State-Owned Enterprises in Emerging Europe: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
State-Owned Enterprises in Emerging Europe: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
State-Owned Enterprises in Emerging Europe: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
by Uwe Böwer
IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published
to elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers
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European Department
October 2017
IMF Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to
elicit comments and to encourage debate. The views expressed in IMF Working Papers are
those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF, its Executive Board,
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1I thank Reza Baqir, Brian Olden, and seminar participants in the IMF’s European Department and Fiscal Affairs
Department for providing helpful comments.
Abstract .....................................................................................................................................2
I. Introduction ..........................................................................................................................4
V. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................21
1. OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of SOEs........................................................17
1. The SOE Dataset ....................................................................................................................6
2. Share of SOEs in the Economy..............................................................................................7
3. Share of SOEs in Economic Sectors ......................................................................................8
4. Profits/Losses .........................................................................................................................9
5. Liabilities .............................................................................................................................10
6. Profitability ..........................................................................................................................11
7. Capital Efficiency ................................................................................................................12
8. Labor Efficiency ..................................................................................................................13
9. Output Quality .....................................................................................................................14
10. Contingent Liabilities.........................................................................................................15
11. SOE Governance Performance ..........................................................................................17
12. SOE Governance Challenges in Emerging Europe ...........................................................18
The objective of this paper is twofold. The first objective is to review the SOE landscape in
Emerging Europe and assess SOE performance across countries and vis-à-vis private firms.
A new firm-level dataset is constructed, covering 11 Emerging European countries and
Sweden as a benchmark country. The second objective is to gauge the underlying SOE
governance frameworks in these countries by identifying shortcomings, evaluating recent
reform experiences, and drawing overall lessons for policy implications.
The analysis finds large variation in SOE performance and governance reforms across
countries — “good, bad, and ugly”. SOEs make up significant shares of employment and
output in several countries. They are especially important in network sectors, such as energy,
transportation, and water management. In some countries and sectors, SOE are heavily loss-
making. Large amounts of debt have been piled up in the energy and transport sectors, but
partly also in telecoms, financial services and real estate. SOE profitability and the efficiency
of resource allocation in SOEs largely lags those in private firms, and the gaps are
particularly large in some of the Southeast European and Baltic countries. Risks arise where
contingent liabilities are sizeable, poorly regulated state ownership of banks amplify financial
instability, and negative productivity spillovers affect the larger economy. Underlying SOE
governance reforms have advanced in Slovenia, Lithuania and Latvia but have remained
rudimentary so far in Bulgaria.
The emerging lessons call for decisive SOE governance reform. First, a well-defined
ownership policy is needed at the highest level, clarifying the rationale for state ownership
and reviewing it case-by-case every year. Centralizing the ownership function, rather than
leaving it with line ministries, is particularly advisable if the overall institutional quality is
weak. Second, financial oversight teams need to have teeth to implement and monitor
financial performance targets. Dividend policies should be balanced and predictable. Third,
firm-level governance needs to ensure professionalized SOE boards. Appointments should be
determined by skill and experience, not political affiliation. Remuneration needs to strike a
healthy balance of remaining competitive while being transparent and merit-based.
The paper is organized as follows. Section II presents the dataset and sets the scene by
reviewing the broader SOE landscape in Emerging Europe. Section III assesses SOE
performance including indebtedness, profitability, efficiency and output quality. It also
discusses risks of poor SOE performance on fiscal, financial, and macroeconomic stability.
Section IV addresses SOE governance by setting out the ideal framework, identifying major
challenges in Emerging Europe and, based on a country-by-country review, draws
overarching lessons for policy implications. Section V concludes.
This section presents the SOE dataset and discusses the role of SOEs in Emerging
Europe’s economies. First, the presentation includes the overall number of SOEs across
countries, as well as a disaggregation of SOEs into eight relevant economic sectors by
country, highlighting the distribution by number of SOEs, employment, and output. Second,
the output and employment shares of SOEs are presented by country, and then by sector and
country, pointing to a dominant role of SOEs mainly in the network sectors of several
A. The Dataset
The analysis of SOEs is based on a rich firm-level dataset. The dataset was constructed for
this study and is based on the Orbis database provided by Bureau Van Dijk. It covers the
years 2012-2014. Annual averages aim at smoothening the data. After cleaning for inactive
companies, outliers and double entries, the total number of SOEs amounts 6,282.2 Although
the coverage of the Orbis database is extensive, it cannot be regarded as fully exhaustive, so
the presented aggregate figures of SOE activity should be understood as indicative.3
The dataset comprises eleven new European Union member states, 4 as well as Sweden.
