First Day May 25, 2015 Foundation Subjects 1. MOR

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COMPRE PRACTICE Original workdata are gathered from primary

FIRST DAY MAY 25, 2015 sources and not from secondary sources
*Foundation Subjects Requires couragebecause researcher may encounter
1. MOR hindrances and disapproval and the like, it indeed
1. What is research? requires courage
A: According to Treece and Treece, research is an (e,p,oul,o,ps,o,sc&c,s,a,eq/sm,dbe,ow,rc)
attempt to gain solution to problems, collecting of data in epoopossaedor
rigorous controlled situations for the purpose of
prediction or experience. 4. Why should the scientific method of research
Manuel and Medel define research as simply the be pursued?
systematic search to solve a particular or specific problem The scientific method of research must be
in scientific methods. pursued because when one uses a scientific
Aquino defines research as a process of gathering method to study or investigate something,
data or pertinent information to solve a particular topic or the practice of scientific and critical thinking is
problem. indispensable and this will lead to the most
Research is a systematic ways of gathering reliable answers in the study.
information to solve problems for the benefits of people. According to Schafersman, science is a
2. Give the goal and purpose of research method of discovering and acquiring reliable
A : The main purpose of research is for the improvement knowledge. Therefore, scientific must be
and quality of human life. Through research there are pursued in order to give the research a
enormous discoveries, inventions, innovations and the reliable outcome that would definitely
like are being developed and really applicable to use in efficient to be used and applied.
our time. Because of research our life become convenient
and efficient due to the things we are enjoying now such 5. What are the characteristics of good problem
as medicines, supplements and vaccines that help people
stay fit and healthy and prolong life, the innovative 1. A good research must be of great interest to the
technologies that help us enjoy the comfort of life and researcher so that he/she will be highly motivated
progress of the country, the theories being discovered and highly inspired in pursuing his/her research of
and developed help the organizations, management, study. Meaning, when you have great interest of
schools, universities and colleges improve the quality of what you are doing or accomplishing, everything
job of every employee in performing their tasks. I short, will go smoothly even if you encounter some
research gave us quality of life. hindrances, you will always be positive that you
3. What are the characteristics of good resrach? will be able to finish what you have started.
Empirical –Assessed on the basis of evidence or 2. A good research must have complex design.
data, concerned with the knowledge of real world Every analysis must be in depth prepared to come
PropositionalShares truth value, open for up with factual result.
modification in the future or for re-examination 3. A good research must benefit the people
Objective, Unbiased, LogicalBased on empirical concerned in the field of study. Since the goal
data, use logical data in reasoning and conclusions and main purpose of research is to improve the
Operationalprocess of establishing the connection quality of life, the research should benefit the
of logical and abstract thinking people that you are targeting in your research.
Public symbols symbols utilized must be well 4. A good research must be completed in the
presented allotted time. Because the data gathered in the
Objectivemarked by impartiality and research will be crucial so it must be finished in
disinterestedness the target time.
Self-correcting and cumulativeopened for 5. A good research must have practical results and
correcting and improving knowledge implementable. Research must be useful and can
Systematicfollows orderly and sequential be easily implemented because full effort was
procedure given for the factual outcome and results.
Analytical used critical analysis so that there is no
error in the interpretation 6. Importance of related literature and studies in
Employs quantitative or statistical methodsdata are research
transformed in numerical measures and treated statistically to test
significance It is important for a research to have
Done by an expertsubjects his data to expert comprehensive and relevant body of supporting
scrutiny materials to his research work. The related
literature and studies are important for the Is a research design wherein events are
following reasons: recordable, described, interpreted, analyzed
1. It provides insight into the theoretical and compared (Castillo). Its objective is to
framework of the study. describe systematically a situation. It includes
2. It provides the framework of the study observation, surveys and interviews,
because theoretical framework is obtained standardized tests and case studies.
through the literature search.
3. It helps the researcher to gather valuable data
and ideas that can guide him in his own
4. It prepares the reader to better understand
the concept of the study. It also give the
readers a bird’s eye view of the quality of 2. ADVANCED STATISTICS
readings the researcher has done to support 3. PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIOLOGICAL FOUNDATION
his study. OF ECUCATION
5. It helps in identifying a research problem, PHILOSOPY OF EDUCATION
defining or refining a research problem and 1. JOHN DEWEY (PROGRESSIVISM)
avoids unnecessary duplication of previous - He is most famous in his role in progressive
works or study. education
6. It provides information about what variables - He believed that one can by doing, that
have been investigated human can learn through hands on method
7. It suggests how the planned research can - He believed in interdisciplinary curriculum
contribute to enriching what is currently that focuses in multiple subjects wherein,
known. students can freely move in and out of the
classroom to pursue their interest and acquire
7.MAIN OBJECTIVE OF THEORETCAL and apply knowledge.
FRAMEWORK - Teachers or educators in this setting must be
It serves as the main focus of the study the facilitator and not an instructor.
because it is the symbolic construction which - He also believed that one cannot learn
uses abstract concept, facts or laws, variables without motivation.
and their relationship that explains and 2. JOHN LOCKE (REALISIM)
predicts and observed phenomenon exists - He believed that human minds is blank and an
and operates. individual can learn through experience.
8. TATED WHY HYPOTHESIS STATED IN NULL - He believed that the knowledge during
FORM? younger years is more influential that during
Using hypothesis in the null form will aid the maturity.
researcher if he/she will accept or reject it, it - He believes that children should not be
should also jibe with the number of variables punished and the educator must teach by
to be studied and should also be clearly example and not by rules.
9. WHY DO WE NEED SAMPLING IN RESEARCH? - He believed in the concept of inclusion, that
A sample in the subgroup of population. every individual deserved equal opportunity
Researcher uses sampling in research due to regardless of perceived difference.
the following reasons: - The Pestalozzi method is a whole child
1. LOWER COST. The cost of conducting a approach wherein each child must be
study based on the sample is much lesser developed as a whole and it includes the
than the cost of study using the head, the heart and the hands.
population. 4. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN
2. GREATER ACCURACY OF RESULT. The - He is not in favor of traditional education but
quality of a study is often better with he believed in the new method of student-led
sampling than with a census. experimentation and learning through
3. GREATER SPEED OF DATE COLLECTION. experience because one’s personality is
Speed of execution of data collection is shaped through one’s environment.
higher with the sample. It also reduce the 5. FRIENDRICH WILHELM AUGUST FROEBEL FACTS
time between the recognition of a need FWAFF
for information and availability.
- He is the pioneer of kindergarten system and
growth of the manual training movement in
- Essential skills in Reading, Writing, and
Common Arithmetic


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