Chart: Teaching Pronunciation. (Gerald Kelly)
Chart: Teaching Pronunciation. (Gerald Kelly)
Chart: Teaching Pronunciation. (Gerald Kelly)
(Gerald Kelly)
The pronunciation mistakes can lead to a misunderstanding and can inhibit a successful comunication
A wrong pronunciation can change the function of the utterance that you are saying
Why teach pronunciation? A well pronunciation class helps to improve our comunication with native speakers.
If you do not have a good bases of pronunciation the reception of many ideas can be confused
Problems and approaches in Most of the time pronunciation is neglected and teachers rather to teach only grammar.
pronunciation teaching Often the teachers are not interested to teach pronunciation.
A pronunciation teacher must have: a good grounding in theorical knowledge, practical classroom skills and access to good ideas
for classroom activities.
Is necessary to have planned pronunciation classes. It helps to anticipate issues that students have and helps to be closer to student’s
pronunciation process
What pronunciation model to English is the being used as a medium of communication between spearkers for whom it is not a first language.
teach ? The term “model” is used to the characteristics of a language that teachers present to the students.
As a teacher the model one uses is the closest to the language one uses outside the classroom.
It’s important be aware of the needs of the students, they can be interested for a model.
The teacher can explain the differences between American english and British english.
Techniques and activities. There are two sides of pronunciation teaching: PRODUCTIVE SKILLS and RECEPTIVE SKILLS.
Drilling: Teacher says a word then the students repeat the same word. It helps to achieve better pronunciation and to remember new
words. The teacher can also helps this activity with pictures, songs, mime. Also if you want to get better confidence in the students’
pronunciation, teacher can do a choral dilling.
Drilling has a different variations like: open pair drilling, substitution drilling and it helps us to improve the sentence stress and
Chaining: Can be used with sentences that are difficult to pronounce. It consists in drill a sentence and then build gradually, it can be
from the end to the beginning or from the beginning to the end.
Minimal pairs and related activities: Teachers use minimal pairs to see the difference between words or utterances with only one
phonem different: Fast / Vast, The activity can change if one have a multilingual class or monolingual class
There are differents activities: Listening, reading, spelling and tapping activities.
Sample Lessons This lessons is not necessary a complete lessons. They are integrated lesson and sometimes become mini lessons. They are
used to practice to revise a topic and mix this with others.