Data Science Interview Questions - Statistics: Mohit Kumar Dec 12, 2018 11 Min Read

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Data Science Interview questions — Statistics

Dec 12, 2018 · 11 min read

“People worry that computers will get too smart and take over the world, but the real
problem is that they’re too stupid and they’ve already taken over the world.” — by Pedro

Are you preparing for Data Science Interviews? but getting no ideas how to start. What
kind of problems can be asked? What topics need to be covered?

From broad mathematical discipline — Statistics, In this post I have listed top 10 Data
Science interview questions based on the current Interview trend and my past 4
company’s (Check out the Linkedin Profile here) interview experience:

1. What are the different measures used to summarize the distribution?

Ans: There are 3 types of measures used to summarize the distribution in descriptive
statistics shown below in the picture:

Make sure you are well verse with all the three measures before entering into Interview
room. Important Points need to remember:

• Median v/s Mean for imputation of missing values. Median should be used when the
data has outlier as it is robust to outliers otherwise use mean for missing value

• To calculate Sample Variance, n-1 is used in the denominator whereas n is used to

calculate Population Variance. Read more here to know why.

• Range = Maximum — Minimum Value, is also used as a measure of dispersion.

• When variable is skewed, Log transformation can be helpful to make it more


• For right skewed distribution — Mean > Median > Mode

• For Left Skewed Distribution — Mean < Median < Mode

2. What is Central Limit Theorem (CLT) and its applications?

Ans: Before getting into CLT, Let’s understand what is Sampling Distribution:

Sampling Distribution: A sampling distribution is a probability distribution of a statistic

obtained through a large number of samples drawn from a specific population. Now we
have a good understanding of Sampling Distribution.So , Let’s explore CLT Theorem:

Central Limit Theorem: For a population with any distribution, the Sampling
distribution of sample means approaches Normal distribution as the sample size

Below picture beautifully explains CLT theorem:

CLT Theorem

Try out following code in R to understand CLT Theorem.

#Population with Uniform Distribution
samps <- runif(1000*200) ## uniform distribution [0,1]

# compute sample means of 10000 Samples

samp.means <- rowMeans(matrix(samps,nrow=1000,ncol=200))

# generate histogram for Population and Sampling Distribution of Sample Mean

par(mfrow = c(1,2))

hist(samps, col = "steelblue", main = "Population Distribution", xlab = "Population")

hist(samp.means, col = "steelblue", main = "Sampling Distribution of Sample Means", xlab = "Sample

3. What is the difference between Point Estimates and Confidence Interval?

Ans: Point Estimation gives us a particular value as an estimate of Population

parameter. Method of Moments and Maximum Likelihood estimator methods are used
to derive Point Estimators for population parameters.

Point Estimator Examples

Confidence interval gives us a range of values which is likely to contain the population
parameter. Confidence interval is generally preferred, as it tells us how likely this
parameter. Confidence interval is generally preferred, as it tells us how likely this
interval is to contain the population parameter. This likeliness or probability is called
Confidence Level or Confidence coefficient and represented by 1 — alpha, where alpha
is the level of significance.

4. How do we calculate Confidence Interval?

Ans: A confidence interval is an interval generated on the basis that a specified

proportion of the confidence intervals include the true parameter in repeated sampling.
How frequently the confidence interval contains the parameter is determined by the
confidence level. 95% is commonly used confidence level which means that in repeated
sampling 95% of the confidence intervals include the parameter. Here picture depicts
the components of a Confidence interval.

Here following pic gives the formulas use to calculate Confidence interval for population
mean under 2 scenarios.

Let’s understand by example:

A sample of 11 circuits from a normal population has a mean resistance of 2.20 ohms.
We know from past testing that the population standard deviation is 0.35 ohms.
Determine a 95% confidence interval for the true mean resistance of the population.
5. What is p-value and what does it signify?

Ans: Most of the candidates feel frustrated when it comes to explain the most widely
term used in statistics “P-Value”. The fundamental problem with p-value is that no one
can easily explain what exactly p-value is without using statistical jargons. Let me try to
explain it as simple as possible:

Just imagine a scenario, Modi ji went to buy mangoes from a vendor. As usual, Vendor
guy is claiming he is having sweet mangoes. Now as our Modi ji is statistician (don’t be
serious), he wants to investigate Vendor’s Hypothesis.

