Lesson 6: Creating Transparent Backgrounds: Grade 8 (A, B C)

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Grade 8 (A,B C)

Lesson 6: Creating Transparent Backgrounds

Date: July 29 - _____, 2019

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to do the following in Photoshop:

• Remove the backgound of a picture

• Replace the background with transparency

• Use basic layering techniques in steps to achieve transparency

• Save the image to PNG format exit Photoshop.


Creative Design CS6

PowerPoint presentation, Projector
Computers installed with Photoshop CS6
Internet for research on different steps to transparency

A. Preparatory Activities
• Discuss the PNG format and how it is good for transparency

B. Lesson Proper
• Demonstrate creating tranparency through the projector.
 To teach the students their own way to discover things, let them browse the Internet for
other techniques and let them choose what is better in making the transparency.
 Example link is as follows:

How to create a transparent background for a product

image in Photoshop
1. Make your image into a layered file
2. Create your selection
3. Delete the background
4. Save your image in the proper web-ready format
5. Save your file


Using the internet and websites as guides, the students will download materials for editing the
background and changing it into transparency. The original file and the resulting edited image will be
uploaded for submission to:

Grade 10 (A,B,C)

Lesson 5: Revisiting Typing Skills Date: August 12 - _____, 2019

- A break from the lessons on the book will be typing. Aim of the short lesson is to improve typing
speed and accuracy as it has been observed that students are slow in typing. A preparatory also
to Senior High School activities.

I. Objectives:

 Revisit the touch typing method

 Search for typing apps around the Net
 Know the advantages and benefits of having fast typing speed

II. Resources:

1. Internet
2. Typing webpage

III. Strategies:

Lesson Proper

A. Conduct a pre-typing activity where initial speed is recorded.

B. Ask the students what factors affected their typing speed.
C. Every quarter their typing speed will be recorded. An increasing trend in
speed and accuracy should be observed.
D. Culminating activity will be in the 4th grading period as requirement. Target
Typing speed is 40 words per minute.
E. Practice typing everytime lessons and activities are already submitted.

Evaluation: Quiz on Letter Placement on keyboard

Hands On:
Typing Practice for Lesson 1, 2, 3,to 10 using Typingcat website
Grade 7 (A,B,C,D)
Lesson 5: Page Layout Date: July 29 - _____, 2019

One formatting aspect you'll need to consider as you create your document is whether to make
adjustments to the layout of the page. The page layout affects how content appears and includes
the page's orientation, margins, and size.

OBJECTIVES: The students will be able to:

 Know how to set margins, paper, preview and print the document
 Demonstrate how to insert header, footer and date
 Illustrate how to insert watermark text or watermark picture
 Use cut, copy and paste, New and Undo (from previous lessons and applied
 Save documents to created folders
MATERIALS: Office productivity book, Computer, Projector

a. Motivation: Have you ever used different sizes of paper?

b. Lesson Proper:

 Page Orientation

Word offers two page orientation options: landscape and portrait. Landscape means the page is
oriented horizontally, while portrait means the page is oriented vertically. Compare our
example below to see how orientation can affect the appearance and spacing of text and images.

Page Margins
A margin is the space between the text and the edge of your document. By default, a new document's
margins are set to Normal, which means it has a one-inch space between the text and each edge.
Depending on your needs, Word allows you to change your document's margin size.
Page size

By default, the page size of a new document is 8.5 inches by 11 inches. Depending on your
project, you may need to adjust your document's page size. It's important to note that before
modifying the default page size, you should check to see which page sizes your printer can


A. Hands – On


1. Open the practice document.

2. Change the page orientation. If you are using the example, change the orientation to
3. Change the margins. If you are using the example, change the margins to Narrow.
4. Try adjusting the margins using Custom Margins.
5. Change the paper size. If you are using the example, try changing the paper size to
6. Try customizing the page size.
Grade 5 (A,B,C)
Lesson 5: Using Textcreators to enhance the webpage
Date: August 13 - _____, 2019

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

 Use tags for formatting a webpage

 Use tags for inserting images
 Create text images using a website and transform it into pictures
Internet, Web Design Book
How do we speed up work in designing our HTML?
How do we insert up images?

Lesson Proper:

 Start by introducing websites like flamingtext.com and cooltext. Com to

create beautiful text designs that can be applied to their activities
 Demonstrate how to use the website, how to download the output pictures.
 Show how to incorporate the pictures to the webpage by using the <img src>
 For additional reading and for guide, let them consult
Ask the student to open up their handbook and locate from every start of the month the
different inspiring selections. The students will choose one selection and reproduce it as an
HTML webpage. The design text and images will be produced using the textcreators from the
Internet. Different tags from previous lessons will again be used in the activity.
c. Motivation: Ask the students how a typewriter works compared to a computer. Ask
how typist do their job faster compared to a beginner.

d. Lesson Proper:

 Learn basic tasks: Cut, Copy and Paste

 Familiarize with the shortcuts for cut, copy and paste
 Follow up with the copying and moving of text, cut and paste, drag and drop,
find and replace.

B. Hands – On
Let the students create a sentence and reproduce it for every line in a one
page document. They will be using the copy paste command on this activity.
Ask them to do some formatting on the texts applying their knowledge in the
previous lesson such as the use of format painter and the font dialog box.

Output will be collected through a google form link .

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