AI Use Cases
AI Use Cases
AI Use Cases
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Banking regulatory compliance has a significant cost and even higher liability.
Insurer’s machine learning use As a result, banks are looking to smart, always-on AI assistants to monitor
case: Changing driver behavior transactions, keep an eye on customer behaviors, and audit and log information
. p.8 for various compliance and regulatory systems.
However, as many will attest, these credit reporting systems are far from perfect
and are often riddled with errors, are missing real-world transaction history and
are misclassifying creditors. In addition to using data that's available, AI-based
loan decision systems can look at behaviors and patterns to determine if a
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customer with limited credit history might, in fact, make a good credit customer,
AI in banking industry brings or to find customers whose patterns might increase the likelihood of default.
operational improvements p.2
The challenge with using AI-based systems for loan and credit decisions is that
they can suffer from bias-related issues similar to their human counterparts.
Insurer’s machine learning use This is due to how loan decision-making AI models are trained.
case: Changing driver behavior
. p.8 Banks looking to use machine learning as part of real-world, in-production
systems need to make sure to factor bias and ethics into their AI training
processes to avoid these potential problems. This is especially the case when
AI in call centers amplifies using AI algorithms, such as deep learning approaches, that are inherently
customer voice p.12 unexplainable.
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AI in call centers amplifies By replacing humans with intelligent, automated assistants, banks can focus
customer voice p.12 their human resources on higher-value tasks, such as offering new services to
their customers or improving customer satisfaction. According to Accenture,
banks are seeing between 20-25% savings in their operations by implementing
Further Reading p.17 intelligent assistants and AI-based systems into their back-office workflows.
Firms like Swiss-based UBS and Netherlands-based ING are having AI systems
scour the markets for untapped investment opportunities to inform their
algorithmic trading systems. While humans are still in the loop with all these
investment decisions, the AI systems are uncovering additional opportunities via
better modeling and discovery.
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Rather than assessing drivers' past history and assigning them rates based on
their presumed risk, HiRoad asks customers to download an app that tracks
their driving habits to their smartphones. Data points, like average speed,
braking distance and cornering speed feed into machine learning algorithms
that assess each driver's risk and then assign people rates based on the risk
factors. The rates are reset each month based on the previous month's driving.
When customers open the app, they can see how specific driving habits are
affecting their rates and see changes they can make that will help lower their
rates. Jason Sanchez, HiRoad's vice president of analytics, said this shows how
powerful data science can be.
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"There's a push to counteract this issue of collisions and traffic fatalities, and we
AI in banking industry brings want to be a part of that," Sanchez said. "[Data science] lets you intelligently
operational improvements p.2 improve your product. It lets you make confident incremental improvements."
To train its models, HiRoad, which currently operates only in Rhode Island,
Insurer’s machine learning use tapped into State Farm's bank of historical driving data. Its data scientists were
case: Changing driver behavior able to define actions that led to accidents based on claims histories, and then
. p.8 teach machine learning algorithms to look for those actions in the driving habits
of HiRoad's customers.
Machine learning has already caused major disruption in other industries. Uber
shook up transportation with its data science-driven app that efficiently connects
drivers with passengers. Airbnb did something similar in the hospitality space.
Now, Sanchez hopes HiRoad's machine learning use case can change how
auto insurance companies operate.
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"Machine learning enables us to add features to our app that make our product
AI in banking industry brings possible," he said. "Without that, the whole business wouldn't be possible."
operational improvements p.2
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AI in call centers amplifies "[Speech analytics] can be useful in finding out what frustrates or pleases
customer voice p.12 customers," said Bill Meisel, president of TMA Associates, a natural language
technology consultancy.
Further Reading p.17 AI in call centers is built on speech analytics that assesses the emotional quality
of customer calls and clusters conversations into similar groups. By looking at
examples of each group, managers can understand common characteristics.
For example, product managers might be able to identify problems with a new
offering more quickly by associating customer frustration with a particular
Companies are also using speech analytics to help human agents identify and
work on specific speaking skills that can improve customer interactions. For
example, Maryland-based speech coaching software vendor VoiceVibes Inc.
worked with the National Science Foundation to create software to measure the
qualities correlated with building rapport with listeners.
This is subtly different than emotional analytics. This type of speech analysis
can help call centers distinguish between how their agents feel during a call and
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how they are perceived by callers, said Debra Cancro, founder and CEO of
AI in banking industry brings VoiceVibes.
operational improvements p.2
To develop the tool, VoiceVibes worked with a panel of expert listeners to score
speakers, and then trained neural networks on this set of labeled data to
Insurer’s machine learning use automate the process of scoring new calls. Over time, the neural networks can
case: Changing driver behavior help identify factors in call quality that may be hard for humans to gauge.
. p.8
"We measure about 70 features related to pace or pitch, along with other
features learned by deep learning directly," Cancro said. "When we make the
AI in call centers amplifies models, we don't know what makes some speakers better in all cases."
customer voice p.12
"We now have the complete journey for every interaction," said Renisenb
McGehee, BI analyst at ABC Financial. "Through the use of speech analytics,
we have been able to identify and remove objections that prevent our agents
from providing the level of service that our company expects."
Using AI in call centers had improved the ability of ABC Financial's analytics
team to offer thoughtful recommendations to the call center team to improve
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ABC Financial also uses speech analytics to capture intelligence -- data related
to customers' emotional tone or the sentiment associated with their words --
from all customer interactions and make it available to other departments within
the organization through dashboards and custom reports.
"This helps us to understand how the information can be useful for our entire
company, as well as the health clubs it services," McGehee said
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AI in call centers amplifies "Based on the specific content of the call, agent managers can take the
customer voice p.12 necessary steps to correct the issues through targeted agent coaching or direct
customer intervention," said Bird.
Further Reading p.17 Advanced speech recognition tools are built on deep learning neural networks,
which improve their recognition of human language over time. Call transcript
analysis uses semi-supervised machine learning and weighted rules logic to
automatically classify and score calls.
These tools, when used together, produce sentiment and emotion scores by
pairing spoken words with characteristics known to be associated with certain
feelings -- speaking rate, stress inflection and volume. This helps call center
managers understand where customers are demonstrating frustration or if
agents are mishandling a call.
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Many companies are going from 1-2% call monitoring to 100% monitoring,
AI in call centers amplifies which can be overwhelming without clearly defined policies and processes for
customer voice p.12
using the information. Dedicating the appropriate budget to execute a plan and
enrolling the organization to embrace change are critical to achieving success
when implementing AI in call centers.
Further Reading p.17
One common -- though long-term -- objective companies have when starting
speech analytics projects is to reduce overall call volume, said TMA Associates'
Meisel. The data can form a strong foundation for further automating the
customer service process in the future.
"Speech analytics applied to call center records allow understanding [as to] why
customers are contacting a company and provide the core data needed to
create natural language chatbots and digital assistants," he said.
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