27 Auramine Staining Fin

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1. Scope
2. Definitions and abbreviations
3. Personnel qualifications
3.1 Medical fitness
3.2 Education and training
4. Procedure
4.1 Principle
4.2 Samples
4.3 Equipment and materials
4.4 Reagents and solutions
4.5 Detailed instructions
4.6 Reading, recording and reporting
4.7 Quality control and evaluation of smear quality
4.8 Waste management
5. Related documents
Annex. Request and reporting form for sputum smear examination

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1. Scope

This SOP describes the auramine staining technique for detection of acid-fast bacilli
by microscopy. The auramine staining technique applies to fluorescence microscopy.

2. Definitions and abbreviations

microscope magnification
individual objective magnification x eyepiece magnification
AFB: acid-fast bacilli
HPF: high-power fields
LED: light-emitting diode
MDR-TB: multidrug-resistant TB
QC: quality control

3. Personnel qualifications

3.1 Medical fitness

In accordance with national laws and practices, arrangements should be made for
appropriate health surveillance of TB laboratory workers:
 before enrolment in the TB laboratory;
 at regular intervals thereafter, annually or bi-annually;
 after any biohazard incident;
 at the onset of TB symptoms.
Ideally, individual medical records shall be kept for up to 10 years following the end of
occupational exposure.
Laboratory workers should be educated about the symptoms of TB and provided with
ready access to free medical care if symptoms arise.
Confidential HIV counselling and testing should be offered to laboratory workers.
Options for reassignment of HIV-positive or immuno-suppressed individuals away
from the high-risk areas of the TB laboratory should be considered.
All cases of disease or death identified in accordance with national laws and/or
practice as resulting from occupational exposure to biological agents shall be notified
to the competent authority.

3.2 Education and training

Basic education and training must be given on the following topics:

 potential risks to health (symptoms of TB disease and transmission);

 precautions to be taken to minimize aerosol formation and prevent exposure;
 hygiene requirements;
 wearing and use of protective equipment and clothing;
 prevention of incidents and steps to be taken by workers in the case of
incidents (biohazard incidents, chemical, electrical and fire hazards);
 handling of potentially infectious materials;
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 laboratory design, including airflow conditions;

 use of equipment (operation, identification of malfunctions, maintenance);
 good laboratory practice and good microbiological technique;
 organization of work flow;
 procedures;
 importance of laboratory results for patient management;
 importance of laboratory results for the national TB programme.
The training shall be:
 given before a staff member takes up his/her post;
 strictly supervised;
 adapted to take account of new or changed conditions; and
 repeated periodically, preferably every year.
4. Procedure

4.1 Principle
The property of acid-fastness is based on the presence of mycolic acids in the
mycobacterial cell wall. Primary stain (auramine) binds cell-wall mycolic acids.
Intense decolourization (strong acids, alcohol) does not release primary stain from
the cell wall and the mycobacteria retain the fluorescent bright yellow colour of
auramine. Potassium permanganate is used to quench fluorescence in the
background; however, it provides little contrast for focusing and stains are therefore
sometimes preferred, of which blue ink may be the best.
All mycobacteria are acid-fast, but very few other bacteria possess this property and
then only weakly (e.g. Nocardia). AFB found in respiratory specimens of patients
from countries with high TB prevalence are almost always TB bacilli. Non-TB
mycobacteria are more commonly found in countries where TB prevalence is low. In
high-burden countries, some patients suspected of having MDR-TB may actually
have disease caused by non-TB mycobacteria. AFB found in extrapulmonary
specimens, particularly gastric washings, stool or urine, should never be
automatically be assumed to represent TB bacilli.
Fluorescence microscopy allows smears to be examined more rapidly than is
possible with the basic fuchsin procedures and is particularly indicated for high-
volume laboratories. It may also be more sensitive for paucibacillary specimens,
since it allows examination of more fields with less effort. However, it requires a
stable power supply, greater expertise in reading and microscope adjustment, and a
regular supply of the costly and short-lived bulbs. Cheaper systems using halogen
lamps have less stringent requirements, but performance does not entirely match
that of the standard mercury vapour lamps.
Note: Newly developed of blue LED light sources adjusted to fluorescence
microscopes may overcome these difficulties in near future, because a 5-W lamp is
sufficient, can be operated with simple batteries and has a life of at least 15 000

