Buehler, Erin Et Al
Buehler, Erin Et Al
Buehler, Erin Et Al
Consumer-grade digital fabrication such as 3D printing is on the rise, and we believe it can be leveraged to
great benefit in special education. Although 3D printing is infiltrating mainstream education, little research
has explored 3D printing in the context of students with special support needs. We describe our studies on
this topic and the resulting contributions. We initially conducted a formative study exploring the use of 3D
printing at three locations serving populations with varying ability, including individuals with cognitive,
motor, and visual impairments. We found that 3D design and printing perform three functions in special
education: (1) STEM engagement, (2) creation of educational aids for accessible curriculum content, and
(3) making custom adaptive devices. As part of our formative work, we also discussed a case study in the
codesign of an assistive hand grip created with occupational therapists at one of our investigation sites. This
work inspired further studies on the creation of adaptive devices using 3D printers. We identified the needs 11
and constraints of these therapists and found implications for a specialized 3D modeling tool to support their
use of 3D printers. We developed GripFab, 3D modeling software based on feedback from therapists, and
used it to explore the feasibility of in-house 3D object designs in support of accessibility. Our contributions
include case studies at three special education sites and discussion of obstacles to efficient 3D printing in this
context. We have extended these contributions with a more in-depth look at the stakeholders and findings
from GripFab studies. We have expanded our discussion to include suggestions for researchers in this space,
in addition to refined suggestions from our earlier work for technologists creating 3D modeling and printing
tools, therapists seeking to leverage 3D printers, and educators and administrators looking to implement
these design tools in special education environments.
CCS Concepts: r Social and professional topics → People with disabilities
Additional Key Words and Phrases: 3D printing, assistive technology, children, cognitive impairment, digital
fabrication, developmental disability, rapid prototyping, special education, visual impairment
ACM Reference Format:
Erin Buehler, Niara Comrie, Megan Hofmann, Samantha McDonald, and Amy Hurst. 2016. Investigating
the implications of 3D printing in special education. ACM Trans. Access. Comput. 8, 3, Article 11 (March
2016), 28 pages.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2870640
This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number EEEC-0540865.
Authors’ addresses: E. Buehler, N. Comrie, S. McDonald, and A. Hurst, University of Maryland, Baltimore
County, Information Systems Department, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250; emails: {eri4, cniara1,
sam30, amyhurst}@umbc.edu; M. Hofmann, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Department of Com-
puter Science, 1873 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523; email: hofmann.megan@gmail.com.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2870640
ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing, Vol. 8, No. 3, Article 11, Publication date: March 2016.
11:2 E. Buehler et al.
Three-dimensional (3D) printers are a promising technology gaining acceptance in
mainstream education as a means to engage students with hands-on interactions [Tides
Center 2014]. However, little has been published on the role of this technology in
special education. We feel this technology can contribute to special education through
(1) supporting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) engagement in a
historically underserved population, (2) creating curricular materials, and (3) creating
assistive technology (AT).
3D printing technology can offer students a powerful tool for creativity and explo-
ration and an engaging introduction to STEM topics. For example, students can print
simple machines to help visualize elementary concepts in physics and engineering or
design their own small-scale buildings as part of an architecture lesson. Finding ways
to increase participation in science and engineering is a universal challenge, but it is
particularly important for students with disabilities, as they are severely underrepre-
sented in these disciplines [National Science Foundation 2013].
Customized learning aids in the classroom and individualized assistive technology
are both possibilities for 3D printing in special education. In the classroom, for exam-
ple, a history teacher could download an open-source model of a pharaoh’s tomb and
have a durable plastic diorama, which would be content specific and could be handled,
helping students with visual impairments as well as tactile learners. In the case of
assistive devices, a therapist could use a 3D printer to create a custom tablet mount for
a wheelchair, tailoring the design to both the tablet case and the individual student’s
chair, circumventing purchasing processes and exorbitant costs. In order to achieve
these goals, special education institutions must first gain access to 3D printing technol-
ogy and then make the time to learn how to use, operate, and maintain this equipment.
To understand how special education institutions are currently using 3D printing
technologies, we studied three organizations providing special education and technol-
ogy access services. We observed a classroom and conducted interviews with teachers,
therapists, administrators, and technical experts. We worked with two schools that
support middle- and high-school-aged children, one focused on students with cogni-
tive impairments and the other on students with vision impairments. Our third site
was the technology division of a national organization offering training and support to
blind individuals. Our analysis revealed insights into the current uses of 3D printing
in special education and how we can better support its use.
