Bread and Pastry and Cookery
Bread and Pastry and Cookery
Bread and Pastry and Cookery
A. Muffins
1. Which flour is used for bread and soft rolls? B. Brownies
A. Bread C. Bagels
B. Cake D. Puffs
C. Durum
D. Pastry 11. Which is a baked product consisting of layers of
pastry dough that forms as shell and has a sweet or
2. Which flour is best for pie crust, dough, muffins, sour filling?
biscuits? A. Pizza
A. Bread B. Pie
B. Cake C. Muffin
C. Durum D. Puff
D. Pastry
12. What is a dough piece looped into various
3. Which kind of yeast needs warm liquid to activate shapes as knots and baked with coating of salt?
it? A. Pie
A. Active dry B. Pizza
B. Rapid dry C. Pretzel
C. Instant dry D. Rusk
D. Compressed fresh
13. Which is made with an oven-baked flat, generally
4. Which of these serves as thickener, emulsifier, round bread that is covered with tomatoes,
and gives structural foundation to baked products? mozzarella, cheese and other preferences?
A. Salt A. Pie
B. Spices B. Pizza
C. Eggs C. Pretzel
D. Milk D. Rusk
5. Which ingredient absorbs moisture from the air 14. How do you measure the brown sugar used in
and provides moistness of the baked products? pastry recipe?
A. Sugar A. dip and sweep measuring
B. Eggs B. spooned into the cup
C. Spices C. packed into the measuring cup
D. Salt D. dip
6. Measuring shortening correctly is done by __. 15. Puff and flaky pastries use __ as its leavening
A. scooping the shortening into the agent.
measuring cup with teaspoon A. steam
B. pressing down firmly into the measuring cup B. baking soda
to prevent air spaces C. baking powder
C. dipping the measuring cup into the D. eggs plus steam
D. melting the shortening and pouring into the 16. When recipe calls for sugar, “sugar” means __.
cup A. brown “table” sugar
B. white “table” sugar
7. To measure the exact volume of liquid needed in C. liquid sugar/syrup
the ingredient, which should be done? D. powdered sugar
A. Hold the measuring cup for liquid at eye
level and pour the liquid on it. 17. Gluten is like a rubber band and when stretched
B. Place the liquid measuring cup on a flat from rolling or pulling, they snap back the dough into
surface and pour the liquid on it. its original shape. To avoid this situation, pastry
C. Pour the liquid ingredient in the empty dough should be relaxed for how many minutes?
measuring cup. A. 60
D. Hold the measuring cup for liquid above eye B. 30
level and pour liquid on it. C. 25
D. 45
9. Which is a flat-sliced pastry and has chocolate as
its main flavour? 18. Fresh, large eggs should be used in baking
A. Muffin recipes. The yolk of the egg emulsifies the dough
B. Puff and gives the crust a characteristic of __.
C. Brownies A. moistness
D. Chocolate cake B. toughness
C. tenderness D. Stainless steel
D. dryness
28. Which kitchen tool is essential for various tasks
19. The gluten strands that develop in wheat flour from cleaning vegetables to straining pasta?
when moistened makes a pastry product __. A. Cast iron
A. flaky B. Skimmer
B. tough C. Colander
C. dry D. Double broiler
D. moist
29. Which knife is a long-bladed hatchet or a heavy
20. Which dough contains no yeast and a lot of one used by a butcher?
water? A. Butcher’s
A. Danish B. Chopper
B. Croissant C. Cleaver
C. Puff pastry D. Set for slicing
D. Flaky pie
30. Which kitchen tool is used to open a food
21. For which is fat blended in only until this breaks container?
up into pea-sized pieces? A. Strainer
A. Flaky pie dough B. Funnel
B. Mealy pie dough C. Can opener
C. Pate sucree D. Knife
D. Danish dough
31. Which of the following knives is used for trimming
22. Which dough is mixed well and allowed to resort and paring fruits and vegetables?
in a warm place? A. Butcher
A. Strudel B. French
B. Laminated C. Paring
C. Pate brisee D. Shears
D. Puff pastry
32. Jyan wants to use a board to cut the carrot into
23. Which dough is given 4 fourfold or bookfold cube shapes. What appropriate kitchen tool will she
turns, also known as 4 x 4? use?