4.2 Specimens
Any incoming specimen must be properly labelled, as a minimum with a unique
identification number. This identification is also written on the request form (see
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Annex), and must correspond with the identification in the laboratory AFB-microscopy
4.2.1 Sputa
• Spontaneous sputa
Sputa from suspects should be rejected only if they are liquid and as clear as
water, with no particles or streaks of mucous material. However, they should be
accepted if the patient cannot produce a better specimen on a repeated attempt.
Sputa from follow-up patients should be accepted and examined even if they look
like saliva, since these patients often cannot produce mucoid specimens.
• Induced sputa
These specimens resemble saliva but have to be processed as adequate
• Decontaminated sputa, concentrated by centrifugation.
4.2.2 Other specimens
• Laryngeal swabs, gastric lavages, bronchial washings, brushings and
transtracheal aspirates.
• Urine.
• Body fluids (spinal, pleural, pericardial, synovial, fluids from ascites, blood, pus,
bone marrow).
• Tissue biopsies.

4.3 Equipment and materials

Alcohol sand jar (only if a loop is used, not needed with disposable sticks).
Bunsen burner or spirit lamp
Diamond pencil or lead pencil (if frosted-end slides are available)
Filter paper, appropriate for funnel size
Funnels, small, for filtering solutions in use
Lens paper or soft tissue paper
Plastic bag for waste disposal
Bamboo or wooden sticks or wire loops
Fluorescence microscope with objectives of 20x or 25x, and 40x (ideally specific for
fluorescence microscopy), and eyepieces of 10x
Slide staining rack
Slide boxes
New, clean slides (rinse in alcohol and dry if necessary)
Staining reagents
Staining bottles, 250 ml, with spout
Beaker for rinsing water
Sink and water supply
Disinfectant solution

4.4 Reagents and solutions

See SOP for preparation of staining and reagent solutions
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NOTE: Here the preparation of staining solutions and/or (if staining solutions are
provided centrally) method used or recommended by the NTP should be inserted or
4.4.1 Auramine staining solution, 0.1%
4.4.2 Acid-alcohol decolourizing solution, 0.5%
4.4.3 Counterstaining solution
Potassium permanganate, 0.5%, or blue ink, 10%