The country choice is not only motivated by data limitations but also by comparability of
countries which operate in the homogeneous economic and legal environment of the EU, e.g.
regarding market access and state-aid scrutiny. Sweden is added as a benchmark country,
representing an advanced economy which operates are large SOE portfolio with a very sound
governance framework.
The number of SOEs varies across countries. While the dataset records 2097 SOEs for
Poland, 1699 for Sweden, and around 800 each for Bulgaria and Romania, the numbers in
other countries are far smaller. Beyond data coverage, this variation is likely due to different
privatization strategies since the beginning of economic transition, as well as different
organizational forms of municipal entities.
The SOE landscape is characterized by a large variety of firms. SOEs vary in size, from
small local entities with only a few employees to large-scale companies, notably in the
network industries. Breaking the dataset down into eight economic sectors which are most
State ownership is defined as a minimum stake of 50.1 percent. The indicated numbers refer to the maximum
available firm data. For several indicators reported in this paper, the actual availability of data varies by country
and sector.
This paper adopts a wide definition of the term “SOE”, including firms owned by the central government as
well as sub-national government levels, classified within and outside of general government accounts.
Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and
relevant for SOE activity5 reveals differences between the relative shares in the firm
numbers, employment, and output by sector.6 The number of SOEs is dominated by firms in
healthcare, water utilities, services, and other industries. In terms of SOE employment,
healthcare, transport, and postal services feature prominently in the dataset. However, output
shares are more strongly dominated by the energy sector, alongside transport and other
SOE employent by sector Energy Healthcare Mining SOE output by sector Energy Healthcare Mining
Other ind. & agri. Other services Postal services Other ind. & agri. Other services Postal services
(Percent of total, 2012-14) Transport Water utilities
(Percent of total, 2012-14) Transport Water utilities
100 100
80 80
60 60
40 40
20 20
0 0
Sectors are defined in line with NACE-2 sections as follows: Mining (B – mining & quarrying), other
industries & agriculture (A – agriculture, C – manufacturing, F – construction), energy (D – electricity, gas,
steam and air conditioning supply), water utilities (E – water supply, sewerage, waste management and
remediation activities), transport (H49-H52 - land, water and air transport and warehousing/support activities
for transportation), postal services (H53 – postal and courier services), healthcare (Q – human health and social
work activities), other services (G – wholesale and retail trade, I – accommodation, J – ICT services, K –
financial services, L – real estate services, M – professional activities, N – administrative and support services,
P – education, R – arts & entertainment, S – other service activities).
In addition to firm number, employment, and output, it was attempted to include value-added in this
presentation, recognizing that output data tends to be biased by varying degrees of intermediate good inputs.
However, data scarcity as well as the prevalence of negative values for value-added, on the back of negative
profits, led to the exclusion of the constructed value-added indicator.
Hospitals and medical centers account for around half of SOEs in Bulgaria as they are set up as trade
companies since a healthcare reform in 2000. In other countries, the healthcare sector plays a far smaller role, or
is completely absent from the SOE dataset. Given the atypical role of healthcare for SOE analysis, this sector is
excluded from the remainder of the paper. The same applies for postal services which, despite partly sizable
employment, contributes very little to the number of SOEs and SOE output.
In the network industries of several countries, SOEs play a dominating role. Breaking
down the output and employment shares of SOEs by sectors shows that the energy sector is
most strongly dominated by SOEs. In Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, and Bulgaria, more than 60
percent of energy-sector output is generated by SOEs. The SOE employment shares are
largely below the output shares, pointing to capital intensive production and the use of
intermediate product inputs. The mining sectors of Sweden and Estonia are also clearly
dominated by SOEs, with output shares exceeding 50 percent. In the water utility sector,
SOEs are responsible for around 30 percent of output in Poland, Bulgaria, and Slovenia. The
transport sector is most clearly influenced by SOEs in Hungary, with output and employment
shares above 20 percent, and in Bulgaria with an employment share of around 26 percent,
albeit with a lower output share. In other services, only Sweden and Slovenia exhibit SOE
output shares of above 5 percent while in other industries, the influence of SOEs remains
below 5 percent in all countries.
