 Non rotational and off-axis grinding a vivid development phase. The impacts for innovations
are generated by researching the process and tool type
As was mentioned before, the grinding of non rotational as well as from the machine tool itself and their
and off-axis surfaces is generating more and more components used. New drive systems and intelligent
industrial interest. The kinematic programming is done by control systems enlarge the catalogue of shapes which
using table interpolation (43,47). With an offline can be generated by grinding considerably. The principle
programming system the desired workpiece shape and of replacing hardware components with software
the information concerning the grinding cycles (roughing, solutions increases the flexibility and potential of such
finishing and spark out) as well as the tool diameter is machines. High speed and speed stroke grinding has
converted in the necessary relative motions between the only been possible because high speed spindle systems
workpiece rotational axis and the infeed axis. These and fast moving feed drives have been introduced. The
numbers are the main components of the interpolation installation of reliable sensor systems has increased the
table which is then transferred into the numerical control functionality of grinding machines and its overall
codes. productivity. Several examples of innovations, developed
This method has severe disadvantages. No separation by researching the grinding processes, that have been
between geometrical and technological information is subsequently been transferred to the machine tool, and
possible. Setting a single quality criteria threshold for a vice versa, have been shown. This paper has
workpiece is impossible, Furthermore, the calculation of demonstrated that developments made in the grinding
the interpolation data is done for discrete tool diameters. processes will guarantee that the grinding process will
Consequently, actual diameter deviations from the keep its position and possibly expand its role in
discrete values produces additional contour errors. No manufacturing.
information from the grinding forces are taken into
account. The deflection of machine, tool and workpiece
as well as the influence of the tangential force on the
surface quality, remain uncompensated. 6 References
With the feedback control loop structure shown in Fig. 36,
these disadvantages in contour grinding are avoided Abrahamson, G. R.; Duwell, E. J.; McDonald, W. J.:
(67, 68. 79, 87, 98). Wear and Lubrication as Observed on a Lap Table
wnlour gnnding process With Loose and Bonded Abrasive Grit, Journal of
Tribology, 4 (1991), p.249-254
Aerospace Recommended Practice ARP4462:
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