BRM_Assessment_1_ Brief _KG_2024-1 (2)
BRM_Assessment_1_ Brief _KG_2024-1 (2)
BRM_Assessment_1_ Brief _KG_2024-1 (2)
Module Title: Business Research Methods Module Code:
Weekly Learning Conversation
Assignment Format & Assignment 20% of the overall
Maximum Word count
(Group) plus weekly 250-word Weighting: grade
Individual reflection
250-word individual
reflection to 4 weeks after
be submitted by every Friday: submission
return Date
Coursework Submission: Week 1: 18/10/24 returned to
Week 2: 25/10/24 students:
Week 3: 01/11/24
Week 4: 08/11/24
Time: 23:59
Dr Ketty Grishikashvili
Module leader First marker Module Team
Approved ✘ Module Board
Internal Moderator
Date: 04/09/24 name
Approved Module Board
External Examiner
Date: date
Assessment Criteria
Learning Outcomes: Knowledge and Understanding tested in this assignment:
Demonstrate understanding of contemporary business issue and challenges associated with
business research
Demonstrate a potential business research issue, aim, objectives and question (s)
Identifying key literature, theories and authors relevant to specific topics
Learning Outcomes: Skills and Attributes tested in this assignment:
Creating a learning community and communicating effectively across teams
Formulate effective research aim, objectives and research question(s)
Feedback /Marking criteria for this Assignment
Performance will be assessed using HBS Grading Criteria and Mark scheme.
Guidance for improvement will be given in writing on the Assessment Feedback Form or on the StudyNet
Feedback Form within 4 weeks of submission.
For each day or part day up to five days after the published deadline, coursework relating to modules
submitted late will have the numeric grade reduced by 10 grade points until or unless the numeric grade
reaches 40 for levels 4, 5 and 6 or 50 for level 7 (PG). Where the numeric grade awarded for the assessment
is less than 40 for level 4, 5 and 6, or 50 for level 7, no lateness penalty will be applied. However, if a
submission is more than 5 working days after the published deadline, a grade of zero will be awarded.
Week 1 - Nature of Business and Management Research & Research Process + The Case
Study of the week.
Week 2 - Identifying Potential Research Topic, Aims and Objectives + The Case Study of the
Week 3 - Identifying Potential Literature for your Research + The Case Study of the week.
Week 4 - Developing your own research topic, question (s), aim and objectives. It is
mandatory to highlight the Contemporary Business Issue to be addressed for a Specified
Organisation (it could be one of the well-known brands) + The Case Study of the week.
After each week’s Learning Conversation each member of Learning Set should reflect on their Learning
Conversation and produce reflective piece of work no more than 250 words and no less than 150.
You have to individually consider:
What was the week’s topic and the case study of the week and what you learned from the
Learning Conversation?
How experience from this conversation can help you to build your own research proposal?
An individual reflective Aide Memoire must be uploaded to this portal by 23.59 on every Friday:
Week 1: 18/10/24
Week 2: 25/10/24
Week 3: 01/11/24
Week 4: 08/11/24
Important: There will be no extensions for any of these deadlines. If you cannot attend the tutorial, it is
your responsibility, that you let your tutor know in advance with appropriate proof (e.g. a doctor’s note).
Specific Instructions:
This work involves Two Stages.
Stage One
1. You must select your own Learning Set (group) within your tutorial groups, with a minimum of four
and maximum of five members (recommended is four). Only in exceptional circumstances and with
permission from the module tutor will teams of three be allowed. Under no circumstances can teams be
larger than five.
Failure to join a team may result in a loss of marks for the learning conversation component of the
You must form Learning Set within your tutorial group. You are not permitted to change tutorial
group under any circumstances unless this has been formally agreed with the programme team.
2. Use Canvas preparation material to help you build your knowledge and understanding even further
3. Each group member must do their own research (e.g., find an information and bring it with you (an
academic paper, newsletter or video) about the weeks topic and contribute equally during the Learning
Stage Two
After each week’s Learning Conversation each member of Learning Set should reflect on their Learning
Conversation and produce a reflective piece of work no more than 250 words and no less than 150.
You have to individually consider:
What was the week’s topic and the case study, what did you learn from the Learning set
How experience from this conversation can help you to build your own research proposal?
Please Note:
• Do not use Wikipedia as a reference – perhaps instead use it to find links to case studies and other
published material. Use the UH online library for literature searches of academic peer-reviewed
journals. Consider using search engines such as Google Scholar and Scopus for practitioner-
focused trade publications and news sources.
• The CASE Guide to Harvard Referencing is an essential resource.
Marking scheme:
e.g. Weighting
Attendance, engagement, and participation. 100%
Team spirit and co-operation, building trust and rapport with the ability
to positively challenge.
Ability to discuss and analyse the topic with critical awareness.
Ability to giving and receiving feedback and feedforward.
Ability to developing effective research aim, objectives and research
Ability to meet deadline for reflective piece of work.
Individual reflection.
Total 100
Meeting weekly tasks and submitting reflective piece of work every Friday (4 weeks) will be scored as
Complete or Incomplete and stored in canvas. The total score (20%) will be automatically recorded in
canvas as well. You may also get Excused, which still counts as a mark, but it is not a full mark. In case of
Excuse please see your Tutor to improve the mark for the following week.