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A GRIHA Council Publication

A GRIHA Council Publication

©GRIHA Council and The Energy and Resources Institute, 2019

The GRIHA Council holds the copyright for the content – all text, layout, graphics, and other
elements-given in the manual. In the event of any injury, loss, or damage, the GRIHA Council or any
of its collaborating parties shall not be held liable. While the information presented in the manual
is thoroughly researched and believed to be consistent, reliable, and accurate, the information
given, either stated or implied, is without warranties of any kind, including concerns regarding the
accuracy, suitability, and wholeness.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means
without prior written permission of GRIHA Council and The Energy and Resources Institute.

Published by
The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Tel. 2468 2100
TERI Press Fax 2468 2144 or 2468 2145
Darbari Seth Block India +91 .Delhi (0) 11
IHC Complex Email
Lodhi Road Web
New Delhi – 110 003 / India

Printed in New Delhi, India

Section 1: Energy Management 1
Criterion 1 – Per Capita CO2 Emissions – Building and Transport 3
Criterion 2 – Operation and Maintenance 5
Criterion 3 – Efficient Outdoor Lighting 8
Criterion 4 – Onsite Renewable Energy Usage 10
Section 2: Occupant Health and Comfort 13
Criterion 5 – Visual Comfort 15
Criterion 6 – Thermal Comfort 19
Criterion 7 – Acoustic Comfort 23

Section 3: Air Quality 27
Criterion 8 – Indoor Air Quality 29
Criterion 9 – Number of Trees in School Campus 31
Section 4: Water Management 35
Criterion 10 – Optimizing Annual Water Consumption 37
Criterion 11 – Rainwater Harvesting 40
Section 5: Solid Waste Management 43
Criterion 12 – Waste Segregation 45
Criterion 13 – Treat Organic and Inorganic Waste 48
Section 6: Well-being and Social Aspects 51
Criterion 14 – Health and Hygiene 53
Criterion 15 – Social Initiatives 55
Section 7– Bonus 57
Criterion 16 – Bonus 59
Appendix 1 60
Occupant Health and Comfort
Appendix 2 62
Well-being and Social Aspects


Table 1: Energy management section criteria
Table 2: Basic metering requirements
Table 3: Point thresholds for total calculated installation
Table 4: Occupant health and comfort section criteria
Table 5: Indoor illuminance standards for Schools
Table 6: Inside design conditions for different air- conditioned spaces to meet thermal
comfort standards
Table 7: Thermal comfort conditions for non- air conditioned buildings
Table 8: Optimum size/ number of Fans for Rooms of Different Sizes
Table 9: Strategies for different building types
Table 10: Acceptable noise levels as per NBC 2016 guidelines
Table 11: Acceptable noise levels as per CPCB guidelines
Table 12: Air quality section criteria
Table 13: Water management section criteria
Table 14: List of organic and recyclable waste
Table 15: Bonus section criteria

Figure 1: Light shelves
Figure 2: Total daylighted area for horizontal fenestration
Figure 3: Total daylighted area for vertical fenestration
Figure 4: Heat gain in buildings through the envelope


Children are our greatest resource for the future and schools
are the facilitators for inculcating knowledge and values in
them. Schools, therefore, present a great opportunity for
driving change towards sustainability in our communities,
sensitizing young minds and presenting models for
GRIHA for Existing Day Schools is an attempt towards hand-
holding students, teachers, and institutions in understanding
and adopting sustainability. Moreover, GRIHA for Existing Day Schools holds potential
for evaluating environmental performance which can help take decisive steps
towards improving resource management in school buildings.
This exclusive rating for existing day schools is prudently designed to engage young
minds in the ‘greening’ process.  Simplified evaluation tools will help students
to assess their school’s performance and suggest adequate retrofits towards
stimulating resource efficiency in our built environment.
Since its inception, the GRIHA rating has been instrumental in driving India’s green
building movement. It is our endeavour to facilitate drivers of change at their very
inception by making sustainability intrinsic to the formal school curriculum of our
country. I hope this GRIHA variant will serve as a valuable learning resource and that
educational institutions, specifically day schools, will find it encouraging to adopt
this framework for evaluating the efficiency of their buildings.

Ajay Mathur


GRIHA for Existing Day Schools was introduced with the

intention to instill the concepts of sustainability in the
minds of children which are likely to be ingrained in them
once they grow and become responsible citizens. Students
have the potential to contribute in creating an enabling
ecosystem for meeting the challenges of environmental
degradation due to the onslaught of development. This is
an opportunity to allow children to establish contact with
nature and with each other using the approach of co-creation and understanding.
The rating is a dedicated assessment-cum-rating tool to evaluate overall
environmental performance and provide pioneering solutions for existing schools
to achieve enhanced energy and water efficiencies, increased thermal, visual, and
acoustic comfort, improved indoor air quality, and social integration. This tool
involves students and teachers throughout the entire rating process and also
sensitizes them towards their individual responsibility in the school.
This abridged manual of GRIHA for Existing Day Schools has been developed through
a consultative process across all stakeholders—ranging from school principals,
teachers, research professionals, and other stakeholders—closely associated with
I gratefully acknowledge the efforts invested by all the people associated with the
development of this rating and look forward to their continued support to enhance
and amplify it.

Sanjay Seth

Mr Sanjay Seth, CEO, GRIHA Council

Members of the Committee

Ms Shabnam Bassi, Secretary, GRIHA Council
Mr Akash Deep, Senior Manager, GRIHA Council
Ms Asha Bhattacharya, Assistant Director, Science, National Bal Bhawan
Mr B C Sabat, Director, MGICCC
Mr Gaurav Shorey, Founding Member, 5waraj
Mr Kabir Vajpayee, Principal Architect, VINYÃS – Centre for Architectural Research
Ms Livleen Kahlon, Fellow & Associate Director, Environmental Education and Awareness, TERI
Ms Mallika Preman, Principal, Tagore International School
Dr Praveen Kumar Gupta, Professor, Jagan Institute of Management Studies
Dr Ram Boojh, Mobius Foundation
Dr Rashi Bhargava, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Maitreyi College
Mr Sanjay Prakash, Managing Director/Principal Consultant, SHiFT Architects
Ms Sapna Sukul, Director, Petals World School
Ms Seema Bali, Vice Principal, St. Mary’s School
Ms Susan Thomas, Development Advisor, The Foundation School
Mr Varun Sethi, Assistant Manager-MDP & Ecotourism, TERI

Ms Gaura Saxena, Deputy Manager
Mr Ankit Bhalla, Deputy Manager
Ms Prathama Dolas, Project Officer
Ms Aakriti Sachdeva, Project Officer
Ms Gauri Mathur, Project Officer
Mr Shivam Sondhi, Assistant Project Officer


The GRIHA for Existing Day Schools, Version 2 abridged manual is a self-explanatory
guideline created by the GRIHA Council to facilitate the teachers and students in
their collaborative efforts to measure the greenness of their building. The manual is
a result of the perseverance, efforts, and commitment of the technical team along
with the experts who were involved in the formulation and upgradation of the
existing rating. The GRIHA Council extends their sincere gratitude to all the experts
for taking out time from their respective professional commitments and providing
valuable inputs.
We would like to thank Dr Ram Boojh, Mobius Foundation; Mr Sanjay Prakash,
Managing Director/Principal Consultant, SHiFT Architects; Mr Kabir Vajpayee,
Principal Architect, VINYÃS – Centre for Architectural Research; Mr Gaurav Shorey,
Founding Member, 5waraj; Ms Asha Bhattacharya, Assistant Director, Science,
National Bal Bhawan; Ms Livleen K Kahlon, Fellow & Associate Director, Environmental
Education and Awareness, TERI; Ms Mallika Preman, Principal, Tagore International
School; Dr Rashi Bhargava, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Maitreyi
College; Ms Susan Thomas, Development Advisor, The Foundation School; Ms Sapna
Sukul, Director, Petals World School; Dr B C Sabat, Director, MGICCC; Ms Seema Bali,
Vice Principal, St. Mary’s School; Dr Praveen Kumar Gupta, Professor, Jagan Institute
of Management Studies; Mr  Varun Sethi, Assistant Manager-MDP & Ecotourism,
TERI, for their productive insights that helped in putting together this manual.
The point weightage of the entire rating system has been developed based on the
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), conducted to define thresholds. GRIHA Council
would like to thank all the participants for taking out time to fill and submit the
Lastly, we would like to thank Dr Ajay Mathur, President, GRIHA Council, for his
leadership without which the development of this rating would not have been

AHU: Air Handling Unit MV: Mechanical ventilation
BEE: Bureau of Energy Efficiency MW: Mega Watt
BIS: Bureau of Indian Standards MWh: Mega Watt hours
BMS: Building management system NAAQS: National Ambient Air Quality
CFC: Chlorofluorocarbons  Standards
CO: Carbon monoxide NABL: National Accreditation Board
for Testing and Calibration
CO2: Carbon dioxide
CPCB: Central Pollution Control Board
NBC: National Building Code of India
dB: Decibel
O&M: Operation and maintenance
DG: Diesel generators
OWC: Organic waste composter
ECBC: Energy Conservation Building Code
PV: Photovoltaic
EESL: Energy Efficiency Services Ltd
RE: Renewable energy
FPM: Fine particulate matter
RH: Relative humidity 
GHGs: Greenhouse gases
RO: Reverse osmosis
GoI: Government of India
RSPM: Respirable particulate matter
GRIHA: Green Rating for Integrated Habitat
RWA: Resident Welfare Association
STP: Sewage treatment plant
HCFC: Hydrochlorofluorocarbons
TWh: Tera Watt hour
HT: High tension
UDI: Useful daylighting illumiance
HVAC: Heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning UJALA: Unnat Jyoti by Affordable LEDs for
Hz: Hertz
UNICEF: United Nations International
IAQ: Indoor air quality
Children’s Emergency Fund
kg: Kilo gram
U.S. EIA: U.S. Energy Information
km: Kilo meter Administration
kWh: Kilo Watt hours VOC: Volatile organic compound
LEDs: Light emitting diodes VRF: Variable refrigerant flow
Lm: Lumen W: Watt
LT: Low tension WASH: Water, sanitation & hygiene
MDGs: Millennium Development Goals WC: Water closet
MoEFCC: Ministry of Environment, Forest
and Climate Change


Ambient noise: The sound pressure levels associated with a given environment. Ambient noise is usually a
composite of sounds from near and far sources, none of which are particularly dominant.1
Audible Frequency Range: The range of sound frequencies normally heard by the human ear. The audible range
spans from 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz.2
Biodegradable substance: A substance that can be degraded by microorganisms into simpler, stable compounds.3
Biodegradable waste: Waste which includes organic waste, such as kitchen waste, vegetables, fruits, flowers, leaves
from the garden, and paper. 4
Biogas: Biogas typically refers to a gas produced by the biological breakdown of organic matter in the absence of
oxygen. Biogas originates from biogenic material and is a type of biofuel.5
Building maintenance: It is the work undertaken to maintain or restore the performance of the building fabric and
its services to provide an efficient and acceptable operating environment to its users.
Catchment area: The catchment of a water harvesting system is the surface, which receives rainfall directly and
contributes the water to the system. It can be rooftop, courtyard, paved area, lawn and so on.
CO2 emissions: Polluting carbon substances released into the atmosphere.
Composting: A controlled process involving microbial decomposition of organic matter.6
Electronic-type regulator: Electronic regulators are the latest type of regulators available in the market. These are
much smaller in size than resistance-type regulators. They use capacitors instead of resistors to decrease the voltage.
Capacitors regulate the fan speed by regulating the waveform of power supply. They do not get heated up and thus,
save electricity when the fan is running at low speeds. 7
Equivalent Sound Pressure Level (LAeq): Average A-weighted sound pressure level, using frequency weighting
and time weighing averages, determined within defined boundaries.
Evaporative cooling: It is a passive cooling technique suitable for hot climates with low humidity. The cooling of
air is achieved by simple evaporation of water in air. In highly humid climates, evaporative cooling may have little
thermal comfort benefit beyond the increased ventilation and air movement it provides.8
Insulation: Refers to thermal insulation materials, that is, materials used for making a building resistant to heat
ingress and egress. A thermal insulator is a poor conductor of heat and has low thermal conductivity. Insulation
materials may be divided into organic and non-organic groups (mineral fibres, glass wool, perlites) according to
their raw materials. Organic materials can be subdivided into more environment-friendly categories, such as natural
materials (cork, cotton, and wool) and less environment-friendly materials, such as synthetic materials (polyurethane
rigid foam and polystyrene).9
Landfilling: Disposal of residual solid wastes on land in a facility designed with protective measures against
pollution of groundwater, surface water and air fugitive dust, wind-blown litter, bad odour, fire hazard, bird menace,
pests or rodents, greenhouse gas emissions, slope instability, and erosion.10

National Building Code. 2016. Part 8 Building Services, Section 4 Acoustics, Sound Insulation and Noise Control, p. 5. New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards.

National Building Code. 2016. Part 8 Building Services, Section 4 Acoustics, Sound Insulation and Noise Control, p. 5. New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards.

National Building Code of India 2016, Part 9, Plumbing Services, p. 5. New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards.

National Building Code of India 2016, Part 12, p. 5. New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards.

Ilaboya I R, Asekhame F F, Ezugwu M O, Erameh A A and Omofuma FE. 2010. Studies on Biogas Generation from Agricultural Waste; Analysis of the Effects of Alkaline

on Gas Generation. World Applied Sciences Journal 9(5): 537–545. Available at <
e=pdf>, last accessed on April 2, 2019.
National Building Code of India 2016, Part 9, Plumbing Services, p. 6. New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards.

Available at <>, last accessed on April 2, 2019.


National Building Code of India. 2016. Part 11- Approach to Sustainability, p. 64. New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards.

National Building Code of India. 2016. Part 11- Approach to Sustainability, p. 50. New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards.