Based on observations and interviews at our main investigation site, we identified
a potential project leveraging 3D printing for the creation of assistive devices. We
engaged in an iterative codesign process with occupational therapists from that site
to explore this application of the technology. The codesign process resulted in a case
study exploring 3D printed objects as assistive devices and was the motivation for
GripFab, a prototype design software intended for the simple creation of 3D printed
objects to support persons with limited dexterity and gripping ability. The software
requirements were derived from therapist feedback and the prototype software was
brought back to therapists twice for evaluation and to evoke further discussion of the
merits and potential problems related to in-house or self-designed assistive objects.
In this article, we first summarize existing research on 3D printing in education,
DIY accessibility, and learning. We describe our investigation into the current use and
practices of 3D printing at three sites and present each investigation site as a case
study. We extended our original work [Buehler et al. 2014] by describing the expecta-
tions and perceptions of 3D printing from the perspective of multiple stakeholders in
special education. We also introduce GripFab, a specialized piece of modeling software
to create custom hand grips that was designed for clinicians at one of our investigation
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Investigating the Implications of 3D Printing in Special Education 11:3
sites. We present applications of this prototype software and we discuss the opportu-
nities and challenges involved in efficiently implementing 3D modeling and printing
for special education use. Finally, we offer revised suggestions for future designers and
technologists in this space, as well as our lessons learned related to 3D printing in
special education environments for therapists, educators, and researchers.
Our research builds on existing explorations of making in children’s education, Do-
It-Yourself (DIY) assistive technology, and Universal Design for Learning. We briefly
describe relevant work from these topics to help frame our research goals next.
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visual support for children with autism uncovered other key factors related to children
and AT. Children change and outgrow devices very quickly, which can lead to problems
when being fitted for these items. These problems include the manufacturing time for
custom-ordered devices and prolonged waiting periods for paperwork processing be-
tween medical/insurance providers and manufacturers when ordering generic items.
Another aspect of AT adoption versus abandonment is the perception of others. Chil-
dren are susceptible to popular opinion and the sense of belonging, making the stigma
around AT a serious issue.
In our earlier work, we investigated how 3D printing can address these concerns in
the context of special education, providing inexpensive and customized solutions for
young students [Buehler et al. 2014]. This article extends our prior work, including
additional findings regarding the stakeholders in this setting and the presentation of
a prototype study examining a novel software design tool, GripFab, targeted to occu-
pational therapists. We also expand on our discussion and provide further suggestions
and insights regarding these technologies.
2.3. Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) research has explored the use of tangible learn-
ing aids for students with varying abilities. UDL is an extension of universal design
for accessibility applied to education. UDL follows three guiding principles: (1) flexible
methods of presentation, (2) flexible methods of expression and apprenticeship, and
(3) flexible options for engagement [Rose et al. 2002]. By offering educators a way to
create their own 3D printed objects, they can in turn offer multimodal interactions for
their students. The benefits lie in presentation of information and demonstration of
knowledge gained. A student with a visual impairment may gain access to graphical in-
formation tactilely, or a student with a cognitive impairment might demonstrate math
skills by manipulating objects rather than writing out equations. When discussing
multimodal interactions, the concept of tangibles is a natural connection. Manches and
O’Malley [2011] provide an extensive review on the topic of tangibles and manipulatives
in education and how to support these interactions.
Our research examines the potential for 3D printers to assist with the creation of
educational aids, adaptive devices in support of learning, and manipulatives—physical
objects designed to promote comprehension through interaction. We also present expec-
tations and perceptions of faculty and staff in special education settings. In extension
of our prior work, we document applications of 3D printing as suggested by special
education instructors.
2.4. State of 3D Modeling and Printing Technology
In order to create an object to be manufactured on a 3D printer, one needs a 3D model.
Depending on the situation, an individual may find a preexisting 3D model that some-
one else designed through popular online repositories such as Thingiverse1 or create
their own using 3D modeling software. There is a wide variety of 3D modeling software
created for novices (individuals with little to no formal training) and experts (individ-
uals who commonly have engineering or animation training). Two examples of novice
design tools include Tinkercad2 and Sketchup.3 Both tools are direct manipulation
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interfaces that output a standard format
(.stl) and are free to use. They offer uncluttered interfaces and objects are built by
combining primitive shapes (such as cubes, triangles, and spheres).
1 http://www.thingiverse.com/.
2 http://www.tinkercad.com/.
