Updated Resume-1 PDF
Updated Resume-1 PDF
Updated Resume-1 PDF
Surname: Sumakus
First Name: AWAI
Date of Birth: 26th /07/1992
Gender: MALE
Marital Status: MARRIED
District: Gambolg
Home Province: SIMBU
Religion: Seventh - Day Adventist (SDA)
Phone: (+675) 7299 3954 or : (+675) 7612 4042
Email: sumakusawai49@gmail.com or cardyloid@gmail.com
Postal Address: (Current) )
C/- Sumakus Awai
PNG Experience Limited
P O BOX 293
Papua New Guinea
The four year course on Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics with Electronics and
instrumentation (BSAP), currently offered at the Papua New Guinea University of
Technology, has enable me to possess technical skills and knowledge in Electronics,
Instrumentation and Measurement Science together with a good understanding of the
underlying Physical Principles.
I had successfully completed my undergraduate development programme at the
PNG University of Technology and received my degree in Bachelor of Science in
Applied Physics with Electronics & Instrumentation on the 21st of April, 2017.
I possess technical knowledge and skills in many relevant areas which may include, but not
limited to; Electronics, Instrumentation (Sensors and Transducers), Signal Processing,
Science and Engineering, Experiments and Measurements (Laboratory and Field), Non-
Destructive Testing (NDT), Data Analysis, Computer Hardware and Software, Process
Control, Basic Programming, Thermodynamics, Communication Engineering, Maintenance
Engineering, Automatic Controls, Condition Monitoring, Programmable logic controller
(PLCs) Networking, Electrical and Mechanical Systems, Refrigeration, Geotech,
Geophysics, Exploration in Geophysics, etc...
I have passion, curiosity and interest and now I am seeking a new professional challenge
and a rewarding career.
• High level computer skills including Excel, MS Word and Power Point.
• Highly motivated and driven towards achieving my goals.
• I’m diligent and committed to my work.
• Able to work under pressure with minimum supervision
• I’m an innovator person
• Very friendly and open to everyone.
• Able to adapt oneself to new surroundings; to make suitable change so as to fit new
• Employing analytical method
• I am an attentive person
• Very cooperative
• Determined to achievements
• I am industrious
• Innovative individual
• Organizer person
• Persevering toward steadfast pursuing to my aim.
• I am productive to any tasks assigned to do.
• Responsible person
• Very versatile as well
1. Language & Literature – B (High Achievement)
2. Advanced in Mathematics – B (High Achievement)
3. Chemistry – B (High Achievement)
4. Physics – B (High Achievement)
5. Computer Studies – A (Very High Achievement)
1. English – CREDIT
2. Mathematics – DISTINCTION
3. Science – DISTINCTION
4. Social Science – DISTINCTION
5. Practical Skills – DISTINCTION
6. Agriculture – DISTINCTION
7. Business Studies – DISTINCTION
8. Personal Development – DISTINCTION
Key Responsibilities:
Skills Gained:
Key Responsibilities:
Skills Gained:
I am Accountable for meeting my job responsibilities.
Operate as a Team, support my colleagues to achieve our goals.
Clear and open Communications to my colleagues and everyone around
me Favour my Actions and learn from my mistakes.
Key Responsibilities:
Skills Gained
Key Responsibilities
Skills Gained
4. I was appointed as the Team Manager for Mt Hagen Tee School OWB’s rugby club
which has participated in Mt Hagen Coco Cola Ipatas Cup (CCIC) for three years.
Under my management I proudly want to say that we are able to won two Gold
Passes for CCIP in Mt Hagen, WHP from 2015, 2016 and 2017 we loose on Semi
5. I was given the Certificate of Training Engineer with Bmobile Vodafone Limited.
8. I had been conducting Sunday School Classes at Kitip Secondary every Sunday for
two years with children from the staff members and few locals as a result I was
awarded the Sunday School Certificate.
Apart from teaching Sunday School classes I administered students from PNG Bible
Church and Nazarene Church every Friday night Fellowship.
10. Scored the highest in Aptitude Test in Kitip Lutheran Secondary School.
11. Scored the highest in Physics, Language & Literature plus Chemistry in National
Examinations in WHP.
12. Dux Grade ten (10) in Pabrabuk High School