A. Danish A. Cutting board
B. Croissant B. Measuring cup
C. Puff pastry C. Cleaver knife
D. Laminated D. Kitchen shears
24. Overworking the dough will form much __. 33. Merl is making a cheese mammon. She wants to
A. bacteria put cheese as topping. Which kitchen tool is used to
B. gluten grate the cheese?
C. protein A. Funnel
D. air B. Grater
C. Paring knife
25. The process of warming gives meringue which D. Fork
A. volume and stability 34. Grade 7 students are doing their measuring
B. elasticity activity for their TLE class. Their teacher assigns
C. flakiness them to measure flour, sugar, and baking powder.
D. foamy and stability Which kitchen tool will they use to measure?
A. Bowl
26. Which fat is used in pie crusts which has plastic B. Glass
consistency to produce flaky crust? C. Measuring cup and spoon
A. lard D. Strainer
B. hydrogenated fat 35. Xyzel plans to cook a roasted chicken. Which
C. butter kitchen equipment is needed to roast a chicken?
D. oil A. Streamer
B. Pressure cooker
27. Which of the following is a material used for C. Oven
salad making and desert to ensure long shelf life? D. Double broiler
A. Glass
B. Aluminum
C. Cast iron
36. Mrs. Perez is health conscious and likes to drink with a dry dishcloth and place it in designated
puree fruit juices which she makes by herself. Which storage spaces. This statement is __.
kitchen equipment will she use? A. Quite true
A. Refrigerator B. Slightly false
B. Electric blender C. True
C. Microwave oven D. False
D. Freezer
44. The following are proper storage of washed
37. Which of the following is the proper order in utensils EXCEPT one. Which one?
washing the dishes? A. They should be stored in a wet place
A. Chinaware, utensils, silverware, glassware adequately protected against vermin and
B. Utensils, silverware, glassware, chinaware other sources of contamination.
C. Silverware, chinaware, glassware, utensils B. Cups, bowls, and glasses shall be inverted
D. Glassware, silverware, chinaware, for storage.
utensils C. When not stored in closed cupboards or
lockers, utensils and containers shall be
38. Which is a process of removing food and other covered or inverted whenever practicable.
types of soil from a surface, such as a dish, glass, or Utensils shall be stored on the bottom
cutting board? shelves of open cabinets below the working
A. Sanitizing top level.
B. Cleaning D. Racks, trays, and shelves shall be made of
C. Disinfecting materials that are imperious, corrosive
D. Sterilizing resistant, non-toxic, smooth, durable, and
resistant to chipping.
39. The following are ways of proper washing of
dishes EXCEPT one. Which one? 45. Which of the following is the proper order in
A. Scrape all the large pieces of food on the stacking glassware?
dishes and place it in a compost bin or
garbage can. I. Do not crowd the glassware together since it may
B. Stack the dishes in the proper order namely: increase dangers of scratching or breaking.
glassware, silverware, chinaware, and II. Stemware should be stored upright, on its base,
utensils. and not stacked if placed on a shelf, or held upside
C. Fill the sink with water and add a down in a stemware rack.
considerable amount of acid solvent. III. If you display glassware, use special stemware
D. Wash the lightest soiled items first. rack, designed for champagne flutes, wine glasses,
other special stemware to keep them clean and safe
40. Mrs. Cruz finds it hard to remove tough soils from between uses.
the used pots and pans. The tough soils do not A. 123
respond to different cleaning agents she used. If you B. B. 231
will help her, which of the following will you C. 312
recommend to solve her problem? D. 132
A. Abrasives
B. Acid cleaners 46. Labelling the bottles and packing with the
C. Detergents purchase will not help you determine whether or not
D. Solvent cleaners they are still in good condition.
A. Quite true
41. Which methods of sanitizing uses heat to B. Slightly false
sanitize surfaces- steam, hot water, and hot air? C. True
A. Sanitizing D. False
B. Cleaning
C. Disinfecting 47. Which measuring device is used mainly for
D. Sterilizing measuring dry ingredients such as spices,
seasoning, and baking powders?
