AI Use Cases

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AI Use Cases

A look inside how companies are using this trending tech


AI in banking industry brings

operational improvements p.2 In this e-guide:

AI technology has taken many organizations by storm. But

Insurer’s machine learning use
case: Changing driver behavior often times, those same organizations are challenged with
. p.8 where or how to apply AI-based technology to meet various
business needs.
AI in call centers amplifies
customer voice p.12 This guide explores real-life use cases to help inspire how you
can incorporate AI into your organization.
Further Reading p.17
Learn how:

• AI in banking brings operational efficiency and supports

regulatory compliance

• An insurance company is using machine learning to

change their drivers behaviors

• Speech analytics are being used in call centers to solve

problems, provide feedback to agents and identify
positive results

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AI in banking industry brings

operational improvements p.2
AI in banking industry brings operational
Insurer’s machine learning use improvements
case: Changing driver behavior
Ronald Schmelzer, Principal analyst, Cognilytica
. p.8
The banking industry is primarily a world of computers and networks. It's
boggling that the bulk of the world's wealth is stored in databases and
AI in call centers amplifies
transactions are simply the exchange of information over networks.
customer voice p.12
As impressive -- or scary -- as that might sound, artificial intelligence
technologies are aiming to further revolutionize the way banking is done and to
Further Reading p.17 improve the relationships between banks and their customers.

Always-on chatbots sidestep banking hours

There's a reason why people deride banking hours; banks never seem to be
open when you need them most, such as later in the day or on holidays and
weekends. Our money doesn't sleep, so why should the banks?

Fortunately, AI in banking is one of the most impactful applications of artificial

intelligence through the use of conversational assistants, or chatbots, to engage
customers 24/7. Customers are handling many things using chatbots, even
private conversations regarding bank transactions, bank services and other
tasks that don't necessarily require human intervention.

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For example, Bank of America introduced Erica, an AI assistant to help with

AI in banking industry brings customer transactions, and the bot has shown significant positive ROI. Many
operational improvements p.2 banks have quickly followed suit, although some saw mixed results.

In addition to fielding customer service inquiries and conversations about

Insurer’s machine learning use individual transactions, banks have been finding good results using chatbots to
case: Changing driver behavior make their customers aware of additional services and offerings. For example,
. p.8 business customers might not be aware of merchant services and loan offerings
that can help resolve payment or credit issues. AI-based assistants that are
aware of customer patterns can engage the customer at appropriate times, such
AI in call centers amplifies as when they are on the bank site or mobile app.
customer voice p.12
Furthermore, banks can now segment customers individually rather than sorting
them into the traditional generalized customer buckets. By using AI-based
Further Reading p.17 pattern matching and behavioral analysis, banks are able to make the right offer
or suggestion to the right customer, reward their best customers, and respond
to immediate finance-related needs.

AI in banking aids regulatory compliance

Banking is one of the most highly regulated sectors of the economy, both in the
United States and worldwide. Governments use their regulatory authority to
make sure that banks have acceptable risk profiles to avoid large-scale defaults,
as well as to make sure that banking customers are not using banks to
perpetrate financial crimes, like fraud and money laundering.

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As such, banks have to comply with a myriad of regulations requiring them to

AI in banking industry brings know their customers, prevent money laundering, uphold customer privacy,
operational improvements p.2 monitor wire transfers and comply with a stack of additional regulations.

Banking regulatory compliance has a significant cost and even higher liability.
Insurer’s machine learning use As a result, banks are looking to smart, always-on AI assistants to monitor
case: Changing driver behavior transactions, keep an eye on customer behaviors, and audit and log information
. p.8 for various compliance and regulatory systems.

Big data-enhanced fraud prevention is already having a significant impact on

AI in call centers amplifies credit card and loan underwriting processes, and the addition of machine
customer voice p.12 learning and cognitive technologies is helping those systems stay ahead of the
game as the nature of fraud continues to evolve. By looking at customer
behaviors and patterns instead of specific rules, AI-based systems can help
Further Reading p.17 banks stay on top of regulatory compliance while minimizing overall risk.