Refer footnote 6

Light-emitting diodes: A light-emitting diode (LED) is a semi-conductor device that emits visible light when an
electric current passes through.
Light shelf: A daylighting system based on sun path geometry used to bounce the light off a ceiling, project it
deeper into a space, distribute it from above, and diffuse it to produce a uniform light level below.11
Low-emissivity glass: A low-emissivity coating is a microscopically thin, virtually invisible, metal or metallic oxide
coating deposited on a glazing surface. The coating may be applied to one or more of the glazing surfaces facing an
air space in a multiple-pane window. The coating limits radiative heat flow between panes by reflecting heat. In case
of air filled panes, the air gap between window panes can be filled with gases which have better thermal resistance
property than air, such as argon and krypton.12
Lumen (Lm): It is the SI unit of luminous flux. The luminous flux emitted within unit solid angle (one steradian) by a
point source having a uniform intensity of one candela.
Luminous efficacy: A measure of how well a light source produces visible light. It is the ratio of luminous flux to
power, measured in lumens per watt in the International System of Units (SI).13
Maintenance policy: Scope and course of action taken to achieve an organization’s objectives.
Mould: Moulds are part of the natural environment. Outdoors, moulds play a part in nature by breaking down
dead organic matter, such as fallen leaves and dead trees, but indoors, mould growth should be avoided. Moulds
reproduce by means of tiny spores; the spores are invisible to the naked eye and float through outdoor and indoor
air. Mould may begin growing indoors when mould spores land on wet surfaces. There are many types of moulds,
and none of these will grow without water or moisture.14
Municipal Solid Waste: Commercial and residential wastes generated in municipal or notified areas in either solid or
semi-solid form, excluding industrial hazardous wastes and construction and demolition waste but including treated
bio-medical wastes.15
Native plant: A plant indigenous to a particular locale.
Night flushing: Night flushing is the process whereby a building is flushed with cold ambient air for several hours
each night by means of a (natural or) mechanical ventilation system. This process lowers the heat stored in the
building structure such that the space heat gain may be reduced the following day. 16
Non-biodegradable waste: Waste which cannot be decomposed by biological processes is called non-
biodegradable waste. These are of two types—recyclable and non-recyclable. The former refers to waste having
economic values but destined for disposal and can be recovered and reused along with their energy value, such as
plastic, paper, old cloth, etc. Non-recyclable waste refers to those which do not have economic value of recovery,
such as carbon paper, thermo coal, tetra packs, etc.17
Non-motorized transport: Non-motorized transport includes any form of transportation that provides personal
or goods mobility by methods other than the combustion motor. For example, walking, cycling, human porterage,
handcarts/wheelbarrows, etc.18
Particulate matter: The term for a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air. Some particles, such
as dust, dirt, soot, or smoke, are large or dark enough to be seen with the naked eye. Others are so small that they can
only be detected using an electron microscope.19

National Building Code of India. 2005. Part 8 Building Services, Section 1 Lighting And Natural Ventilation, p. 6. New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards.

National Building Code of India. 2016. Part 11- Approach to Sustainability, p. 32. New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards.

Grum Franc and Becherer Richard. 1979. Optical Radiation Measurements, Vol 1. New York: Academic Press.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2012 (reprinted). A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture, and Your Home, EPA 402-K-02-003. Washington DC: Office of Air and

Radiation, Indoor Environments Division, EPA.

Refer footnote 6

Jaco Vorster, R D. 2011. Sustainable cooling alternatives for buildings. Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, 22(4): 49–50.

Bharadwaj, Alok, Yadav, Divyanshu and Varshney, Shreyshi. 2015. Non-Biodegradable Waste – Its Impact and Safe Disposal. International Journal of Advanced

Technology in Engineering and Science. 3: 184–191.

Guitink Paul, Holste Susanne, and Lebo Jerry. 1994. Non-Motorized Transport: Confronting Poverty Through Affordable Mobility. Washington DC: Transportation,

Water and Urban Development Department, The World Bank. Available at <>, last
accessed on April 2, 2019.
Available at <>, last accessed on April 2, 2019.


Per capita: For each person; in relation to people taken individually.
Plumbing system: The plumbing system shall include the water supply and distribution pipes; plumbing fittings
and traps; soil, waste, vent pipes and anti-siphonage pipes; building drains and building sewers, including their
respective connections, devices, and appurtenances within the property lines of the premises; and water-treating or
water-using equipment.
Rainwater harvesting system: Water harvesting techniques which harvest runoff from roofs or ground surfaces fall
under the term ‘rainwater harvesting’.20
Recycling: The process of transforming segregated solid wastes into raw materials for producing new products,
which may or may not be similar to the original products.21
Renewable energy: A resource that is available naturally, harnessed, and can be replenished.
Resistance-type regulators: Traditional regulators used in our homes in the past which have resistors to decrease
the voltage of the ceiling fan. The resistor heats up while decreasing the voltage and thus the electricity saved by
reducing the fan speed is lost as heat in the regulator. The internal heat also damages the regulator in the long run. 22
Reverberation time: Time required for the sound pressure level to decrease by 60 dB after the sound source has
Segregation: To separate the municipal solid wastes into the groups of organic, inorganic, recyclables, and
hazardous wastes.24
Sewage treatment plant: A place where sewage is cleaned from the waste water generated so that it is not harmful
or dangerous to the environment.
Sick-building syndrome: The term ‘sick building syndrome’ (SBS) is used to describe situations in which building
occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building, but no
specific illness or cause can be identified. The complaints may be localized in a particular room or zone or may be
widespread throughout the building.25
Sound: A vibrational disturbance, exciting hearing mechanisms, transmitted in a predictable manner determined by
the medium through which it propagates. To be audible, the disturbance shall have to fall within the frequency range
of 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz.26
Task lighting: Fixed task lighting refers to a non-movable light source dedicated to lighting a specific task.
Ventilation: Supply of outside air into or the removal of inside air from an enclosed space.
Vermi-composting: A process of using earthworms for conversion of biodegradable wastes into compost.27
Volatile organic compounds: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are emitted as gases from certain solids or
liquids. VOCs include a variety of chemicals, some of which may have short- and long-term adverse health effects.
Concentrations of many VOCs are consistently higher indoors (up to ten times higher) than outdoors. VOCs are
emitted by a wide array of products numbering in the thousands.
Organic chemicals are widely used as ingredients in household products. Paints, varnishes, and wax all contain
organic solvents, as do many cleaning, disinfecting, cosmetic, degreasing, and hobby products. Fuels are made up
of organic chemicals. All of these products can release organic compounds while usage, and to some degree, when
they are stored.28

African Development Bank. Assessment of Best Practises and Experience in Water Harvesting Rainwater Harvesting Handbook. African Development Bank. Available
at <>, last accessed on April 2, 2019.
Refer footnote 6
Available at <>, last accessed on April 2, 2019.
National Building Code. 2016. Part 8 Building Services, Section 4 Acoustics, Sound Insulation and Noise Control, p. 6. New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards.
Refer footnote 6
Indoor Air Facts No. 4 (revised) Sick building syndrome. Available at <
pdf>, last accessed on April 2, 2019.
National Building Code. 2016. Part 8 Building Services, Section 4 Acoustics, Sound Insulation and Noise Control, p. 6. New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards.
National Building Code of India 2016, Part 9, p. 6. New Delhi: Bureau of Indian Standards.
Available at <>, last accessed on April 2, 2019.

India is considered to be the fastest growing economy in the world. It is the fourth largest emitter
of the greenhouse gases, accounting for 5.8% of the global emissions. Between 1990 and 2012,
India’s greenhouse gas emissions have increased by 67.1% and are projected to grow to 85% by
2030. The above statistics suggest that India is progressing at a rapid pace, although the growth
does not seem to be sustainable due to anthropogenic activities as is evident through a variety
of worsened climatic indications, such as deteriorating quality of air, increase in urban flooding
incidents, changing duration of seasons, etc.
Buildings, to some extent impact the ideology and thinking of its occupants. This is even more
valid for schools wherein students spend almost majority their waking hours during their formative
years. The values and lessons learnt at school become the foundation for students’ outlook in life.
Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that students absorb maximum positive values from
their time spent in school. Studies suggest that the children who study in ‘sustainable’ schools
possess higher pro-environmental attitude and more frequently behave environment friendly
compared to those in the schools with conventional design. Learning in a conducive environment
helps improve the performance of students as well.
The GRIHA for Existing Day Schools has been developed as a framework to evaluate and rate the
environmental performance of existing schools across India. The rating intends to develop a
proactive attitude amongst the students and teachers to reduce their environmental footprint and
adopt a greener lifestyle. The evaluation would be done using calculators with pre-fed data and
the students and teachers will be working collaboratively to meet the requirements of the rating.
The rating intends to imbibe the concept of resource conservation by means of learning through
play activities thereby converging towards the national targets.


Any existing school is eligible to apply for the GRIHA for Existing Day Schools rating, provided it
complies with the mandatory requirements of the rating.
Each school, registered under the rating, would need to shortlist a team (to be called as ‘Eco
Team’) which shall be working on the project.  The team shall comprise of students, various
subject teachers (physics, biology, environmental sciences, etc.), facility management officials,
administration officials, and any other person deemed suitable for complying with the
requirements of the rating criteria. Each section would be the responsibility of one teacher and a
student along with a team of students working with them. The entire Eco Team would be headed
by a student and teacher representative who should also be a part of the orientation workshop
which will be conducted for the school post project registration.


Online registration – The project proponent can initiate the registration process by filling the
expression of interest (EoI) form available on the GRIHA website. The registration is complete after
the feasibility checklist is successfully completed by the project team. On successful payment of the
requisite fees, the project gets registered for GRIHA for Existing Day Schools rating.
Orientation workshop – The registration is followed by an orientation workshop conducted by
the GRIHA Council which intends to provide detailed information of the rating, all criteria, and to
address specific queries of the project team.
Collection of building data and filling survey forms and calculators – Eco Team, under the
guidance of teachers, will collect the various building-related data and use the survey form and
calculators to analyse their school’s environmental performance.
Interim site visit (optional) – The project team can choose for an interim site visit to be conducted
by GRIHA Council officials by paying additional charges. The interim visit helps the team to collate
the data required and clarify any specific doubts at the site.
First submission of documents – The project team will then compile and submit documents
according to the criteria.    
Final site visit – Once the data is collected, forms and calculators are filled and submitted. The
GRIHA Council officials will conduct a final site visit to verify the submitted documentation with the
on-site implementation and also to verify compliance with various criteria in the rating.
Final submission of documents – After the GRIHA Council officials’ visit on the site, the project
team will submit the second set of documents for review based on the comments made during the
first site visit.
Final review by GRIHA Council – The GRIHA Council shall evaluate the submitted documentation.
Award of rating – Final rating will be awarded based on the documentation submitted and
observations made during site visit/s .

The GRIHA for Existing Day Schools rating is a performance-oriented where points are earned for meeting the intent
(appraisals) of the criteria. Each criterion has a certain number of points assigned to it. Compliance, as specified in
the relevant criterion, have to be submitted in the prescribed format. While the intent of some of the criteria is self-
validating in nature, there are others, such as energy consumption, thermal and visual comfort, noise control, and
indoor pollution levels, which need to be validated on site through performance monitoring. The points related to
these criteria (specified under the relevant sections) are awarded after on site verification and also on the basis of
documents and/or photographs to support the claims.
The GRIHA for Existing Day Schools rating is a 50-point system consisting of 16 criteria categorized under the following
six sections—Energy Management; Occupant Health and Comfort; Air Quality; Water Management; Solid Waste
Management; Well-being and Social Aspects and Bonus section. 8 of these 16 criteria have mandatory clauses while
the rest are optional. It means that a project fulfilling the criterion requirement would qualify for the corresponding
point/s. Also, if the project is not complying with the mandatory clauses, the project would be denied the rating.
Different levels of certification (one star to five stars) are awarded based on the number of points achieved. The
minimum percentile required for certification is 25.

Percentile threshold Achievable Stars as per GRIHA for

Existing Day Schools




46 and above

All day schools (excluding hostel/ residential facilities) which have been operational for at least 1 year are eligible for
certification under GRIHA for Existing Day Schools rating.


Criterion 1 – Per capita CO2 emissions – building and
ENERGY MANAGEMENT Criterion 2 – Operation and maintenance 3
(12 Points)
Criterion 3 – Efficient outdoor lighting 2

Criterion 4 – Onsite renewable energy usage 3

Criterion 5 – Visual comfort 3

COMFORT Criterion 6 – Thermal comfort 3
(8 Points)
Criterion 7 – Acoustic comfort 2

AIR QUALITY Criterion 8 – Indoor air quality 2

(6 Points) Criterion 9 –Number of trees 4

WATER MANAGEMENT Criterion 10 – Optimizing annual water consumption 5

(8 Points) Criterion 11 – Rainwater harvesting 3

SOLID WASTE Criterion 12 – Waste segregation 4

(7 Points) Criterion 13 – Recycling organic and inorganic waste 3

WELL-BEING AND SOCIAL Criterion 14 – Health and hygiene 3

(9 Points) Criterion 15 – Social initiatives 6

Criterion 16 – Bonus 2
(2 Points)
Total points 50 + 2 (bonus)

Criteria and their weightages

Energy management
Occupant health and comfort
Air quality
Water management
Solid waste management
12% Well-being and social aspects



ith the limited energy resources at India’s disposal, it has become imperative to be increasingly energy
efficient and re-engineer both new as well as existing buildings. Amongst all the public buildings
(constructed for educational purposes), schools are known for having the major social responsibility in
terms of imparting knowledge not only in academics but also in sustainability. Therefore, the energy performance of
these buildings is crucial.
School buildings are an example of public buildings with public ownership and hence, have ample opportunity
towards becoming energy efficient but within a limited budget. The limit on the annual budget of the schools arises
mainly due to the energy cost which in turn affects the overall running cost of the schools.
This section focusses on managing the overall energy consumption by the schools by assessing the carbon dioxide
(CO2) emissions in building and transportation thereby arriving at the per capita CO2 emissions value for the students.
It also aids the schools to have in place all the operation and maintenance protocols thus, ensuring cost savings in
the long run. Outdoor lighting is also targeted to be made efficient to reduce the energy consumption. Finally, the
section also promotes the installation of renewable energy-based power systems on site to harness green power.
Besides making the school energy efficient, students will get excellent opportunities for practical learning and real-
life applications while working on the various criteria under this section. Students can undertake and/or monitor
actions taken and thus learn this important aspect of sustainability.

This section contains 4 criteria as mentioned in Table1.

Table 1: Energy management section criteria


Criterion 1 Per capita CO2 emissions – building and transport 4
Criterion 2 Operation and maintenance 3
Criterion 3 Efficient outdoor lighting 2
Criterion 4 Onsite renewable energy usage 3

Activity Time

To educate the students about calculating the actual

electricity requirement of their respective classrooms
and thus arrive at the values, such as the number of units
consumed per day, per month, and annually. The intent
here is to instigate a conscientious thought process around
energy conservation in tandem with GRIHA’s motto –‘What
gets measured, gets managed’.




