Fig. 4: Typical Plan With Horizontal Bracing. (A) Undesirable Brace Arrangement (B) Desirable Brace Arrangement
Fig. 4: Typical Plan With Horizontal Bracing. (A) Undesirable Brace Arrangement (B) Desirable Brace Arrangement
Fig. 4: Typical Plan With Horizontal Bracing. (A) Undesirable Brace Arrangement (B) Desirable Brace Arrangement
Connection Details are made with single clip angles on one side of the gusset.
Figure 5a shows a typical horizontal bracing connection Usually the field bolts are easier to access when the clip
at a beam-to-beam intersection. Where horizontal bracing angles are placed on the top side of the gusset. For larger
is located at a beam-to-column intersection, the gusset plate loads, double clip-angles (one on each side of the gusset)
must be cut out around the column as shown in Figure 5b. are common. Figure 7 shows a detail where the nominal
These are called wrap-around gusset plates. At locations minus dimension is 14 in. A single clip angle is used to
with large columns and heavy beam connection angles, a connect the gusset plate to the W18 beam. On the opposite
large area of the gusset plate must be cut out as shown in interface, the gusset plate is bolted directly to the flange of
Figure 6 (opposite page). It is more economical for shops to the W14 beam. In practice, filler plates are common where
cut square openings, but the optional diagonal cut shown at the gusset is bolted directly to the beam flange, due to the
the inside corner of the plate can significantly increase the varying depths of the beams within a braced bay.
bending strength of the gusset plate legs. The optional cut at Gusset plates usually are shop bolted to the brace for
the outside corner is used to ensure that the maximum edge shipping to the field. This is more efficient for erection,
distance requirements in the AISC Specification are met. because the single assembly can be located and oriented
Connections at the gusset-to-beam interface typically easier than if the brace were shipped separately from the