Unit 5
• Aerodynamics
– Mechanism of air flow, pressure distribution,
forces, drag components, aids, drag, side and lift
forces, RPY moments, crosswind sensitivity.
• Rolling Resistance
– Factors affecting, tire temperature and pressure,
velocity, tire slip. Total road loads.
• Aerodynamic forces interact with the vehicle
causing drag, lift (or down load), lateral forces,
moments in roll, pitch, yaw, and noise.
• These impact fuel economy, handling and
• The aerodynamic forces produced on a vehicle
arise from two sources
– Form (or pressure) drag
– Viscous friction
Mechanism of air flow
• Bernoulli’s Equation:
Pstatic + Pdynamics = Ptotal
Ps + ½ ρ V2 = Pt
ρ = Density of air
V = Velocity of air (relative to the car)
Mechanism of air flow
• Visualizing the vehicle as stationary and the
air moving (as in a wind tunnel), the air
streams along the lines, appropriately called
“streamlines” .
• A bundle of streamlines forms a streamtube.
Mechanism of air flow
Mechanism of air flow
• As the flow approaches the vehicle, the
streamtubes split, some going above the
vehicle, and others below.
• By inference, one streamline must go straight
to the body and stagnate (the one shown
impinging the bumper of the car).
• At that point the relative velocity has gone to
Mechanism of air flow
• Streamlines flowing above the hood
– As they first turn in the upward direction, the
curvature is concave upward.
– At a distance well above the vehicle where the
stream lines are still straight, the static pressure
must be same as the ambient.
• Downward curvature at the lip of the hood.
– Follow the hood, the pressure must go below
ambient in order to bend the flow, and the
velocity must increase.
Mechanism of air flow
Mechanism of air flow
• The pressure on the back side of the vehicle
would exactly balance those on the front, and
there would be no drag produced.
• The drag is due in part to friction of the air on
the surface of the vehicle, and in part to the
way the friction alters the main flow down the
back side of the vehicle.
Mechanism of air flow
Mechanism of air flow
• Approaching the body, all air is traveling at a
uniform velocity (as it is assumed to be well
behaved, laminar flow).
• Boundary layer:
– As it flows past the body, the air contacting the
surface must drop to zero velocity due to friction on
the surface.
– Thus a velocity profile develops near the surface, and
for some distance, δ, the velocity is less than that of
the main flow. This region of reduced velocity is
known as the “boundary layer”.
Mechanism of air flow
• Boundary layer:
– The boundary layer begins with zero thickness and
grows with distance along the body.
– Initially, it too is laminar flow, but will eventually
break into turbulent flow.
Mechanism of air flow
• On the front face if a vehicle body, the boundary layer
begins at the point where the stagnation streamline hits
the surface.
• Favorable pressure gradient:
– The pressure at the stagnation point is the total
pressure and decrease back along the surface.
– The pressure gradient along the surface thus acts to
push the air along the boundary layer, and the growth
of the layer is impeded.
– Pressure decreasing in the direction of flow is thus
known as a “favorable pressure gradient”, because it
inhibits the boundary layer growth.
Mechanism of air flow
• Adverse pressure gradient:
– Unfortunately, as the flow turns again to follow
the body, the pressure again increases.
– The increasing pressure acts to decelerate the
flow in the boundary layer, which causes it to
grow in thickness.
– Thus it produces what is known as “adverse
pressure gradient”
Mechanism of air flow
Mechanism of air flow
• Separation point:
– The point where the flow stops is known as the
“separation point”.
– Note that at this point, the main stream is no
longer “attached” to the body but is able to break
free and continue in a more or less straight line.
– Because it tries to entrain air from the region
behind the body, the pressure in this region drops
below the ambient.
Mechanism of air flow
• aerodynamics buffeting
– Vortices form and the flow is very irregular in this
region. Under the right conditions, a von-Karman
Vortex Street may be formed, which is a periodic
shedding of vertices.
– Their periodic nature can be perceived as
aerodynamics buffeting.
Mechanism of air flow
Mechanism of air flow
• Form drag
– The phenomenon of separation prevents the flow
from simply proceeding down the back side of a car.