Enable students to assess the amount of energy invested in the buildings and
in vehicular transport and thereby calculate the school’s CO₂ emissions in both
the sectors.

In India, the sectors that have shown significant growth in the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are cement
production (6.0%), electricity generation (5.6%), and transport (4.5%).1 Further, our nation is committed to reduce its
carbon emissions by 30%-35% by the year 2030.2 As a step towards this target, determining carbon emissions in the
schools is crucial. Two key sectors have been identified in the context of schools – buildings and transport.
In a school building, electricity is used for several purposes ranging from artificial lighting –
indoor and outdoor, space ventilation and conditioning – use of ceiling fans or air conditioners,
refrigeration, heating water, cooking, office equipment, etc. This electricity is most commonly
sourced from polluting sources such as coal and diesel generators.
It is well known that vehicular emissions are increasing rapidly due to a sudden rise in the sale
of number of vehicles. This implies that the number of cars on a road shall be
exponentially high by the next decade if corrective steps are not taken.3 Use
of motorized transport leads to increased pollution as compared to
cycles, bikes, rickshaws, etc. Therefore, the school can reduce their
emissions by encouraging use of public transportation and school
buses, instead of use of private vehicles.

Things to do
• Keep your air conditioning systems on a moderate setting while you are in the room since running your AC at 27°C
versus 18°C can cut your electricity bill by over 30%.4
• Keep the tyres of vehicles well inflated.
• Travel by public transportation (e.g. buses, trains, metros, etc.) or simply choose to walk or cycle.
• Use the stairs as often as possible and avoid elevators.
• Regular maintenance of appliances, equipments, and vehicles will keep their efficiencies high.
• Switch off or unplug the appliances when not in use. Put stickers near switches to remind everyone to turn off all
the appliances at the end of class.
• Buy a laptop instead of desktop as it consumes less electricity. If you buy a desktop, go for a LED screen.

Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA, New Delhi: Print Press, May 2010.

Government of India, India’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions. New Delhi: Government of India, 2015.

Refer footnote 1

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Green Facts
About 7%-10% of units of electricity that we consume throughout a month
are wasted due to keeping the appliances in the standby mode.5 It is hence,
advisable that all the appliances should be switched off when not in use.
✿ Every liter of petrol saved keeps 2.5 kg of carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.6

✿ A computer turned off uses at least 65% less energy than a computer left on or
kept idle on a screen saver mode.7
✿ Around 90% of the electricity used by an incandescent bulb is wasted in the form
of heat.8

1.1 Appraisal
1.1.1 Calculate the building, transport and per capita carbon footprint according to CO₂ emissions calculator.
- 4 Points

1.2 Methodology
The per capita carbon emissions in GRIHA for Existing Day Schools rating are calculated using the four simple steps
mentioned below:
Step 1: CO2 emissions in Building (B):
B = Energy derived from a source (kWh/annum) X CO₂ emission factor of that source (tonnes/MWh)
»» (Note: In case of renewable energy, CO2 emissions are assumed to be 0)

Step 2: CO2 emissions in Transport (T):

T = Total distance (km) X CO₂ emissions for specified mode of transport (tonnes/km)
»» (Note: In case of cycling or any other Non-Motorised Transport, CO2 emissions are assumed as 0)

Step 3: Total strength of the school (P):

Total strength of the school = P = Total students+ Teachers+ School’s non-teaching staff.
Step 4: Calculating per capita CO2 emissions:
Per Capita CO2 emissions = (B+T)/P

1.3 Compliance
1.3.1 Perform calculations and submit duly filled energy calculator to demonstrate compliance.
1.3.2 Submit duly signed document listing the population of the school – students (fixed) and the teaching and
non-teaching staff.
1.3.3 Submit previous year’s energy consumption data from all major sources, such as utility, diesel, and RE
generation data in the form of bills.
1.3.4 Submit duly filled transportation survey formas shared in the energy calculator.

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To ensure that good practices are followed in operation and maintenance (O&M)
of the building and use of energy efficient appliances is promoted. It also focusses
on the need of basic metering of water and energy being consumed by the school.

Typically, in an existing building, the operation and maintenance expenses often reach three times as that of the
initial construction costs.9 This cost can certainly be brought down by considering improved practices
that take advantage of potential energy savings by identifying the O&M practices to be
routinely performed for the upkeep of several building systems like electrical, heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), plumbing, water treatment, renewable energy,
The government through various plans and policies has been promoting the use
of LEDs for efficient lighting and Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) star
labelled appliances for energy conservation over a decade now. This can
help the schools to marginally bring down their energy consumption.
With modernization of the nation’s electric infrastructure, metering
technologies have gained increasing importance. The schools should
not only take up the basic metering practices because of government
implications but also as a step towards measuring and managing their
actual energy and water consumption.

Things to do
• Replace incandescent bulbs and old lighting fixtures with energy-efficient lighting fixtures.
• Replace old energy-intensive air conditioners with BEE star labelled energy-efficient air conditioning systems.
• Make a habit to study and monitor your energy bills regularly.
• A lecture can be arranged from the O&M team of the school for the students for better understanding of various
maintenance practices.
• Share your knowledge on the importance of energy efficiency among friends and family.

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Green Facts
✿ The UJALA scheme launched by Energy Efficiency Services Ltd. (EESL) aims to
distribute 77 crore LEDs by March 2019 across 100 cities. The scheme will make
an enormous impact by securing: annual energy savings of 10,000 crore kWh,
79 crore tonnes of reduction in CO2 emissions per year, and avoid capacity
generation of nearly 20,000 MW.10
✿ The US EIA’s International Energy Outlook, 2017 projects that among all regions
of the world, the fastest growth in energy consumption in buildings through
2040 will occur in India. Energy consumption for residential and commercial
buildings in India is expected to increase by an average of 2.7% per year between
2015 and 2040, more than twice the global average increase.11

2.1 Appraisals
2.1.1 Ensure that maintenance protocols exist and that they are followed for (whichever applicable)
electrical, HVAC, plumbing, renewable energy (RE), rain water harvesting systems, for civil repair works,
and so on. - Mandatory
2.1.2 Ensure that the refrigerant used in refrigerating equipment and the HVAC systems must be
chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) free OR ensure that there is a phase out plan for CFC using equipment/
systems. - Mandatory
2.1.3 Ensure that the fire fighting systems must be halon free. - Mandatory
2.1.4 Maintain and follow a policy of purchasing appliances with at least 3-star BEE rating. - 1 Point
2.1.5 Demonstrate compliance with basic metering requirements as mentioned in Table 2. - 2 Points

Table 2: Basic metering requirements

Energy metering requirement - 1 Point Water metering requirement - 1 Point

Ensure regular monitoring of school’s Ensure regular monitoring of school’s water consumption by
energy consumption by installing digital installing digital meters at the following point sources:
meters at the following point sources: • Municipal supply
• Utility grid • Bore well
• Onsite renewable energy system • Tanker water
• Diesel generators, gas generators, • STP outlet
and so on.
Additionally, the quality of water used for various purposes
shall conform to relevant national standards (Bureau of Indian
Standards [BIS] or Central Pollution Control Board [CPCB]). Water
quality should be tested at least quarterly. - Mandatory

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2.2 Compliance
2.2.1 Submit proof of provision for a core facility/service group responsible for the operation and maintenance of
the building’s systems. This should be supported with the contract document (mutually signed between the
respective parties) or supportive documents, verified and signed by the responsible parties.
2.2.2 Submit maintenance and safety protocols followed by the facility management team covering the following
systems (whichever applicable):
• Electrical system: transformer, DG, HT and LT panels, and motors
• HVAC system: AHU, cooling tower, chillers and pumps, VRF, and ventilation fans
• Plumbing systems
• Renewable energy systems
• Sewage treatment plant and/or waste treatment plants
• Storm water drainage and rainwater harvesting systems
• All energy and water meters installed in the school
• Fire alarm and/or smoke detectors
2.2.3 Submit records and schedules of maintenance activity undertaken for all these systems in the last three
2.2.4 Submit specification sheets for the following (whenever applicable):
• HVAC and other cooling equipment in the building that are CFC free.
• Nameplate data of fire fighting systems that are halon free.
2.2.5 Submit a phase out plan for CFCs and HCFCs using equipment in the school fire fighting systems using halon,
if such equipment is currently used.
2.2.6 Submit verified purchasing policy documents/contracts incorporating provisions of procurement of BEE 3 star
labelled appliances.
2.2.7 Submit date stamped photographs of various types of meters installed in the school.
2.2.8 Submit latest water quality testing report of all applicable water sources, conducted by an National
Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) -accredited laboratory or by any other
government-approved laboratory.

To ensure that the effectiveness of outdoor lighting is increased by the use of
efficient lighting fixtures and suitable technologies.

Provision of outdoor lighting is primarily done to ensure safety. However, it is also seen that outdoor lighting is used
to make the building more visible and enhance their aesthetic value. In day schools, the students are not going to
benefit from outdoor lighting academically however; it is required to ensure security during the night time. Hence, it
is logical to increase its energy efficiency and in turn pay reduced energy costs.
Most often, it is seen that outdoor lighting does not provide adequate luminance whilst consuming large amounts
of energy. This occurs due to inadequacy in maintenance, inefficient lighting fixtures, and use of obsolete lighting
technologies. There are numerous energy-efficient lighting fixtures and technologies available in the market with low
payback periods.

Things to do
• Conduct a walkthrough audit and look for unused lighting lamps and remove them as they are redundant.
• Ensure that all the lamps are cleaned and dust is not settled on them, as that may have an impact on the
lighting output.
• Install automatic controls for outdoor lighting.

Green Facts
✿ Based on the report published by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, it is
estimated that the gross energy consumption for public lighting will be increased
to 13.2 TWh in the year 2020 in India.12
✿ Energy costs can reduce up to 30%-50% with automatic energy control.13

Johnson, A., Phadke, A., & Can, S. (2014). Energy Savings Potential for Street Lighting in India, Berkeley: Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

US Department of Energy.Exterior Lighting Control Guidance.Tennessee : US Department of Energy, August 2013




3.1 Appraisals
3.1.1 Ensure that all outdoor lamps would comply with the GRIHA luminous efficacy threshold of 75 lumen/watt.
- 1 Point
3.1.2 Demonstrate that all outdoor lights are controlled through automatic controls. - 1 Point

3.2 Methodology
To ensure that the outdoor lighting fixtures are efficient, their luminous efficacy value should be more than the
GRIHA threshold of 75 lumen/watt.
The luminous efficacy can be calculated as per the formula mentioned below:
Luminous Efficacy = Lumen output of lamp (Lm) /connected load of the lamp (W)
(Note: Both these values shall be provided in the specification sheet of the lamp)
For example –
If an outdoor lighting fixture has luminous flux is 3000 lm and consumes 25 W power,
Luminous efficacy = 3000/25 = 120 Lm/W (which is greater than 75 Lm/W)

3.3 Compliance
3.3.1 Submit duly filled energy calculator for all outdoor lamps with their respective efficacy calculations.
3.3.2 Submit date stamped site photographs demonstrating installation of automatic controls for outdoor lighting.

To promote the use of renewable energy technologies and enable green energy
generation on site.

Renewable energy is any natural resource that can replenish itself very fast and is
inexhaustible. They are abundant, sustainable, environmentally-friendly, and accessible
to all which makes them better sources of fuel as compared to other fossil fuels, such as
coal and oil, which will eventually deplete and are polluting in nature.
Renewable energy systems have witnessed great inclination and popularity across
the world due to their widespread market and growing economics. At least 30 nations
around the world have already renewable energy contributed more than 20% to their
respective energy supply.14 Various sources to derive green power are wind energy,
solar energy, geothermal energy, bio energy, hydro energy, etc.

Things to do
• Read more about the renewable energy sources and make small models or projects to understand them/their
working better.
• Organize lecture series for the students so that, they can see and learn about renewable energy technologies from
the experts.
• Conduct a small audit to see if any renewable energy technology (like solar) can be used to save money for water
heating, lighting or to provide back-up electricity for computers and other critical services.

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Green Facts
✿ Portugal in 2016, made a record to become entirely reliant on renewable energy
sources after running for 107 hours without using any fossil fuels.15
✿ China in 2017, built 2 wind turbines every hour.16

✿ Siemens built the first ever commercial offshore wind turbine 30 years ago. Its
blades were 5 m long, producing just 30 kilowatts of power. The latest model has
75 metre blades, producing 6 megawatts (25,000 times as much) – enough to
power 6,000 homes.17
✿ A household rooftop solar panel system can
reduce pollution by 100 tonnes of carbon dioxide
in its lifetime — and this includes the energy to
manufacture the solar panels.18 Solar panels can
improve future air quality for humans as well as
the millions of birds, fish, and mammals that are
negatively affected by pollution each year.

4.1 Appraisal
4.1.1 Ensure that the rated capacity of renewable energy system (Solar PV/Solar hot water19 system/Biomass/
Geothermal/Wind turbine) installed on site confirms to installation @ 1kWp per 500 m2 of the total built up
area thresholds as mentioned in Table 3:
Table 3: Point thresholds for total calculated installation

Percentage of total calculated installation @ 1kWp per 500 m2 (on site only) Points
At least 25% Mandatory
At least 50% 1
More than 50% 3

4.2 Methodology
As per this criterion, the onsite installation should be in conformity with the GRIHA threshold of @ 1kWp per 500 m².
For example -
If the built up area of the project is 5000 sq. m, then as per the GRIHA threshold, installation capacity of the
renewable energy plant will be = 5000/500 = 10 kWp
Hence, to demonstrate compliance with mandatory requirement plant capacity of 25% of 10 kWp
must be installed = 2.5 kWp
Further, to achieve 1 point plant of capacity, 5 kWp should be installed (i.e. 50%), on site.

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100 LPD solar hot water system will be equivalent to 1.5 kWp.

