2019-2020 Pre-Ap Precalculus Syllabus
2019-2020 Pre-Ap Precalculus Syllabus
2019-2020 Pre-Ap Precalculus Syllabus
Pre-AP Precalculus Course Information
Welcome to Our Class Supply List
Welcome to Pre-AP Precalculus. You have joined a
group of fellow students who are going to participate The following are supplies for this course. All supplies
in a unique and exciting approach to math. This is a need to be brought with you daily to class.
very challenging course with many requirements. As a
junior, the first is a desire to be prepared for calculus • 1 Standard Size Composition Notebook
and the AP calculus exam next year. As a senior, it is • 1 Pocket Folder for Returned Assignments and
to be prepared for college level calculus. The second
requirement is a desire to learn and a willingness to Quizzes
work at what doesn’t come easy or quickly. Although • Pencils, Tissue, Paper (by period, will be
the year will be challenging and perhaps even stressful
at times, just remember it will be worth it in the end. discussed on first day of class)
Classroom Rules
Grading Procedure • Respect. Respect yourself, your peers and your
CONTENT ENGAGEMENT – 20% in the classroom. (1st offense, device can be picked up
• Only QUALITY WORK is done in this class. Assignments Notebook – Composition notebooks and assignment
that fail to adhere to the assignment format and quality folders will be checked for completion and
expectations will NOT BE ACCEPTED. organization on a basis of my choosing. You will also
be required to have all graded material at the end of
• Copying/Cheating will result in an automatic 0 for
the 9 weeks, which I will pick up and keep.
both/all parties involved and may be subject to further
administrative consequences as well.
CR (College Readiness Assignments) – These will be
• Absent work can be found on our website (w/ the given a weekly, bi-weekly basis. They include NMSI
exception of tests and quizzes) and is to be discussed (National Math & Science Institute), SAT and ACT
and completed outside of class during tutoring hours. material.
• If turning in absent assignments, date of absence must
be written on assignment or late deduction will occur. Classwork/Homework – Our daily assignments.
• Take pictures of your assignments before turning in. This Year In A Nutshell
This is your backup in case something is missing.
Semester I
Unit 1 Attributes of Functions, Average Rate of Change,
Composite/Inverse Functions
Late Work Policy Unit 2 Exponential, Logarithmic, Polynomial and Rational
• 1 day (1 school day, not the next time we have Unit 3 Trig Intro, The Unit Circle
class) after due date – 30 pt. deduction from Unit 4 Graphing Trig Functions, Solving Basic Trig
COMPLETED assignment. Equations