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AP Physics Dynamics (Newton’s Laws) - The Causes of Motion

Introduction: This unit introduces the most basic of all scientific concepts, the interaction between forces and
matter. You should understand from the outset that any time two or more objects interact, the interaction causes a
force on each object. There are no exceptions.
In your earlier science courses, a force was defined as a push or a pull. This is correct but now you need to
understand that a force on a body is caused by an interaction between bodies. We isolate and then study the forces
acting on one body without regard to the origin of the forces. This gets confusing for the beginning physics
student. You need to spend a lot of time thinking about, sorting through, and organizing in your mind the
information learned in this unit. Sir Isaac Newton had to go through the same process in developing his laws of
motion. You have an advantage – you have over three hundred years of the experiences of all of the physics to
Force is a vector quantity; it always has direction and magnitude. A force applied to a body can do two
things; it can alter the dimension or shape of the body or it can alter the state of motion of the body. Natural forces
known to scientists are gravitational, electromagnetic, and nuclear forces.
Dynamics is the study of forces which cause motion.

Performance Objectives: Upon completion of the readings and activities of this unit and when asked to respond
either orally or on a written test, you will:

 State the first law of motion and display a clear understanding of its universality and implications. Give
examples of what happens to an object when no external net force acts on it.
 Use the words force, mass, weight, and inertia in their correct scientific meanings.
 State the second law of motion, and display a clear understanding of its universality and implications. Be
able to apply the law to determine the results of forces. Solve problems involving this law.
 Understand the rationale behind the definition of the ‘Newton.’ Recognize the relationship between the
second law and the unit of force.
 Distinguish between weight and mass. Explain the nature of weight as a force. Use the second law to
determine the mass.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of new force. Use the concept of net force to solve
 State the observations regarding sliding friction. Compute the coefficient of friction. Solve problems
involving frictional forces.
 State the third law, and display a clear understanding of its universality and implications. Distinguish
between forces applied to a body and forces being applied by the body. Be able to isolate bodies to solve
 Incorporate the problems solving techniques learned in this unit with ideas learned in the kinematics and
the vector units.

Textbook Reference: Physics For Scientists and Engineers: Chapter 4

“In the beginning there was Aristotle. And objects at rest tended to remain at rest. And objects in motion
tended to come to rest. And soon everything was at rest and God saw that boring. Then God created Newton.”
- Dr. William Baker, President Bell Laboratories (1978)

All forces result from interactions. There are no exceptions. When two bodies interact, each body exerts
on the other a force. The two forces are called and action-reaction pair. The forces of an action-reaction pair are
(1) equal in magnitude, (2) opposite in direction, (3) act on two different bodies and (4) do not cancel each other.
Introductory Questions: 8. In terms of inertia, what is the disadvantage of a
1. When you push against the wall, does it push lightweight camera when snapping the shutter? Why
against you? How can you tell? do most photographers prefer a massive tripod?

2. Your weight is the result of a gravitational force 9. In tearing a paper towel or plastic bag from a roll,
of the earth on your body. What is the corresponding why is a sharp jerk more effective than a slow pull?
reaction force?
10. Why will the coin drop into the glass when a
3. As you stand on the floor, does the floor exert an force accelerates the card? See diagram…
upward force against your feet? How much force
does it exert? 11. Why does the downward motion and sudden
stop of the hammer tighten the hammerhead?
4. Suppose a brick is suspended from a rigid support
by a suitable length of cord. a.) What downward 12. Why is it that a slow continuous increase in the
force acts on the brick? b.) If this force is the action downward force breaks the string above the massive
force, what is the corresponding reaction force? ball, but a sudden increase breaks the lower string?