4.3 Compliance
4.3.1 Submit purchase orders of the renewable energy system installed along with technical specification sheet
highlighting the performance of the applicable technology (as tested under standard test conditions).
4.3.3 Submit photographs clearly showing the installation of renewable energy systems on site.
4.3.3 If the renewable energy system is proposed to be installed, then submit the feasibility report.




chools are a complex building typology comprising several space functions, such as classrooms, labs,
auditoriums, assembly halls, sport facilities, etc. Each of the space types include varied lighting and thermal and
acoustic comfort requirements which need to be maintained to ensure proper functioning as well as adequate
comfort levels for all the occupants.  Adequate comfort conditions in the school environment not only ensure
better performance levels by the students and staff alike but also help in the prevention of long-term disorders and
Since students spend a major part of their day in the school premises, it is imperative to provide them with a
healthy, clean, and a thermally comfortable learning environment. Moreover, day schools have a great potential for
harnessing daylighting which is important for the human body to produce certain essential hormones and vitamins.
If properly addressed, daylight harnessing can also lead to substantial energy savings in the building.
In addition, with the increasing onset of sick-building syndrome, maintaining the prescribed temperature, humidity,
and acoustic levels in regularly occupied spaces is quintessential for the prevention of diseases and improved
student and staff performance.
This section focusses on examining compliance with the several standards governing comfort conditions ranging
from visual, thermal and acoustic levels as per Indian climatic conditions and suggesting strategies for improving the
comfort levels to ensure optimum indoor environmental quality.
Students acquire hands-on experience of learning tools to measure daylighting in their classrooms and understand
the different comfort parameters within their space. This section also sensitizes young minds about the demerits
of studying in a visually, thermally, acoustically uncomfortable environment and helps them learn strategies for
improved comfort and the subsequent energy savings.

As is visible in Table 4, this section contains 3 criteria.

Table 4: Occupant health and comfort section criteria


Criterion 5 Visual comfort 3
Criterion 6 Thermal comfort 3
Criterion 7 Acoustic comfort 2

Activity Time

To sensitize students on the varying climatic conditions

across India and the challenges associated with providing
comfort in the respective climatic conditions, exercises
will be conducted to identify different climate zones and
respective strategies for enhancing occupant comfort for
each of them.




To ensure that the classrooms are well lit with adequate lighting levels thus
ascertaining a visually comfortable environment for the occupants. Measures
should be taken to maximize daylight harnessing and minimize eye strains and

Light plays a significant role in creating a pleasant environment for occupants in a building. ‘Visual comfort’ in a
built space is attained when the quality, quantity, and distribution of lighting is appropriate for carrying out specific
activities. ‘Visual comfort’ is a prerequisite in school buildings as it is a learning environment and has an impact on the
productivity of students. Research has shown that appropriate lighting and student’s performances are co-related*.
In the 1960s, school buildings were designed to harness natural daylight through use of courtyards, light shelves,
roof openings, etc., with a strong connection with the outdoor environment. However, with the advent of electricity,
schools started depending on electrical sources and compromising on appropriate lighting design strategies
specific to the climate. In buildings, good lighting is defined by various parameters ranging from location and
sizes of windows, external shading devices, orientation of the windows, types of lighting used, the age of lamps,
maintenance, etc. The synergies amongst passive design, artificial lighting, and energy efficient lighting are to be
identified for good lighting design.

Things to do
1 Promote daylighting:
• Install light shelves within existing windows for daylight penetration in the
• Use light colour finishes on walls and reflective paint on ceilings and other
surfaces as they brighten up the room. Avoid using dark colours.
• Install operable shading devices to cut glare (especially on the south and west
• Plant deciduous trees along windows to avoid glare and enhance diffused
lighting in summers and allow the winter sun to penetrate the interiors.

Sloped, highly reflective ceiling

brings daylight deep into the room

Translucent light-shelf bounces light into classroom and

provides diffused light near window to prevent glare
Louvers block high-angle summer sun,
let in low angle winter sun

Windows positioned for soft

daylight on teaching wall

Light coloured countertops and

floors reflect light into the room

»» Figure 2: Light shelves

* R.W.Philips. Educational Facility Age and the Academic Achievement and Attendence of Upper Elementary School Students & 1: 1sr Edu, University of Georgia,
1997; pp178

2 Optimize lighting fixtures :
• Install task lighting for detailed tasks (e.g. lab work) and to reduce eye strain.
• Replace all flickering lamps, dim lamps, warm-coloured lamps with more efficient ones.
• Lighting fixtures should be cleaned regularly to minimize dim lighting.
• The colour of the lamp (e.g. warm or cool) and exact positioning (e.g. centre of ceiling/walls) with respect to the
students is to be well thought over.
• Consider the function of each room and install/replace fixtures accordingly to meet the required lux levels.

Green Facts
✿ Students with the most daylighting in their classrooms progressed 20% faster in
maths and 26% in reading in one year than those with the least.1
✿ In a study of 90 Swedish elementary school students, over the course of a year,
in four classrooms with varying daylighting levels results indicates work(ing) in
classrooms without daylight may upset the basic hormone pattern, and this in
turn may influence the children’s ability to concentrate or cooperate, and also
eventually have an impact on the annual body growth and absenteeism.2

5.1 Appraisals
5.1.1 Ensure that the total daylighted area (as defined in 5.2.1) is ≥ 25% of the living area.3 - Mandatory
5.1.2 Ensure that the total daylighted area (as defined in 5.2.1) is ≥ 50% of the living area. - 1 Point
5.1.3 Demonstrate that over 50% of living area meets NBC - 2016 recommended lux levels. - 1 Point
5.1.4 Demonstrate that over 75% of living area meets NBC - 2016 recommended lux levels. - 2 Points

Heschong Mahone Group, “Daylighting in Schools,î Pacific Gas and Electric Company on behalf of the California Board for Energy Efficiency Third Party Program,

August 1999
Kuller, R. and C. Lindsten, “Health and Behavior of Children in Classrooms with and without Windows,î Journal of Environmental Psychology, 12, pp. 305-317, 1992

Living area is defined as the functional area or full-time occupied area of the building that needs daylight for various activities. Total built-up area of the building is

not equal to the total living area. The percentage of day-lit area is calculated by dividing the daylighted area by the total living area of the concerned building. Living
areas in school buildings include Classrooms- desktop/ blackboard and Laboratories; Offices- general, drawing/ typing, enquiry; Libraries- reading room, counter
area, catalogue room; Kitchens and any other regularly occupied spaces. (Basement areas, store rooms, toilets and AV rooms with special lighting requirements may
be excluded from the calculation.)



5.2 Methodology
For meeting daylighting compliance as per Appraisal 5.1.1 & 5.1.2 the following methodology should be adopted:
5.2.1 Daylighting compliance: The daylight illuminated floor area under horizontal fenestration (Skylight) or
adjacent to vertical fenestration (window) as illustrated in Figure 2. The detailed working examples are
provided in Appendix 1 for reference.
a) Horizontal fenestration: Horizontal fenestration is of three types— skylight, monitor, and saw tooth. The
daylighted area under various horizontal fenestrations extends beyond the dimensions of the aperture of
the top opening as demonstrated in the Figure 4:4


H Daylighted Daylighted H
Area Area

H 2H 1.5 H 1.5 H



Secon H Daylighted

H 2H
Ceiling height
opaque poron

Figure 2: Total daylighted area for horizontal fenestration

b) Vertical fenestration (window): The daylighted area under vertical fenestration extends to the floor plate
perpendicular to the side aperture, as demonstrated in Figure 3:

min. 160 lux


1 mt. W 1 mt.

Secon PLAN

»» Figure 3: Total daylighted area for vertical fenestration

ECBC user guide 2007


5.2.2 Lux level compliance: The lighting requirements will vary depending on the function of each room. For
instance, the lighting requirement in a classroom will differ from lighting requirements for a chemistry
laboratory or an art room as the intricacy of the task is higher in the latter.
The National Building Code of India (2005) guide provides the required range of light levels, both lower and higher
limit for various tasks in schools. The school should ensure that the classrooms are within this prescribed range
(Refer Table 5).
Table 5: Indoor illuminance standards for schools

S. No. Type of Interior or Activity Range of Illuminance (lux) Remarks

1. Assembly halls (General) 200-300-500 -
Special lighting to provide emphasis and
2. Platform and stage 200-300-500 to facilitate the use of the platform/stage is
3. Teaching spaces (General) 200-300-500 -
4. Lecture theatres (General) 200-300-500 -
5. Demonstration benches 300-500-750 Localized lighting may be appropriate
6. Seminar rooms 300-500-750 -
7. Art rooms 300-500-750 -
8. Needlework rooms 300-500-750 -
9. Laboratories 300-500-750 -
10. Libraries 200-300-500 -
11. Music rooms 200-300-500 -
12. Sports halls 200-300-500 -
13. Workshops 200-300-500 -

5.3 Compliance
5.3.1 Perform calculations and submit the duly-filled daylight calculator to demonstrate compliance with Appraisals
5.1.1 or 5.1.2.
5.3.2 Submit lux level audit report (audit conducted by GRIHA officials for all representative spaces for one day)
todemonstrate compliance with Appraisal 5.1.3 or 5.1.4.




To provide a thermally comfortable indoor learning environment, thus enabling
students to perform better. It also suggests strategies based on the building types
for improving thermal comfort.

Essentially conceived as shelters that protect humans from various weather conditions, building are designed to
create a positive, healthy, and productive environment for the end users. Thermal comfort is “that condition of mind,
which expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment” i.e. a state when a person feels neither too cold nor too
warm. The indicators for thermal comfort are environmental factors, such as air temperature, relative humidity, air
velocity, and personal factors, such as the type of activity, metabolic rate, and clothing layers.
Determining whether the students and teachers are comfortable in schools is extremely essential. Thermal comfort
has an impact on the learning ability and performance of the students and teachers.  For instance, if a classroom
is too warm due to a higher outdoor temperature, the attention span of students will be short as restlessness will
creep in, thereby affecting their productivity. In naturally-ventilated schools, many a times discomfort is caused if
classrooms are densely occupied, thereby causing higher internal heat gains. Thermal discomfort in classrooms can
lead to headaches, dizziness, and difficulty in breathing for students. Hence, it is necessary to identify the reasons for
discomfort and try to address them to create a pleasant-learning environment.

Things to do
• Seating arrangement in classrooms ca n be spaced out and re-arranged to improve comfort.
• Climate-appropriate dressing for students, for instance wearing ties during the summer season may be relaxed.
• Engage in discussions and feedback on thermal comfort and encourage innovative ideas.
• Specific control strategies may be implemented based on climatic zone and mode of cooling/ heating and


Green Facts 15% WINDOW


✿ Nearly 50% of the heat gains in a building (air-conditioned) are through glazing.5
✿ A seated student and a standing teacher can disseminate about 75 W and 100 W
heat respectively.6





»» Figure 4: Heat gain in buildings through the envelope in multistorey and single storey buildings respectively

Examining the Role of Building Envelope for Energy Efficiency in Office Buildings in India, Farheen Bano1, Mohammad Arif Kamal, Faculty of Architecture, Dr, A.P.J.
Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow, India, Architecture Section, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India
Moderate thermal environments – Determination
of the PMV and PPD indices and specification of the conditions for thermal comfort. (ISO), International Standards
Organisation. Geneva : International Standards Organisation, 2005. ISO EN 7730.

6.1 Appraisals
6.1.1 Demonstrate that the prescribed ‘post occupancy evaluation (POE)’ survey is conducted for atleast 25%
(>50% is ideal but not compulsory) of the student occupants7 and 50% of the staff occupants to identify
areas of improvement. - Mandatory
6.1.2 Ensure that over 50% of habitable area meets the thermal comfort conditions recommended by National
Building Code (NBC) 2016. - 2 Points
6.1.3 Ensure that at least 3 passive/ active design strategies are adopted for enhancing thermal comfort. -1 Point

6.2 Methodology
The NBC 2016 and GRIHA V.3 specify a range of comfort requirements for various space types. Hourly temperature
and humidity measurements have to be recorded (by GRIHA Council officials) to show that thermal comfort
conditions in representative air conditioned areas specified in Table 6 are met for one day (i.e. day of audit) for
buildings in all climate types.

Table 6: Inside design conditions for different air- conditioned spaces to meet thermal comfort standards

Sr. No. Category Inside design conditions

Summer Winter
DB 23oC – 26oC DB 23oC – 26oC
1 Classrooms
RH 50% – 60% RH not less than 40%
DB 23oC – 26oC DB 23oC – 26oC
2 Auditoriums
RH 50% – 60% RH not less than 40%

Hourly temperature and humidity measurements have to be recorded (by GRIHA Council officials) to show that
thermal comfort conditions in representative non-air conditioned areas specified in Table 7 are met for at least one
day (i.e. day of audit) in all representative regularly occupied spaces.

Student representatives from each of the classes above Class 6/ Grades 6 (Age 10 and above) must take the survey.



Table 7: Thermal comfort conditions for non-air conditioned buildings

Temperature Less than 33oC

Humidity Less than 70%
For mechanically-ventilated spaces, identify spots in classrooms that are not well ventilated and provide mechanical
ventilation by use of ceiling fans. Table 8 may be referred for the adequate number of BEE star-rated ceiling fans for
different room sizes. The additional guidelines for installation of fans are enumerated as follows:
• The height of fan blades above the floor should be (3H + W)/4, where H is the height of the room and W is the
height of work plane.
• The minimum distance between fan blades and the ceiling should be about 0.3 m.
• Electronic regulators should be used instead of resistance-type regulators for controlling the speed of fans.