Ho: Mangoes are sweet

Ha: Mangoes are not sweet

Now from the population of Mangoes, Modi ji picked 1 sample and investigated it. He
found that Mango sample is not sweet and thoughtfully said the probability of getting
mango as sweet as this one or more sweeter than this is very less (p-value), say less
than 5%. So, Modi ji rejected the vendor’s claim and went to another vendor.

In general hypothesis testing procedure, we will have some hypothesis about the
population parameter and we investigate it using a sample extracted from the
population. P-value is nothing but the probability of observing such sample from the
population given that null hypothesis is true, if the probability is too small, we doubt on
the accuracy of null hypothesis and reject it, otherwise we accept Null hypothesis by
saying we don’t have enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis.

The p-value reflects the strength of evidence against the null hypothesis.

Let’s get back to actual definition:

p-value is defined as the probability that the data would be at least as extreme as those
observed, if the null hypothesis were true.

Let’s understand it with example:

Suppose that we are interested in the burning rate of a solid propellant used to power
aircrew escape systems. Propellant producer claims that the mean burning rate of solid
propellant is 50 cm/s.
To investigate the producer claim, Imagine we have collected a sample of propellants
and found sample mean as 51.3 and the symmetric value 48.7.

P-Value Calculation

From above plot, P-value tells us that if the null hypothesis H0: μ = 50 is true, the
probability of obtaining a random sample whose mean is at least as far from 50 as 51.3
and 48.7 is 0.038. Therefore, an observed sample mean of 51.3 is a rarely event if the
null hypothesis is true. So, we reject the null hypothesis at 5% level.

So keep in mind: P-value helps the statistician to draw conclusions on Null hypothesis
and is always between 0 and 1.

• P- Value > 0.05 denotes weak evidence against the null hypothesis which means
the null hypothesis cannot be rejected.

• P-value < 0.05 denotes strong evidence against the null hypothesis which means
the null hypothesis can be rejected.

• P-value=0.05 is the marginal value indicating it is possible to go either way.

6. Explain ANOVA and it’s applications.

Ans: Analysis of Variance (abbreviated as ANOVA) is an extremely useful technique

which is used to compare the means of multiple samples. Whether there is a significant
difference between the mean of 2 samples, can be evaluated using z-test or t-test but in
case of more than 2 samples, t-test can not be applied as it accumulates the error and it
will be cumbersome as the number of sample will increase (for example: for 4 samples 
— 12 t-test will have to be performed). The ANOVA technique enables us to perform this
simultaneous test. Here is the procedure to perform ANOVA:
Let’s see with example: Imagine we want to compare the salary of Data Scientist across
3 cities of india — Bengaluru, Pune and Mumbai. In order to do so, we collected data
shown below.

Data Scientist salary Data (in 100k)

Following picture explains the steps followed to get the Anova results.
There is a limitation of ANOVA that it does not tell which pair is having significant
difference. In above example, It is clear that there is a significant difference between the
means of Data Scientist salary among these 3 cities but it does not provide any
information on which pair is having the significant difference. This problem is being
solved by Tukey HSD. If interested about it, read more here.

7. What is the difference between factor analysis and principal Component


Ans: Principal Component analysis and factor analysis, both techniques can be used to
reduce the dimensions in the data. But, generally Statisticians use Factor analysis to
understand and simplify patterns of relationships underlying measured variables.
Following picture depicts how both approaches are different

Factor analysis seeks linear combinations of variables, called factors, that represent
underlying fundamental quantities of which the observed variables are expressions.
More precisely, the manifest variables are linear combinations of the factors, plus
unique (or specific) factors. From the above picture, It is clear the Factor F causes the
responses on the 4 measured Y variables.

PCA on the other hand summarizes common variation in many variables using just a
few variables. You can see in above picture from the direction of the arrows that the Y
variables contribute to the component variable.