5. a.) What upward force acts on the suspended 13. An astronaut in space has a “weightless” anvil.
brick in Question 4? b.) If this force is the action Is it more difficult, less difficult or just as difficult to
force, what is the corresponding reaction force? shake the anvil back and forth in space as it is on
For most of this unit, we will isolate one
10. 11.
body and look at the forces acting on that one body.
The forces we will discuss in this unit are called
contact forces. The interacting bodies will be in
contact with each other. The only exception will be
the force of gravity which is the result of a body
interacting with the earth’s gravitational field. We
will study field forces later in this course.
Newton’s First Law of Motion: An object at rest
remains at rest, and an object in straight line motion
continues in motion with constant velocity (same
speed and same direction) unless acted upon by a net
external force. This is also known as the Law of

“Every body preserves in its state of rest, or of

uniform motion in a straight line, unless it is
compelled to change that state by forces impressed
there on.”
- Isaac Newton, Principia Mathematica

Conceptual Questions - First Law: 14. Many automobile passengers suffer neck injuries
6. A ball is rolled across the top of a table and when struck by cars from behind. How does
slowly comes to a stop. Considering Newton’s first Newton’s law of inertia apply here? How do
law of motion, explain why the ball stops. How headrests help guard against this type of injury?
could the ball have remained in motion?
15. Most car ads now include mileage ratings, on for
7. Why do you fall backward on a bus when it highway driving and one for city driving. Why is the
accelerates from rest? Who do you fall forward city driving rating always less than the highway
when the driver decelerates to rest? driving rating?
16. If a ball moving with a velocity of 20 cm/s has one direction to be positive and the opposite
no net force act on it, its velocity after 5.0 s will be? direction negative. The equation is then written as
Fnet = Fapplied – Fopposing. Commit this equation to
Newton’s Second Law of Motion: The memory. Say it to yourself each time you solve a
acceleration of an object is directly proportional to problem.
the net external force acting on the object and When solving problems, choose a direction in
inversely proportional to the mass of the object on which you think the object will move and consider
which the net external force acts. The acceleration is that the positive direction. Consider all the forces in
always in the direction of the net force. This is also that direction applied forces. The opposing forces
known as the Law of Acceleration. are any forces acting on the body in a direction
opposite to the motion. When moving bodies are in
Second Law Exercises: contact and sliding in opposite directions relative to
17. A net force gives a 2 kg mass an acceleration of each other, there is an opposing force due to friction.
5.0 m/s2. What is the magnitude of the force? 10 N When there is relative motion between a fluid and
a body that moves through the fluid, the opposing
18. A net force of 30.0 N gives a stone an force is called the drag force. If a body falls through
acceleration of 4.0 m/s2. What is the mass of the air (which is a fluid), the drag force is called air
stone? 7.5 kg resistance or air friction. If a body falls far enough
through air, the air resistance eventually equals the
19. A net force of 25 N is applied to a 2.0 kg mass. weight of the body, so the net force and the
What is the acceleration of the mass? 12.5 m/s2 acceleration on the body are zero. The body then
falls at a constant velocity called the terminal
20. What net force gives a 1.0 kg mass an velocity.
acceleration of 9.8 m/s2?
24. Determine the acceleration that a force of 25.0 N
21. Determine the weight of a 4.8 kg mass. 47 N gives to a 4.0 kg mass. The friction force to
overcome is 5.0 N. 5.0 m/s2
22. A small yacht weighs 4900 N. What is its mass
in kilograms? 500 kg 25. A car located on a level highway has a mass of
400.0 kg. The friction force opposing the motion of
23. A car has a mass of 1200 kg. What is the weight the car is 750 N. What acceleration will an applied
of the car? What net external force must be applied force of 2350 N produce on the car? 4.0 m/s2
to the car to accelerate the car along a level highway
at the rate of 4.0 m/s2 (neglecting friction)? What 26. A rubber ball weighs 4.9 N. a.) What is its
acceleration would this force produce if a 750 N mass? b.) At what rate is the ball accelerated
frictional force were present? straight up if a 68.0 N force is applied to it in that
11,760 N 4800 N 3.375 m/s2 direction? 0.5 kg 128 m/s2

