Rubric For Story Remake - Reconstruction

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NAME: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SECTION: ________________

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Originality The video shows considerable The video shows some originality The video shows an attempt at The video is a rehash of other
originality and inventiveness. The and inventiveness. The content and originality and inventiveness on a people’s ideas and/or graphics and
content and ideas are presented in a ideas are presented mostly in an few slides. shows very little attempt at original
unique and interesting way. interesting way. thought.

Sequencing of The story is arranged and in a clear Most information in the story is Some information in the story is There is no clear plan for the
Details and logical way. The remake/ organized in a clear and logical way. logically sequenced. There are organization of the sequence of the
and Plot Line reconstruction of the story contains One part/detail or item of sections where information is not story. The remake/ reconstruction of
complete plot, including information seems to be out of clear and concise. the story contains inadequate plot
problem/conflict resolution, including place. The remake/ reconstruction of the summary.
highlighting major events/details. The remake/ reconstruction of the story contains incomplete plot
story contains adequate plot summary and incomplete or
summary including some inaccurate details.
events/details on the story.
Use of Graphics All graphics are attractive (size and A few graphics are not attractive, All graphics are attractive, but a Several graphics are unattractive and
and Illustrations colour) and support the but all support the theme/content of few do not seem to support the detract from the content of the story.
theme/content of the story. the story. theme/content of the story. Images are inappropriate.
All images are appropriate. Most images are appropriate. Images are somewhat appropriate.

Effective Use of The animations assist in presenting The animations somewhat assist in The animations do not assist in the The animations take away from the
Animations the overall theme of the story and presenting the overall theme f the presentation of the theme of the overall message of the story and
enhance the presentation. They are story and somewhat enhance the story. They are somewhat distract the audience.
not distracting from the content of the presentation. They are not distracting to the overall message.
presentation. distracting from the content of the
Lines and Uses appropriate and creative lines Most lines and dialogues used are The use of lines and dialogues are Most lines and dialogues used are
Dialogues and dialogues that highlight the appropriate and creative that somewhat appropriate and inappropriate and not creative and
development of the character and the contribute to the development of creative and partly contribute to does not contribute to the
flow of the story. the character and flow if the story. the development of the character development of the character and
and the flow of the story. the flow of the story.
Character Targets/ foretells realistically what the Mostly targets/ foretells realistically Somewhat targets/ foretells Not realistic and most parts are
Development character/s might be doing in today’s what the character/s might be doing realistically what the character/s misleading to the original line.
era. in today’s era. might be doing in today’s era, but
some points may be misleading to
the original storyline.
Content Content is clearly relevant to story Content has some relevance to Content has little relevance to Content has no relevance to story
and theme, message is distinctly story and theme, message is clear story and theme, message is not and theme, there is no message.
clear. with some confusing points. clear.
Spelling and The text is written with no errors in The text is clearly written with little Spelling, punctuation and grammar Errors in spelling, capitalization, and
Grammar grammar, capitalization, punctuation or no editing required for grammar, errors distract from the grammar repeatedly distract and
and spelling. punctuation and spelling. presentation. reader and major editing is required.

Collaboration All the members work cooperatively in Work cooperatively with group Work somewhat with the group but Contribute a little to the group. Need
the group. All the members help the members. Actively participate in all are off task and do not that to be reminded to stay on task or to
group to stay focused on the task. All parts of the task. Stay focused. engage for part of the task. participate. One person gives entire
are leaders in their ways. All group Most group members participate in Minimal group members presentation.
members participate in presentation. presentation participate in the presentation.

Modified and Adapted from the following references:

Fehlbaum_AcademicProgram_PowerPointRubric.pdf; ;; Lit21st SHS activity De La Salle Lipa

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