The pressure in the separation region is below that
imposed on the front of the vehicle, and the
difference in these arises overall pressure forces is
responsible for “form drag”.
• Friction drag
– The drag forces arising from the action of viscous
friction in the boundary layer on the surface of the car
is the “friction drag”
Pressure Distribution on a Vehicle
Pressure Distribution on a Vehicle
• Account for the static pressure distribution
along the body of the car.
• Figure shows experimentally measured
pressure plotted perpendicular to the surface.
• The pressure are indicated as being negative
or positive with respect to the ambient
pressure measured some distance from the
Pressure Distribution on a Vehicle
• Negative pressure is developed at the front
edge of the hood as the flow rising over the
front of the vehicle attempts to turn and
follow horizontally along the hood.
• The adverse pressure gradient in this region
has the potential to stall the boundary layer
flow creating drag in this area.
• Styling detail – high priority – to avoid
separation and the drag.
Pressure Distribution on a Vehicle
• Near the base of the windshield and cowl, the
flow must be turned upward, thus high
pressure is experienced.
• Ideal location for inducting air for climate
control systems, or engine intake.
• Accompanied by lower velocities in this
region, aid to keep the windshield wipers from
being disturbed by aerodynamic forces.
Pressure Distribution on a Vehicle
• Over the roof line – pressure again goes negative
– air flow tries to follow the roof contour.
• Billowing action of the fabric roof on the
• Pressure remains low down over the backlite and
on to the trunk because of the continuing
• Critical concern – Design of the angles and details
of the body.
Pressure Distribution on a Vehicle
Pressure Distribution on a Vehicle
• Backlite angles and deck lid lengths – Direct
impact on aerodynamic forces – control of the
separation point.
• Separation – smaller the area – lower drag.
• Ideal – Tear drop rear shape – conical shape of
that tapers off to a point with shallow angles of
25 degrees or less.
• Kamm-back – The blunt rear end shape allows
greater head room in the back seat without
substantially increasing drag.
Pressure Distribution on a Vehicle
Pressure Distribution on a Vehicle
• Another consideration – dirt deposition on the
backlite and tail lights.
• High degree of turbulence in the separation zone
– Moisture and dirt kicked up from the road way.
• Vision will be obstructed.
Pressure Distribution on a Vehicle
• Separation – dependent on the shape at that
location and backlite angle.
• Separation region – sharp contours at the end
of the deck, helping to stabilize the separation
zone and minimize buffeting.
• Only the tail light region is exposed to road
dirt with this design.
Aerodynamic Forces
Aerodynamic Forces
Drag Components
• Most important force encountered by
passenger cars at normal highway speeds.
• Overall drag – Derives from many
contributions of many sources.
• Various aids many be used to reduce to
reduce the effects of specific factors.
Drag Components
Drag Components
• Approximately 65% drag (0.275/0.42) of the
drag arises from the body (forebody,
afterbody, underbody and skin friction).
• Major contribution – Afterbody because of
the drag produced by the separation zone at
the rear – In this area the maximum potential
for drag reduction is possible.
Drag Components
Drag Components
• Slope angles upto 15 degrees consistently
reduce drag.
• As the angle increase, the drag again increases
because of flow separation.
• In practice, higher drop angles have been
achieved without separation.
Drag Components
• Forebody drag influenced by design of the
front end and windshield angle.
• Generally roundness of the front end
establishes the area over which the dynamic
pressure can act to induce drag.
Drag Components
Drag Components
• The location of this point determines the location of
streamline flowing to the stagnation point.
• This streamline is important as it establishes the
separation of flow above and below the body.
• Minimum drag is obtained when the stagnation point is
kept low on the frontal profile of the vehicle.
• A well-rounded shape, in contrast to the crisp lines
traditionally given to the frontal/grill treatment of
passenger cars, is equally important to aerodynamics.
• A round low hood line can yield reduction of 5 to 15%
in the overall drag coefficient.
Drag Components
• Windshield establishes the flow direction as it
approaches the horizontal roof.
• Its angle has a direct influence on drag,
particularly on trucks.