Table 8: Optimum size/number of fans for rooms of different sizes

Sl Room
Optimum Size, mm/Number of Fans for Room Length
No. Width
m 4m 5m 6m 7m 8m 9m 10m 11m 12m 14m 16m

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

i) 3 1 200/1 1 400/1 1 500/1 1 050/2 1 200/2 1 400/2 1 400/2 1 400/2 1 200/3 1 400/3 1 400/3

ii) 4 1 200/1 1 400/1 1 200/2 1 200/2 1 200/2 1 400/2 1 400/2 1 500/2 1 200/3 1 400/3 1 500/3

iii) 5 1 400/1 1 400/1 1 400/2 1 400/2 1 400/2 1 400/2 1 400/2 1 500/2 1 400/3 1 400/3 1 500/3

iv) 6 1 200/2 1 400/2 900/4 1 050/4 1 200/4 1 400/4 1 400/4 1 500/4 1 200/6 1 400/6 1 500/6

v) 7 1 200/2 1 400/2 1 050/4 1 050/4 1 200/4 1 400/4 1 400/4 1 500/4 1 200/6 1 400/6 1 500/6

vi) 8 1 200/2 1 400/2 1 200/4 1 200/4 1 200/4 1 400/4 1 400/4 1 500/4 1 200/6 1 400/6 1 500/6

vii) 9 1 400/2 1 400/2 1 400/4 1 400/4 1 400/4 1 400/4 1 400/4 1 500/4 1 400/6 1 400/6 1 500/6

viii) 10 1 400/2 1 400/2 1 400/4 1 400/4 1 400/4 1 400/4 1 400/4 1 500/4 1 400/6 1 400/6 1 500/6

ix) 11 1 500/2 1 500/2 1 500/4 1 500/4 1 500/4 1 500/4 1 500/4 1 500/4 1 500/6 1 500/6 1 500/6

x) 12 1 200/3 1 400/3 1 200/6 1 200/6 1 200/6 1 400/6 1 400/6 1 500/6 1 200/7 1 400/9 1 400/9

xi) 13 1 400/3 1 400/3 1 200/6 1 200/6 1 200/6 1 400/6 1 400/6 1 500/6 1 400/9 1 400/9 1 500/9

xii) 14 1 400/3 1 400/3 1 400/6 1 400/6 1 400/6 1 400/6 1 400/6 1 500/6 1 400/9 1 400/9 1 500/9

Specific strategies can be implemented for enhancing thermal comfort in schools depending on the mode of cooling
and ventilation as defined in Table 9:

Table 9: Strategies for different building types

Naturally Ventilated Schools Air Conditioned Schools

Ensure there are no cooling losses though openings
Encourage cross ventilation
(air- tightness) — reduce infiltration by sealing gaps.
Install mechanical ventilation (fans/ coolers) in areas Minimize heat gain through external walls/ partitions
which do not meet thermal comfort requirements. by adding insulation/ vertical plantation.

Minimize heat gain through windows by replacing
Use evaporative cooling strategies to cool incoming air
existing glass with Low-emissivity glass or installing
from fenestrations (windows, etc.).
solar films.
Install shading devices on critical facades (South and
Use wind scoops, landscaping features, etc., to direct
West) to minimize heat gain while ensuring adequate
wind into interior spaces
Minimize heat gain through opaque building fabric Ensure that non- habitable rooms are NV or MV
(solid walls/ partitions) by adding insulation/ vertical (corridors, lobbies, storage facilities, toilets, vertical
plantation. circulation cores) with adequate wind flow.
Night flushing/ cooling strategies can be adopted to Adequate operations and maintenance to ensure
cool down buildings in hot summer months unused rooms do not have running air-conditioning
Mixed- mode ventilation (use of fans with ACs running
Install louvers on critical facades to allow for natural
at a higher set point) may be used in certain rooms to
ventilation while blocking harsh sun.
reduce energy consumption.
Night flushing/ cooling strategies can be adopted to
cool down buildings in hot summer months in case
there is provision of operable windows.

A combination of strategies can be used for mixed mode buildings while ensuring that there are no cooling losses
though openings (air-tightness)— reduces infiltration by sealing gaps especially between AC and NV spaces.

6.3 Compliance
6.3.1 Conduct survey and submit duly filled ‘post occupancy evaluation (POE)’ survey and supporting photographs
to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal 6.1.1.
6.3.2 Submit thermal comfort audit report (to be prepared by GRIHA officials) including hourly temperature and
humidity profiles of all representative spaces for at least 1 day to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal 6.1.1.
6.3.3 Submit space-wise temperature and RH schedule maintained through BMS for all seasons (summer, winter,
and monsoon, etc.) for centrally air-conditioned spaces.
6.3.4 Submit report and photographs to show fan placement in mechanically-ventilated spaces to demonstrate
compliance with Appraisal 6.1.2.




To enhance acoustic comfort in the classrooms so as to enable effective
communication and improved concentration level of students in schools.

Acoustics, as an aspect of comfort, determines the amount of noise that gets transmitted into the built space. A
built environment is acoustically comfortable when the outdoor noise (e.g.  traffic, trains) and indoor noise (e.g.
neighbouring rooms) are cut off, and effective communication or any specific function can be carried out without
disruption.8 In a learning environment, more than 60% of activities involve communication between teachers and
students hence, it is imperative that these environments are made
acoustically comfortable.9 Classrooms have become an environment
for multimedia communications, further increasing the importance
of classroom acoustics. Noise pollution results in distraction of the
attention span of students and leads to reduced productivity. On the
other hand, the concentration level of students has been found to
increase if the classroom environment enables clear communication
with improved acoustics.
Good acoustics support easy verbal communication due to low noise
levels and fewer reverberations, thereby, aiding in the process of
learning. In the past, classrooms may have been constructed without
adequate consideration of sound acoustical principles. The sources
of noise hampering students’ concentration include noise from
sources outside the school (vehicular traffic and aircraft flyover); noise
from the hallways (foot traffic and conversation); noise from other
classrooms (amplified sound systems and inadequate partition sound
transmission loss); noise from mechanical equipment (compressors,
boilers, and ventilation systems), and noise within the classroom itself

Things to do
• Conduct exercises or games to create awareness about consequences of higher noise exposures among students.
• Relocate activities or events with higher noise intensity away from the classrooms.
• Use noise barriers, such as use of dense plantation of trees, to block outdoor noise.
• The acoustical comfort in classrooms can be improved using various noise
absorbing materials, such as acoustic ceiling and wall panels.
• To reduce noise from adjoining classrooms, doors should not be adjacent
to each other or directly across from each other. Rather, offset the door
locations to extend the sound travel path from one classroom to the next.
• Natural ventilation using operable windows is desirable in appropriate
climate zones. However, before committing to that strategy, it is
important to be aware of the outdoor acoustical environment around the
building. Unacceptable levels of continuous or intermittent outdoor noise
can preclude the use of this sustainable design strategy.

Pelegrìn-Garcìa D, Brunskog, Lyberg-Ahlander V, Lofqvist. A: Measurement and prediction of voice support and room gain in school classrooms. s.l. : J. AcoustSoc

Am.131(1):194-204, 2012.
Accredited Standards Committee, Noise. 2002.

Green Facts
✿ Research has found that schools that have classrooms with less external noise
are positively associated with greater student engagement and achievement
compared to schools with classrooms that have noisier environment.10
✿ In recent years, lifestyle changes, such as extensive use of earphones, portable
speakers, rise in music concerts, etc., among young children has led to partial
hearing impairment in early years. Thus, more than ever, characterization of
noise sources in school campuses, such as cafeteria, playground, corridors, etc.,
will enable in making appropriate changes.

7.1 Appraisals
7.1.1. Demonstrate that the outdoor decibel levels are in compliance with the Central Pollution Control Board
(CPCB). - 1 Point
7.1.2 Demonstrate that the indoor decibel levels are in compliance with NBC 2016. - 1 Point

7.2 Methodology
Since acoustics is a quantifiable parameter, comparative analysis may be undertaken for different locations in the
school campus. Principally, one has to identify the cause of noise pollution in the school campus and address the
factors independently to provide an acoustically comfortable learning environment. The parameters that affect
acoustic comfort are reverberation time, sound insulation, background noise, etc. The solutions will be specific to the
function of the room, for instance the acoustics for a music room will vary from those for an auditorium or classroom.
The noise levels can be monitored in different locations by use of decibel meter. The monitored results should be
within the prescribed limits as specified in Tables 10 and 11. These levels are to be entered in the given audit report
format and submitted.

Table 10: Acceptable indoor noise levels as per NBC 2016 guidelines

SI No. Location Noise Level dB(A)

1 Auditoriums and concert halls 20–25
2 Radio and TV studios 20–25
3 Cinemas 25–30
4 Music rooms 25–30
5 Hospitals, and cinema theatres 35–40
6 Apartments, hotels and homes 35–40
7 conference rooms, small offices and libraries 35–40
8 Courtrooms and classrooms 40–45
9 Large public offices, banks and stores 45–50
10 Restaurants 50–55

Available at,, last accessed on 4 April, 2019 




Table 11: Acceptable outdoor noise levels as per CPCB guidelines

Time Base Standard limits as per WHO guidelines

Specific Environment
(hours) LAeq [dB] LAmax, fast [dB]
Outdoor living area 16 50–55 -
School, playground During 55 -
outdoor play
Ceremonies, festivals, and 4 100 110
entertainment events
Public addresses, indoors 1 85 110
and outdoors
Impulse sounds from toys, - - 120 –140 (peak sound pressure
fireworks and firearms (not LAmax, fast), measured 100
mm from the ear)
Outdoors in parkland and - Existing quiet outdoor areas -
conservation areas should be preserved and the
ratio of intruding noise to natural
background sound should be kept

7.3 Compliance
7.3.1 Submit audit report to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal 7.1.1.
7.3.2 Submit audit report to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal 7.1.2.


onsidering the fact that schools are congregation spaces for a large number of children who are generally more
vulnerable to diseases and disorders, it is essential that adequate comfort conditions are maintained for them
within the school environment.
Moreover, children are more vulnerable to airborne pollutants than adults because their developing lungs breathe
more air compared to their bodies, and their underdeveloped ability to communicate concerns in response to
pollutant levels.1 This necessitates the need for maintaining good indoor air quality.
The advent of new varieties of paints and sealants poses the increased threat of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
in the indoor environment which have been associated with a range of respiratory problems. Since there may be
additional contaminants within the indoor environment with grave health effects, it is essential to address and
monitor not only the materials used in the indoor spaces but also ensure adequate air changes for removal of
airborne contaminants.
Another, more natural, way of improving the air quality is by propagating the greater plantation of trees. Trees play
a critical role in enhancing the quality of surrounding air by acting as natural air filters to remove dust, smoke, noise,
and fumes and soothe the environment. Dense plantation of trees in a school campus can lead to a significant drop
in the indoor temperatures of buildings, bringing down the air conditioning demand, and augmenting the quality of
life. Schools are a great place to inculcate the habit of nurturing trees and caring for the environment. Trees also raise
the aesthetic value of a space whilst providing shade.
This section focusses on the various factors governing the indoor air quality and its appropriate measurement to
devise means to improvise it. It also reiterates on the importance of preserving trees and enhancing their plantation
within the school campus.  

This section contains 2 criteria as mentioned in Table 12.

Table 12: Air quality section criteria


Criterion 8 Indoor air quality 2
Criterion 9 Number of trees 4

Activity Time

Identify and compile a list of plants which will enhance the

indoor air quality and place them inside the classroom. This
way, students will not only connect with nature but the
plants will also generate tremendous amount of oxygen
and pass on the legacy to new comers which will create
an improved and cleaner environment for the younger

What do we know about indoor air quality in school classrooms? A critical review of the literature, Lia Chatzidiakou*, Dejan Mumovic and Alex James Summerfield,

Intelligent Buildings International Vol. 4, No. 4, October 2012, 228– 259




To improve the indoor air quality (IAQ) of classrooms and ensure a healthy

We are all aware of the rising outdoor pollution levels due to vehicles and
industries in the urban cities and their effects on health. However, it is proven
that indoor air pollution is known to cause more harm to health than outdoor
pollution, as most people spend 90% of time indoors. In schools, indoor air quality
is a primary concern as it directly affects health, thus causing headaches, fatigue,
cough, allergic reactions, and breathing disorders amongst students and teachers.
Understandably, this affects the learning ability, speed of response, concentration
levels, and compromises on the productivity of the students and teachers.
Indoor air pollution is caused by moulds and dampness, reduction in ventilation
rates, use of synthetic building materials & furnishings, use of toxic chemicals in
paints, adhesives, sealants, pesticides, and cleaning agents are proven to harm
the health of the occupants. All these materials release various pollutants, such
as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, lead, and fine particulate matter which directly
affect health. The presence of dirt, moisture, and warmth stimulates the growth of
mould and other biological contaminants. Unsanitary conditions attract insects
and vermin, leading to possible IAQ problems from animal or insect allergens.
Excessive or improper use of pesticides for secondary control of insects, vermin, and head lice can also cause IAQ
problems. Thus, it is essential that the indoor air quality is monitored on regular basis and action is taken to improve
the quality of air to provide a healthy and productive learning environment to the students.2

Things to do
• Keep indoor plants in classrooms that are proven to improve air quality.
• If you spot mould growth or dampness in any classroom, report it to the school teachers.
• When a room is newly painted and smells different, spread the word among other students and do not go to
the room until the smell subsides completely. Also, open all doors and windows in the room to flush out the

Green Facts
✿ Itis estimated that in a crowded living and learning environment, more than 50%
of children suffer from some kind of asthma or allergies.3
✿ Rising respiratory disease has led to increasing research focus on IAQ in schools.
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports conclude that asthma is the
most common chronic disease and the leading cause of hospitalization among
WHO guidelines for indoor air quality: dampness and mould, ISBN 978 92 890 4168 3.

T. Karimipanah, H.B. Awbi, M. Sandberg and C Blomqvist. Investigation of Air Quality, comfort parameters and effectiveness for two floor level air supply systems in

classrooms. s.l: Building and Environment 42, 2007. pp. 647-655.

WHO guidelines for indoor air quality : dampness and mould, ISBN 978 92 890 4168 3, pp. xii

Non-applicability clause: Appraisal 8.1.1 is not applicable for naturally ventilated spaces and air conditioned
spaces with operable windows.

8.1 Appraisals
8.1.1 Ensure that indoor carbon monoxide (CO), respirable suspended particulate matter (RSPM), and fine
particulate matter (FPM) levels are in compliance with CPCB - NAAQ standards for air conditioned spaces (with
no operable windows). - 1 Point
8.1.2 Ensure that all interior paints are low VOC and lead free. - 1 Point

8.2 Methodology
The levels of indoor CO, RSPM - PM10, and FPM - PM2.5 are to be monitored in classrooms. The monitored results
should be within the prescribed limits as specified in Appraisal 8.1. These levels are to be entered in the given IAQ
audit report format and submitted.

8.3 Compliance
8.3.1 Submit IAQ audit report5 to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal 8.1.1.
8.3.2 Submit specification sheets and purchase orders (reflecting full quantities) for low VOC paints used in the
school interiors to demonstrate compliance with Appraisal 8.1.2.

IAQ audit should be conducted by a third party consultant if CO, RSPM, and FPM monitoring is not being done in schools already.




To preserve and protect the existing trees and plant native trees preferably
within on outside the school campus thereby improving the quality of air.

Trees are an integral part of our society.
Human beings have always been dependent
on trees for all kinds of needs, such as
food, oxygen, shelter, medicines, paper,
and so on. In recent times, with growing
urbanization, deforestation has become
rampant, contributing to climate change. It
is estimated that 18 million acres, roughly
the size of Panama, are lost each year
due to deforestation. Even during such
circumstances, trees aid in reducing the
impact of floods, soil erosion, and climate
change. Hence, protection, preservation,
and compensatory plantation of trees is
imperative and should be done on a wider
scale. Today, children and their families have
limited connectivity to nature. Many studies
have shown that naturalizing the learning
environment has numerous positive effects
on children, such as enhancing creativity,
boosting academic performance, increasing
physical activity, improving their eyesight, and
reducing stress.