More Second Law Problems, But This Time The 27. A rocket weighs 9800.0 N. a.) What is its mass?
Net Force Is Not Given: b.) What applied force gives it a vertical acceleration
of 4.00 m/s2? 1000.0 kg 13,800 N
The equation net applied opposing is a vector
equation. Keep in mind that this is a vector equation 28. What applied force accelerates a 20.0 kg stone
and you must keep track of the directions. The straight up at 10.0 m/s2? 396 N
applied force is in the direction of the motion and the
opposing force is any force acting on the body in a 29. A force of 90.0 N is exerted straight up on a
direction opposite to the motion. stone that weighs 7.35 N. Calculate a.) the mass of
However, if we rewrite this equation for only one the stone. b.) the net force acting on the stone. c.)
dimension, the direction is indicated with a plus or a the acceleration of the stone. 0.75 kg 82.65 N 110 m/s2
minus sign. Usually we will look at the sum of the
components in the x and y directions. Recall from 30. A falling bowling ball has a mass of 2.0 kg. The
your study of vectors that all the vectors in the x- upward force of air resistance is 11.6 N. What is the
direction can be added algebraically by choosing acceleration of the bowling ball? -4.0 m/s2
31. A physics student weighing 600.0 N plans to itself has a mass of 500.0 kg. Tensile strength tests
escape a burning building by sliding down an show that the cable supporting the elevator can
improvised rope made of bed sheets tied together. tolerate a maximum force of 29,600 N. What is the
The maximum upward force that the sheets can exert greatest upward acceleration that the elevator’s motor
without tearing is 300.0 N. a.) Can the student slide can produce without breaking the cable? 5.0 m/s2
down at constant speed? b.) What is the least
acceleration with which the student can slide down 36. The mass of an elevator plus occupants is 950.0
the rope? -4.9 m/s2 kg. The tension in the cable is 10,950 N. a.) At
what rate is the elevator accelerated upward? b.)
The Normal Force: When the two interacting What is the normal force experienced by a 75 kg
bodies are in contact with each other, the forces that passenger when the elevator is experiencing the
each exerts on the other is called the normal force. maximum upward acceleration? 1.7 m/s2 862.5 N
Normal is the mathematical term meaning
perpendicular. In the free-body diagram, draw the Conceptual Questions - Second Law:
normal force perpendicular to the surface in contact 37. If you find a body that is not moving even
with the body being considered. A common though we know it to be acted on by a force. What
misconception is that the normal force is always inference can we draw?
equal to the weight of the body. Sketch in your notes
the possible configurations for a normal force that is 38. How does the weight of a falling body compare
net equal to the weight. to the air resistance just before it reaches terminal
velocity? After?
32. A person weighing 490.0 N stands on a scale in
an elevator. 39. Suppose you place a ball in the middle of a
a.) What does the scale read when the elevator is at wagon and then accelerate the wagon forward.
rest? Describe the motion of the ball relative to the ground
b.) The elevator starts to ascend and accelerates the and to the wagon.
person upward at 2.0 m/s2. What is the reading on
the scale now? 40. Why is it that a basketball dropped from the top
c.) When the elevator reaches a desirable speed, it of the Peachtree Plaza Hotel will hit the ground at the
no longer accelerates. What is the reading on the same speed as if it were dropped from the twentieth
scale as the elevator rises uniformly? floor? (After about 49.5 m, its terminal speed of
d.) The elevator begins to slow down as it reaches about 20 m/s is reached).
the proper floor. Do the scale readings increase or
decrease? 41. What is the acceleration of a rock at the top of its
e.) The elevator starts to descend. Does the scale trajectory when thrown straight upward? Is your
reading increase or decrease? answer consistent with Newton’s Second Law?
f.) What does the scale read if the elevator descends
at a constant speed?
g.) If the cable snapped and the elevator fell freely,
what would the scale read?