3 http://www.sketchup.com/.
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Investigating the Implications of 3D Printing in Special Education 11:5
Users who have difficulty using on-screen tools may prefer to design models tangibly
instead of using on-screen tools. Within the research community, there has been an
influx of tangible design tools that enable users to design 3D models by manipulating
physical objects. A 3D model is created by 3D scanning these physical objects [Izadi
et al. 2011; Follmer et al. 2010], or objects may have embedded electronics that can
specify their configuration to the computer [Huang and Eisenberg 2012]. While users
can quickly create low-resolution primitives with these systems, their complexity is
commonly limited.
Consumer-grade 3D printers are available in a variety of types; one of the most
common types used at two of our investigation sites is fused deposition modeling (FDM).
These printers heat plastic filament and extrude fine layers of plastic that ultimately
create a 3D object. A second type used at our other investigation site is a powder bed
printer. This printer combines powder with layers of a binding agent that can be tinted
to generate a 3D object in full color.
In our study, we describe challenges and opportunities related to both novice design
tools and consumer-grade 3D printers given the state of this technology at the time of
our fieldwork.
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Fig. 1. Examples of 3D-printed objects to support special education. Pictured: tactile graphics for students
with visual impairments, a small sculpture and moving nautilus gear for hands-on engagement, and two
assistive devices including an easy-grip bottle opener and a pillbox.
models, and working gears. Interview questions and prompts were designed to elicit
discussion and further insight on observed themes, but also served to reveal new issues
not previously identified. The questions were tailored for the role of the interview
participant. For example, we asked technology instructors about the strategies they
used to manage student expectations in the classroom; we asked technical experts about
failures and successes using the technology; and we asked nontechnical instructors and
therapists about their perceptions of and uses for 3D printers in their work setting.
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Investigating the Implications of 3D Printing in Special Education 11:7
4 http://www.makerbot.com/.
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Investigating the Implications of 3D Printing in Special Education 11:9
Table III. Top, Two Items Selected, Downloaded, and Printed by Students for a Fundraiser: (1) a Bracelet and
(2) a Cube toy. Bottom, Two Examples of Student-Designed Dog Figurines (3, 4)
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Fig. 2. An example of an unprintable design. This house has a floating roof and is situated below the virtual
print bed. Created by a student at Site A.
This resulted in students creating designs that were not seated correctly on the
build platform or designs that included object overhangs or details beyond the current
capabilities of the printer (Figure 2).
5 http://store.makerbot.com/digitizer/.
6 http://www.meshmixer.com/.
7 http://www.123dapp.com/design/.
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Investigating the Implications of 3D Printing in Special Education 11:11
Table IV. The Adaptive Stylus Grip Went Through Several Design Iterations. Pictured: (1) Initial Air-Dry
Clay Models and an Early 3D-Printed Prototype of the Student’s Grip, (2) the Final Low-fi Clay Design;
(3) Scanning the Clay Model with the Digitizer, (4) Designing an Extension to Accommodate a New
Stylus, and (5) Final 3D-Printed Grip with Stylus Inserted
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model of the student’s grip, which was then 3D scanned by the researchers using the
Digitizer. Adjustments were made to the design to accommodate a basic stylus and the
design was printed using a Replicator 2x located in our lab. The plastic prototype was
delivered to the OTs, who conducted test sessions with the student. During testing,
concerns were raised about the hardness of the plastic. Our lab coated the grip in a
rubberizing aerosol spray to soften the texture and improve grasping. Both the new
texture and the bright color (picked by the student) were well received. The student
later purchased a different stylus and the task of modifying the grip prompted us to
explore other design options that we discuss in our software prototyping, in Section 9.
8 http://www.3dsystems.com/.
9 http://www.rhino3d.com/.
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Investigating the Implications of 3D Printing in Special Education 11:13
Fig. 3. Example objects printed at Site B. On the left is a math manipulative project aimed at creating a
tactile Cartesian grid. On the right is a decorative snowman figurine designed by students.
printer and software as part of an extracurricular activity. The instructor has plans to
create and implement lessons for the students in his class in the future.
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10 http://www.cubify.com/.
11 http://www.grabcad.com/.