Things to do
• Plant tree saplings within the school or outside the school campus.
• Take turns to water the saplings in your school campus.
• Carry out exercises among all age groups to connect with nature alongside creating awareness amongst your
• Explore about the species native to your agro-climatic zone.
• Read about the tree species which produce the highest and lowest amount of oxygen.

Green Facts
✿ Trees reduce the ‘greenhouse’ effect by removing carbon dioxide from the air
and releasing oxygen. Each year, a mature tree produces enough oxygen for 10
✿ Trees lower the surface and air temperatures by providing shade. Shaded
surfaces may be 20°F–45°F cooler than the peak temperatures of unshaded
✿ Trees properly placed around buildings can reduce air conditioning needs by
30% and can save 20% – 50% in energy used for heating.8
✿ One tree produces nearly 260 pounds of oxygen each year. One acre of trees
removes up to 2.6 tonnes of carbon dioxide each year.9
✿ Around 80,000 acres of forests disappear from the Earth everyday
(approximately equal to parking space for 2 crore vehicles).10

9.1 Appraisals
9.1.1 Ensure that the total number of trees planted within the school campus must comply with GRIHA
threshold11 – 1 tree per 160 sq.m. - Mandatory
9.1.2 Demonstrate that the project increases tree plantation (above the Appraisal 9.1.1) as mentioned in Table 13:

Table 13: Alternative approaches for increasing tree plantation

Alternative 1 Alternative 2
Onsite tree plantation Offsite tree plantation
25% 50% 1
50% 75% 2
75% 100% 4

»» Note: Please ensure that the trees planted onsite or offsite are native.

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accessed on 4 April, 2019
As deuined from MOEFCC threshold of 1 tree per 80 s.q.m


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9.2 Methodology
GRIHA threshold12 – 1 tree per 160 sq.m
For example -
Site area = 4000 sq. m

For Appraisal 9.1.1:

As per the mandatory clause (9.1.1), trees planted within the school campus (onsite);
                                                         = Site area/ GRIHA threshold
                                                         = 4000/160
                                                     T = 25 trees
For Appraisal 9.1.2:
Alternative 1: Onsite tree plantation
a) Increase in tree plantation by 25% above the mandatory clause (9.1.1)
                                            = 25% of T
                                             = 25% of 25
                                            = 6.25
                                            = 7 trees
Therefore, total no. of trees to be planted = 25 (onsite mandatory) + 7 (onsite) = 32 trees

b) Increase in tree plantation by 50% above the mandatory clause (9.1.1)

                                             = 50% of T
                                            = 50% of 25
                                            = 12.5
                                             = 13 trees
Therefore, total no. of trees to be planted = 25 (onsite mandatory) + 13 (onsite) = 38 trees

c) Increase in tree plantation by 75% above the mandatory clause (9.1.1)

                                          = 75% of T
                                            = 75% of 25
                                           = 18.75
                                           = 19 trees
Therefore, total no. of trees to be planted = 25 (onsite mandatory) + 19 (onsite) = 44 trees

Alternative 2: Offsite tree plantation

a) Increase in tree plantation by 50% above the mandatory clause (9.1.1)

                                             = 50% of T
                                            = 50% of 25
                                            = 12.5
                                             = 13 trees
Therefore, total no. of trees to be planted = 25 (onsite mandatory) + 13 (offsite) = 38 trees

Refer footnote 11

b) Increase in tree plantation by 75% above the mandatory clause (9.1.1)
                                             = 75% of T
                                            = 75% of 25
                                            = 18.75
                                            = 19 trees
Therefore, total no. of trees to be planted = 25 (onsite mandatory) + 19 (offsite) = 44 trees

c.) Increase in tree plantation by 100% above the mandatory clause (9.1.1)
                                            = 100% of T
                                             = 100% of 25
                                            = 25 trees
Therefore, total no. of trees to be planted = 25 (onsite mandatory) + 25 (offsite) = 50 trees

The Eco-team should consult a gardener and then conduct a survey of all the existing trees on site to ensure that
the number of trees on site is within the prescribed threshold. If the number of trees is not within the mandatory
threshold, additional native trees in the campus should be planted. To increase the points in this criterion, increase
the percentage of the trees planted within or outside the campus as per the respective appraisals.

9.3 Compliance
9.3.1 Submit the tree survey in the tree calculator highlighting the total number of trees on site along with their
9.3.2 Submit date-stamped photographs indicating the trees planted/existed on-site and trees planted off-site,
whichever is applicable.
9.3.3 In case new trees are planted, submit purchase order highlighting the species.
9.3.4 Submit calculations (as per the tree calculator) demonstrating the increase in percentage of the trees planted
9.3.5 Submit the permission letter clearly mentioning the number of trees planted in case they are planted off-site.




ater has been a critical issue since a long time and its significance is unlimited and irreplaceable. With the
pace that the world is moving, we are adding more population while the fresh water resources available
are depleting, thereby creating an increased pressure on the existing water resources. Several experts say
that the issue pertaining to water is so perilous that it might be a reason for a Third World War! Thus, there is need
to educate the future generation about the judicious use of water resources. Schools as the first centres of formal
learning have an added responsibility to teach the students about sustainable management of resources. These
lessons when learnt during the initial years of life have a higher probability to be incorporated into the student’s
Sustainable water management can contribute by providing benefits to the schools on educational, economic, and
environmental aspects. The small financial savings that integrated water management can achieve by lower sewage
charges or water bill when aggregated together can help in making further water management measures viable.
Water management can be enhanced by driving majority of the building’s non-potable requirements through either
treated water or through the collected rainwater/storm water thus, reducing the burden on the existing drainage
This section focusses on calculating the annual water consumption of the school and then optimizing it by meeting
the non-potable water demand through treated/rain water. It also caters into account the principles of rainwater
harvesting, thereby aiding in the management of storm water run-off on site.

This section contains 2 criteria as mentioned in Table 14:

Table 14: Water management section criteria


Criterion 10 Optimizing annual water consumption 5

Criterion 11 Rainwater harvesting 3

Activity Time

Every drop of water is precious. Our water consumption

can only be reduced if we are aware of the amount
of water we are consuming in our daily activities. The
concept of water foot printing can be helpful in this
regard. The water footprint measures the amount of water
used to produce each of the goods and services we use.
Students should carry out their water footprint analysis
for a week and compare with other students to see who
consumes less water.




To encourage the school authorities to track their water consumption and manage
it judiciously by making use of treated water/rainwater specifically for meeting the
non-potable water requirements of the school, thereby reducing the burden on the
municipal supply lines as well as the groundwater aquifers.

Human beings tend to value resources only when a considerable cost is attached to it. For instance, if we compare
energy with water, individuals tend to value energy more than water since the cost associated with it is higher.
However, for an individual to survive, water is certainly a more essential commodity than electricity. Nearly 70% of
the world is covered by water, however, only 2.5% of it is fresh1.
India has about 4% of the world’s renewable water resources, but
it houses 18% of the world’s population.  Thus, there is an urgent
need to relook at how we use or manage our water resources.
Schools are the right places to promote water saving initiatives,
since they are the knowledge centres for education and
generating awareness.  Also, children tend to learn much more
from their teachers and peers than at home. Children are also
the most vulnerable to diseases occurring due to water shortage
or lack of safe water. The shortage of water is one of the major
reasons for stunted growth of children in India and can also be
related to the children dropout rate from schools.

Things to do
• The landscaping water consumption can be drastically reduced by using more native plant species, less grass and
exotic species, and efficient irrigation systems (drip irrigation for trees, shrubs, etc., and sprinkler system for lawns).
• Using treated waste water/harvested rainwater for meeting all non-potable water demand.
• By installing efficient water fixtures (cisterns and taps) to reduce the building
water consumption drastically.
• By installing aerators in the taps to reduce the flow of water, thereby
reducing the wastage.
• Instilling behavioural changes by sensitizing people to practice
viable water usage, such as open only half tap for reduced flow,
close tap while brushing/applying soap, using bucket for bathing
instead of showers, tracking and getting leaky faucets fixed,
running the washing machine and the dishwashers only when
they are full, etc.
• Storing the waste water from RO plants and air-conditioner drain
pipes and using it for purposes other than drinking.
• Check for leaks in the water closet (WC), pipes, sinks, faucets, etc., and
get them fixed in addition to conscious use of water.
• Conduct regular games and exercises to increase awareness among students, staff, and parents. Encourage new
ideas for water conservation.

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Green Facts
✿ Every 2 minutes, a child dies because of a water-related
✿ Around 570 million children lack basic drinking water
facilities at their schools.3
✿ Around 3–5 days is the average amount of time a
human can survive with a complete lack of water.4
✿ By 2025, two-thirds of the global population will run
short of fresh drinking water.5

10.1 Appraisals
10.1.1 Calculate the annual water consumption of the building and compare it with the annual water
consumption requirements of NBC 2016. - Mandatory
10.1.2 Ensure that at least 20% of the annual water demand of the school is being met by treated waste water /
rainwater. - 1 Point
10.1.3 Ensure that at least 30% of the annual water demand of the school is being met by treated waste water /
rainwater. - 3 Points
10.1.4 Ensure that at least 40% of the annual water demand of the school is being met by treated waste water/
rainwater. - 5 Points

10.2 Methodology
• If the building has an STP and multiple water meters, estimate the monthly water consumption of the building
from the water bills and record the metered data for bore well water usage, STP treated water usage for flushing,
landscaping, and HVAC requirements.
• For a building with a single water meter:
a) Record the monthly water consumption of the building from the water bills.
b) The water consumption from the bore wells can be calculated using storage drums of known capacity and
considering the number of times the drums are being filled and emptied in a day and recording it for a period
of 5 days to arrive at consistent figures.
c) The water consumption from the flow and flush fixtures (plumbing fixtures) can be calculated by considering
the time taken for a 0.5 liter bottle to fill using a stopwatch.
For instance, if a half litre bottle takes about 5 minutes to fill from a particular flow fixture/faucet, then its flow
rate can be calculated using the following equation:
Flow rate = 0.5litres/5 min= 0.1 liters/min.
d) The flow rate of flush fixture can be calculated by measuring the dimensions of the cistern and calculating its
volume dimensions.
e) The landscape water consumption can be calculated using the following formula:

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Refer footnote 2

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Landscape water consumption = Volume of the hose pipe X time for which the watering is being done
f ) In case there is a sprinkler system, calculate the volume sprayed in 1 minute and
multiply it with the time for which the sprinkler works. HA

g) The quantity of rainwater stored can be estimated by calculating the area of the tank


and then measuring the height till which the water is filled.

• Calculate the annual water consumption as per NBC 2016 considering the school
working days as well as its population strength and compare the performance of your
existing school with these.

10.3 Compliance
10.3.1 Perform calculations in the water management calculator provided to demonstrate compliance.
10.3.2 Submit copy of water bills for the last one year being considered for calculations.
10.3.3 Submit photographs of the typical faucets and fixtures, rainwater storage tanks, efficient irrigation system,
STP, meters (if applicable), and the landscape areas.

To ensure that the fresh water that we receive in the form of rain should be
harvested and recharged into the ground to replenish the groundwater table
after adopting an appropriate filtration mechanism to avoid contamination of

Over the past few decades, India has been grappling with rapid and intense uptake of ground water resources
due to anthropogenic activities as well as climate change. Numerous issues have started cropping in such as the
declining groundwater levels, shortage of safe and hygienic water along with the reckless usage of water that is
available, particularly in the high end urban areas. According to a report by NITI Aayog, by 2020, majority of the
Indian cities, such as Delhi, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad,
are expected to reach zero ground water
levels affecting access for 100 million people.
Several states have less than 50% groundwater
resources augmentation, highlighting the
growing national crisis in which 54% of India’s
groundwater wells are declining. Rainwater
harvesting is one such way to address the issue
of depleting groundwater reserves and has been
made mandatory in several states. However, the
statistics indicate that the mandate is not being
followed rigorously. The law making authorities
should focus on better enforcement of such
laws while the schools, which are the primary
centers for imparting knowledge as well as
creating awareness amongst the future leaders
of the country, should propagate the concept
of rainwater harvesting and recharging thereby
inculcating the habit of water conservation.

Things to do
• Ensure that the catchment area is clean so that the rainwater
being stored or recharged is clean.
• Rainwater from the first rain is generally impure due to dust,
pollutants, etc., and should be allowed to flush out.
• All the rainwater should be filtered before recharging.
• Rainwater should be recharged at least 5 m above the ground
water table to avoid contaminating the groundwater aquifers.
• If surface parking is provided on site and rainwater is being
harvested from the site, then the harvesting pits should have a
grease trap.   



Green Facts
✿ 80% of the world’s population lives in areas with high threats to water security.6
✿ 70% of our water is contaminated; India is currently ranked 120 among 122
countries in the water quality index and 130 out of 180 countries for its water
✿ Traditionally, exceptional techniques of rainwater harvesting and drainage were
constructed in the cities of the Indus Valley Civilization. For instance, settlement
of Dholavira in Gujarat, ‘jhalara’, ‘taanka’, ‘bawari’, etc .8

Non-applicability clause: If the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) norm suggests that the groundwater table is
high and groundwater recharging should not be done, then the project is exempt from this criterion.

11.1 Appraisal
11.1.1 For existing rainwater harvesting structures, ensure that the project is recharging rainwater for at least:
-70% of the runoff generated on site -1 Point
-100% of the runoff generated on site - 3 Points
For a new rainwater harvesting system, ensure that the project is recharging rainwater for 100% of runoff
generated after appropriate filtration. - 3 Points

11.2 Methodology
Rainwater harvesting is a traditional method that has a range of benefits on both project level and city level. It can
be accomplished using two methods—storage for future use and recharge into the groundwater aquifer.  Rainwater
can be collected either from the rooftop or from the ground or a combination of both. The collected rainwater can
be stored and reused for domestic purposes, landscaping, flushing, etc. This results in reducing the stress onthe
municipal body thereby making the project self-sufficient. Whereas, when water is recharged into the ground
post appropriate filtration, it helps in increasing the groundwater levels. By collecting rainwater either by storing
or recharging, its drainage into the storm water channels is prevented thereby preventing situations like urban
a) In order to calculate the rainwater harvesting potential of a particular site, we need to calculate the catchment
areas, that is, the areas of the roof, paved areas or lawn areas.
b) Selecting the type of surfaces and estimating the estimated run-off that would be generated from the site in the
excel calculator.
c) Selecting the type of harvesting structures, such as recharge/percolation pits and storage structure.
d) The calculator can be used to size the rainwater harvesting pits/storage structures to manage the storm water on

Available at,, last accessed on 4 April, 2019


Composite Water Management Index (CWMI) Report by NITI Aayog. Available at:; last

accessed on February 27, 2019

Pal, Sanchari, Modern India Can Learn a Lot from These 20 Traditional Water Conservation Systems. The Better India. [Online] 2016. https://www.thebetterindia.