Improving decision-making for loans and credit

Similarly, banks are using AI-based systems to help make more informed, safer,
and more profitable loan and credit decisions. Currently, many banks are still
confined to the use of credit scores, credit history, customer references and
banking transactions to determine whether or not an individual or company is

However, as many will attest, these credit reporting systems are far from perfect
and are often riddled with errors, are missing real-world transaction history and
are misclassifying creditors. In addition to using data that's available, AI-based
loan decision systems can look at behaviors and patterns to determine if a

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customer with limited credit history might, in fact, make a good credit customer,
AI in banking industry brings or to find customers whose patterns might increase the likelihood of default.
operational improvements p.2
The challenge with using AI-based systems for loan and credit decisions is that
they can suffer from bias-related issues similar to their human counterparts.
Insurer’s machine learning use This is due to how loan decision-making AI models are trained.
case: Changing driver behavior
. p.8 Banks looking to use machine learning as part of real-world, in-production
systems need to make sure to factor bias and ethics into their AI training
processes to avoid these potential problems. This is especially the case when
AI in call centers amplifies using AI algorithms, such as deep learning approaches, that are inherently
customer voice p.12 unexplainable.

The issue of explainability is another potential stumbling block. Financial

Further Reading p.17 institutions operate under regulations that require them to explain their credit-
issuing decisions to potential customers. This makes it difficult to implement
tools built around neural networks, which operate by teasing out subtle
correlations between thousands of variables that are typically incomprehensible
to the human mind. Explaining the decisions of neural networks is a challenge.

Reducing bank operating costs and risk

The bank industry is largely digital in operation, but it is still riddled with human-
based processes that are sometimes paperwork-heavy. With these processes,
banks face significant operational cost and risk issues due to the potential for
human error.

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AI in banking is being applied to these processes to eliminate much of the time-

AI in banking industry brings intensive and error-prone work involved in entering customer data from
operational improvements p.2 contracts, forms and other sources. Improved handwriting recognition, natural
language processing and other technologies, combined with intelligent process
automation tools, are being used more and more in back-office operations to
Insurer’s machine learning use handle a wide range of banking workflows.
case: Changing driver behavior
. p.8 In addition, by replacing these human processes with AI-based automation,
banks can impose audit and regulatory control where it previously couldn't.

AI in call centers amplifies By replacing humans with intelligent, automated assistants, banks can focus
customer voice p.12 their human resources on higher-value tasks, such as offering new services to
their customers or improving customer satisfaction. According to Accenture,
banks are seeing between 20-25% savings in their operations by implementing
Further Reading p.17 intelligent assistants and AI-based systems into their back-office workflows.

AI assistants for investing

Finally, some banks are delving deeper into the world of AI by using their smart
systems to help make investment decisions and support their investment
banking research.

Firms like Swiss-based UBS and Netherlands-based ING are having AI systems
scour the markets for untapped investment opportunities to inform their
algorithmic trading systems. While humans are still in the loop with all these
investment decisions, the AI systems are uncovering additional opportunities via
better modeling and discovery.

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In addition, many financial services companies are offering robo-advisors that

AI in banking industry brings can help their customers better manage their money. Through personalization,
operational improvements p.2 chatbots and customer-specific models, these robo-advisors can provide high-
quality guidance on investment decisions and are available whenever the
customer needs assistance.
Insurer’s machine learning use
case: Changing driver behavior In all these ways, AI in banking is continuing to transform the industry to provide
. p.8 a greater level of value to their customers, reduce risks, and increase
opportunities as the financial engines of our modern economy.

AI in call centers amplifies

customer voice p.12 Next Article

Further Reading p.17

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AI in banking industry brings

operational improvements p.2 Insurer's machine learning use case:
Changing driver behavior
Insurer’s machine learning use
case: Changing driver behavior Ed Burns, Senior News Writer, SearchEnterpriseAI
. p.8
A typical machine learning use case might involve recommending products or
serving up targeted advertisements to people on websites.
AI in call centers amplifies
customer voice p.12
However, one car insurance company wants to take data science a step further
and use it to change people's behavior. That's Providence, R.I.-based HiRoad
Assurance Co., a subsidiary of insurer State Farm that has built machine
Further Reading p.17 learning models to help promote better driving practices by its customers.

Rather than assessing drivers' past history and assigning them rates based on
their presumed risk, HiRoad asks customers to download an app that tracks
their driving habits to their smartphones. Data points, like average speed,
braking distance and cornering speed feed into machine learning algorithms
that assess each driver's risk and then assign people rates based on the risk
factors. The rates are reset each month based on the previous month's driving.