4.5.Detailed instructions
4.5.1 Preparation of smears
• Disinfect the working area.
• Label the slides properly using the laboratory register serial number marked on
the sputum container.
• Place each slide on its corresponding container
• Proceed to smearing, taking the labelled slides and opening containers one by
one; do the smearing behind the flame of a Bunsen burner or spirit lamp.
 for a direct sputum smear, select a small portion of purulent or mucopurulent
material with the stick/loop and transfer it to the slide;
 if a smear is prepared after specimen decontamination, the concentrated
material must be transferred to the slide with a sterilized loop to avoid
Note: If a loop is used, it must be sterilized before use by heating until red-hot
within the glass chimney of the Bunsen burner. After use, plunge the loop into the
alcohol sand jar, moving it up and down to remove any remaining material, then
heat it again until red-hot.
• Spread the material carefully over an area equal to about 2–3 cm x 1–2 cm using
repeated circular movements, without touching the edge of the slide. Make the
smear as even as possible by continuing this process until no thick parts remain.
The thickness of the smear should be such that a newspaper held under the slide
can barely be read through the dried smear.
• Disinfect the working area after smear preparation
• Let the smears air-dry at room temperature; do not use heat to speed the drying.
Where humidity is high, gentle warming will be needed on a slide warmer (or
locally made box with glass top under which there is a 20-W light bulb).
• When dry, hold the slides in forceps and fix them by passing three times slowly
through the flame of a spirit lamp or quickly through that of a Bunsen burner,
smear upwards; do not overheat or AFB staining will be poor.
• Always keep smears out of direct sunlight.
4.5.2 Staining method
• Place the slides, smear upwards, on the staining rack over a sink, about 1 cm
• Place a new filter paper in a small funnel, keep it over the first slide and fill it up
with auramine staining solution.
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• Let the solution filter through the paper, covering each slide completely. Do not
heat. Leave for 20 minutes.
• Using forceps, tilt each slide to drain off the stain solution. Rinse the slides well
with distilled water or clean tap water from a beaker (not directly from the tap).
• Pour the acid solution over the smears, covering them completely, and allow to
act for 3 minutes.
• Using forceps, tilt each slide to drain off the acid-alcohol solution. Gently rinse
each slide again with distilled water or clean tap water from a beaker (not directly
from the tap).
• Flood smears with potassium permanganate or blue ink solution for 1 minute.
Time is critical because counterstaining for longer may quench the AFB
• Using forceps, tilt each slide to drain off the counterstain solution. Gently rinse
each slide again with distilled water or clean tap water from a beaker (not directly
from the tap).
• Using forceps, take each slide from the rack and let the water drain off. Stand the
slide on edge on the drying rack and allow to air-dry.
Note: If blue ink was used as the counterstain, the stained smear should show a light
blue colour. A dark blue colour usually indicates that the smear is too thick.

4.6 Reading, recording and reporting

4.6.1 Reading
• Keep stained smears in the dark (in a box or folder) and read as soon as possible –
fluorescence fades quickly when exposed to light.
• Switch on fluorescent lamp 5 minutes before use; leave the lower ordinary lamp off.
• Rotate the nosepiece so that the 20x (or 25x) objective is in the light path.
• Select the filter set position suitable for auramine stain (see manufacturer's manual)
• Check that there is a strong blue light; if not, open shutters and/or the fluorescent
light beam diaphragm
• Load the positive control slide on the stage and move the stage to position the slide
under the objective.
• Use the coarse adjustment first, and then the fine adjustment, to focus the objective.
If this fails (i.e. in thin negative smears), turn the filter set to transmitted light, switch
on the lower normal lamp and focus as with a light microscope. Then switch off the
lower lamp and return to the required filter position. The field should now be in focus.
Note: Focusing and maintaining focus while moving the smears may prove quite
difficult if the permanganate-quenched background is too dark. If the lamp works well
(strong blue light seen from the side), try background staining with blue ink.
• Check that bright yellow fluorescent AFB are clearly seen. If not, adjust the lamp
and/or the mirror position. Check that the whole field is evenly lit. If not, centre the
diaphragm after partially closing it (see manufacturer’s manual).
• Exchange the positive control for the first routine smear without changing focus or
rotating the objective. Repeat the procedure with each smear to be examined.
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• Using the 20x (or 25x) objective, scan the stained smear systematically from one
side to the other and back again – at least one length must be scanned before
reporting a negative. At 200x magnification, this corresponds to three lengths or 300
high-power fields (HPF) using the oil-immersion 100x objective; at 400x it equals two
lengths or 200 HPF with the oil-immersion objective. The process will take 1–2
Acid-fast bacilli appear bright yellow against the dark background material.
Tubercle bacilli are quite variable in shape, from very short fragments to
elongated types, and may be uniformly stained or with one or many gaps, or even
granular. The typical appearance is of bacilli that are rather long and slender,
slightly curved rods. They occur singly or in small groups, and rarely in large
clumps. With good staining (always check a freshly stained positive control first),
there may also be fluorescing (sometimes green) artefacts, which do not have the
typical shape. Non-fluorescing bacillary shapes must also be considered as
• Use the 40x objective for confirmation of AFB
• Store the slides in a slide box in order of the numbers of the laboratory register; they
will be needed for external quality assessment. Do not write results on the slides.
• When finished, turn the power off. When work needs to be interrupted for just a few
minutes only, block the light using the shutter but do not switch off the light source.
After switching off a mercury lamp, wait at least 15 minutes before switching it on
again. Other types of lamps for short periods of time without problem.
4.6.2 Recording
Because fluorochrome-stained smears are examined at magnifications of 200x to
400x, the number of AFB can roughly be divided by a factor 10 or 5, respectively
(depending on the objective) to make them equivalent to fields seen on examination
of fuchsin-stained smears at 1000x.