Czech Republic
0 20 40 60 80 100
Sources: Orbis, Eurostat; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Annual average in 2012-2014.
This section addresses to SOEs’ financial performance and ensuing risks. It first presents
aggregate profits/losses, liabilities, profitability, as well as efficiency of capital and labor
allocations. It then addresses output quality and discusses fiscal, financial and
macroeconomic risks stemming from poor SOE performance.
In some sectors, SOEs are heavily loss-making. Profits and losses before tax are
aggregated across firms and by sectors, averaged over the period 2012-2014 and expressed in
percent of GDP. In Southeastern Europe (SEE), large losses are recorded in the Bulgarian
energy sector which are mainly due to the National Electricity Company and its structural
tariff deficit. In Croatia, the transport sector stands out with significant losses. The state-
owned automotive company is behind the losses in other industries in Slovenia. In Latvia, the
losses in other services are caused by the bad bank which was established during the
resolution of the country’s financial crisis. In contrast, several sectors in other countries
exhibit significant profits, for instance in the energy sectors of the Central and Eastern
European (CEE) countries as well as Croatia and Estonia, and in Estonia’s and Slovakia’s
transport sectors. In Sweden, the large profits in the services sector are mainly due to the
gaming industry and public real estate companies.
Figure 4. Profits/Losses
CEE: Aggregated profits/losses of SOEs
(Percent of GDP)
Czech Republic Hungary Poland
Slovakia Slovenia
Other services
Water utilities
-.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6
Sources: Orbis, IMF WEO; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Annual average in 2012-2014.
The accumulated liabilities of SOEs are partly very sizeable. The energy sectors in
Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, and Slovenia show SOE debt ranging between 5 and 7 percent of
GDP. The transport sector—largely the public railways—holds debt of around 9 percent of
GDP in Slovenia and around 6 percent in Slovakia. The large liabilities of Croatia’s other
industries are due to the public motorway company. SOE debt in other services stands out in
Latvia, again on account of the bad bank, and in Sweden where the telecom company and the
real estate sector hold very large amounts of debt.
Figure 5. Liabilities
Other services
Water utilities
0 2 4 6 8 10
Sources: Orbis, IMF WEO; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Annual average in 2012-2014.
B. Profitability
In most sectors, SOEs are less profitable than private firms. Firm profitability is
measured by the return on equity (ROE), defined as the profits and losses before tax as a
percentage of shareholders’ equity. It hence indicates the ability of a company to generate
profits with the money that shareholders have invested. In the vast majority of cases, SOEs
are lagging behind private firms’ profitability, with the notable exceptions of the Swedish
and Estonian mining sectors as well as the Slovak services and industries. Across countries,
Bulgaria, Romania and Poland tend to be among the lower-ranking countries, both in terms
of ranked SOE profitability, and in terms of the gap between private-sector and SOE
profitability, i.e. the difference between the blue and red bars in the charts. The comparison
needs to be interpreted with some caution, as the profitability of certain SOEs might suffer
from insufficient compensation for public service obligations and from regulated prices
which, in the energy sector, can lead to structural tariff deficits. Moreover, caution is
warranted given the averaging of very large numbers of private firms. However, the
emerging big picture appears rather clear-cut, and resulting implications for policy and
regulation are addressed in the section on SOE governance below.
Figure 6. Profitability
C. Efficiency
Allocative efficiency of capital of SOEs lags behind in many sectors. Efficiency of capital
allocation is approximated by the return on capital employed (ROCE) which is the operating
profit or loss before tax as a share of capital employed. This measure indicates the efficiency
by which the sum of shareholders’ equity and debt are deployed to generate profits. The
transport sectors as well as other services display the largest gaps between the ROCE of
SOEs and private firms in most countries, pointing to comparably inefficient capital
allocation in SOEs of those sectors. In the energy and mining sectors, as well as in other
industries, the picture is more nuanced, with some countries showing more capital efficient
SOEs than private firms, such as the Czech Republic, Bulgaria (mining) and Slovakia (other
Czech Republic
-10 0 10 20 30
Sources: Orbis; and IMF staff calculations.