8. What are the assumptions of Linear Regression and their diagnostics?

Ans: This is one of the frequently asked and simplest question which can help you in
creating strong impression on the interviewer. Let’s crack it:

There are fundamentally 3 Assumptions of Linear Regression

1. Linearity: There is a linear relationship between dependent and independent

variable. This is one of the crucial assumption as if there is non-linear relationship
among dependent and independent variables, Linear regression model will be
under-fitted and predictions will be quite far from the actual.
2. Normality: Residuals error are assumed to be normally distributed. Let’s see what
does it mean with example: 1. See the following graph, We are trying to analyze the
relationship between number of bids(X) requested by construction contractors and
time (Y) required to prepare the bids.

Linear Regression

Regression analysis assumes that at every level of X, there is a probability distribution

of Y, whose mean have a systematic relation with X. This Systematic relation is called
regression function of Y on X. The response Y exceeds or falls short of the value of
regression function by the error term.

Here, errors are assumed to have Normal distribution with mean 0 and variance sigma².
Now using this assumption, we can conclude that dependent variable also follows
normal distribution with mean as Regression function and variance same as of error

3. Homoscedasticity: Residuals(Errors) are assumed to have constant variance

across the level of X.

Diagnostics: Following picture is the standard result of linear regression model

performed in R. It clearly explains which plot has to be used and how to diagnose the
assumptions of linear regression. This process we call it as Residual Analysis.
Apart from above mentioned assumptions, there are other assumptions which are
critical for validation like:

• Independence of Error Terms — Check by analyzing auto-correlation plot.

• Independent variables should not be correlated with each other (Multi-collinearity) — 

Generally diagnosed by Variance Inflation Factor(VIF) or directly plotting Correlation

9. What is the difference between Correlation and Covariance?

Ans: Correlation and Covariance are statistical concepts which are generally used to
determine the relationship and measure the dependency between two random
variables. Actually, Correlation is a special case of covariance which can be observed
when the variables are standardized. This point will become clear from the formulas :

Correlation Formula

Here listed key differences between covariance and correlation:

10. Can we create Logistic regression using Excel without plugins?

Ans: Yes absolutely. At this particular question candidates get stumbled if they hear it
for the first time. This question tests knowledge of Logistic Regression, Excel functions
and Excel solver options.

Download the excel file here explaining different steps involved to perform Logistic
regression in Excel using Solver.

Steps to be performed:

1. Identify the dependent and independent variable. (Imagine 2 Independent variable

and 1 dependent variable.)

2. Let’s start with some random values in 3 coefficients as 0.1.

3. Create another column calculating linear equation.

4. Create another column by calculating Logit of z as:

5. Calculate log-likelihood for every observation using following formula

Above steps are depicted using following snapshot:

Now open the solver from Data Tab in excel and estimate the coefficients that maximize
the log-likelihood function given in J9.
After providing the input to the solver, mentioned in the above snapshot, click on Solve
and if solver will be able to find the solution, a new window will pop up which will look
like this:

Just click OK. It will display the estimated coefficients in the respective cells.
Solver Output

apart of estimated coefficients, Solver will show the maximized Log-Likelihood values
which is -6.65456 in the current case using estimated coefficients.


Apart of questions explained above, I will recommend following topics one must prepare
before sitting in Data Science/Data Analyst/Business Analyst Interview.

• Chi-Squared Distribution and Chi-square Goodness of Fit Test

• Continuous Probability Distributions — Normal and T- distribution

• Discrete Probability Distributions: Binomial, Geometric, Poisson and Negative

Binomial Distribution.

• Probability Mass Function, Probability Density function and Cumulative Distribution


• Hypothesis Testing

• Sampling Techniques — Simple Random Sampling (SRS), Stratified Sampling,

Cluster Sampling.

Here are few good resources to read more:-

• Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers — By Montgomery

• Applied Linear Statistical Models — by Michael H. Kutner,


What’s your story? Did this guide help you better prepare for your next interview? Do
you have any other statistics question which you want to be in the post? Let us know in
the comments below!

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On Linkedin? So am I. Feel free to keep in touch —  Mohit .

A special thanks to Gunjan Thareja for her significant contributions and feedback.

Interview Logistic In
Data Science Statistics Questions P Value Excel


Mohit kumar Follow

Data Scientist @Siemens

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