• Shallow angles reduce drag, but complicate
vehicle design by allowing increased solar heating
loads and placing more critical demands on the
manufacturer of the windshield to minimize
distortion at shallow angles.
Drag Components
Drag Components
• With a steep angle, the air velocity
approaching the windshield is reduced by the
high pressure in that region.
• With a shallow angle, the wind speed will be
higher, adding to the aerodynamic loads on
the windshield wipers.
Drag Components
• The underbody is critical area generating body
• Suspensions, exhaust systems and other
protruding components on the underbody are
responsible for the drag.
• The air flow in this area is a shear plane
controlled by zero air speed on the road surface,
and influenced flow by drag of the underbody
• The recognized fix for minimizing underbody drag
is the use of a smooth underbody panel.
Drag Components
• Protuberances from the body represent as
second area where careful design can reduce
• The wheels and wheel wells are major
contributor in this class.
• Significant drag develops at the wheels
because of the turbulent, re-circulating flow in
the cavities.
Drag Components
Drag Components
• The sharp edges of the wheel cutout – opportunities to
induce flow in the horizontal plane, while the rotating
wheel tends to induce circulation in the vertical plane.
• Allow the wheel to influence more flow.
• Important - Shielding of the wheel and wheel well
• Steer rotation on the front wheels complicates the use
of such treatment at the front.
• Decreasing the clearance between the underside and
the ground and minimizing the wheel cavity decreases
the total aerodynamic drag contribution from the
Drag Components
• The cooling system is the major contributor to
• Air flow passing through the radiator impacts
on the engine and the firewall, exerting its
dynamic pressure as drag on the vehicle.
• The air flow pattern inside a typical engine
compartment may be very chaotic due to lack
of aerodynamic treatment in this area.
Drag Components
Drag Components
• With no attention to the need for air flow
management, the air entering through the
radiator dissipates much of its forward
momentum against the vehicle components in
the engine compartment before spilling out
through the underside openings.
• The momentum exchange translates directly
into increased drag.
Drag Components
• Flow management in the cooling system can
effect the drag coefficient by as much as
• The drag contribution from this source is
normally taken to be the difference in drag
measured wit the cooling system inlets open
and covered.
Drag Components
Drag Components
• Although these various arrangements may not
be feasible within the styling theme of a given
car, the potential for aerodynamic
improvement is evident in the drag reductions
• In order to reduce drag on modern cars,
cooling inlet size is held to the practical
Aerodynamic Aids
• Bumper Spoilers
• Air Dams
• Deck Lid Spoilers
• Window and Pillar Treatments
Bumper Spoilers
• Front bumper spoilers are aerodynamic surfaces
extending downward from the bumper to block and
redirect the shear flow that impacts on the underbody
• While the spoiler contributes pressure drag, at least
with a shallaw depth the reduction in underbody drag
is more significant.
• A spoiler depth is increased, eventually the increasing
pressure drag outweighs further reduction in
underbody drag and the overall drag increases.
• The low pressure produced also has the effect of
reducing front-end lift.
Air dams
• Flow flowing surfaces installed at the
perimeter of the radiator to improve flow
through the radiator at lower vehicle speeds.
• Improvements derived from the decreased
pressure behind the radiator/fan, and may
reduce drag by reduction of pressure on the
Deck Lid Spoilers
• Spoilers and air foils on the rear deck may serve
severe purposes.
• By deflecting the air wind, the pressure is
increased on the rear deck creating a down force
at the most advantageous point on the vehicle to
reduce rear lift.
• The spoilers may also serve to stabilize the
vortices in the separation flow, thus reducing
aerodynamic buffeting.
• In general, they tend to increase drag.
Deck Lid Spoilers
Window and pillar treatments
• Drip rails and offsets between windows and
pillars on a car body are always sources of drag.
• Disturbances to the air flow in these regions may
cause small separation zones.
• The disturbances to the air in the high velocity air
stream causes momentum loss which creating
• Smooth contours are important not only for
reduction, but also reduction of aerodynamic
1. Adaptation of streamlined shapes from other
disciplines (eg. Ship building) at the turn of
the century.