Note: Annual average in 2012-2014.
D. Output Quality
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Note: Quality of the railroad system, from Note: Extensiveness and condition of seaports, or
1=extremely underdeveloped, to 7=extensive and access to seaports, from 1=extremely poor, to
efficient. Source: WEF GCI (2016-2017). 7=extremely good. Source: WEF GCI (2016-2017).
Risks to productivity and growth emerge when SOE performance affects productivity
also in other sectors of the economy. Recent World Bank analysis based on Bulgarian firm-
level data suggests that performance in SOE-dominated network service sectors has
significant effects on firm productivity also in manufacturing and other downstream service-
sector firms which rely on network service sector inputs (World Bank, 2015). The study
measures network service sector performance by using EBRD Structural Change indicators,
gauging reform progress in transition economies against the standards of advanced
economies. The authors also test the impact of the presence of foreign service firms, the level
of competition, and the extent to which service providers are also exporters on downstream
firm productivity. Improvements in network service sector performance turns out to enhance
downstream firm productivity particularly in the electricity sector, and also likely in the
transport sector, although the analysis of the latter suffers from data shortages. Both sectors
are typically dominated by SOEs in many Emerging European countries. Opening these
sectors up to foreign investors, increasing competition and, to a lesser extent, promoting
export activity among network sector firms, also leads to improved firm-level total factor
productivity in downstream firms. In sum, the evidence suggests that the performance of
SOE-dominated service sectors such as energy generates spillovers—positive or negative—
on downstream firm productivity. Poor SOE performance hence carries risks to economy-
wide productivity and growth, while tangible improvements in SOE performance has the
potential to boost productivity across the economy as a whole.
This section turns to SOE governance as the foundation of SOE performance. It first
presents the best-case SOE governance set-up as sketched by OECD guidelines. It then
highlights the main shortcomings of SOE governance in Emerging Europe and summarizes
three major lessons emerging from a comprehensive country-by-country review of recent
SOE reforms.
Good corporate governance is at the heart of healthy SOEs. Given their special role as
providers of key public services, the effectiveness of SOEs has a strong impact on the
welfare of citizens and on the competitiveness of the economy at large. As SOEs often
operate with dual goals of economic market activity and public policy obligations, a
functioning governance environment for SOEs is crucial. Well-designed governance
structures are also needed to address the frequent challenge of undue hands-on and politically
motivated ownership interference in SOEs.
Qualitative governance
indicators point to Figure 11. SOE Governance Performance
considerable variation Governance of SOEs Governance and enterprise restructuring
across countries. The (least restrictive on top) (better progress on top)
Bulgaria Bulgaria
ratings. The EBRD transition
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4
indicator on governance and Note: Degree of hard budget constraints,
Note: Degree of insulation of SOEs from market
enterprise restructuring discipline and degree of political interference in the enforcement of bankruptcy legislation, competition
management of SOEs. Source: OECD Product Market and corporate governance. Source: EBRD Transition
measures the degree of hard Regulation Indicators (2013). Indicators (2014).
budget constraints,
enforcement of bankruptcy legislation, competition and corporate governance. Again,
Bulgaria scores worst among available countries, followed by Romania. However, these
indicators should be interpreted with caution as they reflect only selected dimension of SOE
governance, and in both cases, the latest vintages are already slightly dated.
Several countries have undertaken SOE reform while others are lagging behind. The
country-specific review of reform experiences is detailed in the Annex. Three major lessons
The roles and responsibilities of various government bodies should be clearly specified
and ring-fenced to avoid inconsistency and overlap. Notably, the choice between a
centralized vs. decentralized or hybrid ownership models must be made on solid grounds.