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Investigating the Implications of 3D Printing in Special Education 11:15
Fig. 4. Models printed at Site C to support information access for visually impaired users. Pictured: a planet,
the Sphinx, the Chrysler building, a DNA helix, & a landmass.
outside of the school setting, and the children themselves should be involved in this
research. For this study, we had to exclude these populations for reasons of access and
other constraints that are discussed in Section 10.5. Instead, we are focusing on the
faculty and staff providing education and access to tools such as 3D printers, in addi-
tion to leveraging these tools themselves as a means of contributing to the quality of
life and education for their students. To follow, we provide a brief description of each
stakeholder group and their high-level reflections on 3D printing technology in special
education settings.
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Investigating the Implications of 3D Printing in Special Education 11:17
were interested in alternative materials for 3D-printed objects, including soft textiles
and rubber- or foam-based filaments to create easy-to-grip or flexible objects.
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Investigating the Implications of 3D Printing in Special Education 11:19
keep pace with changing electronics. Other examples of changing AT needs provided
by OTs included students breaking devices or cases and student families purchasing
new devices requiring new cases, mounting, and so forth.
The OTs made it clear to us that more requests like this one were likely, and we
needed to provide a design tool that would empower them to build other custom devices.
Given the OTs’ reticence to spend time learning existing software, we needed a solution
to quickly and easily create variations on designs to accommodate change.
9.2. Requirements for 3D Modeling Software for Special Education Settings
From our interviews and design work with the OTs, we came up with a basic set of
requirements for a minimal design tool. Even though the hand grip was explicitly cre-
ated for one student, the therapists indicated that multiple students could benefit from
a custom grip modification for an array of objects. We designed GripFab, a simplified
design tool for generating customizable hand grips. In our initial conversations with
OTs, we recognized that we needed to create an interface that would (1) minimize
time commitment, (2) offer simple customization without mouse-driven design to im-
prove model accuracy, and (3) obscure as much complexity as possible to mitigate the
intimidation factor associated with CAD modeling tools.
9.2.1. GripFab Features. To fulfill the aforementioned requirements, we abstracted 3D
model generation down to parametric fields and option-selection settings. GripFab uses
a tabbed interface to break up the design process emulating a step-by-step wizard. This
forces the user to consider sections of their grip separately and limits the overwhelming
number of options available to the user. Each tab offers the user a small set of options
related to each feature of the hand grip: (1) selecting the base shape, (2) adjusting the
dimensions of the hole in the grip accommodating the object to be held, and (3) optional
support called a “barrel” that can be used for holding longer objects or to provide an
extension for a user with limited range of motion. GripFab combines Java and an open-
source, console-based design tool called OpenSCA12 to apply the designer’s settings
and render a model as an .stl file. All necessary files for rendering are saved locally
and then removed once the .stl is fully rendered. This interface masks the rendering
process from the user, leaving a clean .stl file for printing.
9.2.2. GripFab Version 1 - Pilot Study Feedback. We pilot tested the first version of GripFab
in an hour-long focus group at Site A with four OTs, including the two involved in the
original hand-grip design project. The session included a brief demonstration that
was followed by a set of semistructured questions regarding the OTs’ experiences
with hand motor impairments and their current practices for devising solutions for
accessibility challenges. Participants were shown an example grip designed to hold a
spoon (Figure 5) and asked to make a grip design for a large highlighter using GripFab.
One participant controlled the software while the other three provided feedback on the
usability of the application.
The OTs gave favorable reviews of the software and grips and provided us with a
list of improvements. To minimize the time commitment, the OTs requested a profile
system that would load default values about a student (e.g., left- or right-handed). They
requested dynamic images to help visualize the models, but they did not want to use
these images for direct manipulations of models. For the software, they requested para-
metric field and tool labels with more OT-friendly language to help alleviate confusion
over CAD vocabulary. The OTs also described a need for more diverse base grip shapes
and provided us with a set of art supplies spanning several shapes and dimensions,
including pencils, markers, paintbrushes, glue sticks, and other supplies.
12 http://www.openscad.org/.
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Investigating the Implications of 3D Printing in Special Education 11:21
Table V. Top Five Grip Designs as Selected by OT and Art Faculty at Site A: (1) Refined Pinch
Holding a Highlighter, (2) Articulated Container Grip, (3) Bottle Grip, (4) Rocker Grip Holding
a Large Crayon, and (5) Built-Up Grip Holding a Thin Paintbrush
creating grips, they suggested providing a tutorial to help guide them through the
design process. They also requested new features, such as the ability to change the
scale of the base model and increase/decrease the width, length, and/or overall size of
the base grip to provide more flexibility and customization of the grips. Previously, the
ability to scale or stretch a design has been controlled during the slicing step between
generating the 3D model and preparing it to print. By reducing the number of programs
they must interact with, the OTs are again looking to reduce complexity even though
this is adding in more features to the design interface. Concerned about the print time
necessary to create several variations of a grip, the OTs also wanted the option to print
alternative interlocking barrels on preexisting grips. Ideally, they would have a base
model that fit a particular student’s need and they would print hot-swap barrels to
accommodate all the different hand implements the student interacted with during
the school day.