2. Application of the knowledge of fluid
mechanics from aircraft aerodynamics
around the 1930s.
3. Current effort to optimize the numerous
details of the design to obtain good air flow
• Premise that the styling concept of the car is
established and aerodynamic improvement
can only be attempted in the form of changes
to detail in the styling.
• Minor modifications in details such as a
change in the air dam (A), hood line (B), A-
pillar shape (C) and D-pillar shape (D and E).
• Magnitude of drag reduction obtained from
various combinations of these changes.
• The power of drag reduction by attention to
details is illustrated by the fact that an overall
drag reduction of 21% is achieved.
• It is necessary to develop semi-empirical
models to represent the effect.
• DA = 1/2 ρ V2 CD A
• Where
– CD = Aerodynamic drag coefficient
– A = Frontal area of the vehicle
– ρ = air density
• 1/2 ρ V2 = Dynamic pressure of the air = q
(pounds per square foot)
• CD = empirically for the car
• A = scale factor taking into account the size of
the car
• (A half scale model of a car, which have one-
fourth of the drag)
• Size of the vehicle has a direct influence. (CD A)
Side force
• Later wind components will impose and
attempting to change direction of travel.
• Depends on vehicle and nature of wind.
• In strong cross winds, the side force is typically
greater than the drag force, such that the
angle of the overall wind force is much greater
than the relative wind angle.
Side force
• Cross wind condition (transient) – lateral force –
front – may direct in the downward direction.
• Aerodynamic shape and steering system
characteristics affect performance.
• SA = 1/2 ρ V2 Cs A
– Where
• SA = Side force
• V = Total wind velocity
• Cs = Side force coefficient
• A = Frontal Area
Side force
Side force
• The side force coefficient is zero at zero
relative wind angle and grows nearly linearly
with the angle for the first 20 to 40 degrees.
• The slope of the gradient varies somewhat
with the vehicle type, but typically be in the
range of 0.035/deg to 0.06/deg.
Side force
• The side force acts on the body at the centre of
pressure, which is normally located ahead of
centre of gravity such that the vehicle is turned
away from the wind.
• In the wind tunnel measurement the side force is
measured in the ground plane at the mid-
wheelbase position.
• The difference between this location and the
centre of pressure results in an overturning
moment and a yaw momeent whenever a side
force is present.
Lift Force
• The pressure differential from the top to the bottom of
the vehicle causes a lift force.
• Significant concerns in aerodynamic optimization
because of their influence on driving stability.
• Measured at the centerline of the vehicle at the center
of the wheelbase.
• LA= 1/2 ρ V2 CL A
– Where
• LA = Lift force
• V = Total wind velocity
• CL = Lift coefficient
• A = Frontal Area
Lift Force
Lift Force
• Lift force is dependent on the overall shape of the
• At zero wind angle, lift coefficient normally fall in the
range of 0.3 to 0.5 for modern passenger cars, but
under cross wind conditions the coefficient increase
dramatically reaching values of 1 or more.
• Combined effect of lift and pitching moment may be
taken into account simultaneously by determining a
lift coefficient for both front and rear wheels.
• Similar equation is used to describe the lift effect on
each wheel.
Lift Force
• Can have negative effect on handling through the
reduced control forces available at the tires.
• Front lift, which reduces steering controllability, is
reduced by the front bumper spoilers and by
rearward inclination of front surfaces.
• Lift at the rear of the vehicle, which also reduces
stability, is the most variable with vehicle design.
• In general, designs that causes the flow to depart
with the downward angle at the rear of the
vehicle create rear lift.
Lift Force
• Decrease by use of underbody pans, spoilers,
and in the change in the angle of attack of the
body ( a 3 degree cant on the body can
decrease lift force by 40 percent).
Pitching Moment
• While the lift force acts to decrease (or increase) the
weight on the axles, the pitching moment acts to transfer
weight between the front and rear axles.
• Pitching moment arises from the fact that the drag not act
at the ground plane (thus it accounts for the elevation of
the drag force) and the lifting force may not act exactly at
the center of the wheelbase.