33. An elevator of mass 1000.0 kg is supported by a

cable that can sustain a force of 12,000.0 N. What is
the greatest upward acceleration that can be given the
elevator without breaking the cable? 2.2 m/s2

34. The mass of an elevator plus its occupants is

750.0 kg. The tension in the cable is 8950 N. At
what rate does the elevator accelerate upward?
2.1 m/s2

35. Safety engineers estimate that an elevator can

hold 20 persons of 75 kg average mass. The elevator
Forces at an Angle to the Motion – Remember 48. A car weighing 9800.0 N travels at 30.0 m/s.
Resolution of a Vector! a.) What braking force brings it to rest in 100.0 m?
42. A 20.0 kg sled is pulled along level ground. The b.) in 10.0m ? 4500 N 45000 N
sled’s rope makes an angle of 60.0 degrees with the
snow-covered ground and pulls on the sled with a 49. A rocket that weighs 7840 N on earth is fired.
force of 180 N. Find the acceleration of the sled if The force of propulsion is 10,440 N. Determine:
the friction force to be overcome is 15 N. 3.8 m/s2 a.) the mass of the rocket. b.) the upward
acceleration of the rocket. c.) the velocity of the
43. A 10.0 kg block is pulled rocket at the end of 10 seconds.
up a frictionless incline that 800 kg 3.25 m/s2 32.5 m/s
makes an angle of 53˚ with
the horizontal. a) If the person 50. A 60.0 kg sled is coasting (Fnet = 0 N) with a
pulling on the string can exert constant velocity of 10.0 m/s over smooth ice. It
48.3 N of force, what is the enters a rough stretch of ice 6.0 m long in which the
acceleration of the block? force of friction is 120 N. With what speed does the
b) What is the magnitude and sled emerge from the rough stretch of ice. 8.7 m/s
direction of the force exerted on the block by the
inclined plane? 3.0 m/s2 59 N 51. A 75 kg paratrooper jumping out of the back of
an airplane quickly acquires a velocity of 60.0 m/s as
44. A 110 kg crate he falls toward the ground and then opens his
is pushed at constant parachute. After falling an additional 30.0 m, his
speed up the velocity has been reduced to 8.0 m/s. a.) What is the
frictionless 34˚ ramp acceleration of the paratrooper while his fall is being
shown. a) What “checked”? b.) What is the applied force exerted by
horizontal force the parachute? 58.9 m/s2 5153 N
is required?
b) What is the force exerted by the ramp on the 52. A 100 kg rocket sled was moving at a constant
crate? 730 N 1300 N speed – v. A 5000 N force acting for 20.0 seconds
opposite to the direction of its motion, slowed the
Remember Those Kinematic Formulas? sled down to one-third v. a.) What was the value of
45. The instruments attached to a weather balloon v? b.) How far did the sled move while it was
have a mass of 5.0 kg. a.) The balloon is released on slowing down? 1500 m/s 20 km
a calm day and exerts an upward force of 89 N on the
instruments. At what rate does the balloon with the 53. The driver of a 600.0 kg sports car, heading
instruments accelerate straight up? b.) After 10.0 directly for a railroad crossing, 300.0 m away,
seconds of acceleration, the weather balloon applies the brakes in a panic stop. The car is moving
instruments are released automatically. What is the at 40.0 m/s and the brakes can supply a force of 1500
magnitude and direction of their velocity at the N. a.) How fast will the car be moving when it
instant of their release? c.) What net force acts on reaches the crossing? b.) Will the driver escape
the instruments after their release? d.) What time collision with a freight which, at the instant the
elapses before the instruments begin to fall straight brakes are applied, is still blocking the road and still
down? +8.0 m/s2 +80 m/s -49 N 8.2 s requires 11.0 s to clear the crossing? 10 m/s
The driver escapes collision because it takes 12.0
46. An artillery shell has a mass of 8.0 kg. The shell seconds to reach the tracks.
is fired from the muzzle of a gun with a speed of
700.0 m/s. The gun barrel is 3.5 m long. What is the
average force on the shell while it is in the gun
barrel? 5.6 x 105 N

