BMAL500 Syllabus
BMAL500 Syllabus
BMAL500 Syllabus
BMAL 500
This course discusses managerial competence in understanding the human output of
organizations from the viewpoints of individual, group, and organizational systems levels.
Emphasis is given to assessing one’s personality and values and to applying course material to
one’s work environment. (Formerly BUSI 500)
Without wise application of organizational behavior, no manager can consistently manage
effectively or efficiently. Such knowledge and ability is foundational to the Master of Business
Administration program. It should also be anticipated that many of the topics presented in this
course will be studied in much greater depth in subsequent courses. It is presupposed that those
who know organizational behavior best are those who first understand their behavior
individually, in teams, and in organizational structures. This course does not utilize groups; it
focuses on the student individually.
ACCT 511, BMAL 590, BUSI 561, or CPC1
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BMAL 500 Course Syllabus
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BMAL 500 Course Syllabus
D. Projects (2)
The student will discuss his/her results of 2 free personality tests (Myers-Briggs
and Jung). Each discussion will be a separate project completed in Connect. The
student is required to include at least 5 scholarly sources no older than 5 years old.
Specific resource possibilities are listed in each Blackboard instructions
document. Each project must be at least 6 pages; the title page, abstract, and
reference page do not count toward the overall page count. Each project must be
completed in current APA format.
E. Research Paper
The student will provide a scholarly, peer-reviewed article in Module/Week 1
pertaining to theories in organizational behavior from the course. Upon approval
from the instructor, the student will prepare the research paper according to the
written instructions for Module/Week 7. The article must be current in research
and no older than 5 years. Other specific resource possibilities are listed in the
Blackboard instructions document. The research paper must be 8–10 pages; the
title page, abstract, and reference page do not count toward the overall page count.
The paper must be completed in current APA format.
F. Quizzes (6)
Each quiz will cover the Reading & Study material for the assigned module/week.
Each test will be open-book/open-notes, contain 25 multiple choice and true/false
questions, and have a time limit of 50 minutes.
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BMAL 500 Course Syllabus
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