• PM = 1/2 ρ V2 CPM AL
– Where
• PM = Pitching Moment
• V = Total wind velocity
• CPM = Pitching Moment coefficient
• A = Frontal Area
• L = Wheel Base
Pitching Moment
• Because it is a moment equation, a characteristic
length is needed to achieve dimensional
consistency in the equation.
• The vehicle wheelbase is used for this purpose.
• A moment can be translated about without
changing its effect, so there is no need for a
‘point of action’.
• Most modern cars have a pitching moment in the
range of 0.05 to 0.2 and is quiet sensitive to the
angle of attack of the vehicle.
Pitching Moment
Yawing Moment
• The lateral forces caused by a side wind does not
normally act at the mid-wheelbase position.
• Thus a yawing moment, YM is produced.
• YM = 1/2 ρ V2 CYM AL
– Where
• YM = Yawing Moment
• V = Total wind velocity
• CYM = Yawing Moment coefficient
• A = Frontal Area
• L = Wheel Base
Yawing Moment
• The yawing moment coefficient varies with
the wind direction, starting with zero with
zero relative wind angle and growing almost
linearly up to 20-degree angle.
• The slope of the coefficient at small angles
ranges from 0.007 /deg to 0.017 /deg.
Yawing Moment
Rolling Moment
• The lateral force caused by a side wind act at an elevated
point on the vehicle.
• Thus a rolling moment, RM, is produced.
• The moment has only a minor influence on vehicle stability,
depending largely on the roll steer properties of the
• RM = 1/2 ρ V2 CRM AL
– Where
• RM = Rolling Moment
• V = Total wind velocity
• CRM = Rolling Moment coefficient
• A = Frontal Area
• L = Wheel Base
Rolling Moment
• The rolling moment coefficient is sensitivity to
wind direction much like the yawing moment
coefficient, being quite linear over the first 20
degrees of relative wind angle.
• The slope of the rolling moment coefficient
ranges from 0.018/deg to 0.04/deg.
Crosswind sensitivity
• The growing sophistication of aerodynamic
design in motor vehicles in combinations with
increased sensitivities to cross winds often
accompanying drag reductions has stimulated
interest in understanding and controlling the
factors that affect behavior on crosswind.
• “Crosswind sensitivity” generally refers to the
lateral and yawing responses of a vehicle in the
presence of transverse wind disturbances which
affect the driver’s ability to hold the vehicle in
position and on course.
Crosswind sensitivity
• Crosswind sensitivity is dependent on more than
just the aerodynamic properties of the vehicle.
• Key elements identified are
– Aerodynamic properties
– Vehicle dynamic properties (weight distribution, tire
properties and suspensions)
– Steering System characteristics (Compliances, friction
and torque assist)
– Driver closed-loop steering behavior and preferences
Crosswind sensitivity
• Crosswind behavior is studied using instrumental
vehicles in natural random (ambient) wind
conditions, under exposure to cross wind
generators (fans that produce a cross wind in an
experimental test area), and in driving simulators.
• The primary variables of interest are the yaw
response, lateral acceleration response, steering
corrections when holding a specified course, and
the subjective judgments of test drivers.
Crosswind sensitivity
• Good cross wind behavior is most strongly
correlated with the yaw rate response.
Crosswind sensitivity
Crosswind sensitivity
• The high degree of correlation in these particular
tests suggests that yaw rate response in a cross
wind nearly explains all variation in subjective
ratings from vehicle to vehicle.
• Other measures of response that correlate well
with subjective ratings in order of importance are
lateral acceleration at the driver’s seat headrest,
steering wheel displacement, and lateral
Crosswind sensitivity
• The aerodynamic property of primary
importance to crosswind sensitivity is the
center or pressure (CP) location and its
relative distance ahead of the vehicle’s neutral
steer point.
• The neutral steer point (NSP) is the point on
the vehicle at which a lateral force produces
equal side slip angles at both front and rear
Crosswind sensitivity
• The CP is the resultant action point of the
combined lateral force and yaw moment
reactions on the vehicle.
• In general, more rearward center of pressure
locations, which are closer to the NSP,
minimizes lane deviations in a crosswind and
are subjectively more acceptable.