11.3 Compliance
11.3.1 Perform calculations in the water management calculator to demonstrate compliance.
11.3.2 Submit photographs of the existing rain water harvesting pits, storage tanks (if available), and filtration
11.3.3 In case of a proposed system, share the feasibility study conducted by third party for the same.




ndia’s major environmental issue attributed to the rapid increase in urbanization and industrialization, is
management of municipal solid waste (MSW). Unsegregated waste collection and transportation leads to mounds
of garbage being dumped in the open, which generates leachate and gaseous emissions, besides causing nuisance
in the surrounding environment. Leachate contaminates the groundwater as well as the surface water in the
vicinity. Moreover, gaseous emissions caused due to the decomposition of dumped garbage contributes to global
warming. Municipal solid waste typically contains 51% organic waste, 17% recyclables, 11% hazardous substances,
and 21% inert waste.1 About 40% of the waste is not collected and is found littered around the city, thereby clogging
the drains and polluting the surface water.
All humans are accountable for the waste that is generated and schools play a pivotal role in providing a platform for
children to learn and develop a responsible behaviour towards the environment.
Everyone should adopt a waste reduction strategy whether at home or work or school and follow the 4R principle
which includes reduce, reuse, recycle, and recovery. This will help in improving the economic and environmental
performance of the school, besides providing numerous opportunities for the students to understand this issue and
its implications on the environment. This, in turn, will not only save the depleting natural resources or reduce the
amount of solid waste which goes to landfill but also turn waste into a resource.

This section contains 2 criteria as mentioned in Table 15.

Table 15: Solid waste management section criteria


Criterion 12 Waste segregation  4
Criterion 13 Treat organic and inorganic waste  3

Activity Time

Students should carry out a survey of their homes to see the kind
of waste that is being generated. They should then explore the
ways of reducing waste being dumped into the dustbins and
enhance the ways of reusing/recycling them into useful products.
Post this, students should quantify and discuss the same with
other students to see who generates less waste.
The waste-free activities will not only reduce the amount of trash
generated at their homes but also teach them real-life concepts
of reducing and reusing waste. This activity will help children
connect to the natural world, and through this they will be able to
make significant contribution to the environment.

Available at,, last accessed on 4 April, 2019





To provide infrastructure for segregation of solid waste and make it an inherent
habit for children to sensibly discard garbage in designated dustbins.

Disposal of solid waste is an emerging concern
in our country as most of the waste generated in
our residences, educational institutes, commercial
buildings, and industrial buildings is dumped in
landfills. The waste in the landfill generates toxic
gases, such as ‘methane’, a greenhouse gas, which
further leads to negative implications on the health
of the human beings. In our country, 40%–60% of
the waste generated is compostable (e.g. food waste,
landscaping waste) and the rest is recyclable (e.g.
plastic bottles, paper, etc.). Thus, by segregating
the waste at the source and diverting it towards
composting and recycling would minimize the
quantum of waste in the landfills, thereby reducing
the contamination of soil and ground water.
Municipal Solid Waste Rules 2016, lay emphasis on the
segregation of waste at source into three categories:
—organic, inorganic, and hazardous waste.

Things to do
• Inculcating conscious consumption practices in students while focussing on quality, that is, buy things only if they
are really needed.
• Place bins in strategic locations and make picture labels for each type of material (plastic, paper, glass, etc.
• Provision of multi-coloured dustbins (size as per the requirement) to collect organic, inorganic, and hazardous
waste at every floor.
• One person’s waste can be a resource
for someone else—Try to donate
things rather than disposing them off.
• Think of ways to reuse waste
generated in schools. For example,
reusing plastic containers as holders
for crayons, pencils, etc., making
greeting cards out of pencil waste.
• Composting food waste to make
natural fertilizer for school garden/s
and household plants.
• Provide dedicated centralized storage
spaces to store different waste before
sending it out for treatment/recycling/

Green Facts
✿ Research shows that if India continues to dump untreated garbage at its current
rate, then we will need a landfilling area of 66,000 ha which is 10 m high and can
hold 20 years’ worth of waste. That is almost 90% of Bengaluru’s area.2
✿ According to a report by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Maharashtra
tops (India’s waste generation) by generating 26,820 tonnes of solid waste per
day (equal to average weight of 4.3 lakh people).3

12.1 Appraisals
12.1.1 Ensure that multi-coloured bins (primary storage) are provided in all occupied spaces (such as classrooms,
staffroom, library, playground, etc.) and the common areas of each floor.
12.1.2 Ensure that designated, centralized, and hygienic (secondary) storage spaces are provided on site to store
waste before sending it out for treatment/recycling. - 3 Points (Together – 12.1.1 & 12.1.2)
12.1.3 Ensure that sanitary napkin dispenser/s along with the sanitary bins are provided in female toilets (students/
teachers) to dispose female hygiene waste. - 1 Point

12.2 Methodology
• Refrain from mixing different types of waste. Clearly label bins for proper
segregation of glass, paper, plastic, metal, organic waste and female hygiene
• Reduce wastage of paper and use of plastic products, such as plastic bottles,
should be discouraged in schools.
• Size of bins should be provided according to the quantum of waste generated.
• The bins should be provided according to the type of waste being generated.
For example, bins for e-waste/hazardous waste is not required in each
• Conduct workshops at the community level to disseminate the importance of
waste segregation.

Available at,, last accessed on 4 April, 2019


Available at,, last accessed on 4 April, 2019




12.3 Compliance
12.3.1 Submit narrative and declaration stating the use of multi-coloured bins in all occupied spaces and common
areas of each floor.
12.3.2 Submit solid waste management plan detailing the size of storage and collection facility.
12.3.3 Submit purchase order of the multi-coloured bins, sanitary bins and sanitary napkin dispensers.
12.3.4 Submit date-stamped photographs indicating the location of primary and secondary storage facilities.

Table 16: List of organic and recyclable waste

Organic waste Recyclable waste

• Food waste • Paper (cardboards/newspapers/magazines/snack boxes, etc.)
• Fruit and vegetable peels • Plastic (bags/bottles/thermocol, etc.)
• Landscape and kitchen waste • Soda cans
• Glass (bottles/jars, etc.)
• Metal (tin, aluminium, steel cans, etc.)

Encourage the treatment of inorganic (dry/recyclable) and organic waste through
various strategies thus minimizing disposal of waste in landfills and incinerators.
This would imbibe in the students the habit of effective waste management and
thereby wider range of people and/or communities can be sensitized.

Global temperatures are rising and pollution levels are also increasing across
the world. Every year, in a developing country including India, 62 million
tonnes of waste is generated, out of which only 28% of waste is recycled
and 72% is left on the roads and the landfill areas for several years leading
to hazardous consequences.4 Therefore, waste segregation, efficient waste
collection, its proper disposal and resource recovery are vital for managing
and diverting waste from the landfilling sites. Nothing is waste until it cannot
be used anymore in any way. We generally see waste piled up but do not
think deep enough on how to reuse it. A behavioural change is something
that needs to be developed in order to find ways of reducing the waste
being dumped and maximize waste recycling or reuse.

Things to do
• Minimize the use of plastic.
• Reuse empty bottles and empty jars and think about reusing the waste around school.
• Recycle waste—contact your local vendors to find out what can be recycled in your area.
• Start using recycled products, such as stationary, books, bags, furniture, etc., instead of using products made with
virgin material and/or plastic.
• Display posters to create awareness on the importance of recycling materials and treatment of organic waste.
• In order to understand how composting works, make a composting pit within the school campus and use the
treated waste as manure for landscaping.
• Explore the variety of available community-level composting systems which are very easy to operate and

Green Facts
✿ Around 62 million tonnes (approximately equal to average weight of 11.5 million
Asian elephants) of MSW generated annually by 377 million people in urban
✿ It is known from the study that from 1 tonne of waste, 260 kg of biogas can be
generated from which we can light a house for 14 hours.6

Available at,, last accessed on 4 April, 2019


Available at,, last accessed on 4 April, 2019


Available at,, last accessed on 4 April, 2019




13.1 Appraisals
13.1.1 Ensure that appropriate strategies are in place for recycling paper, plastic, e-waste, etc., through tie-ups with
informal/formal recyclers. - 1 Point
13.1.2 Demonstrate that 100% of the organic waste generated in the school is converted to
biogas/manure. - 2 Points

13.2 Methodology
The organic waste should be segregated and composted within the same premises and then re-used for landscaping
and/or cooking. In addition, all the recyclable waste, such as glass, paper, cardboard, and plastic waste should be
collected by dedicated local recyclers and treated accordingly. However, in an urban setting, with the inadequate
outdoor personal space and sprawling high rise towers, the garbage is collected together and then it is either
sent to landfills or to incinerators. Nevertheless, one of the most sustainable methods of collecting waste from our
residence/school/commercial spaces is still followed in our country by dedicated local recyclers, thus ensuring that
minimum waste is directed to landfills and incinerators. Dedicated steps which a school should opt for are as follows:
• Schools can have contractual tie-ups with recyclers for regular collection of recyclable waste.
• Organic waste can be treated within the site using organic waste composter (OWC), vermi-composting, by
installing biogas plants, etc.

Methodology for calculating waste quantity -
The quantity of waste generated in schools should be calculated by considering waste generation of 0.2 kg/person/
Total solid waste generation (kg) = 0.2 X number of persons
Percentage of organic waste = 40%8
Total organic waste generation (kg) = 0.40 X total solid waste generation

For example
Total waste generated = 0.2 X no. of persons
(0.2 kg/capita/day)
No. of persons (assumed) = 45
Therefore, total waste generated = 0.2 X 45
= 9 kg/day
Total organic waste generated = 0.40 X total solid waste generation
= 0.4 X 9
= 3.6 kg/day
Therefore, waste to be treated on site = 3.6 kg/day

13.3 Compliance
13.3.1 Submit narrative and date-stamped photographs indicating the recycling measures taken by the school to
recycle inorganic waste, such as paper, metal, plastic, e-waste generated on site, etc.
13.3.2 Submit contractual tie-ups with the waste recyclers for safe recycling of recyclable wastes like metal/ paper/
plastic/ glass, e-waste, etc.
13.3.3 Submit narrative and date-stamped photographs indicating the measures taken by the schools to treat
organic waste.
13.3.4 Submit duly filled waste calculator.
13.3.5 If organic waste composter is installed, submit its specification sheet, purchase order, and date-stamped

As per the guidelines of National Building Code of India, 2016.


Refer footnote 7




he exposure of children to diverse environment since childhood enables them to learn, adapt and evolve
habits that stay with them lifelong and help in shaping their personality. Whatever the kids learn and
practice in school has a prolonged impact on their minds. Thus, the sooner the concepts of hygiene and
social responsibility are introduced to them, better are the chances for them to adopt and integrate these into their
lives. Several health diseases are prevalent amongst the school children due to insufficient sanitation and hygiene
provisions, primarily due to lack of awareness. The absence of these facilities takes a huge toll on the health and
well-being of the students and come at a large financial cost, including a sizable loss of economic activity. School
is the first places where we are taught that people from all walks of life should be treated equally and with respect,
irrespective of their physical disabilities or economic status. However, children tend to learn things by practice not
just by being taught theoretically.
Thus, a huge responsibility to inculcate the right habits amongst the students lie in the hands of the elders with
whom the students spend most of their time- for instance the teachers at school or family members at home.
This section thus aspires to imbibe the concepts of sanitation and hygiene in school since the in order to improvise
the health of the future generation. Another aspect of this section is to prepare the next generation students to be
more socially inclusive and environmentally conscious towards natural resource consumption.

This section contains 2 criteria as mentioned in Table 16:

Table 16: Well-being and social aspects section criteria


Criterion 14 Health and hygiene 3

Criterion 15 Social initiatives 6

Activity Time

Children should focus on using fewer resources by

contributing towards ‘Buy Nothing Day.’
Celebrate Buy Nothing Day (once a year) by abstaining
from purchasing any product of any kind. Thus, students
will reflect upon the ideas of advertising (reduced
consumption and waste) and will thereafter write about
their experiences of buying nothing for a day.




To ensure that appropriate sanitation and hygienic conditions are maintained in
the school for disease prevention and ensuring a healthy environment. It will also
sensitize students about importance of cleanliness and hygiene at a young age.

Right to education is a basic right of every child. However, many a times,
the children are not able to attend school due to severe illness caused
by inappropriate water supply, sanitation, and hygienic conditions.
The reduced immunity due to the poor nutritional quality food adds to
their susceptibility to illnesses, such as diarrhoea and other water and
sanitation-borne diseases. An estimated 1.9 billion school days could
be gained if the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) related to safe
water supply and sanitation are achieved and the incidence of diarrhoeal
illness is reduced.1 The WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) programme
of UNICEF intends to provide clean sanitation and hygienic conditions in
schools across the globe. The sanitation facilities are improving in India,
especially after the launch of the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’ in 2014 which
aims to achieve the vision of a ‘Clean India’ by sensitizing every Indian
about the importance of sanitation and hygiene and hence, bringing a
holistic change. However, the schools need to emphasize its significance
amongst the students to make an everlasting impact in their young
minds and through them convey the message to their families and the
communities at large.

Things to do
• Ensure that the toilets and school premises are cleaned with a disinfectant on a
daily basis.
• Ensure that there is adequate availability of water in the toilets.
• Wash hands after using the toilets with soap. Ensure that soap/hand wash is
always available in the washrooms.
• Report if there is water leakage or stagnant water or garbage accumulation in the
• Provide dustbins in the toilets for storage and disposal of waste.
• Conduct discussions and workshops on the importance of maintaining sanitation
and personal hygiene to sensitize these issues at the community levels.
• Display audio-visuals (short films, documentations, etc.) about sanitation and
hygiene in the classrooms.
• Spray air fresheners in washrooms regularly.
• Periodic training must be organised for the maintenance staff to inculcate the
values of sanitation and hygiene.