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gave the user flexibility, a steady comfortable grasp, and mobility support. The refined
pinch is a generalized version of the custom grip design we created for the student
in our codesign project. The articulated container grip was made explicitly for the
operation of a glue stick. The grip clasps around the glue stick, providing the user with
the ability to turn the glue stick upside down, sideways, and upward. The bottle grip
is an existing design available on Thingiverse [Minifacture 2013] that we selected for
thicker objects and containers found in the art classroom, specifically a small bottle
containing glitter. The rocker grip is a T-shaped grip based on existing AT designs for
persons who have some grasping ability but only lateral wrist movement. A built-up
grip is an exaggerated handle based on a technique described by the OTs wherein they
wrap material around nonassistive handles to make them easier to grasp for people
with limited dexterity.
The OTs preferred to have generalized grips over user-specific ones, a default average
adult hand size, and the ability to attach extra support materials to the grips to give
the user more stability when interacting with objects. For instance, the extra support
material would allow them to take the lid off the jar, hold it, and pour with stability. The
OTs stated that they would like to use GripFab and a 3D printer in their daily practice if
we can incorporate the remaining feedback on the interface and add these five designs
as base models. They described a 2-week waiting period for ordering and receiving AT
products from catalogs and manufacturers, suggesting that 3D-printed options would
save them wait time. The OTs also said that based on their understanding of 3D printer
material costs, using 3D-printed grips would also be more cost effective.
9.4. Implications for Self-Designed Assistive Technology and Disruptive Service Delivery
GripFab is one example in a movement toward self-designed assistive technologies.
To a certain extent, customization has always been a component of AT design. Ther-
apists and end-users regularly make low- and medium-fidelity modifications to AT by
incorporating tape, clay, cardboard, Velcro, and other artifacts to improve the fit and
utility of off-the-shelf solutions. Not all people with disabilities have the level of motor
ability and dexterity necessary to make use of these materials. At the same time, con-
temporary design tools also have barriers to access, relying heavily on mouse-driven
techniques and requiring training in CAD to generate novel designs in 3D. Tools like
GripFab or the Thingiverse Customizer are part of an emergent toolset that supports
designers who can access a computer. Our findings indicate that the use of parametric
settings may enable a wider user population to create bespoke AT objects, but we have
not yet completed extensive testing to discern which populations will benefit most from
this practice and if this modality is the best option over other modalities for specific
user abilities and level of design skills.
This accessible self-design concept does not need to be limited to 3D printing. In-
stead, we propose that the new model for manufacturing be made more inclusive by
way of accessible fabrication tools. With the creation of accessible fabrication, we can
support and promote end-user self-design of AT. When combined with the user’s con-
structionist learning from the use and design of these items, this creates a disruption
to existing service delivery and service design. We, as HCI researchers, can then foster
collaboration between end-users and clinicians in the creation of novel or custom AT.
By empowering the end-user as a designer of his or her own AT solutions, we can also
incite engagement, leading to better adoption and reduced abandonment rates.
These studies reveal that there is support and interest in using 3D printing in special
education and therapy. Through this work, we identified several recommendations for
technologists related to the development of 3D hardware and software, we identified
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Investigating the Implications of 3D Printing in Special Education 11:23
issues of interest to schools and therapists, and we provide our lessons learned studying
3D printing technology in special education settings.
10.1. 3D Printer Accessibility Recommendations
We believe it is important that the 3D printer be considered as an assistive technology
in the special education classroom and not simply another piece of technology. We make
the following recommendations specific to this cause.
10.1.1. Provide Accessible Feedback. One significant obstacle we observed for novices
learning to use this technology was developing an accurate mental model of the printer.
Common problems included not understanding why prints failed, the limits of a given
printer’s capabilities, and the relationships between troubleshooting techniques and
the problems they are intended to solve. As we move toward a future where students
with diverse abilities use these printers, it is important to provide accessible feedback
about when the printer is working and when there are problems.
