The Institution of Engineers (India) : Call For Papers

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The Institution of Engineers (India)

In service of the Nation since 1920

National Convention of
Mechanical Engineers
September 04-05, 2019
Hosted by: Hosur Local Centre
Venue : Hosur

Trends and Developments in Automotive Industry


About The Institution of Engineers (India) Market Size
The Institution of Engineers (India) or IEI is the largest Overall domestic automobiles sales increased at 7.01 per cent
multidisciplinary professional body that encompasses 15 CAGR between FY13-18 with 24.97 million vehicles getting
engineering disciplines and gives engineers a global platform sold in FY18. The auto industry is set to witness major changes
for sharing professional interest. IEI has membership strength of in the form of electric vehicles (EVs), shared mobility, Bharat
above 0.8 million. Established in 1920, with its headquarter at 8 Stage-VI emission and safety norms. Electric cars in India are
Gokhale Road, Kolkata-700020, IEI has served the engineering expected to get new green number plates and may also get
fraternity close to a century. During this period of time, IEI free parking for three years along with toll waivers@. Sales
has been inextricably linked with the history of modern-day of electric two-wheelers are estimated to have crossed 55,000
engineering. vehicles in 2017-18. Premium motorbike sales in India crossed
one million units in FY18.
In 1935, IEI was incorporated by Royal Charter and remains
the only professional body in India which has been accorded Investments
this honour. Today, its quest for professional excellence In order to keep up with the growing demand, several auto
has given it a place of pride in almost every prestigious and makers have started investing heavily in various segments of the
relevant organization across the globe. It provides a vast industry during the last few months. The industry has attracted
array of technical, professional and supporting services to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) worth US$ 18.413 billion
the Government, Industries, Academia and the Engineering during the period April 2000 to December 2017, according to
fraternity, operating through its 124 Centres located across data released by Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
the country and 6 overseas chapters. Besides, IEI has bilateral (DIPP).
agreements with about 31 international bodies and membership
of another 8 international bodies of the developed nations across Some of the recent/planned investments and developments in
the globe. the automobile sector in India are as follows:

