Planning Sheet IBDP English A Language and Literature Class

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Planning Sheet IBDP English A Language and Literature Class

The lesson aims at equipping the student with a personal, critical and evaluative approach to texts to help them move from reading and
understanding to active and critical engagement with rhetorical texts in media.

Connection to previous learning – Persuasion in media.

Connection to previous learning - Topic related understanding and creating comparative thesis (To identify and comment at critical levels)

Timing Task Approach Resource Outcome

10 Mins Discuss the word “Analyse” and Understanding the key Gatorade advertisement Students can engage
“Compare” and “Contrast.” words from the IB-HL task printout. effectively with the IB-HL
prompt. Task prompt and can
Discuss effective exploration of write focused and
“similarities” and “differences.” coherent comparative
15 – 20 Analyzing the use of rhetoric and the Apply previous learning of The two texts for Analysis Students can apply the
Mins BIG FIVE in the texts and filling in the the key aspects from and the Graphic Organizer key-words from the
graphic organizer. Persuasion in Media. will be required for this question and the key
activity. persuasive techniques to
come up with a
comparative Thesis.
5 mins Setting a writing deadlines and paper Linking with the big Handout Students submit a paper 1
submission. picture – P-1 essay essay for feedback.


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