Hutton, Guy and Laurence Haller, Evaluation of the Costs and Benefits of Water and Sanitation Improvements at the Global Level, World Health Organization,

Geneva, 2004.

Green Facts
✿ Unsafe drinking water, inadequate availability of water for hygiene, and lack of
access to sanitation together contribute to about 88% of deaths from diarrhoeal
✿ Hand washing can reduce the risk of respiratory infections by 16%.3

14.1 Appraisals
14.1.1 The school management needs to ensure that toilets are checked for leaks and/or garbage
accumulation by a dedicated staff. Repairing of leaks and disposal of garbage needs to be done
regularly and should be logged in sheets that will be maintained in the toilets. - Mandatory
14.1.2 The school needs to ensure that there is regular supply of water in the toilets. - Mandatory
14.1.3 Ensure that good sanitation measures (at least 3 apart from the mandatory ones) from the list mentioned
below (refer methodology 14.2) are implemented within the school premises. - 3 Points

14.2 Methodology
• The school management must ensure that supervisors are allocated to
regularly clean toilets with a disinfectant and refill the soap at regular intervals.
• Posters should be displayed in schools to create awareness about the
importance of sanitation and hygiene.
• Audio-visual films (short films, documentaries, etc.) should be played in
classrooms/auditorium on a monthly basis, to sensitize children about the
importance of sanitation and hygiene.
• The school should conduct workshops and discussions at the community level
to sensitize people on the importance of maintaining sanitation and personal
hygiene. These workshops need to be conducted quarterly (every 3 months).
• Air fresheners should be regularly sprayed in each washroom.

14.3 Compliance
14.3.1 Submit list of supervisors assigned for maintenance of washrooms along with a standard operating
procedure of washroom maintenance.
14.3.2 Submit log sheets/checklists maintained in washrooms.
14.3.3 Submit list of plumbing staff/contractual tie-up with plumbers.
14.3.4 Submit date stamped photographs and narrative elaborating the measures taken by the school to maintain
hygienic conditions in the school premises.

Pruss-Ustun A., Bos, R., Gore, F. & Bartram, J.2008. Safer water, better health: costs, benefits and sustainability of interventions to protect and promote health, WHO,

Rabie T, Curtis V. Handwashing and risk of respiratory infections: a quantitative systematic review. Trop Med Int Health. 2006; 11(3): 258-67




To ensure that schools takes appropriate social initiatives to enable ‘inclusive
development’ of the country and sensitize students and staff about the importance
of becoming responsible citizens.

Indian society is grappling with numerous issues pertaining to a huge social and economic disparity within the
nation. In order for the nation to progress and become a developed one, there is a burgeoning need to bring in
the concept of inclusiveness into our developments and practices. This criterion aims to cater to the physically
challenged, service staff personnel, malnourished and obese students, and any other individual who would be
socially affected by the functioning of the school. Imparting knowledge amongst the various sections of the society
enables them to imbibe qualities of leadership at a young age that would help fulfil the vision of transforming India
into a developed nation.

Things to do
• Students must be encouraged to engage with various stakeholders in the society (e.g. municipal authorities,
underprivileged section, and resident welfare associations [RWAs] on the importance of social and environmental
awareness. It should be a part of the curriculum.
• Energy and water meters must be installed in strategic locations for enhanced visibility and for better resource
• The school canteen should have provision of healthy food items.
• Fire evacuation plan should be displayed on every floor and fire alarms should be tested periodically, along with
conducting mock fire drills.
• Dedicated resting rooms should be provided for service staffs.

Green Facts
✿ Out of the 121 crore population in India, about 2.68 crore people are ‘differently-
abled’ which sums to about 2.21% of the total population.4
✿ Children generally perform better at school when they have breakfast. They
are also more likely to maintain a healthy weight when they consume a healthy

Disabled Persons in India 2016, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (MoSPI)-

Available at,, last accessed on 4 April, 2019

15.1 Appraisals
15.1.1 Ensure that annual health check-ups/immunization camps
are conducted within the school. - Mandatory
15.1.2 Ensure that the school should conduct regular fire drills and
prepare fire prevention plans. - Mandatory
15.1.3 Demonstrate that the school adopts any 2 measures from the list
of social measures provided below in the methodology
(15.2). - 4 Points
15.1.4 Demonstrate that the school adopts any 4 measures from the list
of social measures provided below in the methodology (15.2).
- 6 Points

15.2 Methodology
• Nutritional content of food: The school should display the nutritional content of the food served in the canteens/
cafeteria within the school premises. This can be done in the following ways:
a) Displaying posters around the school to sensitize students about the harmful effects of unhealthy/junk food.
b) Provision of healthy food options in the canteen/cafeteria of the school.
• Visual representation of energy and water consumption of the school: The energy and water meter readings
should be displayed in the common areas (canteen, library, notice boards. etc.) of the school.
• Green tour to GRIHA-rated project: Students and staff should be taken to a tour of any 5 star rated GRIHA
• Universal accessibility measures: The school should adopt universal accessibility measures as per the
‘harmonized guidelines and space standards for a barrier-free built environment for the persons with disabilities
and elderly persons’ (refer Appendix 2) for the
following minimum requirements:
a) Provision of a ramp at the entrance,
b) Parking (preferred parking near the entrance
and parking specifications for the differently
c) Toilet for persons with disabilities
• Resting spaces for staff: Dedicated resting
spaces for the service staff should be provided
within the school premises
• Any other social activity that is conducted by the

15.3 Compliance
15.3.1 Submit narrative along with date-stamped photographs for each social measure that is implemented within
the school.
15.3.2 Submit specification sheets for universally accessible lifts (if applicable) to be installed in the building.
15.3.3 Submit declaration for location along with the number of the resting spaces for service staff.
15.3.4 Submit a certificate from a doctor for conducting health check-ups for students in the school.
15.3.5 Submit date stamped photographs of the location of water, energy meters, and LCD screens displaying
energy and water consumption within the school.
15.3.6 Submit the fire drill plan along with the list of preventive measures undertaken/displayed in the school.
15.3.7 Submit menu for healthy food that will be supplied in the canteen along with declaration from the food




rating is meant to create benchmarks which are used to evaluate a particular case on a defined set of
parameters. Considering the fact that each project is unique and has different set of priorities in terms
of complying with the cause of sustainability, a bonus section is devised for projects to enhance their
sustainability on parameters other than those mentioned in the rating. The section provides flexibility to projects to
choose strategies in accordance with their goals and plans.

This section contains 1 criterion as mentioned in Table 17:

Table 17: Bonus section


Criterion 16 Bonus 2



Project should adopt innovative measures (maximum 2) which have not been
covered in the previous 15 criteria.

16.1 Appraisal
16.1.1 Adopt strategies, independent of 15 criteria, to make the project more sustainable.

16.2 Compliance
16.2.1 Submit documents, narrative, declaration and date-stamped photographs, highlighting the measures

16.3 Optional Strategies

Strategies, outlined as follows, may be opted to achieve points in this criterion. Any other strategy towards enhancing
green features/sensitization can also be chosen.
• Implement green housekeeping practices.
• Installation of smart metering and monitoring system for energy and/or water consumption.
• Implement any 3 activities enlisted in the 6 sections of this rating.
• Provision of e-charging facility at the parking.

APPENDIX 1: Occupant health and comfort

Criterion 5: Visual Comfort

Excerpts from methodology for daylighting compliance: Detailed working examples
Total daylighted area for vertical fenestration (window) = 2H X (W + 1m on each side of window)

Example 1
For window type W2 (Width = 1.50m, Height = 1.50m, Sill height = 0.6m)
Daylighted area for W2 = 2H X (W + 1m on each side of window)
= 2(1.50+0.6) X (1.50+1+1) = 14.7m2
Total daylighted area for Meeting room 1= (3 X 14.7) m2 = 44.1m2


Area= 14.7m2
Meeting Room 1

Example 2
For window type W2 (Width = 1.50m, Height = 1.50m, Sill height = 0.6m)
Since there is an obstruction (wall) at 0.79 m, Daylighted area for W2 = 2H X (W + 0.79m on each side of window)
= 2(1.50+0.6) X (1.50+0.77+0.77) = 12.768 m2
Hence, Total Daylighted area for Cabin 1, Cabin 2, Cabin 3 = 12.768 m2 each

Cabin-3 Cabin-2 Cabin-1


Cabin-3 Cabin-2 Cabin-1

W2 W2 W2 779 1500 779 779 1500 779 779 1500 779

W2 W2 W2



Example 3
For window type W2 (Width = 1.50m, Height = 1.50m, Sill height = 0.6m) and window type W1
(Width = 2.10m, Height = 1.50m, Sill height = 0.6m)
Since there is an overlap between daylighted areas in Work-space 1, double- counting of areas must be avoided.
Hence, Daylighted area for W2a, W2c = 2(1.50 0.6) X {1.50+[0.77+(1.672/2)]} = 13.04 m2
Daylighted area for W2b = 2(1.50+0.6) X {1.50+[2 X (1.672/2)]} = 13.32 m2
Hence, Total daylighted area for Workspace 1 = Daylighted area for W2a+W2b+W2c = (13.04+13.32+13.04)
= 39.4 m2
Since there is an obstruction (wall perpendicular to window) at 3.885 m,
Daylighted area for W1 = 3.885 X (2.10+1+1) =15.92 m2
Total Daylighted area for Reception = 15.92 m2
W2 W2 W2

W2 W2 W2 3885

779 1500 1672 1500 1672 1500 779



Entry for


Note: Doors are not counted in daylighted area calculations

APPENDIX 2: Well-being and social aspects

Criterion 15 – Social Initiatives

Excerpts from harmonized guidelines and space standards for a barrier-free built environment for the persons with
disabilities and elderly persons
Children and teachers spend most of their time inside schools which lack basic infrastructure, such as the provision
of toilets, ramps, handrails, parking space, signage, lifts, and so on. The use of toilet is especially quite challenging
for persons with disabilities (PwDs) and may result in uncomfortable conditions. In order to enable the movement
of PwDs in buildings, it is imperative to identify the points of concern and take appropriate action to integrate the
features enabling accessibility, as listed below.

Accessible design solutions

Buildings should be designed to aid mobility, vision, hearing, and speech. Consideration should be given to the
provision of ramps, toilets with bedrooms, entrances, and so on, which should be able to accommodate PwDs
and enable seamless movement. The harmonized guidelines should be referred to while designing major design
parameters and the same has been compiled in this section.

1 Ramps and elevators

• Ramps and elevators enable movement of wheelchair users to different levels. The requirements for ramps and
elevators are enumerated as follows:
• Elevators should become a part of the building where the building is more than G+1.
• Braille labels must be provided on the lift button panel.
• The minimum clear width of a ramp should be 1,200 mm.
• A single row of tactile warning blocks should be installed at 300 mm before the beginning and 300 mm after the
end of each flight of steps.
• Ramps and landing surfaces should be slip-resistant. Outdoor ramps and their surfaces have to be designed in
order to prevent water from accumulating on the walking surfaces.
• Ramps should extend horizontally, for not less than 300 mm beyond their topmost and bottommost point, to
provide support for persons who may need help to negotiate the ramp.

»» Placement of warning blocks for steps



2 Handrails/grab bars
Many PwDs and the elderly rely on handrails/grab bars to maintain balance or prevent serious falls. Handrails/
grab bars are extremely important features and must be designed to be easy to grasp and to provide a firm and
comfortable grip, so that the hand can slide along the rail without obstruction.
• Handrails may be provided with Braille/tactile markings at the beginning and the end to give information to
visually-impaired people.

Parking design
1 Signage
International symbols of accessibility, for example, the wheelchair sign,
should be displayed at approaches and entrances to car parks to indicate
the provision of an accessible parking lot for PwDs within the vicinity.
Directional signs should be displayed at points where there is a change of
direction to direct PwDs to the accessible parking lot.   

2 Car park entrance

Car park entrances should have the following design features for
universal accessibility:
• The car park entrance should have a height clearance of at least
2,400 mm.
• Accessible parking lots that serve a building should be located
nearest to an accessible entrance and/or lift lobby within 30 m.
• In case access is through the lift, the parking shall be located within
30 m.
• An accessible route of 1,200 mm width is required for wheelchair-
users to pass behind vehicles that may be backing out.

3 Accessible car parking lot

• An accessible car parking lot should have 5,000 mm×3,600 mm
as its minimum dimensions; a firm, level surface without aeration
slabs; and, wherever possible, be sheltered.
• When two accessible parking bays are adjoining each other, the
1,200 mm side transfer bay may be shared by the two parking bays.

Toilets should be made according to the standards provided. Sensor
taps should become part of toilets.

1 Signage
The signage at an accessible toilet entrance should be clearly visible
and should comply with the International Symbol of Accessibility.

2 Unisex accessible toilets (multi-use)

A unisex accessible toilet allows PwDs to be assisted by caretakers of
the same or opposite gender. One unisex accessible toilet should be
provided in each toilet block on each floor with the following design
features for universal accessibility:

• All toilet blocks must have one cubicle suitable for use by persons with ambulatory disabilities.
• The unisex toilet should have a minimum internal dimension of 2,200 X 2,000 mm.
• The layout of the fixtures in the toilet should be such that there is a clear maneuvering space of 1,800 mm x 1,800
mm in front of the water closet and wash basin in the accessible toilet unit.
• All fixtures and utilities should provide a clear space of 900 mm x 1,200 mm for wheelchair-users to access them
and also have clear space—not less than 900 mm wide —next to the water closet.

3 Toilet doors
• A toilet door should either be an outward opening door, a two-way opening door, or a sliding type and should
provide a clear opening width of at least 900 mm.
• It should be provided with a horizontal pull bar, at least 600 mm long, on the inside of the door, located such that
it is 130 mm from the hinged side of the door and at a height of 1000 mm.
• The door should be capable of being locked from the inside by a device that is operable by one hand.

4 Water closets
• The top of a WC seat should be 450 to 480 mm from the floor.
• When a WC does not have the required height, the necessary height may be obtained by providing a circular base
under the WC. The base so provided must not protrude beyond the circumference of the WC’s base.


GRIHA Council
A-260, Bisham Pitamah Marg,
Defence Colony, New Delhi – 110024
A GRIHA Council - TERI initiative •

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