42. Which is a hygienic kitchen operation that A. Measuring cup
prevents food contamination? B. Weighing scale
A. Cleaning C. Measuring spoon
B. Sanitizing D. Thermometer
C. Storing and stacking
D. Disinfecting 48. In cookery class, the teacher instructs the
students to measure ¼ cup of oil and convert it to ml.
43. Use a damp washcloth to wipe off all cake mix What is ¼ cup of oil in ml?
splatter from the mixer. Wipe off any stray spatter A. 60 ml
from the countertops and nearby areas. Finish off B. 75 ml
C. 125 ml 57. Which kitchen shape is one of the most flexible
D. 70 ml and most popular? It provides a compact triangle.
A. L-shape
49. Which measuring device is used mainly for B. Island shape
measuring both dry and liquid measuring? C. U-shape
A. Measuring cup D. G-shape
B. Weighing scale
C. Measuring spoon 58. Which is a condition of being protected from or
D. Thermometer unlikely to cause danger, risk and inquiry?
A. Welfare
50. What is the equivalent measurement of 1 oz of B. Health
ground pepper to grams? C. Safety
A. 15 g D. Precautions
B. 30 g
C. 45 g 59. The following are ways to avoid cuts upon using
D. 60 g kitchen knives EXCEPT one. What is it?
A. Hold the knife correctly and firmly.
51. Teacher Eva gives a drill activity in conversion of B. Work on a clean and clear cutting board.
measurement. She asks her students how many C. Use the correct knife for the job.
tablespoons of vanilla is 15 ml? What should be the D. Ensure the cutting surface is not stable
answer? and likely to slip or slide on the bench
A. 2 tablespoons during the cutting action.
B. 1.5 tablespoons
C. 1 tablespoon 60. Accidents and injuries that may occur in the
D. 3 teaspoon kitchen vary greatly. These can be prevented by
people by thinking what they are doing,
52. Fatima is doing her assignment in cookery class understanding the task, using common sense, and
and asks her mother how many oz of margarine not fooling around.
there are in 1 kilo? What should be the answer? A. Quite true
A. 23 oz B. Slightly false
B. 32 oz C. True
C. 43 oz D. False
D. 31 oz
61. What is the meaning of OHSS?
53. Which part of the home is known as the most A. Occupational Health and Safety
active area? Standards
A. Bathroom B. Occupational Health and Save Standards
B. Living room C. Operational Health and Safety Standards
C. Bed room D. Occupational Health and Safety
D. Kitchen Standardizations
54. Which type of kitchen is most suitable for large 62. The “Food Safety Act of 2013” has the following
families? objectives EXCEPT one. What is it?
A. L-shape A. Protect the public from food-borne
B. Island shape B. Promote trade fair practices.
C. U-shape C. Enhance industry and consumer confidence
D. G-shape in the food regulatory system
D. Ensure sufficient income in the food
55. Saavedra’s Family is an extended family. They business
use to have get together every week end. Which
kitchen layout is essential for them? 63. In declaring a certain food unfit for human
A. Corridor consumption, the condition of the food shall be
B. G-shape evaluated through the following EXCEPT __.
C. U-shape A. Physical
D. Single shape B. Chemical
56. In which part of the kitchen work station we can C. Microbiological
find the refrigerator and the pantry? D. Food tasting
A. Preparation
B. Storage 64. Imported food that is declared unsafe by the
C. Clean-up competent authority shall be __.
D. Serving A. Sold out in the market immediately within the
B. Withdrawn immediately from the market
C. Sold through lower price to avoid loss
D. Given free to anyone who want to avail