Microscopy system used

(1000x field = HPF) Bright-field Fluorescence Fluorescence
(1000x magnification: (200–250x magnification: (400x magnification:
Result 1 length = 2 cm = 100 HPF) 1 length = 30 fields = 1 length = 40 fields =
300 HPF) 200 HPF)
Negative Zero AFB / 1 length Zero AFB / 1 length Zero AFB / 1 length
1–9 AFB / 1 length
Scanty 1–29 AFB / 1 length 1–19 AFB / 1 length
or 100 HPF
10–99 AFB / 1 length
1+ 30–299 AFB / 1 length 20–199 AFB / 1 length
or 100 HPF
1–10 AFB / 1 HPF 10–100 AFB / 1 field 5–50 AFB / 1 field
on average on average on average
>10 AFB / 1 HPF >100 AFB / 1 field >50 AFB / 1 field
on average on average on average

Doubtful results
If there is uncertainty about the presence of a bacillus because of the lower
magnification, it is best to inspect this carefully with the 40x objective or, if
unavoidable, with a 100x oil-immersion objective. This is more efficient than re-
staining by the Ziehl-Neelsen technique (sometimes recommended), which may
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Laboratory name Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Version: no.
Location Date: of release
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result in bacilli being washed off or simply not found again. Inexperienced personnel
should seek advice from a supervisor.

4.6.3 Reporting
Results must be reported in a special register of TB laboratory examination. Use red
ink for positive results. Reports must be provided as soon as possible.
• For a negative result report: “Acid-fast bacilli were not seen.”
• For a positive result: report quantification of AFB seen. (It should not be assumed
that AFB are tubercle bacilli.)
• Never report “No TB” (or equivalent wording).

4.7 Quality control and evaluation of smear quality

4.7.1 Internal QC of freshly made staining solutions
• Prepare batches of control slides from suitable sputum specimens. These are
negatives that have been thoroughly examined, and a low positive (1+, 10–99
AFB/100 fields) sputum homogenized after liquefaction by standing overnight at
room temperature. Prepare at least 20 smears of each, as nearly identical in size
and thickness as possible, giving each series the same QC identification number.
Check 2–3 of each after good staining, and note the average number of AFB for
the 1+ in the QC logbook
• Check every newly prepared staining solution with unstained control smears,
using at least one positive, with known approximate number of AFB, and one
negative slide.
• Stain the positive smear(s) as in section 4.5.2; repeat the cycle for the
negative(s) at least once to ensure that contaminants present in decolourizer or
quenching/counterstaining solution will be visible.
• Examine the controls as in section 4.6.1, and note the results in the QC logbook,
under the batch number (and/or preparation date) of the new solutions.
• Unacceptable control results include the following:
 Positive control AFB are not stained bright yellow or are too few in number.
 Negative control remains bright yellow after decolourization.
 Background is too dark or contains too many fluorescent artefacts.
If one or more of these are found, check whether something went wrong with the
solution preparation. If this seems unlikely, repeat the controls with two more
slides of each control, paying attention to correct staining technique. Accept if
these controls give the expected results. If the repeat controls also give
unacceptable results, discard the staining solutions and prepare new ones.
 Negative control shows AFB.
If the negative control shows AFB, repeat the negative controls (2 smears) using
the same reagents and technique, but use distilled water for rinsing. If AFB are
still observed, discard the batches of staining solutions and prepare new ones,
making sure to use absolutely clean glassware and distilled water for dissolving
the dyes.
4.7.2 Internal QC of staining solutions in use and of staining procedure
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• Include positive and negative controls with each day's reading. Read control
slides before patient smears; this will also help with focusing and to check proper
functioning of the instrument.
• If results are unacceptable (as described above), re-stain smears of that day
together with new controls, paying attention to correct technique; if these controls
are also unacceptable, prepare new staining solutions and repeat the staining.
4.7.3 Internal QC indicators
Monitor laboratory performance by monthly counts – plotted on a graph – of:
 number of smears,
 positivity rate,
 positive cases detected.
These indicators provide an early warning of problems and signal the need for
corrective actions. They contribute to staff motivation and self-reliance.
Among the possible reasons for false-positive results are:
 re-use of containers or positive slides;
 contaminated stain prepared with water containing environmental
 use of scratched slides;
 AFB floated off one slide and became attached to another during the staining
procedure because there was no space between adjacent slides;
 inadequate decolourization;
 lack of experience, confusion with artefacts (especially if stains are not or
poorly filtered);
 microscope (lamp) in poor condition or poorly adjusted: interpreting glitter as
 poor quality of staining solutions.
False-negative results
Among the possible reasons for false-negative results are:
 poor quality of specimen;
 not taking proper portion of specimen for smear preparation;
 excessive decolourization;
 poorly prepared staining solution;
 too little time staining with auramine;
 over-staining with permanganate;
 overheating during fixing;
 reading less than one length;
 slide exposed to daylight for too long;
 too long an interval between staining and reading, particularly if slides were
poorly stained or not kept in the dark.