47. A racing car has a mass of 700.0 kg. It starts

from rest and travels 120 m in 2.0 seconds. What is
the force applied to it? (Ignore friction) 4.2 x 104 N
Two or More Body Problems: 56. Three blocks are connected, as shown in the
This is analogous to the situation where two figure below, on a horizontal frictionless table and
bodies were moving when you did the kinematics pulled to the right with a force T3 = 6.5 N. If m1 =
problems. If two bodies are moving, then you will 1.2 kg, m2 = 2.4 kg and m3 = 3.1 kg, calculate (a) the
need two equations to describe their motions. If acceleration of the system and (b) the tensions T1 and
three bodies are moving, then three equations are T2. 0.97 m/s2 T1 = 1.2 N T2 = 3.5 N
needed. Write an equation of motion for each
moving body. Solve the equations simultaneously for
the unknown variables.
Although two bodies are moving, the two
bodies are attached and therefore move with the
same speed and the same acceleration. The two
bodies are treated as one system. 57. The two blocks in the figure to
Usually it is necessary to determine the the right are connected by a heavy,
acceleration of the system first: uniform rope of mass 4 kg. An
asystem = _______
upward force of 200 N is applied as
mtotal a) What is the acceleration of the
To find the tension in the cord connecting the bodies, system? 2.7 m/s2
isolate one body and solve for the tension using b) What is the tension at the top of
Newton’s Second Law. the heavy rope? 112.5 N
c) What is the tension at the midpoint of the rope?
54. Two blocks are in contact on a frictionless 87.5 N
horizontal table. A horizontal force is applied to one
block, as shown in the figure below. a) If m1 = 2.3 58. If the figure to the
kg, m2 = 1.2 kg and F = 3.2 N, find the force of right, the frictional force
contact between the two blocks. 1.1 N between the 30 kg block
b) Show that: if the same force F is applied to m2 and the table is negligible.
rather than to m1, that the force of contact between a) If the peg is removed,
the blocks is 2.1 N, which is not the same value what is the acceleration
derived in (a). Explain. of the system?
b) How long would it take
the block to hit the pulley?
c) What is the tension in the cord while the block is
d) What is the tension in the cord after the block
ceases to move? 1.4 m/s2 0.65 sec 42 N 49 N

55. The figure below shows three crates with masses 59. Objects of mass 5.0 kg and 2.0 kg are connected
m1 = 45.2 kg, m2 = 22.8 kg and m3 = 34.3 kg on a by a light cord that passes over a horizontal
horizontal frictionless surface. a) What horizontal frictionless rod. a.) What is the acceleration of the
force F is needed to push the crates to the right, as system? b.) What is the tension in the cord on the
one unit, with an acceleration of 1.32 m/s2? 135 N 5.0 kg side? c.) What is the tension in the cord on
b) Find the force exerted by m2 on m3. 45.3 N the 2.0 kg side? 4.2 m/s2 b = c = 28 N
c) By m1 on m2. 75.4 N
60. A cord connecting objects of mass 10.0 kg and
5.0 kg passes over a light frictionless pulley. a.)
What is the acceleration of the system? b.) What is
the tension in the cord? 3.27 m/s2 65.3 N
61. Bob and Joe, two construction workers on the Find the tension in the cord and the acceleration of
roof of a building, are about to raise a bucket of nails the blocks. 3.92 m/s2 23.52 N
from the ground by means of a rope passing over a
pulley 16 m above the ground. Bob has a mass of 66. A 6.0 kg block resting on a horizontal surface –
100.0 kg and Joe has a mass of 80.0 kg. The which is not frictionless – is connected to a hanging
bucket’s mass is 40.0 kg and the mass of the nails is block of 4.0 kg mass by a cord passing over a light,
80.0 kg. They slip off the roof and the following frictionless pulley. When the system is released, the
unfortunate sequence of events takes place: Bob and blocks have an acceleration of 2.0 m/s2. a.) Find the
Joe, hanging on the same rope, strike the ground just net force on each mass. b.) Find the tension in the
as the bucket of nails hits the pulley. Un-nerved by cord. 12 N 8 N 31.2 N
his fall, Bob lets go of the rope, and the falling
bucket of nails pulls Joe up to the roof where he 67. A block of mass m1 = 3.70 kg on a frictionless
cracks his head against the pulley but manages to inclined plane of angle θ = 28.0˚ is connected by a
hang on. However, the bottom falls out of the bucket cord over a small frictionless, massless pulley to a
when it struck the ground, and the empty bucket rises second block of mass m2 = 1.86 kg hanging vertically
as Joe returns to the ground. Finally, Joe has had as in the diagram below. a) What is the acceleration
enough and lets go of the rope and remains on the of each block? b) Find the tension in the cord.
ground only to be hit in the head by the empty 0.217 m/s2 17.8 N
bucket. Ignoring the possible mid-air collisions
which merely add insult to injury, how long did it
take for this little drama to unfold? (To make
calculations easier, use g = -10 m/ss) 12.9 s