10.1.2. Printer Safety. 3D printers can be dangerous when misused. While we did not
see specific concerns from any of our stakeholders about the safety of these machines
for students, it should be considered for future audiences. All of the 3D printers our
participants interacted with had enclosed all hot and/or moving parts, so they would be
difficult to touch while the printer was on. Additionally, students at these sites are mon-
itored very closely, and the administrators felt that it was the teacher’s responsibility
to keep students safe.
10.1.3. Offer Appropriate Customer Support. Given that 3D printing is not yet as robust
as other consumer technology, it is important to provide consumers with appropriate
support. While this is true for all end-users, it is particularly true for assistive technolo-
gies where end-users are accustomed to having access to experts, technical support,
and repairs. This was made clear to us in our interview at Site C, where purchasing
decisions were informed based on available support.
10.2. 3D Modeling Accessibility Recommendations
10.2.1. Make Accessible Software. As 3D printing becomes more common, 3D modeling
software must be accessible. Specifically, this software must support screen readers,
switch input, and other common computer access customizations. According to our
participant at Site C, there is currently no open-source 3D modeling software that is
accessible to a screen reader. The accessibility of these tools should also be considered
for end-users who have difficulty remembering complex task sequences or have limited
short-term memory.
We suggest GripFab as one example created toward increased accessibility. The
OTs found contemporary CAD tools to be inaccessible based on their skillsets and time
affordances. By identifying design needs and discussing interface options, we were able
to create a single-purpose program that enables the OTs to create and modify 3D models
without extensive training or CAD experience. This is not to say that technologists
should create a single design tool for every special case of 3D printing, but instead
provide guidelines for identifying needs and skills of special designer populations and
working with those individuals to arrive at more approachable software.
10.2.2. Consider the Learning Curve. It would also be prudent to explicitly design 3D
modeling software to support a range of expertise and to support the transition from
novice to expert performance. While many of our participants were excited to use 3D
printing, most found the current 3D modeling software intimidating. For these users,
novice tools don’t provide enough control, but expert tools come at too high of a cost in
terms of outright expense, learning, and time investment. Adding optional features to
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support novices such as detecting unprintable designs and integrating tutorials into
the modeling software might assist users when they are struggling.
10.2.3. Encourage Sharing of Existing Models. Not all end-users want to create custom
designs, and it is often enough to make minor tweaks to existing object models. Faculty
who were not directly involved in teaching technical topics felt they would be more
comfortable using a catalog of existing items, similar to Thingiverse.com, rather than
learning CAD. This concept was echoed by administrators at Site A, who felt that a
central repository of tools, designs, and support would be the best fit for the teaching
faculty not currently involved with the 3D printer. Several participants wanted cur-
riculum support, such as miniature models or student-tailored objects that could be
selected from a list and printed on demand.
10.2.4. Support Editing Existing Models. A mix of existing 3D modeling tools or minor
modifications to existing tools may be enough to support some of the stakeholders
discussed in this article. While we are starting to see customizable 3D models (such as
Customizer on Thingiverse), these tools are limited. 3D scanning physical objects may
offer an easier way to create custom designs; however, many current 3D scanners have
low resolution or require complex cleanup to make a printable model.
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Investigating the Implications of 3D Printing in Special Education 11:25
one high-end printer. This would enable higher production rates for printed objects
and reduce conflicts of use like those described between the OTs and the technology
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Investigating the Implications of 3D Printing in Special Education 11:27
extension of this work, we have also presented GripFab, a prototype modeling software
to support the design of individualized AT. Findings from the preliminary testing of
GripFab with therapists suggest that by offering these users appropriate tools and
support, customized assistive solutions are a viable application of 3D printers.
We have also offered new insights into the perceptions of various stakeholders in
special education with respect to 3D modeling and printing. To encourage the adoption
of this technology in special education, we identified barriers and points of considera-
tion for 3D printer manufacturers, 3D modeling software developers, special education
institutes and accessibility organizations, and therapists. These insights have been
updated from our earlier work to include explicit lessons learned on conducting field
research with 3D printers in special education environments and designers with dif-
ferent abilities.
In the future, we will continue to work with a wider range of instructors in non-
technical fields and work directly with students. We will also expand on our work with
therapists and other medical professionals using 3D printing in support of accessibility
and dynamic AT design. This will include further development of GripFab and simi-
lar tools coupled with longitudinal field deployments to evaluate the usability of the
software and the practicality of the objects made by 3D printers.
We thank the schools and institutes involved, as well as all of our individual participants. We also thank
Shaun Kane and the members of the UMBC PAD Lab for their support with this research.
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