4.8 Waste management

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Laboratory name Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Version: no.
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At the end of each day, seal contaminated material (used sputum containers, sticks,
etc.) in a bag and incinerate as soon as possible. Keep the bag in a safe, closed bin
or large bucket until it can be incinerated.
In intermediate or central laboratories where there is an autoclave, infectious waste
should be collected in an autoclavable bag and should be autoclaved before
If a burning drum is used, collect contaminated material (containers with tightened
caps, sticks, etc…) from the laboratory in a bucket containing phenol 5%. Burn
contents weekly. When cool, bury the residue at a depth of at least 1 metre.

5. Related documents

Basics of quality assurance for intermediate and peripheral laboratories, 2nd ed.
Cairo, WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, 2002
Kent PT, Kubica GP. Public health mycobacteriology: a guide for the level III
laboratory. Atlanta, GA, United States Department of Health and Human Services,
Centers for Disease Control, 1985.
Laboratory services in tuberculosis control. Part II: Microscopy. Geneva, World
Health Organization, 1998.
Lumb R, Bastian I. Laboratory diagnosis of tuberculosis by sputum microscopy.
Adelaide, Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science, 2005.
Maintenance and repair of laboratory, diagnostic imaging and hospital equipment.
Geneva, World Health Organization, 1994.
Manual of basic techniques for a health laboratory, 2nd ed. Geneva, World Health
Organization, 2003.
Rieder HL et al. Priorities for tuberculosis bacteriology services in low-income
countries, 2nd ed. Paris, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease,
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Laboratory name Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Version: no.
Location Date: of release
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Annex. Request and reporting form for sputum smear examination

Treatment unit_______________________________________ Date_______

Patient’s name:__________________________________________________

Age________ Sex (M/F)________

Address (precise) ___________________________________________


Reason for examination: diagnosis □ follow-up □

If follow-up examination Month: __
Registration number: __________
Signature of person requesting examination

Results (to be completed in the laboratory)

Laboratory serial no._________ Technique used : Ziehl-Neelsen / Fluorochrome

Result (check one)

Date Specimen Appearance* neg 1-9 + ++ +++

* Visual appearance of sputum (blood-stained, purulent, mucous, mucopurulent, salivary )

Date_____________ Examined by ______________________________


The completed form (with results) should be sent promptly to the treatment unit.

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