Diesel Locomotive

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Diesel Locomotive Works, Varanasi

An ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & OHS 18001 Certified Organization
August 1961 DLW set up as a green field project in technical collaboration with ALCO, USA for manufa
Electric Locomotives
January 1964 First Locomotive rolled out and dedicated to the Nation
January 1976 Entered Export market, first locomotive exported to Tanzania
December 1977 First Diesel Generating Set commissioned
October 1995 The Transfer of Technology agreement was  signed

March 2002 The first indigenous EMD WDG4 freight loco manufactured
November 2002 3600 HP Engine produced
March 2003 The first indigenous passenger version of EMD loco WDP4 manufactured
September 2003 Development of 16 cylinder 3300 HP Power upgraded DLW engine, WDM3D  locomotive
2006   5000th locomotive produced
November 2006 DLW manufactured first WDG4 locomotive equipped with IGBT based converter
March 2007 First WDP4 locomotive equipped with IGBT based converter
April 2007 DLW has successfully switched over to use of microprocessor based control system on all its locomotives.
March 2009 257 locomotives manufactured in 2008-09, highest ever locomotive production
November 2009 5690 locomotives upto 30th Nov'2009(including 348 EMD locos)

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