The OECD recommends to exercise SOE ownership rights in one dedicated, accountable
entity within the government, rather than keeping SOE responsibility primarily at the level of
line ministries or other agencies. The benefit of the central approach is to ensure consistency
and allow for concentrating relevant experts on key issues in one place. Experience in
Bulgaria and Romania suggests that countries with weaker institutional environments are at
greater risk of losses to welfare, productivity and growth due to cronyism if they operate a
decentralized governance model that leaves SOE management in the hands of line ministries
with little coordination across government entities (IMF 2016b). These countries are likely to
fare better with a centralized model, provided the central ownership entity is subject to
effective accountability. Slovenia has established a centralized holding company in charge of
managing and divesting state assets (European Commission, 2015c). However, the example
of Sweden shows that a robust institutional environment also allows for well-functioning
decentralized or hybrid models (European Commission, 2016a; Regeringskansliet, 2015).
Ownership and policy functions should be clearly separated. Ownership functions, e.g. to
pursue value maximization, should be kept distinct from policy functions, such as sectoral
regulation, to avoid conflict of interest and political patronage and hence reduce the risk of
fiscal excess and efficiency loss. This separation is generally facilitated by adopting the
centralized ownership model. Slovenia has incorporated this separation in its new corporate
governance code for SOEs (European Commission, 2015c). Also Romania has made efforts
towards this end but their effectiveness remains limited as long as the ownership set-up
continues to be fragmented (Marrez, 2015).
The competition authority needs a strong mandate to ensure a level playing field.
Putting SOEs on equal footing with private firms would benefit cross-sector productivity
and, by abolishing insolvency exemptions, reduce also fiscal risks. The competition authority
should be empowered to reach also the municipal level. Sweden’s competition authority can
take municipalities to court in cases where the set-up of SOEs is believed to constitute an
unwarranted constraint to competitive markets in relation to private firms (European
Commission, 2016a).
Clearly defined performance targets should be put in place and effectively monitored.
These targets are preferably based on rates of return or capital structures, as is the case in
Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania and Slovenia (Regeringskansliet, 2015; OECD, 2015b; OECD,
2015c; European Commission, 2017f). On the contrary, performance targets that relate to
sales volumes or employment, like in Bulgaria, can have counter-productive effects as they
tend to serve industrial or labor market policy goals, rather than value maximization (IMF,
2016b). Performance benchmarking with private and foreign companies can further inform
the monitoring process towards better resource allocation efficiency. Compliance with the
performance targets should be closely monitored by the oversight unit or in delegated
entities. Non-compliance should be followed by sanctions of varying severity, ranging from
additional reporting requirements to administrative measures imposed on SOE boards (IMF,
2016a). Among OECD countries, Korea applies a particularly informative and rigorous SOE
monitoring system, including customer satisfaction surveys and index-based evaluations
which are seen as key factors for the exemplary efficiency and performance of Korea’s SOEs
(Park et al. 2016).
Dividend policies should be predictable and balanced. They should facilitate a stable
planning framework for the company’s long-term investment while ensuring an adequate
capital return for the state as an owner. In Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia and
Hungary, dividend requirements are determined on an ad-hoc basis, partly taking into
account the financial state of companies, and are sometimes guided more by government
budget needs than SOE profitability. Poland applies broad guidelines stipulating that annual
dividend decisions should be guided by the need to recover prior losses, long-term
investment strategies, privatization, and firm indebtedness. The dividend levels are
determined in relation to rate-of-return indicators and liquidity ratios. In Lithuania, explicit
dividend ratios apply, amounting to at least 7 percent of equity and at most 80 percent of
company profits for limited liability firms while statutory corporations are expected to pay
out 50 percent of annual profits. Slovenia’s general dividend policy foresees an annual pay-
out of at least one third of net profits. In other countries, including Australia and the
Netherlands, dividend payments are explicitly linked to achieving a desired capital structure,
reflected by a certain target credit rating (OECD 2014b). While that level of sophistication
might be excessive for Emerging European countries, it seems advisable to adopt an
intermediate degree of formalization to make dividend policies work better for SOEs and the
The nomination process for board members should be transparent and skill-based.
Appointments should rely on competitive selection procedures based on competence, not on
political affiliation, and include independent board members. Croatia and Romania have
made efforts to depoliticize SOE boards by improving transparency of selection procedures,
sharpening qualification requirements and involving external contractors (European
Commission, 2016a; Marrez, 2015). However, the independence of external staffing agencies
is cannot always be guaranteed if they depend on government funding. Candidates should
ideally possess private-sector expertise and international experience. Estonia requires board
members to come equally from the private and public sectors to secure more private-sector
expertise (OECD, 2013). Excessively frequent changes, as report in Bulgaria, should be
avoided (Park et al., 2016).