When customers open the app, they can see how specific driving habits are
affecting their rates and see changes they can make that will help lower their
rates. Jason Sanchez, HiRoad's vice president of analytics, said this shows how
powerful data science can be.

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AI in banking industry brings

operational improvements p.2 Reducing risky driving habits
"There are a lot of things machine learning enables that can be used for good,"
Insurer’s machine learning use Sanchez said. "You can get one level deeper."
case: Changing driver behavior
. p.8 Of course, HiRoad isn't using its data science chops for purely humanitarian
reasons. When customers reduce risky driving habits, they get in fewer
accidents, which means fewer insurance claims. The company saves money
AI in call centers amplifies when the number of customers making claims drops. Still, Sanchez said this
customer voice p.12 machine learning use case is an example of how data science can shake up
industries in ways that benefit everyone.

Further Reading p.17

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"There's a push to counteract this issue of collisions and traffic fatalities, and we
AI in banking industry brings want to be a part of that," Sanchez said. "[Data science] lets you intelligently
operational improvements p.2 improve your product. It lets you make confident incremental improvements."

To train its models, HiRoad, which currently operates only in Rhode Island,
Insurer’s machine learning use tapped into State Farm's bank of historical driving data. Its data scientists were
case: Changing driver behavior able to define actions that led to accidents based on claims histories, and then
. p.8 teach machine learning algorithms to look for those actions in the driving habits
of HiRoad's customers.

AI in call centers amplifies

customer voice p.12
Collecting data on drivers' trips
Further Reading p.17 The app collects data from each driver's trips and then sends the data back to
HiRoad's servers at the end of the trip to be analyzed and scored. Sanchez said
this session-based model helped eliminate the complications that can come
from trying to do real-time scoring. The algorithms score drivers' habits and
send feedback to customers to help them see what actions specifically made
their scores change.

Machine learning has already caused major disruption in other industries. Uber
shook up transportation with its data science-driven app that efficiently connects
drivers with passengers. Airbnb did something similar in the hospitality space.
Now, Sanchez hopes HiRoad's machine learning use case can change how
auto insurance companies operate.

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"Machine learning enables us to add features to our app that make our product
AI in banking industry brings possible," he said. "Without that, the whole business wouldn't be possible."
operational improvements p.2

Insurer’s machine learning use

Next Article
case: Changing driver behavior
. p.8

AI in call centers amplifies

customer voice p.12

Further Reading p.17

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AI in banking industry brings

operational improvements p.2 AI in call centers amplifies customer voice
George Lawton, Contributor, SearchEnterpriseAI
Insurer’s machine learning use
case: Changing driver behavior Nearly all call centers are looking to improve customer experience, and some
. p.8 are starting to look to AI to identify common problems and give more feedback
to call center agents to tackle this priority.

AI in call centers amplifies "[Speech analytics] can be useful in finding out what frustrates or pleases
customer voice p.12 customers," said Bill Meisel, president of TMA Associates, a natural language
technology consultancy.

Further Reading p.17 AI in call centers is built on speech analytics that assesses the emotional quality
of customer calls and clusters conversations into similar groups. By looking at
examples of each group, managers can understand common characteristics.
For example, product managers might be able to identify problems with a new
offering more quickly by associating customer frustration with a particular

Companies are also using speech analytics to help human agents identify and
work on specific speaking skills that can improve customer interactions. For
example, Maryland-based speech coaching software vendor VoiceVibes Inc.
worked with the National Science Foundation to create software to measure the
qualities correlated with building rapport with listeners.

This is subtly different than emotional analytics. This type of speech analysis
can help call centers distinguish between how their agents feel during a call and

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how they are perceived by callers, said Debra Cancro, founder and CEO of
AI in banking industry brings VoiceVibes.
operational improvements p.2
To develop the tool, VoiceVibes worked with a panel of expert listeners to score
speakers, and then trained neural networks on this set of labeled data to
Insurer’s machine learning use automate the process of scoring new calls. Over time, the neural networks can
case: Changing driver behavior help identify factors in call quality that may be hard for humans to gauge.
. p.8
"We measure about 70 features related to pace or pitch, along with other
features learned by deep learning directly," Cancro said. "When we make the
AI in call centers amplifies models, we don't know what makes some speakers better in all cases."
customer voice p.12

Further Reading p.17 Shining a light on more calls

ABC Financial Services, a payment processor for the health and fitness
industry, is one early adopter of speech analytics tools, using a service from
CallMiner Inc., a Florida-based software company that customer engagement
analytics technology. The technology enables ABC to assess every agent call
rather than just a few, as they did in the past.