Crosswind sensitivity
Crosswind sensitivity
• A forward CP location induces a large lateral
acceleration response because the effective
action point is near the front of the vehicle and
the vehicle is turned strongly away from the
• With the rearward CP position, the vehicle yaws
less and resists the tendency to be displayed
• Other vehicle dynamic properties come into play
in determining how the vehicle responds to a
given cross wind force.
Crosswind sensitivity
• For example, the weight distribution on the
front and rear axles determines the centre of
gravity location and the NSP location.
• Tire properties also effect (such as cornering
stiffness) also effect the location of the NSP
and, hence , the degree to which the vehicle
resists the yawing moment disturbances from
the aerodynamic side force.
Crosswind sensitivity
Crosswind sensitivity
• As noted above, the neutral steer point identifies that
fore/aft point on the vehicle where an external side
force will note cause the vehicle to yaw.
• This point is affected by tire force properties, steering
system compliance, suspension kinematics and weight
• The numerator in the second term on the right hand
side is the distance from the neutral steer point to the
aerodynamic center of pressure.
• Thus a large distance between these points contributes
to cross wind sensitivity.
Crosswind sensitivity
• The denominator in this second term contains
the moment arm of the tire force yaw
damping moment.
• This term can be increased to reduce cross
wind sensitivity by increasing wheel base of
the effective tire cornering stiffness.
Crosswind sensitivity
• Effective tire cornering stiffness is favorably
influenced directly by using tires with high
cornering stiffness and by eliminating
compliances in the steering or suspension
which allow the vehicle to yield to the cross
• However moment arm is strongly diminished
by forward speed, thereby tending to increase
crosswind sensitivity as speed goes up.
Crosswind sensitivity
• Roll compliance not included in the simplified
• More complicated analysis using computer
models of the complete dynamic vehicle and
its aerodynamic properties may be necessary
for more accurate prediction of a vehicle’s
crosswind sensitivity.
Rolling Resistance
• At low speeds on hard pavement, the rolling
resistance is the primary motion resistance
• In fact, aerodynamic resistance become equal
to the rolling resistance only at speeds of 50-
60 mph.
• For off highway, level ground operation, the
rolling resistance is the only significant
retardation force.
Rolling Resistance
• Rolling resistance is present from the instant the
wheels begins to turn.
• Rolling resistance – undesirable property – a large
part of the power expended in a rolling wheel is
converted into heat within the tire.
• The consequent temperature rise reduces both
the abrasion resistance and the flexure fatigue
strength of the tire material, and may become
the limiting factor in the tire performance.
Rolling Resistance
Rolling Resistance
• Where
– RX = Total rolling resistance
– RXF = Rolling resistance at the front wheels
– RXR = Rolling resistance at the rear wheels
– Fr = Rolling resistance coefficient
– W = Weight of the vehicle
Rolling Resistance
• For theoretical calculations, the dynamic weight of the
vehicle, including the effects of acceleration, trailer towing
forces and the vertical component of air resistance, is used.
• However, for the vehicle performance estimation, the
changing magnitude of the dynamic weight complicates the
calculations without offering significant improvement in
• Furthermore, the dynamic weight transfer between axles
has minimal influence of the total rolling resistance
(aerodynamic lift neglected).
• For these reasons, static vehicle weight is significantly
accurate for computations of rolling resistance in most
Rolling Resistance
• Only for straight line motion.
• For lateral forces, the direction of rolling
resistances deviates from the direction of
actual travel, and the tractive force must
overcome the vertical resultant of the side
force and rolling resistance.
Factors Affecting Rolling Resistance
• Tire temperature
• Tire inflation pressure load
• Velocity
• Tire material and design
• Tire Slip
Tire temperature
Tire inflation pressure load
Tire material and design
Tire Slip
Total Road Loads
• RRL = frW + 1/2 ρ V2 CD A + Wsinθ
• HPRL=RRL V/550
= (frW + 1/2 ρ V2 CD A + Wsinθ ) V/ 550
Total Road Loads
Total Road Loads
Fuel Economy Effects
Thank you…