Kisi - Kisi Instrumen Soal

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Jenjang : SMP
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas/Semester : IX/I
Silabus : K- 13

No. Kelas/ Level Kognitif Bentuk Soal

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Indikator Soal Nomor Soal
Urut Smt.

3.2 Menerapkan struktur teks dan Disajikan sebuah dialog rumpang, siswa L1 Pilihan Ganda
unsur kebahasaan untuk dapat melengkapi dengan ungkapan
1 Teks lisan dan tulis persetujuan (agreement), ketidaksetujuan C1 1,2,3,
melaksanakan fungsi sosial dari
ungkapan persetujuan, serta tentang ungkapan (disagreement), dan responnya. 1.1
persetujuan, serta
responsnya, sesuai dengan konteks IX / 1 responsnya Disajikan sebuah dialog rumpang dengan L1 Pilihan Ganda
ungkapan persetujuan (agreement),
ketidaksetujuan (disagreement), peserta 4,5,
didik dapat menemukan informasi rinci 1.2
dari dialog tersebut.

Disajikan dialog rumpang, siswa L1 Pilihan Ganda

Dialog rumpang tentang dapat melengkapi bagian rumpang C1
IX / 1 6, 7
to, in order to, so that dengan ungkapan maksud / tujuan
yang tepat “so that dan in order to”. 1,1

Disajikan dialog sederhana, siswa L1 Pilihan Ganda

dapat menemukan informasi rinci dari C1 8
dialog tersebut
Disajikan dialog sedernana, siswa L1 Pilihan Ganda
dapat menentukan makna kata/frase
C1 9, 10
yang terdapat pada teks./menentukan
rujukan dari kata ganti yang terdapat 1.1
dalam teks

Lampiran Soal :
1. Haris :”What do you think about tangled movie?”
Sinta :”I think it is a good movie. Although it is animation, but it contains
many moral values.”
Haris :”…. I think this movie isn’t fit for us, isn’t for children.

A. Do you agree? C. I completely agree

B. Sure D. I don’t think so

2. Endro : “Do you agree if we go to night festival tonight, Gus?”

Agus :”….. I want to play some games there.”
Endro :”I’ll pick you at seven pm.”
Agus : O.K.
A. That’s a good idea C. No, I disagree
B. Do you agree? D. Sorry, I have another opinion

3. Fajar :”I want to make a kite, but I don’t have paper. What do you suggest?
Eko :”… use plastic. I’ve ever seen a plastic kite.
Fajar :”O.K. I will use it. Thanks.”
A. Why don’t you
B. I agree with you
C. What do you think I should done
D. Do you have any suggestion?

This text is for questions number 4 and 5

Indra :”Hi, Fajar, My father asks me to pick my brother, Ismail, in his school,
but at the same time I have a promise to accompany Heri to buy a new
jacket. What do you suggest? I am confused.”
Fajar :”I would recommend that you pick your brother first then you can go to
Accompany Heri. I think that is the good solution for you.”
Indra :”That’s good suggestion, thanks.”

4. Who asks Indra to pick Ismail in his school?

A. Heri B. Fajar C. Fajar’s father D. Indra’s father

5. Does Indra accept Fajar’s suggestion?

A.Yes, he is B. No, He is not C. Yes, he does D. No, he doesn’t

6. Beni : “Remember that Dayu got diarrhea because she did not wash the
fruit before she ate it.”
Luna : “So, you should always wash your fruit before you eat it …..
You will not get diarrhea.”
A. so that B. but C. because D. before

7. .................. be healthy, We should keep our school and classroom clean.

We should sweep the floor and the yard.
A. so that B. but C. In order to D. before
The following dialog is for questions 8 to 10

Adila : “Where are you going to spend your holiday?”

Yunita : “ In Batu, near Malang, East Java.”
Adila : “ Why are you going to spend Holiday there?”
Yunita : “ It is not crowded as Jakarta and Surabaya. The weather is rather cold at night.”

8. Where is Yunita going to spend her holiday?

A. In Malang B. In Batu C. In Surabaya D. In Jakarta

9. How is the weather in Batu at night?

A. Hot and Humid B. Rather cold C. Breeze D. Crowded

10. “It is not crowded as Jakarta and Surabaya”

The word it refers to....
A. Malang B. East Java C. Batu D. Jakarta


1. D 6. A
2. A 7. C
3. A 8. B
4. D 9. B
5. C 10. C

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