Remuneration policies should be clear and balanced. The trade-off between attracting
qualified professionals and ensuring long-term company interests needs to be addressed
Avoiding excessive remuneration helps to reduce fiscal risks. Remuneration should ideally
be linked to performance. Sweden applies guidelines for reasonable and competitive
remuneration of senior executives in agreement with shareholders. In Hungary, remuneration
limits in relation to the minimum wage are in place (OECD, 2013).
SOE performance in Emerging Europe shows a mixed picture. SOEs play an important
role in the economies of Emerging Europe, notably in network sectors. Compared to private
firms, the profitability and efficiency of resource allocation in SOEs largely lag behind, as
evidenced by sizeable gaps in return on equity and return on capital employed, as well as
unfavorable relative cost of employees. Large cross-country variation shows that some
countries exhibit worse SOE performance than others.
Poor SOE performance creates risks to fiscal, financial, and macro stability. In cases of
sizeable contingent liabilities, or when moderate contingent liabilities are more likely to
materialize on the back of insolvency exemptions, public finances can come under pressure.
Financial instability can be accelerated in case of large-scale state ownership of banks
coupled with opaque cross-ownership structures and regulatory failures. Spillover of weak
productivity to downstream firms reflects the wider macro risk of poor SOE performance.
Table A1. Recent SOE Reform Experience in Emerging Europe and Sweden
Ownership policy Financial oversight SOE boards
• No clear rationale nor • Publication of quarterly SOE • Competitive selections
strategy for state ownership statements but no possible but unusual
• Fragmented framework: line systematic risk assessment • Absence of value-
ministries in charge, no • Targets and monitoring with maximizing remuneration
effective coordination line ministries, falling short • Frequent change and
• SOE framework law failed in of international practices political intervention leading
2013, new draft underway • No clear lines of to inappropriate
accountability for fiscal risk qualification and experience
• Definition of strategic SOEs • Attempts to strengthen • New selection framework to
vs. SOEs for privatization monitoring framework improve qualifications and
• Ownership decentralized • Limited supervision, no to allow for private-sector
• Privatizations advanced at medium-term performance candidates
slow pace and partly failed benchmarks • Even external recruitment
firms not fully independent
• Social, strategic and public • Financial performance • Adoption of principles for
beneficial objectives supervised by MoF remuneration structures
• Ownership role transferred • New transparency and
from privatization agency to accountability mechanisms
Czech Republic
MoF while line ministries • Nominations require
keep operational control professional qualifications
• External audit assessments
of board performance
• Objectives: public purpose • MoF coordination unit to • Direct instructions from
and earning revenue monitor financial accounts ministers to SOE directors
• Ownership and regulation and publish a consolidated abolished
functions separated but no annual report • Board members equally
formal ownership policy • Internal audit functions only from private and public
document beyond a certain size sectors
• State assets act regulates • Inter-ministerial council • Qualification requirements
management of SOEs established to oversee for supervisory boards
• Objectives: long-term holding company and SOE • Public and independent
Hungary management, value creation management representatives but no
• State holding company explicit policy preference
under Min. of Development • Remuneration limits in
but also other govt. bodies relation to minimum wage
• New SOE law • Coordination institution • Reintroduction of boards of
• Rationales for ownership: monitoring and assessing directors with appropriate
market failure, natural SOE performance based on professional background
Latvia monopoly, strategic sectors rate-of-return criteria • Nomination/appointment
• Initial ambition for central • Municipal SOEs not included process unclear
holding structure watered • Remuneration regulations
down set by the Cabinet
• Ownership guideline: profit- • Performance targets based • Criteria for nomination and
maximization, strategic on return on equity appointment
interest, social goals • Monitoring mechanism in • Database of potential board
• Specified responsibilities of place members
state ownership entities • Dividend policy specified by • At least 1/3 of board
• Separation of ownership and firm statute members to be independent
policy functions • Coordination unit in the • Implementation and
• Failed to set up holding firm State Property Fund autonomy to be improved
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