Being recognized as a Scientific and Research Organisation • Ashok Leyland has planned a capital expenditure of Rs 1,000
(SIRO) by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, crore (US$ 155.20 million) to launch 20-25 new models
Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, IEI across various commercial vehicle categories in 2018-19.
promotes the cause of research and development by providing • Mahindra & Mahindra (M & M) is planning to make an
Grant-in-Aid support to undergraduate, post graduate students additional investment of Rs 500 crore (US$ 77.23 million)
and PhD Research Scholars of Engineering Institutions and for expanding the capacity for electric vehicles in its plant in
Universities. Chakan.
IEI conducts Section A & B Examinations in various engineering Government Initiatives
disciplines (popularly known as AMIE examination), the
• The Government of India encourages foreign investment in
successful completion of which is recognized as equivalent
the automobile sector and allows 100 per cent FDI under the
to Degree in appropriate field of Engineering of recognized
automatic route.
Universities of India by the Ministry of Human Resources
Development, Government of India. Every year as many as • The Ministry of Heavy Industries, Government of India has
90000 candidates appear for these exams. shortlisted 11 cities in the country for introduction of electric
vehicles (EVs) in their public transport systems under the
IEI in collaboration with Springer regularly publishes peer-
FAME (Faster Adoption and Manufacturing of (Hybrid) and
reviewed international journal in five series, namely, Series
Electric Vehicles in India) scheme. The government will
A, Series B, Series C, Series D and Series E covering fifteen
also set up incubation centre for start ups working in electric
engineering disciplines.
vehicles space.
For further details, please visit:
• Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), under Ministry
Introduction for Power and New and Renewable Energy, Government of
India, is planning to procure 10,000 e-vehicles via demand
The Indian auto industry became the 4th largest in the world
aggregation, and has already awarded contracts to Tata
with sales increasing 9.5 per cent year-on-year to 4.02 million
Motors Ltd for 250 e-cars and to Mahindra and Mahindra for
units (excluding two wheelers) in 2017. It was the 7th largest
150 e-cars.
manufacturer of commercial vehicles in 2017.The Two Wheelers
segment dominates the market in terms of voulme owing to a • The government is planning to set up a committee to develop
growing middle class and a young population. Moreover, the an institutional framework on large-scale adoption of electric
growing interest of the companies in exploring the rural markets vehicles in India as a viable clean energy mode, especially
further aided the growth of the sector. for shared mass transport, to help bring down pollution level
in major cities.
India is also a prominent auto exporter and has strong export
growth expectations for the near future. Overall automobile Road Ahead
exports from India grew at 6.86 per cent CAGR between FY13- The automobile industry is supported by various factors such
18. In addition, several initiatives by the Government of India as availability of skilled labour at low cost, robust R&D centres
and the major automobile players in the Indian market are and low cost steel production. The industry also provides great
expected to make India a leader in the two wheeler and four opportunities for investment and direct and indirect employment
wheeler market in the world by 2020. to skilled and unskilled labour.
Indian automotive industry (including component Synopsis of Paper within 500 words with maximum five key-
manufacturing) is expected to reach Rs 16.16-18.18 trillion words have to be submitted first and after acceptance of the
(US$ 251.4-282.8 billion) by 2026. Two-wheelers are expected same, full text of the Paper has to be submitted.
to grow 9 % in the year 2018. Synopsis will be reviewed by domain experts and the decision
By keeping this in mind, The IEI is hosting the 35th National will be communicated to those authors whose synopsis is
Convention of Mechanical Engineers and a National Seminar on accepted.
“Trends and Developments in Automobile Industry” at Hosur
Preparation of Full Text of Paper
and decided to invite Papers from academicians, Scientists,
industry representatives, R& D organizations, Entrepreneurs, 1. Papers should be camera-ready in MS-Word format, not
PG Students embracing the principal theme and associated sub- exceeding 3000 words in length and should not carry more
theme. than 5 illustrations /photographs.
2. The language of the Publication is English. The mode of
Sub themes
presentation should be in third person.
Engineering and Society
3. The Template for preparation of article is attached for ready
Trends and Developments in Automobile Industry reference of the authors.
l Automobile Manufacturing and Material Science 4. SI units should be used wherever possible. Other units, if
l Noise, Vibration and Harshness Control used, should be given only in parentheses preceded by SI
l Commercial Vehicle Technology units.
l Advances in Automobile Engineering 5. Mathematical symbols should be typed and care should
l Global Automobile Market be taken to differentiate between similar characters (e.g. 1
l Automobile Design and I), upper and lower case letters and superscripts and
l Automotive Drive train subscripts.
l Automotive Engine
l Vehicle Braking System 6. Lengthy mathematical proofs and derivations and extensive
l Autotronics test data are discouraged. If absolutely essential, they should
l Electric Vehicles be given as an appendix.
l Vehicle Safety System 7. The Templet of Paper can be downloaded from the link :
l Emission Pollution Control
l Unconventional Energy Sources
l Automobile role in Agricultural Sectors Copyright
l Role of Textile Industries in Automobile The papers are considered for possible publication on the
understanding that these have not been submitted to any other
Integration of Technologies
publisher. The copyright of papers accepted for publication
Call for Papers lies with The Institution of Engineers (India) and reproduction
We are pleased to share that Hosur Local Centre of The Institution of the papers or any part thereof is not allowed without the
of Engineers (India) in association with Adhiyamaan College of permission of the Institution. Contributors are required to sign
Engineering, Hosur is organising 35th National Convention of a declaration to this effect while submitting their papers.
Mechanical Engineers on the theme ‘Trends and Developments
in Automotive Industry’ during September 04-05, 2019. As per Bye-Law 118 of IEI, Copyright of each paper published
in Institution Journals or Proceedings in full or in Abstract at its
Submission of Synopsis / Full Text Centres shall lie with the Institution.
The authors are requested to submit the synopsis and The Declaration Form of IEI can be downloaded from the link:
full text (post-acceptance of synopsis) through e-mail to
Nodal Dates Registration
Last date of submission of extended abstracts 25thApril 2019
Corresponding / Presenting Author(s) have to register
themselves for the 35th National Convention of Mechanical
Intimation of acceptance of abstracts 10thJune 2019
Engineers, without which the paper will not be considered for
Last date of submission of full length Paper 25thJuly 2019 presentation.
Last date of Registration 30thAugust 2019
Guidelines for Authors
The authors are requested to submit the Synopsis by e mail to Dr. J. ARIVUDAINAMBI, FIE / based on original Chairman-Organizing Committee
contributions leads to innovations, plans for development, 35th NCMCE and NSTDAI,
observations, findings, critical survey and case studies, which The Institution of Engineers (India)
are invited for discussion in the National Seminar. Hosur Local Centre
Based on the acceptance of Synopsis, Authors intending C/O Adhiyamaan College of Engineering
to submit a manuscript for 35th National Convention of Hosur 635130.Tamil Nadu. India.
Mechanical Engineers are advised to adhere to the guidelines Mob: 9894445988/9865373358
as mentioned below. e-mail: /

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