62. A 110 kg man lowers himself to the ground from

a height of 12 m by holding on to a rope passed over
a frictionless pulley and attached to a 74 kg sandbag.
a.) With what speed does the man hit the ground? b.)
Is there anything he could do to reduce the speed Newton’s Third Law of Motion: Whenever one
with which he hits the ground? 6.8 m/s body exerts a force on another, the second body
Yes, he could climb the rope while falling exerts on the first a force of equal magnitude in the
opposite direction. This is also known as the law of
63. A 10 kg monkey is climbing a massless rope action and reaction or the law of interaction.
attached to a 15 kg log over a (now get this – According to this law, there is no such thing
frictionless) tree limb. a.) With what minimum as a single force. A body can produce a force only if
acceleration must the monkey climb up the rope so there is some other body to exert its force upon.
that it can raise the 15 kg log off the ground? b.) If, FORCES ALWAYS OCCUR IN PAIRS! – an action
after the log has been raised off of the ground, the force and a reaction force. The action and reaction
monkey stops climbing and hangs on to the rope. forces are not on the same body.
What will now be the monkey’s acceleration? c.)
What is the tension in the rope now that the monkey Conceptual Questions -Third Law
has stopped climbing and is hanging on? 1. When you push against a wall does it push against
4.9 m/s2 2.0 m/s2 upward 120 N you? Try this sometime while wearing roller skates.

64. A man of mass 80.0 kg stands on a platform of 2. Do you find it easier to walk on a carpeted floor
mass 40.0 kg. He pulls on a rope that is fastened to than one having a polished smooth surface? Why?
the platform and runs over a pulley on the ceiling. 3. Use Newton's third law to explain why when
With what force does he have to pull in order to give standing on a weighing scale you cannot decrease
himself and the platform and upward acceleration of your weight by pulling upward on your boot straps.
1.0 m/s2? 648 N
4. Your weight is the result of a gravitational force
65. A block of mass 6.0 kg resting on a horizontal of the earth on your body. What is the corresponding
frictionless surface is connected to a hanging 4.0 kg reaction force?
block by a cord passing over a frictionless pulley.
5. As you stand on a floor, does the floor exert an
upward force against your feet? How much force
does it exert? Why are you not moved upward by
this force?

6. If you walk on a log that is floating in the water,

the log moves backward. Why?

7. Why can you exert greater force on the pedals of a

bicycle if you pull up on the handlebars?

8. Two people of equal mass attempt a tug-of-war

with a 12-meter rope while standing on frictionless
ice. When they pull on the rope, they slide toward
each other. How do their accelerations compare, and
how far does each person slide before meeting?

9. An astronaut on a "space-walk" finds that the rope

connecting him to the space capsule has broken.
Using a special space pistol, the astronaut manages to
get back to the capsule. Explain.

10. Newton's third law states that action and reaction

forces are always equal and opposite. If this is true,
why don't they always cancel one another and leave
no unbalanced force acting on any body?

11. Suppose a brick is suspended from a rigid

support by a suitable length of cord. a) What
downward force acts on the brick? b) If this force is
the action force, what is the corresponding reaction

12. a) What upward force acts on the suspended

brick in Question 11? b) If this force is the action
force, what is the corresponding reaction force?

13. Two people pull upon a light wagon with equal

force in opposite directions, the wagon will not
move. Is this an example of action and reaction
pairs? Explain.

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