Performance Based Christian E. Sausa

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ED 107

Q4 Write a short story (fiction/nonfiction) with its complete elements (EN4WC-ll-20)
Q4 Write a reaction about the story read
Q4 Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative.
Q4 Identify features of Journalistic Writing
Q4 Distinguish among types of Journalistic Writing (news report, opinion article, feature article,
Q4 and sports news article)
Q4 Write a news report using the given facts
Q4 Write/compose an editorial

Write and tell your own short story (fiction/nonfiction) with its complete elements such as
characters, settings, theme, point of view, conflict, and tone. Below are the following

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Characters The main The main The main It is hard to tell
characters are characters are characters are who the main
named and named and named. The characters are.
clearly described. reader knows
described in Most readers very little about
text as well as would have the characters.
pictures. Most some idea of
readers could what the
describe the characters
characters looked like.
Title Title is creative, Title is related Title is present, No title.
sparks interest to the story and but does not
and is related topic. appear to be
to the story and related to the
topic. story and topic.
Creativity The story The story The story There is little
contains many contains a few contains a few evidence of
creative details creative details creative details creativity in the
and/or and/or and/or story. The
descriptions descriptions descriptions, author does not
that contribute that contribute but they distract seem to have
to the reader\'s to the reader\'s from the story. used much
enjoyment. The enjoyment. The The author has imagination.
author has author has tried to use his
really used his used his imagination.
imagination. imagination.
Setting Many vivid, Some vivid, The reader can The reader has
descriptive descriptive figure out when trouble figuring
words are used words are used and where the out when and
to tell when to tell the story took where the story
and where the audience when place, but the took place.
story took and where the author didn’t
place. story took supply much
place. detail.
Organization The story is The story is The story is a Ideas and
very well pretty well little hard to scenes seem to
organized. One organized. One follow. The be randomly
idea or scene idea or scene transitions are arranged.
follows another may seem out sometimes not
in a logical of place. Clear clear.
sequence with transitions are
clear used.
Spelling and There are no There is one There are 2-3 The final draft
Punctuation spelling or spelling or spelling and has more than
punctuation punctuation punctuation 3 spelling and
errors in the error in the final errors in the punctuation
final draft. draft. final draft. errors.
Character and
place names
that the author
invented are
Problem/Conflict It is very easy It is fairly easy It is fairly easy It is not clear
for the reader for the reader for the reader what problem
to understand to understand to understand the main
the problem the the problem the the problem the characters
main main main face.
characters face characters face characters face
and why it is a and why it is a but it is not
problem. problem. clear why it is a

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