"We now have the complete journey for every interaction," said Renisenb
McGehee, BI analyst at ABC Financial. "Through the use of speech analytics,
we have been able to identify and remove objections that prevent our agents
from providing the level of service that our company expects."

Using AI in call centers had improved the ability of ABC Financial's analytics
team to offer thoughtful recommendations to the call center team to improve

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their existing processes in order to consistently achieve their call quality

AI in banking industry brings expectations, McGehee said.
operational improvements p.2

Insurer’s machine learning use

case: Changing driver behavior
. p.8

AI in call centers amplifies

customer voice p.12

Further Reading p.17

ABC Financial also uses speech analytics to capture intelligence -- data related
to customers' emotional tone or the sentiment associated with their words --
from all customer interactions and make it available to other departments within
the organization through dashboards and custom reports.

"This helps us to understand how the information can be useful for our entire
company, as well as the health clubs it services," McGehee said

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AI in banking industry brings

operational improvements p.2 Different roles for AI
AI has been introduced to speech analytics a couple of different ways. It's used
Insurer’s machine learning use to analyze the emotional characteristics and content of call agents' interactions
case: Changing driver behavior and to convert calls into transcripts. These transcripts can be analyzed for
. p.8 compliance, efficiency and quality control, said Mckay Bird, chief marketing
officer at TCN.

AI in call centers amplifies "Based on the specific content of the call, agent managers can take the
customer voice p.12 necessary steps to correct the issues through targeted agent coaching or direct
customer intervention," said Bird.

Further Reading p.17 Advanced speech recognition tools are built on deep learning neural networks,
which improve their recognition of human language over time. Call transcript
analysis uses semi-supervised machine learning and weighted rules logic to
automatically classify and score calls.

These tools, when used together, produce sentiment and emotion scores by
pairing spoken words with characteristics known to be associated with certain
feelings -- speaking rate, stress inflection and volume. This helps call center
managers understand where customers are demonstrating frustration or if
agents are mishandling a call.

Automated scoring can be used to predict outcomes, such as the likelihood of a

sale or customer cancellation. Natural language processing can be used to
automatically identify topics within groups of conversations and can help to
improve the development of call classification rules.

Page 15 of 17

AI in banking industry brings

operational improvements p.2 Start with a measurable outcome
"The biggest challenge to a speech analytics program is defining what you want
Insurer’s machine learning use to achieve with it," said Jeff Gallino, Founder and CTO of CallMiner.
case: Changing driver behavior
. p.8 Without clear objectives or goals, a speech analytics program can get off track.

Many companies are going from 1-2% call monitoring to 100% monitoring,
AI in call centers amplifies which can be overwhelming without clearly defined policies and processes for
customer voice p.12
using the information. Dedicating the appropriate budget to execute a plan and
enrolling the organization to embrace change are critical to achieving success
when implementing AI in call centers.
Further Reading p.17
One common -- though long-term -- objective companies have when starting
speech analytics projects is to reduce overall call volume, said TMA Associates'
Meisel. The data can form a strong foundation for further automating the
customer service process in the future.

"Speech analytics applied to call center records allow understanding [as to] why
customers are contacting a company and provide the core data needed to
create natural language chatbots and digital assistants," he said.

Next Article

Page 16 of 17

AI in banking industry brings

operational improvements p.2 About SearchEnterpriseAI
Smart organizations are using artificial intelligence (AI) to introduce new
Insurer’s machine learning use
business opportunities, identify new revenue streams, enhance the customer
case: Changing driver behavior and employee experience, and transform processes.
. p.8
Where are you with tapping into the power of AI? No matter the answer, you’ve
come to the right place.
AI in call centers amplifies
customer voice p.12 is here to help ensure that your AI investments aren’t
perceived as a waste of money, but instead an important source of the business
value that you crave..
Further Reading p.17

For further reading, visit us

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